No 1st amendment in Tenn, pubs bully gays

The bill releases schools to report the act of homosexuality.

Again, I can't say it isn't about reporting *gayness*. It's about the schools reporting illegal sexual activity by minors to their guardians, in order to protect the children.

If they're baseless, then there's no issue.

Actually, no. That's exactly the issue. I've known effeminate guys, and masculine girls, all of which were none-the-less straight. But with this bill would have been falsely outed as gay. The individual themselves are the only people that can judge their own sexual orientation. Not a teacher, not a counselor, not even a parent.

Then I expect every parent to be informed if their child is straight. Just to be sure parents know what their kids are doing at school.

Talk about hyperbole.:eusa_eh:

So you're suggesting that, simply by being gay, a child is making themselves a target for sexual predators? You may want to tell that to all of the straight kids who have been molested, they may not know you think they're gay.

Also problematic is the stance of "it's us against them"....*us* being the kids and authority figures in school, and *them* being the parents. This is also typical of those who groom tell the kids that *if your parents know, they'll be mad* or *if your parents knew, they'd punish you* or *if anyone finds out, you could get killed*. All these implications and statements are the statements that people use to groom kids...and it's a problem when people claim that in *this* case, it's okay to employ that language, and those tactics.

The only thing I stand with is for individuals to inform who they want, when they want, about their own sexual orientation. However, I do firmly stand against schools sticking their noses where it doesn't belong.

No, in this case you stand for children hiding illegal sexual activity, which the school knows is happening, from their parents.


Except this bill doesn't have anything to do with activity!! Holy shit it's like talking to a rock.

According to this bill, simply being gay is harmful and parents should be informed. But fine, let's go your route. I want every teacher, to inform every parent, if any kid is having sex whether straight or gay. Singling out gays only accomplishes a portion the job. (My god if the bill involved straight kids too then teachers would be on the phone all night calling parents.)
Really. So quote the bill where it says "suspected gayness" will be reported.

Or does it say "homosexual activity"? Because everything I've read says "homosexual activity".
Actually, no. That's exactly the issue. I've known effeminate guys, and masculine girls, all of which were none-the-less straight. But with this bill would have been falsely outed as gay. The individual themselves are the only people that can judge their own sexual orientation. Not a teacher, not a counselor, not even a parent.

Then I expect every parent to be informed if their child is straight. Just to be sure parents know what their kids are doing at school.

Talk about hyperbole.:eusa_eh:

So you're suggesting that, simply by being gay, a child is making themselves a target for sexual predators? You may want to tell that to all of the straight kids who have been molested, they may not know you think they're gay.

The only thing I stand with is for individuals to inform who they want, when they want, about their own sexual orientation. However, I do firmly stand against schools sticking their noses where it doesn't belong.

No, in this case you stand for children hiding illegal sexual activity, which the school knows is happening, from their parents.


Except this bill doesn't have anything to do with activity!! Holy shit it's like talking to a rock.

According to this bill, simply being gay is harmful and parents should be informed. But fine, let's go your route. I want every teacher, to inform every parent, if any kid is having sex whether straight or gay. Singling out gays only accomplishes a portion the job. (My god if the bill involved straight kids too then teachers would be on the phone all night calling parents.)


But the schools (illegally) protect *privacy* of the students, and flat out refuse to report children having sex. In fact, they provide them with condoms, and rides to the clinic for std treatment, and give them information on abortion and in some cases take them to the abortion clinic.
Really. So quote the bill where it says "suspected gayness" will be reported.

Or does it say "homosexual activity"? Because everything I've read says "homosexual activity".

Easy enough:

(2) A school counselor, nurse, principal or assistant principal from
counseling a student who is engaging in, or who may be at risk of
engaging in
, behavior injurious to the physical or mental health and wellbeing of the student or another person; provided, that wherever possible
such counseling shall be done in consultation with the student's parents
or legal guardians. Parents or legal guardians of students who receive
such counseling shall be notified as soon as practicable that such
counseling has occurred;

They don't even have to engage in the act of sex to have their parents informed, just suspected that they might. And Campfield actually believes that simply being gay is " injurious to the physical or mental health and wellbeing of the student". He's a homophobe.

For those who want to see the bill:
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No, in this case you stand for children hiding illegal sexual activity, which the school knows is happening, from their parents.


Except this bill doesn't have anything to do with activity!! Holy shit it's like talking to a rock.

According to this bill, simply being gay is harmful and parents should be informed. But fine, let's go your route. I want every teacher, to inform every parent, if any kid is having sex whether straight or gay. Singling out gays only accomplishes a portion the job. (My god if the bill involved straight kids too then teachers would be on the phone all night calling parents.)


