No 1st amendment in Tenn, pubs bully gays

"If a school teacher, school official or any other school
personnel has knowledge or reasonable cause to suspect that a
child who attends such school may be a victim of child abuse
or child sexual abuse sufficient to require reporting pursuant
to this section and that the abuse occurred on school grounds
or while the child was under the supervision or care of the
school, then the principal or other person designated by the
school shall verbally notify the parent or legal guardian of the
child that a report has been made and shall provide other
information relevant to the future wellbeing of the child while​
under the supervision or care of the school."

You're a fucking idiot.

"Tennessee Mandatory Reporting Requirements Regarding Children
Who Must Report?
Sexual Abuse: Any person, including, but not limited to, any:
Physician, osteopathic physician, medical examiner,

chiropractor, nurse or hospital personnel engaged in the

admission, examination, care or treatment of persons
Any other health or mental health professional;
Practitioner who relies solely on spiritual means for healing;

School teacher or other school official or personnel;
Judge of any court of the state;•
Social worker, day care center worker, or other professional
child care, foster care, residential or institutional worker;
Law enforcement officer; or •
Neighbor, relative, friend or any other person who knows or

has reasonable cause to suspect that a child has been sexually


Reports Made To (In cases of abuse) Judge having juvenile jurisdiction over the
child, the department of children’s services, in a manner specified
by the department sheriff of the county where the child resides,
or chief law enforcement official of the municipality where the
child resides.
(In cases of sexual abuse) The local office of the department of
children’s services or to the judge having juvenile jurisdiction or
to the office of the sheriff or the chief law enforcement official of
the municipality where the child resides. Each report of known or
suspected child sexual abuse occurring in a facility licensed by

Regarding you ignoring the mandatory reporting laws, then you would be prosecuted and perhaps the less said about adults who ignore mandatory reporting laws in cases of sex abuse, or who advocate for ignoring such laws, the better.

"Knowing failure to make a required report is a Class A

• ......​
• The duty to report continues as long as the alleged victim of
abuse is a child under the age of 18. Tenn. Op. Atty. Gen.

No. 88-142."

That's sexual abuse, not "being gay."

Geez, it's worse than trying to talk to a six year old, its like trying to talk to a dog.
And for you morons who laugh at the idea of reporting behavior to parents:

"Possible Indicators of Abuse and Neglect:
"• The child may act in stylized ways, such as sexual behavior that is not normal for his/her age group."

I really wish that people who have no concern for children, and no experience dealing with sexual abuse, would stop spreading lies about what the laws are concerning it, and what is, and isn't, indicative of abuse.

Department of Children's Services

But that would require actually caring about the kids.
You're a fucking idiot.

"Tennessee Mandatory Reporting Requirements Regarding Children
Who Must Report?
Sexual Abuse: Any person, including, but not limited to, any:
Physician, osteopathic physician, medical examiner,

chiropractor, nurse or hospital personnel engaged in the

admission, examination, care or treatment of persons
Any other health or mental health professional;
Practitioner who relies solely on spiritual means for healing;

School teacher or other school official or personnel;
Judge of any court of the state;•
Social worker, day care center worker, or other professional
child care, foster care, residential or institutional worker;
Law enforcement officer; or •
Neighbor, relative, friend or any other person who knows or

has reasonable cause to suspect that a child has been sexually


Reports Made To (In cases of abuse) Judge having juvenile jurisdiction over the
child, the department of children’s services, in a manner specified
by the department sheriff of the county where the child resides,
or chief law enforcement official of the municipality where the
child resides.
(In cases of sexual abuse) The local office of the department of
children’s services or to the judge having juvenile jurisdiction or
to the office of the sheriff or the chief law enforcement official of
the municipality where the child resides. Each report of known or
suspected child sexual abuse occurring in a facility licensed by

Regarding you ignoring the mandatory reporting laws, then you would be prosecuted and perhaps the less said about adults who ignore mandatory reporting laws in cases of sex abuse, or who advocate for ignoring such laws, the better.​

"Knowing failure to make a required report is a Class A

• ......
• The duty to report continues as long as the alleged victim of

abuse is a child under the age of 18. Tenn. Op. Atty. Gen.​

No. 88-142."

That's sexual abuse, not "being gay."​

Geez, it's worse than trying to talk to a six year old, its like trying to talk to a dog.

Again, moron, there is nothing in the bill that talks about *gay* behavior. That's a lie perpetuated by the homosexual lobby and posters on this site, who want to remove all accountability from mandatory reporters in the specific case of homosexual kids. Towards that end, they LIE about the existing laws, and they LIE about the contents of the proposed bill.

In other words, they lie because they are motivated to exclude homosexual kids from the mandatory reporting laws. They don't want to have to report suspected, illegal sexual activity between children, specifically homosexual children, because they don't want them protected. They want them functioning under the radar.​

Now why is that, do you think?​

Last edited:
You're a fucking idiot.

