No abortion allowed for rape = intrustive government tyranny


Gold Member
May 11, 2011
The Republican platform wishes to outlaw abortion with no exception for rape.
TAMPA, Fla. (AP) -- Republicans on Tuesday decided they will call for a constitutional amendment outlawing abortion without specific exceptions for rape or incest, a position at odds with GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney.
No rape exception in GOP abortion platform plank | Minnesota Public Radio News

They pass up state's rights and gone straight to the Constitution - they believe its the federal government's job to force women who became pregnant as a result of rape to bear the pregnancy of her rapist's child. A rapist may be prosecuted and go to prison - but the federal government would ensure for him that his victim is forced at point of a gun to bear his offspring. At the same time, they favor cutting the social programs that might help such a rape victim raise her rapist's child. The rapist gets to sit in prison with all of his needs provided for while his victim and his offspring are left to fend for themselves. How they can claim to be the party of liberty with this blatantly tyrannical ideology is beyond me. "Liberty" to the Republicans apparently means the liberty of a rapist to have Uncle Sam force his victim to bear his offspring.

So its a wonder to me why Akin was thrown under the bus when all he did was voice the party platform.
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Rep-Dems.. should mind there business in this social debacle.
On the other hand I don't think a half billion dollars should be paid to a privately owned company annually for such services. Tax payers should not be paying for mistakes made by others.
Solyndra is another example.. so was the bail out.
Rep-Dems.. should mind there business in this social debacle.
On the other hand I don't think a half billion dollars should be paid to a privately owned company annually for such services. Tax payers should not be paying for mistakes made by others.
Solyndra is another example.. so was the bail out.

Taxpayers don't pay for abortions.
Rep-Dems.. should mind there business in this social debacle.
On the other hand I don't think a half billion dollars should be paid to a privately owned company annually for such services. Tax payers should not be paying for mistakes made by others.
Solyndra is another example.. so was the bail out.

Taxpayers don't pay for abortions.

They pay for reproductive health care which is the same thing.
The Republican platform wishes to outlaw abortion with no exception for rape.
TAMPA, Fla. (AP) -- Republicans on Tuesday decided they will call for a constitutional amendment outlawing abortion without specific exceptions for rape or incest, a position at odds with GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney.
No rape exception in GOP abortion platform plank | Minnesota Public Radio News

They pass up state's rights and gone straight to the Constitution - they believe its the federal government's job to force women who became pregnant as a result of rape to bear the pregnancy of her rapist's child. A rapist may be prosecuted and go to prison - but the federal government would ensure for him that his victim is forced at point of a gun to bear his offspring. At the same time, they favor cutting the social programs that might help such a rape victim raise her rapist's child. The rapist gets to sit in prison with all of his needs provided for while his victim and his offspring are left to fend for themselves. How they can claim to be the party of liberty with this blatantly tyrannical ideology is beyond me. "Liberty" to the Republicans apparently means the liberty of a rapist to have Uncle Sam force his victim to bear his offspring.

So its a wonder to me why Akin was thrown under the bus when all he did was voice the party platform.

I just read the platform and discovered you are lying........
Rep-Dems.. should mind there business in this social debacle.
On the other hand I don't think a half billion dollars should be paid to a privately owned company annually for such services. Tax payers should not be paying for mistakes made by others.
Solyndra is another example.. so was the bail out.

Taxpayers don't pay for abortions.

If we didn't we'd be a half billion better off each year. From what I understand Soros owns Planned parenthood.

This makes sense: Promotion of gay and abortion, Population control?

Then there's this to think about.. No abortions equal seriously bloated entitlements for more woman who can't support themselves..
The dick side of the argument is.. The woman won't admit who the father is because they know it pays less or nothing at all.
We see it all the time in the urban area near us.
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Rep-Dems.. should mind there business in this social debacle.
On the other hand I don't think a half billion dollars should be paid to a privately owned company annually for such services. Tax payers should not be paying for mistakes made by others.
Solyndra is another example.. so was the bail out.

Taxpayers don't pay for abortions.

They pay for reproductive health care which is the same thing.

