No 1st amendment in Tenn, pubs bully gays

Though seriously, an entire thread devoted to why it's okay to look the other way when kids are having sex...despite the legal is already about as low as it gets.

Wow. You really are running with this crazy shit, eh? Pages and pages and pages.

Too bad the giant hole in this theory has already been blown open pages and pages and pages ago.

The law only requires HOMOSEXUAL kids to be reported.

No one is fooled by your fake concern about children having sex. The law has NOTHING to do with child safety and everything to do with bigotry. And since it aligns with your own blatant raging bigotry, it is no wonder you are defending it so insanely.
No, it has to do with safety, particularly of gay children, and the exploitation of them by people who by law are mandatory reporters.

You hate fags. Even faggot children. You hate them. Hate, hate, hate, HATE them. Little faggot children should be reported and dealt with. We get it. No need to tattoo it on your forehead and shout it from the rooftops.

Wow. No, I don't. I want to protect gay children from weirdoes who target them in school and exploit them. The best way to do that is to require open discussion between parents and schools. The whole concept of schools hiding a child's sexual activity from the parents is nauseating.

But don't sit there and pretend this is about child safety. You aren't fooling anyone, but there is a real danger of you deluding yourself. This is about your deep, deep fear of fags. Even little fag kids scare the shit out of you.

Good grief.

Just look at you. Losing your ever loving mind over the idea little fag kids might get away with being little fags if someone doesn't report them.

Only a weirdo would refer to kids as fags, weirdo. It's just more evidence of the way you've sexualized kids in your poor, perverted brain.

Jesus H. Christ, you are one sick Nazi wannabe fuck.

Because I want to keep children from being exploited by the predators that target them at school...yup.
I swear, progressives these days view schools as some sort of sick guys fight HARD to make sure that nobody protects those precious vessels at all, don't you?
They aren't interested in children growing up. Hence their tandem devotion to abortion and removing any and all security/protection from schools.
The last bastion of those who seek to remove all protection from argue for protection and mandatory reporting of illegal sexual activity is "hate".
Sort of like "homosexuality has nothing to do with sex!!!" and "killing babies saves babies' lives!"

It's a crazy world.
If people were concerned about reporting the sexual activity of kids, which for the millionth time is already agaisnt the rules and is already reported to parents, then that's what this bill would say, instead of reporting the possible sexual orintation of kids.

Why is it only gay kids being targeted?

You can spin it all you like, the author of this bill has been very vocal in his hated for gays and his feeling that being gay is dangerous to children. Luckily I have a feeling even if this bill passes, it'll be challenged and overturned based on privacy issues.
If people were conserned about reporting the sexuality activity of kids, which for the millionth time is already agaisnt the rules and is already reported to parents, then that's what this bill would say, instead of reporting the possible sexual orintation of kids.

Why is it only gay kids being targeted?

You can spin it all you like, the author of this bill has been very vocal in his hated for gays and his feeling that being gay is dangerous to children. Luckily I have a feeling even if this bill passes, it'll be challenged and overturned based on privacy issues.

Its not going to pass.

Since the shit storm rose up after the bill was announced, even the bill's co-sponsored are jumping off the ship.
If people were concerned about reporting the sexual activity of kids, which for the millionth time is already agaisnt the rules and is already reported to parents, then that's what this bill would say, instead of reporting the possible sexual orintation of kids.

Why is it only gay kids being targeted?

You can spin it all you like, the author of this bill has been very vocal in his hated for gays and his feeling that being gay is dangerous to children. Luckily I have a feeling even if this bill passes, it'll be challenged and overturned based on privacy issues.

"Homosexual activity" is what the bill states should be reported.

Homosexual activity = sodomy.

And you guys don't want to have to report it. Telling.

PS...children have no right to *privacy*, and the right to privacy ends when children are being exploited or engaging in illegal activities.

We've been over this already. This is where you repeat the lie that *SEX BETWEEN CHILDREN IS LEGAL!!! WOO HOO!!"
It's hard to understand how people who want to protect their children from the homo agenda are called haters by the liberals?

No, not really hard to understand at all.

It's all about children's *rights*. Progressives think that children's rights begin and end with the right to engage in sodomy. What they fail to comprehend is that children's rights isn't about their right to engage in's about their right to be PROTECTED from exploitation by the people who are PAID to protect them. And that means REPORTING suspected ILLEGAL SEXUAL the parents, and if necessary, the authorities.


Progressives view schools as a breeding ground for their particular brand of corruption..they resent any parental interference with what they do there. THAT is what this is about.

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