No 1st amendment in Tenn, pubs bully gays

Alan Keyes, well known Republican, kicked his gay daughter to the curb. It's something that would surprise me coming from a Democrat but expected from the party of "Let Him Die".

I hate to defend Darth Cheney, but at least he seems like a loving, accepting father. I had never heard about Alan Keyes' daughter, but it doesn't surprise me. I guess he is honest about it at least. Michelle Bachmann is a homophobe married to a closeted gay man. :eusa_whistle:

Michelle also has a gay sister. The last I heard, they weren't talking.
In fact, most of the family don't talk to Michelle because they are on the side of the sister.
I wonder if such a law passes, and a child commits sucide by being falsely outed by his teacher, or is killed by his/her parents, can the state be held liable?


I wonder if a teacher hides it from the parents, and it turns out the teacher is a predator...can the school be held liable? Yup.

The kid's sexual orientation has nothing to do with that. The teacher was a predator and the school failed to protect the child. You're trying to inject sexual orientation to justify your argument.

Or if a teacher hides it from the parents, and the child is targeted and killed by classmates and the parents never even knew he was identified as gay...can the school be held liable? Yup.

The other kids will be charged with hate crimes. The teacher will only be charged if they knew about the hate crime and did nothing. The teacher, nor the school, would be held liable if they new a child was gay and didn't "alert" the parents. They can be held liable if they knew the kid was being targeted and didn't warn the parents, but again, sexual orientation has nothing to do with that.

So again, you're arguing to *hide* things from parents. That's what people who exploit children do. It's not the right tactic, ever, to take. That's why we teach children that secrets held between adults and children are BAD:

It's none of the teacher's business. It's not their place, it's not their responsibility, it's not their job. I want teachers to teach, not to lay assertions on children based on stereotypes.
I wonder if such a law passes, and a child commits sucide by being falsely outed by his teacher, or is killed by his/her parents, can the state be held liable?

Not something Republicans will discuss. The only seem to care about children BEFORE they are born.
Yes, it IS related to disclosing sexual orientation, if you are proposing that school counselors keep secrets of a sexual nature from parents. That IS the definition of grooming. And to tell children that in MOST cases, it's highly dangerous to keep sexual secrets with an adult, and not tell your parents...but that in THIS case it's okay sends mixed signals...besides which, it's just straight up grooming. "It's never okay to keep secrets from your parents...UNLESS they're secrets of a sexual nature that you've shared with another adult". That's crazy.

This isn't about telling kids to hide their secrets. This bill is about teachers making baseless assumptions about a student, and "alerting" parents based on those assumptions. As in, even if the kid never went to a counselor, never told anyone at the school, yet the teacher has a hunch and "alerts" the parents on that hunch.

Are we on the same page yet?
I wonder if such a law passes, and a child commits sucide by being falsely outed by his teacher, or is killed by his/her parents, can the state be held liable?

Not something Republicans will discuss. The only seem to care about children BEFORE they are born.

Isn't that the truth.

A poor woman is pregnant and the right is up in arms to protect the fetus from abortion.

The moment its born though, its a leech on society.
Yes, it IS related to disclosing sexual orientation, if you are proposing that school counselors keep secrets of a sexual nature from parents. That IS the definition of grooming. And to tell children that in MOST cases, it's highly dangerous to keep sexual secrets with an adult, and not tell your parents...but that in THIS case it's okay sends mixed signals...besides which, it's just straight up grooming. "It's never okay to keep secrets from your parents...UNLESS they're secrets of a sexual nature that you've shared with another adult". That's crazy.

This isn't about telling kids to hide their secrets. This bill is about teachers making baseless assumptions about a student, and "alerting" parents based on those assumptions. As in, even if the kid never went to a counselor, never told anyone at the school, yet the teacher has a hunch and "alerts" the parents on that hunch.

Are we on the same page yet?


If they're baseless, then there's no issue. And "alerting" is hyperbole, that makes the assumption that the parents are being *warned*...rather than informed. This is about keeping parents informed of what their kids are doing at school, and that is what the schools are supposed to be doing.