"Tennessee Mandatory Reporting Requirements Regarding Children
Who Must Report?
Sexual Abuse: Any person, including, but not limited to, any:
Physician, osteopathic physician, medical examiner,

chiropractor, nurse or hospital personnel engaged in the

admission, examination, care or treatment of persons
Any other health or mental health professional;
Practitioner who relies solely on spiritual means for healing;

School teacher or other school official or personnel;
Judge of any court of the state;•
Social worker, day care center worker, or other professional
child care, foster care, residential or institutional worker;
Law enforcement officer; or •
Neighbor, relative, friend or any other person who knows or

has reasonable cause to suspect that a child has been sexually


Reports Made To (In cases of abuse) Judge having juvenile jurisdiction over the
child, the department of children’s services, in a manner specified
by the department sheriff of the county where the child resides,
or chief law enforcement official of the municipality where the
child resides.
(In cases of sexual abuse) The local office of the department of
children’s services or to the judge having juvenile jurisdiction or
to the office of the sheriff or the chief law enforcement official of
the municipality where the child resides. Each report of known or
suspected child sexual abuse occurring in a facility licensed by

Regarding you ignoring the mandatory reporting laws, then you would be prosecuted and perhaps the less said about adults who ignore mandatory reporting laws in cases of sex abuse, or who advocate for ignoring such laws, the better.​

"Knowing failure to make a required report is a Class A

• ......
• The duty to report continues as long as the alleged victim of

abuse is a child under the age of 18. Tenn. Op. Atty. Gen.​

No. 88-142."

That's sexual abuse, not "being gay."​

Geez, it's worse than trying to talk to a six year old, its like trying to talk to a dog.

Again, moron, there is nothing in the bill that talks about *gay* behavior. That's a lie perpetuated by the homosexual lobby and posters on this site, who want to remove all accountability from mandatory reporters in the specific case of homosexual kids. Towards that end, they LIE about the existing laws, and they LIE about the contents of the proposed bill.

In other words, they lie because they are motivated to exclude homosexual kids from the mandatory reporting laws. They don't want to have to report suspected, illegal sexual activity between children, specifically homosexual children, because they don't want them protected. They want them functioning under the radar.​

Now why is that, do you think?​

At risk of engaging in...

What the hell do you think that means? It means they haven't angaged in gay sex, but they might be gay.

OK, I'm done beating my head against the wall with the village idiot. Enjoy your hate, for I hope one day your kid comes home and says, "I have something to tell you about who I like...."

I'm speaking from personal experience. Everytime a homo gets a nut up on this topic, before they flounce off they state, in indignant tones, "I HOPE YOUR CHILD TURNS HOMOSEXUAL!"

I've heard it from the best internet homotrolls.
It's the worst insult they can think of, which is confusing, all things considered.

Particularly given their insistence that all the parents of all the gay children in the world are abusive. It just further illuminates their penchant for putting kids in dangerous situations. It's not really dangerous, but if they think it is...there they are advocating for it.

They think I hate gays, and maintain that all gay children have abusive why on earth would they want my son to become homosexual?
Cue Amy...


I know you really really REALLY want this bill to be about child abuse. It must suck that no matter how much you whine it doesn't change that this bill is about labeling "homosexual" as a reportable offense and something that is dangerous to children, which is about as ignorant and bigoted as you can get.

I hope someone updates this thread when the bill doesn't pass :)
No, it's not. Again you keep up the lie. It's about reporting suspected HOMOSEXUAL ACTIVITY.

And homosexual activity, as we learned from SODOMY.

Remember? Do you need schooled again? I feel like the stupid rubs off when I have to keep posting the same verification over and over, but if that is what it takes...

Yes I've read through the thread, let's step back and consider...

Some in this thread want to equate "homosexual activity" with "sodomy" under the impression that only (it appears) homosexual sodomy is to be reported to the parents. Which for any school system of course is ridiculous.

So for logic purposes let's group "Sexual Activity" (whether homosexual or heterosexual) into two main categories:

Category A Sexual Activity:
Intercourse (Vaginal)
Intercourse (Anal)
Manual Stimulation of sex organs

Category B Sexual Activity:
Holding Hands (during social interaction, not during a defined school activity)
Making Cow Eyes
Person A talking about going on a date with Person B​

Question: What school in their right mind IS NOT going to contact the parent in the event of either heterosexual activity or homosexual activity in the case of Category A events?

Question: If the Sexual Activity falls under Category B then why should homosexuals be singled out for mandatory reporting when heterosexuals are not?

Read and learn.

