No "assault" rifle used in latest attack

yeah , you and yer ilk want to decide eh 'ilk' named LLaugher !!

We will decide via the ballot box. You can dig that, can’t ya? Or will you call it “rigged”?

You keep claiming this last Presidential election was rigged now don't you.

Nah. Just influenced by Russian cyber fuckers, RW propaganda media and an overly cautious/conscientious FBI.

Not "rigged" as a Trombie understands the term.

It's a nuanced point of view. Out of your reach.
Where's David Hogg now? Not a single high capacity, semi-automatic rifle in Santa Fe shooting, outlawing them won't stop this. Shotgun and a revolver. That doesn't fit the "outlaw weapons of war!" narrative so the libs are nowhere to be found. Where are the press conferences saying "my life is more important than your right to own an AR-15?

Why is he not calling for outlawing shotguns and revolvers?

Condolences to victims of this social problem, not weapons problem.

The chilling words Santa Fe shooting suspect repeated amid the carnage

As usual, using the deaths of children to push the RWNJ gun agenda. And as usual, never a word about the dead children. Not one word of comfort or caring.

Lives shattered, families shattered, scars that will never ever heal but hey, the shooter didn't use your precious ar15.

What a comfort that must be to surviving families, parents, school mates.

"my guns, including the AR15 is more important than children's lives, mine or yours".

There. Fixed it for you.

I do love watching you fools still so terrified of David Hogg.

Some numbers for you. Remember that, on average, there are almost 100 gun deaths every day.

You can sit on your ar15 and spin.
He's waiting for his talking points from demoquack headquarters. The kid hasn't had an original thought yet
Where's David Hogg now? Not a single high capacity, semi-automatic rifle in Santa Fe shooting, outlawing them won't stop this. Shotgun and a revolver. That doesn't fit the "outlaw weapons of war!" narrative so the libs are nowhere to be found. Where are the press conferences saying "my life is more important than your right to own an AR-15?

Why is he not calling for outlawing shotguns and revolvers?

Condolences to victims of this social problem, not weapons problem.

The chilling words Santa Fe shooting suspect repeated amid the carnage

As usual, using the deaths of children to push the RWNJ gun agenda. And as usual, never a word about the dead children. Not one word of comfort or caring.

Lives shattered, families shattered, scars that will never ever heal but hey, the shooter didn't use your precious ar15.

What a comfort that must be to surviving families, parents, school mates.

"my guns, including the AR15 is more important than children's lives, mine or yours".

There. Fixed it for you.

I do love watching you fools still so terrified of David Hogg.

Some numbers for you. Remember that, on average, there are almost 100 gun deaths every day.

You can sit on your ar15 and spin.

Sure, you could always get to almost zero mass shootings if you essentially outlaw all guns among the general population, including revolvers and hunting rifles. You could also get to nearly zero crime if you required everyone to lock themselves in their homes after work in a daily curfew. Some people have slave mentalities.
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As usual, using the deaths of children to push the RWNJ gun agenda. And as usual, never a word about the dead children. Not one word of comfort or caring.

Lives shattered, families shattered, scars that will never ever heal but hey, the shooter didn't use your precious ar15.

What a comfort that must be to surviving families, parents, school mates.

"my guns, including the AR15 is more important than children's lives, mine or yours".

There. Fixed it for you.

I do love watching you fools still so terrified of David Hogg.

Some numbers for you. Remember that, on average, there are almost 100 gun deaths every day.

You can sit on your ar15 and spin.
Started with the 60's LuNe
i don't trust your type with your trust in Government and taxpayer paid permission givers giving permission to Americans to exercise their RIGHTS . You'd employ head doctor experts to judge Americans suitability to exercise their Gun ownership RIGHTS and thats unAMERICAN . Heck , its these head doctors that feck up all the time with their release of criminals back to society . So laugh at those facts LoneLaugher !!
You and your ilk have no right to limit the natural right of people who have committed no crime.
Uh, I hate to this but fireamr ownership isn't a "natural right". Even if there were such a thing as a "natural right" it wouldn't be one as guns are man made.

You have an absolute right to defend your life by the most efficient means possible. That means "fireamr" ownership is a natural right as acknowledged in the Second Amendment.
Um no. "Natural rights" is a nonsense phrase to start with. Rights are a product of society, a purely human construct. Nothing natural about it. Our society does indeed grant you the right to defend yourself, but there are no guarantees what tools you get to use. I suggest you take some lessons in a martial art or get a big dog.

John Locke disagreed with you. John Locke on the rights to life, liberty, and property of ourselves and others (1689) - Online Library of Liberty Society LIMITS your natural rights. I suggest you go pound salt.
I've read it, the man is a lunatic.