Naturally, progressives historically have fought to mold the minds of school children, with or without the consent and knowledge of parents. It is the way they brainwash children to hate religion, to engage in promiscuity, and support the abortion machine that is so near and dear to progressives. Unfortunately, there are lines that can be drawn. And keeping secrets from parents is one that is very, very clear.

If school employees observe behavior in a child that can result in that child being targeted for harm, or sexual predation, then it's their responsibility to advise the parents of the behavior. Overtly homosexual behavior ranks. Sorry. You lose this one. You don't get to win over the potentially gay kids, encourage them to pursue their homosexual identity, and stand with them against their parents. That's not the job of teachers, counselors, or even internet trolls. That's called "grooming".

Also problematic is the stance of "it's us against them"....*us* being the kids and authority figures in school, and *them* being the parents. This is also typical of those who groom tell the kids that *if your parents know, they'll be mad* or *if your parents knew, they'd punish you* or *if anyone finds out, you could get killed*. All these implications and statements are the statements that people use to groom kids...and it's a problem when people claim that in *this* case, it's okay to employ that language, and those tactics.
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Yes, it IS related to disclosing sexual orientation, if you are proposing that school counselors keep secrets of a sexual nature from parents. That IS the definition of grooming. And to tell children that in MOST cases, it's highly dangerous to keep sexual secrets with an adult, and not tell your parents...but that in THIS case it's okay sends mixed signals...besides which, it's just straight up grooming. "It's never okay to keep secrets from your parents...UNLESS they're secrets of a sexual nature that you've shared with another adult". That's crazy.

Being gay is not a sexual secret. Sexual secrets are abuse, STDs and such.
"Oh by the way, your child is straight" you believe that would be told to the parents?
Get in the real world.
I would kick the ass of any teacher that stuck their nose into the sexuality of my child.
Fucks like that need to mind their own damn business.
Yes, it IS related to disclosing sexual orientation, if you are proposing that school counselors keep secrets of a sexual nature from parents. That IS the definition of grooming. And to tell children that in MOST cases, it's highly dangerous to keep sexual secrets with an adult, and not tell your parents...but that in THIS case it's okay sends mixed signals...besides which, it's just straight up grooming. "It's never okay to keep secrets from your parents...UNLESS they're secrets of a sexual nature that you've shared with another adult". That's crazy.

This isn't about telling kids to hide their secrets. This bill is about teachers making baseless assumptions about a student, and "alerting" parents based on those assumptions. As in, even if the kid never went to a counselor, never told anyone at the school, yet the teacher has a hunch and "alerts" the parents on that hunch.

Are we on the same page yet?


If they're baseless, then there's no issue. And "alerting" is hyperbole, that makes the assumption that the parents are being *warned*...rather than informed. This is about keeping parents informed of what their kids are doing at school, and that is what the schools are supposed to be doing.

Naturally, progressives historically have fought to mold the minds of school children, with or without the consent and knowledge of parents. It is the way they brainwash children to hate religion, to engage in promiscuity, and support the abortion machine that is so near and dear to progressives. Unfortunately, there are lines that can be drawn. And keeping secrets from parents is one that is very, very clear.

If school employees observe behavior in a child that can result in that child being targeted for harm, or sexual predation, then it's their responsibility to advise the parents of the behavior. Overtly homosexual behavior ranks. Sorry. You lose this one. You don't get to win over the potentially gay kids, encourage them to pursue their homosexual identity, and stand with them against their parents. That's not the job of teachers, counselors, or even internet trolls. That's called "grooming".

You need to go and read the damn bill that Campfield proposed and get back to us.
I already read it. You need to read what people in this thread are saying.

*It's not illegal for children to have sex*
*Parents hurt gay children, so it's okay to hide it from the parents*
*School employees could get in trouble for telling*
*Children could get killed if they tell*
I already read it. You need to read what people in this thread are saying.

