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'No alternative to land of Palestine'

"hamass does so in the name of God..."


you gotta be kidding.

"At least with Hamas they mean what they say.”

now THAT i believe....


Resisting Occupation is something to be proud of, beautiful pictures of beautiful people! Kind of like that famous painting of a queen knigting a Knight, I had that portrait once and it got lost and I just went onto Amazon and ordered another one and a companion portrait. I actually initially questioned buying the first picture as I am against war, but then I realized it symbolizes something altogether different then physical killing or war, it symbolizes spirititual battles we are all called to be a part of. Resisting Injustice is beautiful to watch! It is what Jesus calls Christians to do, without a doubt! and seeing Palestinians live out Jesus teachings in therir lives with popular resistance is a true Blessing! AND THE SWORD, it is the sword of truth, IT REPRESENTS the Word! THERE is power in the words written in The Gospels!

Mother dressing her toddler as a suicide bomber putting mortar shells on him is beautiful?!?!?!

You're so fucked up!:eek::eek::eek:

Wow, Sherri is fucked up beyond repair !!! :cuckoo:
THE words of Jesus very clearly say for those saved they are His, if people reject the words He spoke they reject Christ! I GAVE YOU HIS WORDS! Of course, there are cults like Christian Zionism made up of peope who do not follow Jesus but follow Zionism first and foremost and admit it even! ONE EXPECTS a lack of understanding of Jesus from the likes of them!

You have given me *your interpretation* of Jesus' words. You do not speak forChristianity, nor even all of Protestant Chrstianity. And I said NOTHING about 'Christian Zionism'. There is more within Christianity than your Protestant Evangelical interpretation and 'Christian Zionism' - and that 'more' does not share the 'OSAS' view which you presented - in error! - as 'Christian. It is not 'unChristian', but it is also not *universally* Christian.

Zionism has NOTHING to do with 'OSAS' and why many Christian Churches reject OSAS as a doctrine. It is ridiculous to conflate the two issues: they are completely different items which have NOTHING to do with one another.

Your or my personal feelings about 'Christian Zionism' are simply NOT relevant here.

THE WORLD has its ways and then there is God and Gods ways. AND The Word clearly states when one is truly saved, that cannot change. Every person everywhere is free to embrace the worlds ways or Gods ways and whatever name they may call themselves does not really matter. NOW, AS THE Pharisees rejected Jesus, you are doing the same and your rejection of Jesus blinds you of the ability to understand Jesus words. ALL SOMEONE LIKE MYSELF CAN DO IS KEEP SPEAKING THE TRUTH, but I have no ability to make any choices for anyone. EACH makes their own choices and will be responsible for those choices before God.

The Pharisees? WHICH GROUP _ we know of at least 7, and Jesus' words indicate he was very closely aligned with the school of Hillel. So the idea of 'Pharisees rejecting Jesus' is an extremely Inaccurate interpretation according to historical recorded fact.

But we are NOT discussing my personal views: I was speaking of the many Christian religious scholars who reject the 'OSAS' interpretation that you insist upon.

Do you truly presume to inform everyone that all those other Christians have *also* "rejected Jesus"???

Do you truly presume to be 'SPEAKING THE TRUTH' ? Are you a prophet anointed by GOD, then? I have no problem with you speaking what you believe to be the TRUTH - but as to agreeing with you? There are so many other Christians who do not agree, I am simply stating that I find more than one POV within Christianity on that topic.

What is wrong with you, that you cannot acknowledge that some Christians are sincere in Their faith and have a different interpretation than do you?
You have given me *your interpretation* of Jesus' words. You do not speak forChristianity, nor even all of Protestant Chrstianity. And I said NOTHING about 'Christian Zionism'. There is more within Christianity than your Protestant Evangelical interpretation and 'Christian Zionism' - and that 'more' does not share the 'OSAS' view which you presented - in error! - as 'Christian. It is not 'unChristian', but it is also not *universally* Christian.

Zionism has NOTHING to do with 'OSAS' and why many Christian Churches reject OSAS as a doctrine. It is ridiculous to conflate the two issues: they are completely different items which have NOTHING to do with one another.

Your or my personal feelings about 'Christian Zionism' are simply NOT relevant here.

THE WORLD has its ways and then there is God and Gods ways. AND The Word clearly states when one is truly saved, that cannot change. Every person everywhere is free to embrace the worlds ways or Gods ways and whatever name they may call themselves does not really matter. NOW, AS THE Pharisees rejected Jesus, you are doing the same and your rejection of Jesus blinds you of the ability to understand Jesus words. ALL SOMEONE LIKE MYSELF CAN DO IS KEEP SPEAKING THE TRUTH, but I have no ability to make any choices for anyone. EACH makes their own choices and will be responsible for those choices before God.

