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'No alternative to land of Palestine'

SOME Christians believe 'once saved, always saved' - but that's a heresy.

IT is a belief of Christianity, I do not expect a Christ rejecter like you to know anything about that.

It is only a belief of SOME Christians. One needn't subscribe to beliefs to be able to understand them, or to evaluate them in terms of their paradigm. If it were as you erroneously presume, there'd be no use whatsoever in ANY 'comparative religion' studies.

More on topic: while your statements may be accurate in terms of 'Evangelical Protestant' belief: they are not universal to Christianity, not even to the Protestant faith. I urge you to broaden your education.

NB: It is both asinine and idiotic to denigrate Judaism as 'Christ-rejecting' as there was Judaism for 1500 years or more before Jesus, and as the actual teachings of Jesus fall within the scope of Pharisaic teaching. Not only is it inaccurate: it appears that it's being used above as an attempt to demonize Judaism and those who adhere to it. I can only urge that such untoward behavior be eschewed by anyone who wishes to participate in actual discussion.

It is axiomatic in*SOME* Christianity that a mere human cannot presume to KNOW whether or not they (or anyone else!) are in a state of grace - which is what is meant by 'saved'. That is knowledge possessed by GOD alone.

Of course, some layfolk are uninformed as to the full range of beliefs within the (Western) Christian tradition. But their ignorance does not invalidate those elements of Christian belief.

I am not denying that SOME Christians hold 'OSAS' to be doctrine: but it is by NO means anything approaching a 'universal' Christian belief.

My views are not simply relegated to Protestant beliefs. THEY are based on words of Jesus. SOME of the most liberal Christians you could find, like a Progressive Christian I know who believes in universal salvation and used to be a Unitarian, believes this to be true. Nothing can separate us from our Father. THE WORD: "My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand." JOHN 10:9
BTW, Muslims and Jews still live side by side. Why don't you go visit Israel and see for yourself

Jews are ethnically cleansing and killing the Muslims, around 8000 identified as killed by Btselem and that includes 1500 children. and Jews refuse to live in the same towns and settlements with Muslims, they do not even see Muslims as human beings.

So tell me when will I be able to rent an apartment in Um-Al Fahem without being stoned to death, Sherri?!

What a liar and a hypocrite you are. Jews cannot go into Arab towns in their own homeland without being brutally hit, stoned, or killed.

Ethnic cleasing my a**.

As always, you look for brainwashed Jew hatred claims without checking the facts.

You're disgusting
"When Hamas gives its word to an international agreement, it does so in the name of God and will therefore keep its word. Hamas has honored its previous cease-fires, as Israelis grudgingly note with the oft-heard words, “At least with Hamas they mean what they say.”

"hamass does so in the name of God..."


you gotta be kidding.

"At least with Hamas they mean what they say.”

now THAT i believe....


Resisting Occupation is something to be proud of, beautiful pictures of beautiful people! Kind of like that famous painting of a queen knigting a Knight, I had that portrait once and it got lost and I just went onto Amazon and ordered another one and a companion portrait. I actually initially questioned buying the first picture as I am against war, but then I realized it symbolizes something altogether different then physical killing or war, it symbolizes spirititual battles we are all called to be a part of. Resisting Injustice is beautiful to watch! It is what Jesus calls Christians to do, without a doubt! and seeing Palestinians live out Jesus teachings in therir lives with popular resistance is a true Blessing! AND THE SWORD, it is the sword of truth, IT REPRESENTS the Word! THERE is power in the words written in The Gospels!

Mother dressing her toddler as a suicide bomber putting mortar shells on him is beautiful?!?!?!

You're so fucked up!:eek::eek::eek:
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IT is a belief of Christianity, I do not expect a Christ rejecter like you to know anything about that.

It is only a belief of SOME Christians. One needn't subscribe to beliefs to be able to understand them, or to evaluate them in terms of their paradigm. If it were as you erroneously presume, there'd be no use whatsoever in ANY 'comparative religion' studies.