*It's not illegal for children to have sex*
*Parents hurt gay children, so it's okay to hide it from the parents*
*School employees could get in trouble for telling*
*Children could get killed if they tell*

I got my 1st piece at age 16 and the girl was 15.
The criminal master mind I was.
Parental abuse against gay kids is a big problem. FACT.
School employees SHOULD get into trouble for sticking their nose where it does not belong.
A kid was beaten to death in this county a few years ago when he got off the school bus because he was outed at school.
And sexual abuse of children by authority figures in schools is a big fact, too.

So by all means, continue to encourage authority figures to foster an environment of sexual secrets and *hiding* information from parents.

I really don't care about when you had sex first. BTW, that story, told to a kid, would also qualify as *grooming*. The whole objective is to desensitize them to the illegality of it.
And sexual abuse of children by authority figures in schools is a big fact, too.

So by all means, continue to encourage authority figures to foster an environment of sexual secrets and *hiding* information from parents.

I really don't care about when you had sex first. BTW, that story, told to a kid, would also qualify as *grooming*. The whole objective is to desensitize them to the illegality of it.

Being gay is not a sexual secret.

What purpose does it serve to tell a kids parents that he/she is gay?
Already answered, troll.

And yes, being gay IS a sexual identification, which means that if you're keeping it from someone, it's a sexual secret.

""To establish a good relationship with the child and the child’s family, child groomers might do several things. For example, they might take an undue interest in someone else’s child, to be the child’s “special” friend to gain the child’s trust."

"They may simply talk about sexual topics. These are just some of the methods a child groomer might use to gain a child's trust and affection to allow them to do what they want."

"They might talk about problems normally discussed between adults, or at least people of the same age."

Child grooming - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
BTW...what IS homosexual *activity*, if it's not sexual in nature, one wonders?

"A Republican lawmaker is proposing legislation that would require schools to inform a student's parents if the child is engaging in homosexual activity."

Read more: Tennessee bill would require schools to report gay activity to parents | Fox News"

Laws define what something is that they cover, so the place to look for a definition of homosexual *activity* is in the law. Has anyone posted it, has the turkey egg hatched?
Parents are far more likely to sexually abuse their children than the kids' teachers.

I want a law passed that encourages teachers to investigate the personal sex life of kids and their parents.
BTW...what IS homosexual *activity*, if it's not sexual in nature, one wonders?

"A Republican lawmaker is proposing legislation that would require schools to inform a student's parents if the child is engaging in homosexual activity."

Read more: Tennessee bill would require schools to report gay activity to parents | Fox News"

Laws define what something is that they cover, so the place to look for a definition of homosexual *activity* is in the law. Has anyone posted it, has the turkey egg hatched?

Of course not...the homo lobby is busy pretending the law is about *reporting* suspected gay students.

That doesn't appear to be correct at all. What is being proposed is that schools inform parents of HOMOSEXUAL ACTIVITY, which is a whole different ballgame.

Shocker...Amy, Bode & the wytch are lying about it.

"Homosexual activity includes anal sex and oral sex, which have been labeled Sodomy."

So what the law proposes is that schools inform parents when they suspect homosexual activity is occurring...i.e., SEX...between minors..which is illegal anyway (don't listen to Amy, she lies about that, for whatever reason).

Ideally, the schools would report any sex, but they have already established themselves as the keeper of sexual secrets, the free taxi ride providers to abortions, and the illegal sex enablers of all it's unlikely the law will make it.
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Yes, it IS related to disclosing sexual orientation, if you are proposing that school counselors keep secrets of a sexual nature from parents. That IS the definition of grooming. And to tell children that in MOST cases, it's highly dangerous to keep sexual secrets with an adult, and not tell your parents...but that in THIS case it's okay sends mixed signals...besides which, it's just straight up grooming. "It's never okay to keep secrets from your parents...UNLESS they're secrets of a sexual nature that you've shared with another adult". That's crazy.

This isn't about telling kids to hide their secrets. This bill is about teachers making baseless assumptions about a student, and "alerting" parents based on those assumptions. As in, even if the kid never went to a counselor, never told anyone at the school, yet the teacher has a hunch and "alerts" the parents on that hunch.

Are we on the same page yet?