The Pharisees? WHICH GROUP _ we know of at least 7, and Jesus' words indicate he was very closely aligned with the school of Hillel. So the idea of 'Pharisees rejecting Jesus' is an extremely Inaccurate interpretation according to historical recorded fact.

But we are NOT discussing my personal views: I was speaking of the many Christian religious scholars who reject the 'OSAS' interpretation that you insist upon.

Do you truly presume to inform everyone that all those other Christians have *also* "rejected Jesus"???

Do you truly presume to be 'SPEAKING THE TRUTH' ? Are you a prophet anointed by GOD, then? I have no problem with you speaking what you believe to be the TRUTH - but as to agreeing with you? There are so many other Christians who do not agree, I am simply stating that I find more than one POV within Christianity on that topic.

What is wrong with you, that you cannot acknowledge that some Christians are sincere in Their faith and have a different interpretation than do you?

Which Pharisees ? THE ones he was speaking to in Matthew 23. AND I know of no true followers of Jesus rejecting his words.
As with any other over-simplification, this is inaccurate. There were no 'Zionists' in Damascus in 1840, and yet there was a mass murder of Jews there. And that is not the only such example of violence directed against Jews by Muslims in the area.

Damascus is not Palestine.
Druze - definition of Druze by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.
Druze (druz)

n. a member of an independent sect living mainly in Lebanon, Syria, and Israel, that is an
offshoot of Islam.[1595–1605; < Arabic dur&#363;z, a Druze, derivative of the name of one of the sect founders, Mu&#7717;ammad ibn Ism&#257;‘&#299;l al-Daraz&#299;]
Dru&#8242;ze•an, Dru&#8242;zi•an, adj.

"Which Pharisees ? THE ones he was speaking to in Matthew 23. AND I know of no true followers of Jesus rejecting his words."

So now you presume to determine who is and isn't a 'true Christian' by whether they agree with your interpretations or not? Is the 'OSAS' doctrine so central to Christianity, in your view, that not agreeing with it makes a person 'not a true Christian'?
No, Lipush - that is 'sherrianity', and shouldn't be confused with Christianity. After all, Hoss and Jerri and CMike and FreedomBecki and any number of other Christians are offended and disgusted with some of the bizarre comments sherri makes.

Certainly there's nobody in my husband's side of the family who is so aggressively ignorant. And they are both Protestant and Catholic - everything from Unitarian Universalist through Northern Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, Dutch Reform, Episcopalian and Roman Catholic - and Syrian Orthodox. I may have left out a few: we don't take formal surveys.

There is indeed a very broad range within ANY given religious tradition. And people would do well always to remember that even 'official' spokespeople are not the totality of a faith.

Although that ^^^ is even more true for Judaism, all 'authority' of any Rabbi being strictly voluntary by whoever chooses to be in their congregation.

Sherrianity. LMAO.

And I totally agree with that last statement..:clap2:

AND THE last laugh shall be on you !


This is me bailing out outside to cry.

Why don't you start thinking with that big brain of yours, the one which made you a lawyer?
BACK to the OP, Hamas is taking a stand for justice for the refugees. INTL law clearly gives the refugees the lawful right to return to their homes they were unlawfully expelled from. BUT the fact one has a right does not always mean we should insist on all of our rights or nothing. WE look at the legal system in the US for example and how most disputes are settled. FOR a moment I want to compare a settled case to one that goes all the way through the system, like a Capital Punishment case. WE may see a man convicted and executed but it probably took over a decade to get there and so many resources, physical and emotional, were expended to get there. Was justice truly served in either case? NOONE IS GOING TO AGREE. IF one does not believe in Capital Punisment, you disagree with the execution. BUT if you settled, you may feel your rights were not upheld. YOU settled for something less than was justified. YOU may lose your faith and belief in the justice system completely. JUSTICE AS a guide to follow fails. MERCY TRUMPS JUSTICE, THAT is what the story of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ and His Resurrection are all about. CONFLICTS often take us to places where we must choose between mercy and justice. LEBANON, 2006, Christians at a school take in Muslims who fled their homes being bombed by Israel.They prayed together twice daily in prayer meetings. NOONE PICKED up a gun, noone insisted on justice, they prayed for peace and the killing to stop. THERE WAS something they found that was more important then justice. AND bonds of friendship were forged between these Christians and Muslims that extend through the present.