Birth control pills and condoms aren't abortions. You really are stupid.
The Republican platform wishes to outlaw abortion with no exception for rape.
TAMPA, Fla. (AP) -- Republicans on Tuesday decided they will call for a constitutional amendment outlawing abortion without specific exceptions for rape or incest, a position at odds with GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney.
No rape exception in GOP abortion platform plank | Minnesota Public Radio News

They pass up state's rights and gone straight to the Constitution - they believe its the federal government's job to force women who became pregnant as a result of rape to bear the pregnancy of her rapist's child. A rapist may be prosecuted and go to prison - but the federal government would ensure for him that his victim is forced at point of a gun to bear his offspring. At the same time, they favor cutting the social programs that might help such a rape victim raise her rapist's child. The rapist gets to sit in prison with all of his needs provided for while his victim and his offspring are left to fend for themselves. How they can claim to be the party of liberty with this blatantly tyrannical ideology is beyond me. "Liberty" to the Republicans apparently means the liberty of a rapist to have Uncle Sam force his victim to bear his offspring.

So its a wonder to me why Akin was thrown under the bus when all he did was voice the party platform.

I just read the platform and discovered you are lying........

The party members "assert the sanctity of human life and affirm that the unborn child has a fundamental individual right to life which cannot be infringed."

What part of "cannot be infringed" do you not understand?
Abortions aren't free in this country. They have to be paid for by the woman. Also, whatever the true abortion plank is in the republican platform, you can bet it is an attempt to at least restrict abortions and eventually lead to overturning Roe v. Wade. However, I realize most republicans don't care because they are self centered and like control.
The Republican platform wishes to outlaw abortion with no exception for rape.
TAMPA, Fla. (AP) -- Republicans on Tuesday decided they will call for a constitutional amendment outlawing abortion without specific exceptions for rape or incest, a position at odds with GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney.
No rape exception in GOP abortion platform plank | Minnesota Public Radio News

They pass up state's rights and gone straight to the Constitution - they believe its the federal government's job to force women who became pregnant as a result of rape to bear the pregnancy of her rapist's child. A rapist may be prosecuted and go to prison - but the federal government would ensure for him that his victim is forced at point of a gun to bear his offspring. At the same time, they favor cutting the social programs that might help such a rape victim raise her rapist's child. The rapist gets to sit in prison with all of his needs provided for while his victim and his offspring are left to fend for themselves. How they can claim to be the party of liberty with this blatantly tyrannical ideology is beyond me. "Liberty" to the Republicans apparently means the liberty of a rapist to have Uncle Sam force his victim to bear his offspring.

So its a wonder to me why Akin was thrown under the bus when all he did was voice the party platform.

Yaaaaawwwwwwnnnnnn. This is a non-issue. It didn't happen in 8 years of Reagan, 4 years of Bush Sr., or 8 years of George W. It isn't going to happen under Romney.

The Republican platform wishes to outlaw abortion with no exception for rape.
No rape exception in GOP abortion platform plank | Minnesota Public Radio News

They pass up state's rights and gone straight to the Constitution - they believe its the federal government's job to force women who became pregnant as a result of rape to bear the pregnancy of her rapist's child. A rapist may be prosecuted and go to prison - but the federal government would ensure for him that his victim is forced at point of a gun to bear his offspring. At the same time, they favor cutting the social programs that might help such a rape victim raise her rapist's child. The rapist gets to sit in prison with all of his needs provided for while his victim and his offspring are left to fend for themselves. How they can claim to be the party of liberty with this blatantly tyrannical ideology is beyond me. "Liberty" to the Republicans apparently means the liberty of a rapist to have Uncle Sam force his victim to bear his offspring.

So its a wonder to me why Akin was thrown under the bus when all he did was voice the party platform.

I just read the platform and discovered you are lying........

The party members "assert the sanctity of human life and affirm that the unborn child has a fundamental individual right to life which cannot be infringed."

What part of "cannot be infringed" do you not understand?

If you can not point to specific language. You are lying... And you cant, I have the text up in another browser... So feel free to prove the premise..........

I just read the platform and discovered you are lying........

The party members "assert the sanctity of human life and affirm that the unborn child has a fundamental individual right to life which cannot be infringed."

What part of "cannot be infringed" do you not understand?

If you can not point to specific language. You are lying... And you cant, I have the text up in another browser... So feel free to prove the premise..........