But the schools (illegally) protect *privacy* of the students, and flat out refuse to report children having sex. In fact, they provide them with condoms, and rides to the clinic for std treatment, and give them information on abortion and in some cases take them to the abortion clinic.

Okay, I think I might be starting to understand your position better. You should still be outraged against this bill because it singles out gays. It's already against the law in TN for people under 18 to engage in sex, why do we need a bill that specifically targets gays? That just shows a hateful attitude towards them.
Really. So quote the bill where it says "suspected gayness" will be reported.

Or does it say "homosexual activity"? Because everything I've read says "homosexual activity".

Easy enough:

(2) A school counselor, nurse, principal or assistant principal from
counseling a student who is engaging in, or who may be at risk of
engaging in, behavior injurious to the physical or mental health and wellbeing of the student or another person; provided, that wherever possible
such counseling shall be done in consultation with the student's parents
or legal guardians. Parents or legal guardians of students who receive
such counseling shall be notified as soon as practicable that such
counseling has occurred;

They don't even have to engage in the act of sex to have their parents informed, just suspected that they might.

So the idea is to get the schools to intervene before illegal sexual activity, that could place the child at risk, takes place.

Already answered, troll.

No, you dodged it and tried to deflect it off with the same crap you posted below.

And yes, being gay IS a sexual identification, which means that if you're keeping it from someone, it's a sexual secret.

No, it doesn't as has already been explained. I knew I was gay long before I had sexual relations.

"To establish a good relationship with the child and the child’s family, child groomers might do several things. For example, they might take an undue interest in someone else’s child, to be the child’s “special” friend to gain the child’s trust."

"They may simply talk about sexual topics. These are just some of the methods a child groomer might use to gain a child's trust and affection to allow them to do what they want."

"They might talk about problems normally discussed between adults, or at least people of the same age."

Child grooming - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

^^^^Crap that has nothing to do with outing a child to their parent.

Why do you want them outed? They haven't done anything against ANY rule or law.
Except this bill doesn't have anything to do with activity!! Holy shit it's like talking to a rock.

According to this bill, simply being gay is harmful and parents should be informed. But fine, let's go your route. I want every teacher, to inform every parent, if any kid is having sex whether straight or gay. Singling out gays only accomplishes a portion the job. (My god if the bill involved straight kids too then teachers would be on the phone all night calling parents.)


But the schools (illegally) protect *privacy* of the students, and flat out refuse to report children having sex. In fact, they provide them with condoms, and rides to the clinic for std treatment, and give them information on abortion and in some cases take them to the abortion clinic.

Okay, I think I might be starting to understand your position better. You should still be outraged against this bill because it singles out gays. It's already against the law in TN for people under 18 to engage in sex, why do we need a bill that specifically targets gays? That just shows a hateful attitude towards them.

Bullshit. What the bill is targeting isn't the gay's the schools that groom them...and they do.

Homosexual students are at HIGH risk for exploitation and abuse simply because they are gay. And the schools are complicit with their attitude that they must *hide* illegal sexual activity from the parents.

It's bad enough when it's hetero students who are being abused and exploited in this's even worse when it's gay kids, who often are truly desperate and scared.
BTW...what IS homosexual *activity*, if it's not sexual in nature, one wonders?

"A Republican lawmaker is proposing legislation that would require schools to inform a student's parents if the child is engaging in homosexual activity."

Read more: Tennessee bill would require schools to report gay activity to parents | Fox News"

Laws define what something is that they cover, so the place to look for a definition of homosexual *activity* is in the law. Has anyone posted it, has the turkey egg hatched?

Of course not...the homo lobby is busy pretending the law is about *reporting* suspected gay students.

That doesn't appear to be correct at all. What is being proposed is that schools inform parents of HOMOSEXUAL ACTIVITY, which is a whole different ballgame.

Shocker...Amy, Bode & the wytch are lying about it.

"Homosexual activity includes anal sex and oral sex, which have been labeled Sodomy."

Gay and Lesbian Rights legal definition of Gay and Lesbian Rights. Gay and Lesbian Rights synonyms by the Free Online Law Dictionary.

So what the law proposes is that schools inform parents when they suspect homosexual activity is occurring...i.e., SEX...between minors..which is illegal anyway (don't listen to Amy, she lies about that, for whatever reason).

Ideally, the schools would report any sex, but they have already established themselves as the keeper of sexual secrets, the free taxi ride providers to abortions, and the illegal sex enablers of all it's unlikely the law will make it.