Or, more likely, you're just a stupid propagandist who hates the idea of people being free to exercise their rights.
You and your ilk have no right to limit the natural right of people who have committed no crime.
Uh, I hate to this but fireamr ownership isn't a "natural right". Even if there were such a thing as a "natural right" it wouldn't be one as guns are man made.

You have an absolute right to defend your life by the most efficient means possible. That means "fireamr" ownership is a natural right as acknowledged in the Second Amendment.

The USSC said that you are full of shit. Guns types & where toted can be regulated.

That's NOT what the SCOTUS said. Scalia in his opinion that limitations CAN be put on people's second amendment rights due to their actions (Felons cannot own firearms for example) but he never said everyone could be limited.
So, why can't I go down to gander mountain and buy an nice 30mm Bushmaster cannon then?

If you weren't stupid, you'd know that the Second Amendment protects arms, not ordinance.
Uh, I hate to this but fireamr ownership isn't a "natural right". Even if there were such a thing as a "natural right" it wouldn't be one as guns are man made.

You have an absolute right to defend your life by the most efficient means possible. That means "fireamr" ownership is a natural right as acknowledged in the Second Amendment.

The USSC said that you are full of shit. Guns types & where toted can be regulated.

That's NOT what the SCOTUS said. Scalia in his opinion that limitations CAN be put on people's second amendment rights due to their actions (Felons cannot own firearms for example) but he never said everyone could be limited.
So, why can't I go down to gander mountain and buy an nice 30mm Bushmaster cannon then?

If you weren't stupid, you'd know that the Second Amendment protects arms, not ordinance.
--------------------------------------------------- NICELY and accurately put Hunarchy .
next they'll be saying that . well why can't 'NUKES' be bought at the local 'nuke outlet' HArchy .
Wow, I guess the idea probably own more guns than you means I don't know shit about guns.

First of all, if that shotgun was a pump action, it takes time to reload. It is not that closed quarters when you are in a relatively large room. Even a double barrel takes time as you would fumble in your pockets to get the shells to reload. I seriously doubt he had a tactical shotgun.

This compared to 30 or more shots at the pull of the trigger?

You people know shit about guns. All you know is to kiss the NRA's ass as children die in our schools.
First, I apologize for the unnecessarily offensive tone of my response. I mistakenly perceived you to be among the gun-phobes whose tiresome criticisms are rooted in ignorance. That was a mistake.

I won't engage in debate about which is a more effective weapon to use against a crowd of unarmed human-size targets in an enclosed environment, mainly because I've never handled an AR-15 or its equivalent. But I am thoroughly familiar with an 18", seven round capacity, wide open choke, 12-gauge shotgun loaded with 3" magnum #00 buckshot rounds -- and I have a very good idea what one of those could do within the above described circumstances.

Reloading would present some level of delay, depending mainly on the shooter's experience, but with a seven round holster fixed to the receiver side of the gun, along with a 32 round "Pancho" bandolier, the kind of firepower this weapon is capable of delivering should not be casually underestimated.
David Hogg is front and center pushing for tighter gun controls

On Vice news tonight, they showed a kid from Sante Fe with a camera. Interviewed a survivor who strutted his stuff and said 'we don't need no steenking gun control' but then went on to list gun control points like stricter background checks, ending loopholes and went on with quite a few more gun CONTROL points and then said again that they don't want or need gun CONTROL. And then, the poor little dumb kid said some more swaggering Texass rot about hunting. As though that has anything to do with it.

I've read that same ignorance from adults as well.
Where's David Hogg now? Not a single high capacity, semi-automatic rifle in Santa Fe shooting, outlawing them won't stop this. Shotgun and a revolver. That doesn't fit the "outlaw weapons of war!" narrative so the libs are nowhere to be found. Where are the press conferences saying "my life is more important than your right to own an AR-15?

Why is he not calling for outlawing shotguns and revolvers?

Condolences to victims of this social problem, not weapons problem.

The chilling words Santa Fe shooting suspect repeated amid the carnage

Yes inanimate objects are not to blame, why outlaw any of them. Surely you support legalizing hand grenades.
Uh, I hate to this but fireamr ownership isn't a "natural right". Even if there were such a thing as a "natural right" it wouldn't be one as guns are man made.

You have an absolute right to defend your life by the most efficient means possible. That means "fireamr" ownership is a natural right as acknowledged in the Second Amendment.
Um no. "Natural rights" is a nonsense phrase to start with. Rights are a product of society, a purely human construct. Nothing natural about it. Our society does indeed grant you the right to defend yourself, but there are no guarantees what tools you get to use. I suggest you take some lessons in a martial art or get a big dog.