Hamas doesn't have anything to do with Justice.

They slaughter their own people of the Fatah, and every Palestinian organization which dares to say anything they don't like.

They are like the Gestapo.

You can say what you want about Israelis, but we will never shoot our OWN people out on the street in mass numbers, just because they protest the governments' views.

Anyone who believes Hamas has anything to do with justice, is mentally retarded!
AND THE last laugh shall be on you !

So you still haven't showed us where in the Bible does it mention Palestine..... :cuckoo:

BTW, where does it say that Abraham was a Jew?
Close your eyes and pick out one, O uneducated ass.

Abraham - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bible prophecy from Genesis 17:5

GENESIS 17:5 Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made...
None of those identify him as a Jew.
BACK to the OP, Hamas is taking a stand for justice for the refugees. INTL law clearly gives the refugees the lawful right to return to their homes they were unlawfully expelled from. BUT the fact one has a right does not always mean we should insist on all of our rights or nothing. WE look at the legal system in the US for example and how most disputes are settled. FOR a moment I want to compare a settled case to one that goes all the way through the system, like a Capital Punishment case. WE may see a man convicted and executed but it probably took over a decade to get there and so many resources, physical and emotional, were expended to get there. Was justice truly served in either case? NOONE IS GOING TO AGREE. IF one does not believe in Capital Punisment, you disagree with the execution. BUT if you settled, you may feel your rights were not upheld. YOU settled for something less than was justified. YOU may lose your faith and belief in the justice system completely. JUSTICE AS a guide to follow fails. MERCY TRUMPS JUSTICE, THAT is what the story of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ and His Resurrection are all about. CONFLICTS often take us to places where we must choose between mercy and justice. LEBANON, 2006, Christians at a school take in Muslims who fled their homes being bombed by Israel.They prayed together twice daily in prayer meetings. NOONE PICKED up a gun, noone insisted on justice, they prayed for peace and the killing to stop. THERE WAS something they found that was more important then justice. AND bonds of friendship were forged between these Christians and Muslims that extend through the present.

Hamas doesn't have anything to do with Justice.

They slaughter their own people of the Fatah, and every Palestinian organization which dares to say anything they don't like.

They are like the Gestapo.

You can say what you want about Israelis, but we will never shoot our OWN people out on the street in mass numbers, just because they protest the governments' views.

Anyone who believes Hamas has anything to do with justice, is mentally retarded!

I SAY a people who ethnically cleanse and murder children like Israelis do have nothing to do with justice. YOUR comment seems to be of the effect as long as we do not kill our own we are morally superior.
BACK to the OP, Hamas is taking a stand for justice for the refugees. INTL law clearly gives the refugees the lawful right to return to their homes they were unlawfully expelled from. BUT the fact one has a right does not always mean we should insist on all of our rights or nothing. WE look at the legal system in the US for example and how most disputes are settled. FOR a moment I want to compare a settled case to one that goes all the way through the system, like a Capital Punishment case. WE may see a man convicted and executed but it probably took over a decade to get there and so many resources, physical and emotional, were expended to get there. Was justice truly served in either case? NOONE IS GOING TO AGREE. IF one does not believe in Capital Punisment, you disagree with the execution. BUT if you settled, you may feel your rights were not upheld. YOU settled for something less than was justified. YOU may lose your faith and belief in the justice system completely. JUSTICE AS a guide to follow fails. MERCY TRUMPS JUSTICE, THAT is what the story of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ and His Resurrection are all about. CONFLICTS often take us to places where we must choose between mercy and justice. LEBANON, 2006, Christians at a school take in Muslims who fled their homes being bombed by Israel.They prayed together twice daily in prayer meetings. NOONE PICKED up a gun, noone insisted on justice, they prayed for peace and the killing to stop. THERE WAS something they found that was more important then justice. AND bonds of friendship were forged between these Christians and Muslims that extend through the present.

Hamas doesn't have anything to do with Justice.

They slaughter their own people of the Fatah, and every Palestinian organization which dares to say anything they don't like.

They are like the Gestapo.

You can say what you want about Israelis, but we will never shoot our OWN people out on the street in mass numbers, just because they protest the governments' views.

Anyone who believes Hamas has anything to do with justice, is mentally retarded!