More on topic: while your statements may be accurate in terms of 'Evangelical Protestant' belief: they are not universal to Christianity, not even to the Protestant faith. I urge you to broaden your education.

NB: It is both asinine and idiotic to denigrate Judaism as 'Christ-rejecting' as there was Judaism for 1500 years or more before Jesus, and as the actual teachings of Jesus fall within the scope of Pharisaic teaching. Not only is it inaccurate: it appears that it's being used above as an attempt to demonize Judaism and those who adhere to it. I can only urge that such untoward behavior be eschewed by anyone who wishes to participate in actual discussion.

It is axiomatic in*SOME* Christianity that a mere human cannot presume to KNOW whether or not they (or anyone else!) are in a state of grace - which is what is meant by 'saved'. That is knowledge possessed by GOD alone.

Of course, some layfolk are uninformed as to the full range of beliefs within the (Western) Christian tradition. But their ignorance does not invalidate those elements of Christian belief.

I am not denying that SOME Christians hold 'OSAS' to be doctrine: but it is by NO means anything approaching a 'universal' Christian belief.

My views are not simply relegated to Protestant beliefs. THEY are based on words of Jesus. SOME of the most liberal Christians you could find, like a Progressive Christian I know who believes in universal salvation and used to be a Unitarian, believes this to be true. Nothing can separate us from our Father. THE WORD: "My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand." JOHN 10:9

I have no idea what a 'Progressive' Christian is: but I know quite a few Unitarians, Methodists and other Protestant Christians who do NOT believe 'OSAS' - and many who consider it a heresy for the reasons I gave.

Again, that belief, while indeed based on an interpretation of words of Jesus, is NOT UNIVERSAL even within Protestant Christianity. It is ridiculous that anyone continue to argue against that statement.
Everytime she brings up Jesus I feel like puking.

If that is Christianity, then Baruch HaShem, I was raised a Jew.

No, Lipush - that is 'sherrianity', and shouldn't be confused with Christianity. After all, Hoss and Jerri and CMike and FreedomBecki and any number of other Christians are offended and disgusted with some of the bizarre comments sherri makes.

Certainly there's nobody in my husband's side of the family who is so aggressively ignorant. And they are both Protestant and Catholic - everything from Unitarian Universalist through Northern Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, Dutch Reform, Episcopalian and Roman Catholic - and Syrian Orthodox. I may have left out a few: we don't take formal surveys.

There is indeed a very broad range within ANY given religious tradition. And people would do well always to remember that even 'official' spokespeople are not the totality of a faith.

Although that ^^^ is even more true for Judaism, all 'authority' of any Rabbi being strictly voluntary by whoever chooses to be in their congregation.
SOME Christians believe 'once saved, always saved' - but that's a heresy.

IT is a belief of Christianity, I do not expect a Christ rejecter like you to know anything about that.

Notice that if you don't believe what she believes whe refers to you as a " Christ rejecter" ? That's like saying if you don't believe in Mohammed you are a " Mohammed rejector" Typical " Christian " mentality her " Church" has been teaching for over 2000 years. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX . That " Christian Hate" just seeps through :clap2:

NO family attacks!

Where did I " attack her family?" Did I call them names? Did I use any inappropriate terms? I am " attacking her family" because I stated that's who she learned from?? So you admit then she's a Jew Hater. If she believed Israel had the right to exist and I sated she learned that from her family would you object? Thanks for exposing your hypocrisy
It is only a belief of SOME Christians. One needn't subscribe to beliefs to be able to understand them, or to evaluate them in terms of their paradigm. If it were as you erroneously presume, there'd be no use whatsoever in ANY 'comparative religion' studies.

More on topic: while your statements may be accurate in terms of 'Evangelical Protestant' belief: they are not universal to Christianity, not even to the Protestant faith. I urge you to broaden your education.

NB: It is both asinine and idiotic to denigrate Judaism as 'Christ-rejecting' as there was Judaism for 1500 years or more before Jesus, and as the actual teachings of Jesus fall within the scope of Pharisaic teaching. Not only is it inaccurate: it appears that it's being used above as an attempt to demonize Judaism and those who adhere to it. I can only urge that such untoward behavior be eschewed by anyone who wishes to participate in actual discussion.