I already did:
Faithful to the “self-evident” truths enshrined in the Declaration of Independence, we assert the sanctity of human life and affirm that the unborn child has a fundamental individual right to life which cannot be infringed. We support a human life amendment to the Constitution and endorse legislation to make clear that the Fourteenth Amendment’s protections apply to unborn children.
Full Text of Strongly Pro-Life GOP Abortion Platform Released |

Do you know what "cannot be infringed" means? Or is it "right to life" you're having trouble understanding the meaning of? Does the language state that unborn children do NOT have a right to life if they are a result of a rape?
The Republican platform wishes to outlaw abortion with no exception for rape.
TAMPA, Fla. (AP) -- Republicans on Tuesday decided they will call for a constitutional amendment outlawing abortion without specific exceptions for rape or incest, a position at odds with GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney.
No rape exception in GOP abortion platform plank | Minnesota Public Radio News

They pass up state's rights and gone straight to the Constitution - they believe its the federal government's job to force women who became pregnant as a result of rape to bear the pregnancy of her rapist's child. A rapist may be prosecuted and go to prison - but the federal government would ensure for him that his victim is forced at point of a gun to bear his offspring. At the same time, they favor cutting the social programs that might help such a rape victim raise her rapist's child. The rapist gets to sit in prison with all of his needs provided for while his victim and his offspring are left to fend for themselves. How they can claim to be the party of liberty with this blatantly tyrannical ideology is beyond me. "Liberty" to the Republicans apparently means the liberty of a rapist to have Uncle Sam force his victim to bear his offspring.

So its a wonder to me why Akin was thrown under the bus when all he did was voice the party platform.

On the other hand, if an abortion attempt fails, democrats (like Obama) say it's perfectly ok to chase the baby down the hospital hall with a hatchet...... :thup:
The Republican platform wishes to outlaw abortion with no exception for rape.
TAMPA, Fla. (AP) -- Republicans on Tuesday decided they will call for a constitutional amendment outlawing abortion without specific exceptions for rape or incest, a position at odds with GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney.
No rape exception in GOP abortion platform plank | Minnesota Public Radio News

They pass up state's rights and gone straight to the Constitution - they believe its the federal government's job to force women who became pregnant as a result of rape to bear the pregnancy of her rapist's child. A rapist may be prosecuted and go to prison - but the federal government would ensure for him that his victim is forced at point of a gun to bear his offspring. At the same time, they favor cutting the social programs that might help such a rape victim raise her rapist's child. The rapist gets to sit in prison with all of his needs provided for while his victim and his offspring are left to fend for themselves. How they can claim to be the party of liberty with this blatantly tyrannical ideology is beyond me. "Liberty" to the Republicans apparently means the liberty of a rapist to have Uncle Sam force his victim to bear his offspring.

So its a wonder to me why Akin was thrown under the bus when all he did was voice the party platform.

On the other hand, if an abortion attempt fails, democrats (like Obama) say it's perfectly ok to chase the baby down the hospital hall with a hatchet...... :thup:

No they don't.
They pay for reproductive health care which is the same thing.

Birth control pills and condoms aren't abortions. You really are stupid.

No but you are.

Birth control pills, condoms and abortions are all called reproductive health care. Did you not ever listen to Sandra Fluke?

Correct. And sorry, but Rush's latest crush did not invent the term.

Birth control pills and condoms are still not abortions.
The Republican platform wishes to outlaw abortion with no exception for rape.
No rape exception in GOP abortion platform plank | Minnesota Public Radio News

They pass up state's rights and gone straight to the Constitution - they believe its the federal government's job to force women who became pregnant as a result of rape to bear the pregnancy of her rapist's child. A rapist may be prosecuted and go to prison - but the federal government would ensure for him that his victim is forced at point of a gun to bear his offspring. At the same time, they favor cutting the social programs that might help such a rape victim raise her rapist's child. The rapist gets to sit in prison with all of his needs provided for while his victim and his offspring are left to fend for themselves. How they can claim to be the party of liberty with this blatantly tyrannical ideology is beyond me. "Liberty" to the Republicans apparently means the liberty of a rapist to have Uncle Sam force his victim to bear his offspring.

So its a wonder to me why Akin was thrown under the bus when all he did was voice the party platform.

On the other hand, if an abortion attempt fails, democrats (like Obama) say it's perfectly ok to chase the baby down the hospital hall with a hatchet...... :thup:

No they don't.


The fuck they don't, the woman's body, the woman's choice, no exceptions..... :thup:

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