John Locke disagreed with you. John Locke on the rights to life, liberty, and property of ourselves and others (1689) - Online Library of Liberty Society LIMITS your natural rights. I suggest you go pound salt.
I've read it, the man is a lunatic.

Or, more likely, you're just a stupid propagandist who hates the idea of people being free to exercise their rights.
Lol, you don't handle dissenting opinions very well do you.
Uh, I hate to this but fireamr ownership isn't a "natural right". Even if there were such a thing as a "natural right" it wouldn't be one as guns are man made.

You have an absolute right to defend your life by the most efficient means possible. That means "fireamr" ownership is a natural right as acknowledged in the Second Amendment.

The USSC said that you are full of shit. Guns types & where toted can be regulated.

That's NOT what the SCOTUS said. Scalia in his opinion that limitations CAN be put on people's second amendment rights due to their actions (Felons cannot own firearms for example) but he never said everyone could be limited.
So, why can't I go down to gander mountain and buy an nice 30mm Bushmaster cannon then?

If you weren't stupid, you'd know that the Second Amendment protects arms, not ordinance.
Arms are ordnance, but not all ordnance is arms. BTW, there's no "I" in ordnance.

An ordinance is a piece of legislation.
Where's David Hogg now? Not a single high capacity, semi-automatic rifle in Santa Fe shooting, outlawing them won't stop this. Shotgun and a revolver. That doesn't fit the "outlaw weapons of war!" narrative so the libs are nowhere to be found. Where are the press conferences saying "my life is more important than your right to own an AR-15?

Why is he not calling for outlawing shotguns and revolvers?

Condolences to victims of this social problem, not weapons problem.

The chilling words Santa Fe shooting suspect repeated amid the carnage

As usual, using the deaths of children to push the RWNJ gun agenda. And as usual, never a word about the dead children. Not one word of comfort or caring.

Lives shattered, families shattered, scars that will never ever heal but hey, the shooter didn't use your precious ar15.

What a comfort that must be to surviving families, parents, school mates.

"my guns, including the AR15 is more important than children's lives, mine or yours".

There. Fixed it for you.

I do love watching you fools still so terrified of David Hogg.

Some numbers for you. Remember that, on average, there are almost 100 gun deaths every day.

You can sit on your ar15 and spin.

Sure, you could always get to almost zero mass shootings if you essentially outlaw all guns among the general population, including revolvers and hunting rifles. You could also get to nearly zero crime if you required everyone to lock themselves in their homes after work in a daily curfew. Some people have slave mentalities.

Why do RWNJs believe other countries don't have guns?

As usual, using the deaths of children to push the RWNJ gun agenda. And as usual, never a word about the dead children. Not one word of comfort or caring.

Lives shattered, families shattered, scars that will never ever heal but hey, the shooter didn't use your precious ar15.

What a comfort that must be to surviving families, parents, school mates.

"my guns, including the AR15 is more important than children's lives, mine or yours".

There. Fixed it for you.

I do love watching you fools still so terrified of David Hogg.

Some numbers for you. Remember that, on average, there are almost 100 gun deaths every day.

You can sit on your ar15 and spin.
Started with the 60's LuNe

We should be working toward ending it now.

Instead, NRA pays off trump and gop and then hires a convicted traitor as their prez.

Hiring North tells us all we need to know about the NRA having only one goal. Make money for gun makers at the expense of a lot more dead people, including our children.

My bet is the RWNJ sheep will just keep on being bobble heads.
You have an absolute right to defend your life by the most efficient means possible. That means "fireamr" ownership is a natural right as acknowledged in the Second Amendment.

The USSC said that you are full of shit. Guns types & where toted can be regulated.

That's NOT what the SCOTUS said. Scalia in his opinion that limitations CAN be put on people's second amendment rights due to their actions (Felons cannot own firearms for example) but he never said everyone could be limited.
So, why can't I go down to gander mountain and buy an nice 30mm Bushmaster cannon then?

If you weren't stupid, you'd know that the Second Amendment protects arms, not ordinance.
--------------------------------------------------- NICELY and accurately put Hunarchy .
Um, no. It's not. Seee my post above, and think about acquiring a dictionary.
i like how Hunarchy nicely and politly put you in your place with his message as you cry about a words spelling Crep . Its funny Crep [chuckle] !!
We should be working toward ending it now.

Instead, NRA pays off trump and gop and then hires a convicted traitor as their prez.

Hiring North tells us all we need to know about the NRA having only one goal. Make money for gun makers at the expense of a lot more dead people, including our children.

My bet is the RWNJ sheep will just keep on being bobble heads.
They are working on it LuNe, "draining the swamp" is code for ridding the country of liberalism which is to blame for the change in direction of America from the 50's to the mess that is/was the 60's

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