It is axiomatic in*SOME* Christianity that a mere human cannot presume to KNOW whether or not they (or anyone else!) are in a state of grace - which is what is meant by 'saved'. That is knowledge possessed by GOD alone.

Of course, some layfolk are uninformed as to the full range of beliefs within the (Western) Christian tradition. But their ignorance does not invalidate those elements of Christian belief.

I am not denying that SOME Christians hold 'OSAS' to be doctrine: but it is by NO means anything approaching a 'universal' Christian belief.

My views are not simply relegated to Protestant beliefs. THEY are based on words of Jesus. SOME of the most liberal Christians you could find, like a Progressive Christian I know who believes in universal salvation and used to be a Unitarian, believes this to be true. Nothing can separate us from our Father. THE WORD: "My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand." JOHN 10:9

I have no idea what a 'Progressive' Christian is: but I know quite a few Unitarians, Methodists and other Protestant Christians who do NOT believe 'OSAS' - and many who consider it a heresy for the reasons I gave.

Again, that belief, while indeed based on an interpretation of words of Jesus, is NOT UNIVERSAL even within Protestant Christianity. It is ridiculous that anyone continue to argue against that statement.

THE words of Jesus very clearly say for those saved they are His, if people reject the words He spoke they reject Christ! I GAVE YOU HIS WORDS! Of course, there are cults like Christian Zionism made up of peope who do not follow Jesus but follow Zionism first and foremost and admit it even! ONE EXPECTS a lack of understanding of Jesus from the likes of them!
Everytime she brings up Jesus I feel like puking.

If that is Christianity, then Baruch HaShem, I was raised a Jew.

No, Lipush - that is 'sherrianity', and shouldn't be confused with Christianity. After all, Hoss and Jerri and CMike and FreedomBecki and any number of other Christians are offended and disgusted with some of the bizarre comments sherri makes.

Certainly there's nobody in my husband's side of the family who is so aggressively ignorant. And they are both Protestant and Catholic - everything from Unitarian Universalist through Northern Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, Dutch Reform, Episcopalian and Roman Catholic - and Syrian Orthodox. I may have left out a few: we don't take formal surveys.

There is indeed a very broad range within ANY given religious tradition. And people would do well always to remember that even 'official' spokespeople are not the totality of a faith.

Although that ^^^ is even more true for Judaism, all 'authority' of any Rabbi being strictly voluntary by whoever chooses to be in their congregation.

ONE can only expect ignorance about Christianity from one such as you!
Everytime she brings up Jesus I feel like puking.

If that is Christianity, then Baruch HaShem, I was raised a Jew.

No, Lipush - that is 'sherrianity', and shouldn't be confused with Christianity. After all, Hoss and Jerri and CMike and FreedomBecki and any number of other Christians are offended and disgusted with some of the bizarre comments sherri makes.

Certainly there's nobody in my husband's side of the family who is so aggressively ignorant. And they are both Protestant and Catholic - everything from Unitarian Universalist through Northern Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, Dutch Reform, Episcopalian and Roman Catholic - and Syrian Orthodox. I may have left out a few: we don't take formal surveys.

There is indeed a very broad range within ANY given religious tradition. And people would do well always to remember that even 'official' spokespeople are not the totality of a faith.

Although that ^^^ is even more true for Judaism, all 'authority' of any Rabbi being strictly voluntary by whoever chooses to be in their congregation.

ONE can only expect ignorance about Christianity from one such as you!

Sherri----if there is anyone IGNORANT about christianity on this board ---it is
YOU. I grew up among christians----and will admit that just as there
are jews ignorant of judaism ---there are lots of christians ignorant about
christianity-----but you claim to be a LAWYER (??)---and you did mention going
to "SUNDAY SCHOOL"----which I though meant you teach it-----but later on
I got the impression that you attend some sort of bible class on sundays.
That is a bit strange to me----when I was a kid "sunday school" was for
little kids----I have a distant relative who teaches sunday school----.