They slaughter their own people of the Fatah

Fatah are not their own. Fatah is a US proxy army.
BACK to the OP, Hamas is taking a stand for justice for the refugees. INTL law clearly gives the refugees the lawful right to return to their homes they were unlawfully expelled from. BUT the fact one has a right does not always mean we should insist on all of our rights or nothing. WE look at the legal system in the US for example and how most disputes are settled. FOR a moment I want to compare a settled case to one that goes all the way through the system, like a Capital Punishment case. WE may see a man convicted and executed but it probably took over a decade to get there and so many resources, physical and emotional, were expended to get there. Was justice truly served in either case? NOONE IS GOING TO AGREE. IF one does not believe in Capital Punisment, you disagree with the execution. BUT if you settled, you may feel your rights were not upheld. YOU settled for something less than was justified. YOU may lose your faith and belief in the justice system completely. JUSTICE AS a guide to follow fails. MERCY TRUMPS JUSTICE, THAT is what the story of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ and His Resurrection are all about. CONFLICTS often take us to places where we must choose between mercy and justice. LEBANON, 2006, Christians at a school take in Muslims who fled their homes being bombed by Israel.They prayed together twice daily in prayer meetings. NOONE PICKED up a gun, noone insisted on justice, they prayed for peace and the killing to stop. THERE WAS something they found that was more important then justice. AND bonds of friendship were forged between these Christians and Muslims that extend through the present.

Hamas doesn't have anything to do with Justice.

They slaughter their own people of the Fatah, and every Palestinian organization which dares to say anything they don't like.

They are like the Gestapo.

You can say what you want about Israelis, but we will never shoot our OWN people out on the street in mass numbers, just because they protest the governments' views.

Anyone who believes Hamas has anything to do with justice, is mentally retarded!

I SAY a people who ethnically cleanse and murder children like Israelis do have nothing to do with justice. YOUR comment seems to be of the effect as long as we do not kill our own we are morally superior.

It is not what I have said.

But one who has no mercy for a child of his own people, will he have mrcy for a child of a foreigner?

THINK, Sherri.

The way you treat your own community has a huge effect when it comes to the way you treat others.

People who shoot their own nation out in the open for rejecting the governments' views, are speakers of justice???

You cannot be serious.
You're right, O Pickled Brain, but it does identify him as the Father and Founder of Israel. Get your thinking cap on before you post your silliness.

"No longer shall your name be called Abram, But your name shall be Abraham; For I have made you the father of a multitude of nations.

Name a few?
BACK to the OP, Hamas is taking a stand for justice for the refugees. INTL law clearly gives the refugees the lawful right to return to their homes they were unlawfully expelled from. BUT the fact one has a right does not always mean we should insist on all of our rights or nothing. WE look at the legal system in the US for example and how most disputes are settled. FOR a moment I want to compare a settled case to one that goes all the way through the system, like a Capital Punishment case. WE may see a man convicted and executed but it probably took over a decade to get there and so many resources, physical and emotional, were expended to get there. Was justice truly served in either case? NOONE IS GOING TO AGREE. IF one does not believe in Capital Punisment, you disagree with the execution. BUT if you settled, you may feel your rights were not upheld. YOU settled for something less than was justified. YOU may lose your faith and belief in the justice system completely. JUSTICE AS a guide to follow fails. MERCY TRUMPS JUSTICE, THAT is what the story of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ and His Resurrection are all about. CONFLICTS often take us to places where we must choose between mercy and justice. LEBANON, 2006, Christians at a school take in Muslims who fled their homes being bombed by Israel.They prayed together twice daily in prayer meetings. NOONE PICKED up a gun, noone insisted on justice, they prayed for peace and the killing to stop. THERE WAS something they found that was more important then justice. AND bonds of friendship were forged between these Christians and Muslims that extend through the present.

Hamas doesn't have anything to do with Justice.

They slaughter their own people of the Fatah, and every Palestinian organization which dares to say anything they don't like.

They are like the Gestapo.

You can say what you want about Israelis, but we will never shoot our OWN people out on the street in mass numbers, just because they protest the governments' views.

Anyone who believes Hamas has anything to do with justice, is mentally retarded!

They slaughter their own people of the Fatah

Fatah are not their own. Fatah is a US proxy army.

They are all 'Palestinians'.

Likud has a totally different POV than Meretz. But be honest with yourself, will you ever think of seeing Likud people start shooting Meretz people on the street?

Be honest with yourself, at least.
BTW, where does it say that Abraham was a Jew?

What does one thing has to do with the other?

Why does the Israel/Palestine conflict always migrate to religion? This is not a religious conflict.

Then tell Sherri to stop bringing Jesus Christ to every second post!.

"I speak for Jesus"...

"These are Jesus' words"...

"those who reject Jesus".... "Those who accept Jesus".

Jesus Jesus Jesus, in every argument.

Damn! that's so annoying!

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