I would think a school would report witnessing any sexual activity, but they aren't going to report suspected sexual activity. Homosexual activity could include holding hands, kissing or just making lovy eyes, which I think a school would discourage heteros behaving similarly by informing them to not do it in school, but I doubt it's seldom reported, because it's considered a part of natural development. The discouragement for heteros wouldn't be severe unless a couple became a problem and wouldn't listen, in which case the parent may be informed. I doubt the same standard would be applied to gays in the sense of tolerance. I think it would be difficult for a school to report suspected homosexuality to parents, because they will eventually run across parents who know. I would hope a school would have enough sense not to go there and invade a student's life.

I wasn't aware of this recent amount of homosexual legislation in Tennessee, like the don't say gay stuff. What are they trying to accomplish?
Really. So quote the bill where it says "suspected gayness" will be reported.

Or does it say "homosexual activity"? Because everything I've read says "homosexual activity".

Easy enough:

(2) A school counselor, nurse, principal or assistant principal from
counseling a student who is engaging in, or who may be at risk of
engaging in, behavior injurious to the physical or mental health and wellbeing of the student or another person; provided, that wherever possible
such counseling shall be done in consultation with the student's parents
or legal guardians. Parents or legal guardians of students who receive
such counseling shall be notified as soon as practicable that such
counseling has occurred;

They don't even have to engage in the act of sex to have their parents informed, just suspected that they might.

So the idea is to get the schools to intervene before illegal sexual activity, that could place the child at risk, takes place.


Why would you assume that because the kid is gay, that they WILL have sex? That's stupid.

But the schools (illegally) protect *privacy* of the students, and flat out refuse to report children having sex. In fact, they provide them with condoms, and rides to the clinic for std treatment, and give them information on abortion and in some cases take them to the abortion clinic.

Okay, I think I might be starting to understand your position better. You should still be outraged against this bill because it singles out gays. It's already against the law in TN for people under 18 to engage in sex, why do we need a bill that specifically targets gays? That just shows a hateful attitude towards them.

Bullshit. What the bill is targeting isn't the gay's the schools that groom them...and they do.

Homosexual students are at HIGH risk for exploitation and abuse simply because they are gay. And the schools are complicit with their attitude that they must *hide* illegal sexual activity from the parents.

It's bad enough when it's hetero students who are being abused and exploited in this's even worse when it's gay kids, who often are truly desperate and scared.

I love when anti-gay bigotry is couched in "it's for the children" bullshit.

If you cared about gay kids, you wouldn't out them to anyone.

But the schools (illegally) protect *privacy* of the students, and flat out refuse to report children having sex. In fact, they provide them with condoms, and rides to the clinic for std treatment, and give them information on abortion and in some cases take them to the abortion clinic.

Okay, I think I might be starting to understand your position better. You should still be outraged against this bill because it singles out gays. It's already against the law in TN for people under 18 to engage in sex, why do we need a bill that specifically targets gays? That just shows a hateful attitude towards them.

Bullshit. What the bill is targeting isn't the gay's the schools that groom them...and they do.

Homosexual students are at HIGH risk for exploitation and abuse simply because they are gay. And the schools are complicit with their attitude that they must *hide* illegal sexual activity from the parents.

It's bad enough when it's hetero students who are being abused and exploited in this's even worse when it's gay kids, who often are truly desperate and scared.

You are very ignorant about homosexuality, and you are being willfully ignorant towards this bill.

I'm done here. This is pointless.
The bill releases schools to report the act of homosexuality.

Again, I can't say it isn't about reporting *gayness*. It's about the schools reporting illegal sexual activity by minors to their guardians, in order to protect the children.

And that is A BAD THING that the bill takes away the rights of parents by giving the school immunity.
And you claim to be a conservative????:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
We disagree. I've had too many of my friends thrown from their homes as a teen.

Oh stop. Coming out is a personal decision that must be left to the individual. Lindsay Graham included.
Too fuckin' funny.......A perverted dyke, using a gay slam against Graham.

I wasn't "slamming" him, I was actually defending him. A lot of people would like to see him outed and called on his hypocrisy. I don't. I think he should come out when he is comfortable doing so...then he can be taken to task.

Christ, you fucks are so phoney, it's laughable.....Just admit it, you weren't born that way, you choose to be perverts, and be done with it.....Enough with the fucking lies, already.

Why would I admit something that simply isn't true? Your repeated insistence that it is a choice is interesting though. What I hear you saying is that you think you could be attracted to a man. Is that the case? Could you look at a big, hairy, sweaty male body and feel your jeans getting a little tighter? Could you look at another man and think you'd like to spend your life with them, honoring and cherishing them? Could you?
why did you use a gay slam against Graham, with zero evidence he's a pervert, ya' fuckin' hypocrite?