In any case----you should really try reading the bible ----you might
learn something about it

your posts remind me of conversations I had long ago with
a fellow student-----he was dropped from the PRIEST TRAINING
program over at the college SETON HALL ----good thing---he
was that stupid. I knew him because he needed REMEDIATION
in writing a cogent sentence in english. You could use some
remediation ----your use of words is very deficient
Muslims and Jews had lived side-by side with Druze in the area for hundreds of years before the Zionists arrived.

As with any other over-simplification, this is inaccurate. There were no 'Zionists' in Damascus in 1840, and yet there was a mass murder of Jews there. And that is not the only such example of violence directed against Jews by Muslims in the area.

Damascus is not Palestine.

There was violence against jews in palestine from the time the
arabs first invaded and thru the present time----there were times
when the jews of palestine numbered so few in palestine---as a
result of the genocide inflicted upon them by isa-respecters since
300 CE and the nazism of canstantine followed by the nazism
of shairah-----that no one cared----they lived in small enclaves ---
generally separately. Since they were often funded by jews
outside of Israel---in quiet times, impoverished arabs often
depended on working for them ----this situation was true in places
like Jerusalem -----try to learn some real history, sherri. Besides---
jews know how to make wine which is a lubricant for both
jews and christians in their ability to get along with arab muslims.

The kinds fo pogroms that took place in Damascus----took
place in all lands where jews and muslims lived together side
by side----it was simply a matter of "MORE OR LESS"--
Turkey was known as the most moderate of the islamic countries---
even centuries ago and before ATATURK ---but there were pogroms
against jews even in Turkey---now and then
My views are not simply relegated to Protestant beliefs. THEY are based on words of Jesus. SOME of the most liberal Christians you could find, like a Progressive Christian I know who believes in universal salvation and used to be a Unitarian, believes this to be true. Nothing can separate us from our Father. THE WORD: "My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand." JOHN 10:9

I have no idea what a 'Progressive' Christian is: but I know quite a few Unitarians, Methodists and other Protestant Christians who do NOT believe 'OSAS' - and many who consider it a heresy for the reasons I gave.

Again, that belief, while indeed based on an interpretation of words of Jesus, is NOT UNIVERSAL even within Protestant Christianity. It is ridiculous that anyone continue to argue against that statement.

THE words of Jesus very clearly say for those saved they are His, if people reject the words He spoke they reject Christ! I GAVE YOU HIS WORDS! Of course, there are cults like Christian Zionism made up of peope who do not follow Jesus but follow Zionism first and foremost and admit it even! ONE EXPECTS a lack of understanding of Jesus from the likes of them!

You have given me *your interpretation* of Jesus' words. You do not speak forChristianity, nor even all of Protestant Chrstianity. And I said NOTHING about 'Christian Zionism'. There is more within Christianity than your Protestant Evangelical interpretation and 'Christian Zionism' - and that 'more' does not share the 'OSAS' view which you presented - in error! - as 'Christian. It is not 'unChristian', but it is also not *universally* Christian.

Zionism has NOTHING to do with 'OSAS' and why many Christian Churches reject OSAS as a doctrine. It is ridiculous to conflate the two issues: they are completely different items which have NOTHING to do with one another.

Your or my personal feelings about 'Christian Zionism' are simply NOT relevant here.
Lots of ninth rate lawyers present their tenuous and baseless
opinions as "IRREFUTABLE FACT" ---it is a kind of sick court-
room technique. I once ran into a judge who did that.
Everytime she brings up Jesus I feel like puking.

If that is Christianity, then Baruch HaShem, I was raised a Jew.

No, Lipush - that is 'sherrianity', and shouldn't be confused with Christianity. After all, Hoss and Jerri and CMike and FreedomBecki and any number of other Christians are offended and disgusted with some of the bizarre comments sherri makes.