"A state lawmaker in Tennessee has introduced legislation that would force school administrators to tell parents if their children are discovered engaging in homosexual acts.
Republican Sen. Stacey Campfield sponsored the bill, The Associated Press reports. The text calls for a school counselor, medical official or administrator to advise parents when their children’s “circumstance present immediate and urgent safety issues involving human sexuality,”

Read more: Tennessee lawmaker wants schools to out gay students to parents - Washington Times

Words mean something, hun.

What is a homosexual act, I wonder?

Let's look it up!! Google is your friend!

Well, maybe not YOURS, but for those who are actually interested in truth:

"A homosexual act includes any bodily contact, actively undertaken or passively permitted, between members of the same sex for the purpose of satisfying sexual desires; and any bodily contact which a reasonable person would understand to demonstrate a propensity or intent to engage in homosexual conduct"

Homosexual Law & Legal Definition

Yes I've read through the thread, let's step back and consider...

Some in this thread want to equate "homosexual activity" with "sodomy" under the impression that only (it appears) homosexual sodomy is to be reported to the parents. Which for any school system of course is ridiculous.

So for logic purposes let's group "Sexual Activity" (whether homosexual or heterosexual) into two main categories:
Category A Sexual Activity:
Intercourse (Vaginal)
Intercourse (Anal)
Manual Stimulation of sex organs

Category B Sexual Activity:
Holding Hands (during social interaction, not during a defined school activity)
Making Cow Eyes
Person A talking about going on a date with Person B

Question: What school in their right mind IS NOT going to contact the parent in the event of either heterosexual activity or homosexual activity in the case of Category A events?

Question: If the Sexual Activity falls under Category B then why should homosexuals be singled out for mandatory reporting when heterosexuals are not?


Because schools are attempting to wiggle out of their obligation to report based on the sexual orientation of students.

Yes I've read through the thread, let's step back and consider...

Some in this thread want to equate "homosexual activity" with "sodomy" under the impression that only (it appears) homosexual sodomy is to be reported to the parents. Which for any school system of course is ridiculous.

So for logic purposes let's group "Sexual Activity" (whether homosexual or heterosexual) into two main categories:
Category A Sexual Activity:
Intercourse (Vaginal)
Intercourse (Anal)
Manual Stimulation of sex organs

Category B Sexual Activity:
Holding Hands (during social interaction, not during a defined school activity)
Making Cow Eyes
Person A talking about going on a date with Person B

Question: What school in their right mind IS NOT going to contact the parent in the event of either heterosexual activity or homosexual activity in the case of Category A events?

Question: If the Sexual Activity falls under Category B then why should homosexuals be singled out for mandatory reporting when heterosexuals are not?


Question...where's your fucking link?

Yes I've read through the thread, let's step back and consider...

Some in this thread want to equate "homosexual activity" with "sodomy" under the impression that only (it appears) homosexual sodomy is to be reported to the parents. Which for any school system of course is ridiculous.

So for logic purposes let's group "Sexual Activity" (whether homosexual or heterosexual) into two main categories:

Category A Sexual Activity:
Intercourse (Vaginal)
Intercourse (Anal)
Manual Stimulation of sex organs

Category B Sexual Activity:
Holding Hands (during social interaction, not during a defined school activity)
Making Cow Eyes
Person A talking about going on a date with Person B​

Question: What school in their right mind IS NOT going to contact the parent in the event of either heterosexual activity or homosexual activity in the case of Category A events?

Question: If the Sexual Activity falls under Category B then why should homosexuals be singled out for mandatory reporting when heterosexuals are not?


Keep in mind the actual text of the bill also states, "At risk of engaging in...[these bahviors.]

Therefore, teachers must report suspected gay kids even if they have engaged in no gay sexual behavior.

Yes I've read through the thread, let's step back and consider...

Some in this thread want to equate "homosexual activity" with "sodomy" under the impression that only (it appears) homosexual sodomy is to be reported to the parents. Which for any school system of course is ridiculous.

So for logic purposes let's group "Sexual Activity" (whether homosexual or heterosexual) into two main categories:
Category A Sexual Activity:
Intercourse (Vaginal)
Intercourse (Anal)
Manual Stimulation of sex organs

Category B Sexual Activity:
Holding Hands (during social interaction, not during a defined school activity)
Making Cow Eyes
Person A talking about going on a date with Person B

Question: What school in their right mind IS NOT going to contact the parent in the event of either heterosexual activity or homosexual activity in the case of Category A events?

Question: If the Sexual Activity falls under Category B then why should homosexuals be singled out for mandatory reporting when heterosexuals are not?


Because schools are attempting to wiggle out of their obligation to report based on the sexual orientation of students.

If a girl is caught giving the football team captain a blow job under the bleachers during lunch, do you think the school will or will not report it to the parent(s)?

If a boy is caught giving the football team captain a blow job under the bleachers during lunch, do you think the school will or will not report it to the parent(s)?

Why do you think the schools would handle it any differently?


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