If they're baseless, then there's no issue.

Actually, no. That's exactly the issue. I've known effeminate guys, and masculine girls, all of which were none-the-less straight. But with this bill would have been falsely outed as gay. The individual themselves are the only people that can judge their own sexual orientation. Not a teacher, not a counselor, not even a parent.

And "alerting" is hyperbole, that makes the assumption that the parents are being *warned*...rather than informed. This is about keeping parents informed of what their kids are doing at school, and that is what the schools are supposed to be doing.

Then I expect every parent to be informed if their child is straight. Just to be sure parents know what their kids are doing at school.

Naturally, progressives historically have fought to mold the minds of school children, with or without the consent and knowledge of parents. It is the way they brainwash children to hate religion, to engage in promiscuity, and support the abortion machine that is so near and dear to progressives. Unfortunately, there are lines that can be drawn. And keeping secrets from parents is one that is very, very clear.

Talk about hyperbole.:eusa_eh:

If school employees observe behavior in a child that can result in that child being targeted for harm, or sexual predation, then it's their responsibility to advise the parents of the behavior. Overtly homosexual behavior ranks. Sorry. You lose this one. You don't get to win over the potentially gay kids, encourage them to pursue their homosexual identity, and stand with them against their parents. That's not the job of teachers, counselors, or even internet trolls. That's called "grooming".

So you're suggesting that, simply by being gay, a child is making themselves a target for sexual predators? You may want to tell that to all of the straight kids who have been molested, they may not know you think they're gay.

Also problematic is the stance of "it's us against them"....*us* being the kids and authority figures in school, and *them* being the parents. This is also typical of those who groom tell the kids that *if your parents know, they'll be mad* or *if your parents knew, they'd punish you* or *if anyone finds out, you could get killed*. All these implications and statements are the statements that people use to groom kids...and it's a problem when people claim that in *this* case, it's okay to employ that language, and those tactics.

The only thing I stand with is for individuals to inform who they want, when they want, about their own sexual orientation. However, I do firmly stand against schools sticking their noses where it doesn't belong.
Again. It's not about reporting gayness. It's about reporting suspected homosexual activity.
This isn't about telling kids to hide their secrets. This bill is about teachers making baseless assumptions about a student, and "alerting" parents based on those assumptions. As in, even if the kid never went to a counselor, never told anyone at the school, yet the teacher has a hunch and "alerts" the parents on that hunch.

Are we on the same page yet?


If they're baseless, then there's no issue.

Actually, no. That's exactly the issue. I've known effeminate guys, and masculine girls, all of which were none-the-less straight. But with this bill would have been falsely outed as gay. The individual themselves are the only people that can judge their own sexual orientation. Not a teacher, not a counselor, not even a parent.

Then I expect every parent to be informed if their child is straight. Just to be sure parents know what their kids are doing at school.

Talk about hyperbole.:eusa_eh:

If school employees observe behavior in a child that can result in that child being targeted for harm, or sexual predation, then it's their responsibility to advise the parents of the behavior. Overtly homosexual behavior ranks. Sorry. You lose this one. You don't get to win over the potentially gay kids, encourage them to pursue their homosexual identity, and stand with them against their parents. That's not the job of teachers, counselors, or even internet trolls. That's called "grooming".

So you're suggesting that, simply by being gay, a child is making themselves a target for sexual predators? You may want to tell that to all of the straight kids who have been molested, they may not know you think they're gay.

Also problematic is the stance of "it's us against them"....*us* being the kids and authority figures in school, and *them* being the parents. This is also typical of those who groom tell the kids that *if your parents know, they'll be mad* or *if your parents knew, they'd punish you* or *if anyone finds out, you could get killed*. All these implications and statements are the statements that people use to groom kids...and it's a problem when people claim that in *this* case, it's okay to employ that language, and those tactics.

The only thing I stand with is for individuals to inform who they want, when they want, about their own sexual orientation. However, I do firmly stand against schools sticking their noses where it doesn't belong.

No, in this case you stand for children hiding illegal sexual activity, which the school knows is happening, from their parents.


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