Certainly there's nobody in my husband's side of the family who is so aggressively ignorant. And they are both Protestant and Catholic - everything from Unitarian Universalist through Northern Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, Dutch Reform, Episcopalian and Roman Catholic - and Syrian Orthodox. I may have left out a few: we don't take formal surveys.

There is indeed a very broad range within ANY given religious tradition. And people would do well always to remember that even 'official' spokespeople are not the totality of a faith.

Although that ^^^ is even more true for Judaism, all 'authority' of any Rabbi being strictly voluntary by whoever chooses to be in their congregation.

Sherrianity. LMAO.

And I totally agree with that last statement..:clap2:
Resisting Occupation is something to be proud of, beautiful pictures of beautiful people! kind of like that famous painting of a queen knigting a Knight, I had that portrait once and it got lost and I just went onto Amazon and ordered another one and a companion portrait. I actually initially questioned buying the first picture as I am against war, but then I realized it symbolizes something altogether different then physical killing or war, it symbolizes spirititual battles we are all called to be a part of. Resisting Injustice is beautiful to watch! It is what Jesus calls Christians to do, without a doubt! and seeing Palestinians live out Jesus teachings in theri lives with popular resistance is a true Blessing!
Has anyone told the Palestinians in Gaza (99% of whom are Muslim) they are following Jesus' teachings?
What is the religion in Palestine

God can show us Jesus and show us His ways anyway God chooses, you should not keep putting Him in a box the way you do. MUSLIMS in Palestine do not look at Jesus in a negative light, they see him as a Prophet. AND I have read words wriiten by Muslims like Bassem Tamimi who speak of Jesus as the Messenger of Peace and he speaks of following His ways. WHAT DOES THAT MAKE HIM? I will let God decide about that! AND another man who wrote fascinating words about Jesus is Rumi. SUFIS ARE FASCINATING PEOPLE TOO! AND they are another group who face great persecution in Iran. I wonder how they view persecution. I believe they expect it.
Why do you keep dragging Jesus into this? He has nothing to do with what is going on in the area. Tell you what, Frau Sherri, why don't you go over with us that fake Gospel the Muslims believe in. You should be an expert in that one. Then you can tell us how the Muslims think that Jesus is going to break all the crosses when he comes back and preach Islam. However, since today is Easter, why don't you explain to us why the Muslims think that Jesus never died on the cross. By the way, since you are mentioning Sufis in Iran and the persecution they face, how come someone who claims to be a "good Christian woman" doesn't talk about the persecution the Christians are facing in Iran.
I have no idea what a 'Progressive' Christian is: but I know quite a few Unitarians, Methodists and other Protestant Christians who do NOT believe 'OSAS' - and many who consider it a heresy for the reasons I gave.

Again, that belief, while indeed based on an interpretation of words of Jesus, is NOT UNIVERSAL even within Protestant Christianity. It is ridiculous that anyone continue to argue against that statement.

THE words of Jesus very clearly say for those saved they are His, if people reject the words He spoke they reject Christ! I GAVE YOU HIS WORDS! Of course, there are cults like Christian Zionism made up of peope who do not follow Jesus but follow Zionism first and foremost and admit it even! ONE EXPECTS a lack of understanding of Jesus from the likes of them!

You have given me *your interpretation* of Jesus' words. You do not speak forChristianity, nor even all of Protestant Chrstianity. And I said NOTHING about 'Christian Zionism'. There is more within Christianity than your Protestant Evangelical interpretation and 'Christian Zionism' - and that 'more' does not share the 'OSAS' view which you presented - in error! - as 'Christian. It is not 'unChristian', but it is also not *universally* Christian.

Zionism has NOTHING to do with 'OSAS' and why many Christian Churches reject OSAS as a doctrine. It is ridiculous to conflate the two issues: they are completely different items which have NOTHING to do with one another.

Your or my personal feelings about 'Christian Zionism' are simply NOT relevant here.