Like I said, you perverts are phoney to the fuckin' core.....You run around whining about how so many people don't accept your BS, and then turn around and use gay slams against those who don't buy into your lies and other assorted BS that you use to try and cover for your abject perversity.
Too fuckin' funny.......A perverted dyke, using a gay slam against Graham.

I wasn't "slamming" him, I was actually defending him. A lot of people would like to see him outed and called on his hypocrisy. I don't. I think he should come out when he is comfortable doing so...then he can be taken to task.

Christ, you fucks are so phoney, it's laughable.....Just admit it, you weren't born that way, you choose to be perverts, and be done with it.....Enough with the fucking lies, already.

Why would I admit something that simply isn't true? Your repeated insistence that it is a choice is interesting though. What I hear you saying is that you think you could be attracted to a man. Is that the case? Could you look at a big, hairy, sweaty male body and feel your jeans getting a little tighter? Could you look at another man and think you'd like to spend your life with them, honoring and cherishing them? Could you?
why did you use a gay slam against Graham, with zero evidence he's a pervert, ya' fuckin' hypocrite?

Like I said, you perverts are phoney to the fuckin' core.....You run around whining about how so many people don't accept your BS, and then turn around and use gay slams against those who don't buy into your lies and other assorted BS that you use to try and cover for your abject perversity.

Check out gaddawg's highly weirdo commentary about him getting laid as a 16 y.o., then claiming I have a sexual identity problem based on my quotes from wiki.

Too fuckin' funny.......A perverted dyke, using a gay slam against Graham.

I wasn't "slamming" him, I was actually defending him. A lot of people would like to see him outed and called on his hypocrisy. I don't. I think he should come out when he is comfortable doing so...then he can be taken to task.

Christ, you fucks are so phoney, it's laughable.....Just admit it, you weren't born that way, you choose to be perverts, and be done with it.....Enough with the fucking lies, already.

Why would I admit something that simply isn't true? Your repeated insistence that it is a choice is interesting though. What I hear you saying is that you think you could be attracted to a man. Is that the case? Could you look at a big, hairy, sweaty male body and feel your jeans getting a little tighter? Could you look at another man and think you'd like to spend your life with them, honoring and cherishing them? Could you?
why did you use a gay slam against Graham, with zero evidence he's a pervert, ya' fuckin' hypocrite?

Like I said, you perverts are phoney to the fuckin' core.....You run around whining about how so many people don't accept your BS, and then turn around and use gay slams against those who don't buy into your lies and other assorted BS that you use to try and cover for your abject perversity.

Graham is one of my favorite Republicans; consistent and never backs down on the issues he believes in.
If he told you "I am gay" would that change your opinion of him?
Graham is good friends with McCain, Lieberman and Kelly Ayote.
McCain knows he is gay. Andrea Mitchell is good friends with the mother of the man that Graham is partners with.
And T partiers in SC have openly called for him to admit his sexual orientation.
Again, if he told you he was gay would you call him a pervert?
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I wasn't "slamming" him, I was actually defending him. A lot of people would like to see him outed and called on his hypocrisy. I don't. I think he should come out when he is comfortable doing so...then he can be taken to task.

Why would I admit something that simply isn't true? Your repeated insistence that it is a choice is interesting though. What I hear you saying is that you think you could be attracted to a man. Is that the case? Could you look at a big, hairy, sweaty male body and feel your jeans getting a little tighter? Could you look at another man and think you'd like to spend your life with them, honoring and cherishing them? Could you?
why did you use a gay slam against Graham, with zero evidence he's a pervert, ya' fuckin' hypocrite?

Like I said, you perverts are phoney to the fuckin' core.....You run around whining about how so many people don't accept your BS, and then turn around and use gay slams against those who don't buy into your lies and other assorted BS that you use to try and cover for your abject perversity.

Graham is one of my favorite Republicans; consistent and never backs down on the issues he believes in.
If he told you "I am gay" would that change your opinion of him?
Graham is good friends with McCain, Lieberman and Kelly Ayote.
McCain knows he is gay. Andrea Mitchell is good friends with the mother of the man that Graham is partners with.
And T partiers in SC have openly called for him to admit his sexual orientation.
Again, if he told you he was gay would you call him a pervert?
Yes I would....A perverts a fuckin' pervert.....And I don't believe in hearsay from people with an agenda.

I also find it quite funny and hypocritical that perverts and their supporters just love to throw around gay slams against those who don't buy into their BS.
Christ, you fucks are so phoney, it's laughable.....Just admit it, you weren't born that way, you choose to be perverts, and be done with it.....Enough with the fucking lies, already.

Tell us all about that moment you decided not to be gay.

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