THE WORLD has its ways and then there is God and Gods ways. AND The Word clearly states when one is truly saved, that cannot change. Every person everywhere is free to embrace the worlds ways or Gods ways and whatever name they may call themselves does not really matter. NOW, AS THE Pharisees rejected Jesus, you are doing the same and your rejection of Jesus blinds you of the ability to understand Jesus words. ALL SOMEONE LIKE MYSELF CAN DO IS KEEP SPEAKING THE TRUTH, but I have no ability to make any choices for anyone. EACH makes their own choices and will be responsible for those choices before God.
Everytime she brings up Jesus I feel like puking.

If that is Christianity, then Baruch HaShem, I was raised a Jew.

No, Lipush - that is 'sherrianity', and shouldn't be confused with Christianity. After all, Hoss and Jerri and CMike and FreedomBecki and any number of other Christians are offended and disgusted with some of the bizarre comments sherri makes.

Certainly there's nobody in my husband's side of the family who is so aggressively ignorant. And they are both Protestant and Catholic - everything from Unitarian Universalist through Northern Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, Dutch Reform, Episcopalian and Roman Catholic - and Syrian Orthodox. I may have left out a few: we don't take formal surveys.

There is indeed a very broad range within ANY given religious tradition. And people would do well always to remember that even 'official' spokespeople are not the totality of a faith.

Although that ^^^ is even more true for Judaism, all 'authority' of any Rabbi being strictly voluntary by whoever chooses to be in their congregation.

Sherrianity. LMAO.

And I totally agree with that last statement..:clap2:

AND THE last laugh shall be on you !
BACK to the OP, Hamas is taking a stand for justice for the refugees. INTL law clearly gives the refugees the lawful right to return to their homes they were unlawfully expelled from. BUT the fact one has a right does not always mean we should insist on all of our rights or nothing. WE look at the legal system in the US for example and how most disputes are settled. FOR a moment I want to compare a settled case to one that goes all the way through the system, like a Capital Punishment case. WE may see a man convicted and executed but it probably took over a decade to get there and so many resources, physical and emotional, were expended to get there. Was justice truly served in either case? NOONE IS GOING TO AGREE. IF one does not believe in Capital Punisment, you disagree with the execution. BUT if you settled, you may feel your rights were not upheld. YOU settled for something less than was justified. YOU may lose your faith and belief in the justice system completely. JUSTICE AS a guide to follow fails. MERCY TRUMPS JUSTICE, THAT is what the story of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ and His Resurrection are all about. CONFLICTS often take us to places where we must choose between mercy and justice. LEBANON, 2006, Christians at a school take in Muslims who fled their homes being bombed by Israel.They prayed together twice daily in prayer meetings. NOONE PICKED up a gun, noone insisted on justice, they prayed for peace and the killing to stop. THERE WAS something they found that was more important then justice. AND bonds of friendship were forged between these Christians and Muslims that extend through the present.
No, Lipush - that is 'sherrianity', and shouldn't be confused with Christianity. After all, Hoss and Jerri and CMike and FreedomBecki and any number of other Christians are offended and disgusted with some of the bizarre comments sherri makes.

Certainly there's nobody in my husband's side of the family who is so aggressively ignorant. And they are both Protestant and Catholic - everything from Unitarian Universalist through Northern Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, Dutch Reform, Episcopalian and Roman Catholic - and Syrian Orthodox. I may have left out a few: we don't take formal surveys.

There is indeed a very broad range within ANY given religious tradition. And people would do well always to remember that even 'official' spokespeople are not the totality of a faith.

Although that ^^^ is even more true for Judaism, all 'authority' of any Rabbi being strictly voluntary by whoever chooses to be in their congregation.

Sherrianity. LMAO.

And I totally agree with that last statement..:clap2:

AND THE last laugh shall be on you !

So you still haven't showed us where in the Bible does it mention Palestine..... :cuckoo:
sherri is still working on that muslim/christian "isa-respecting" alliance forged by adolf abu ali and
al husseini-------the AXIS POWERS.
I know it well-----I learned about it from relatives who
survived shariah shit holes AND----from hindus from
India--and one or two ---zoroastrians.
(also from india---specifically
"mumbai"------the erstwhile BOMBAY----place of
for the survivors of islamic genocide in Iran)

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