No Beating Trump After This

I am still in awe of Trump taking credit for no commercial airline deaths last year, because he has leaned so hard on the FAA. Apparently, the FAA reacted by telling Boeing that their 737 MAX is not allowed to crash in the USA.

Trump took credit for the Red Sox winning baseball games. There is nothing that he nor his worshipers will not give him credit for.

President Trump inspired them to be great again.

How can you deny that?

I can deny it all day. Every day.
Why do you say such STUPID SHIT? You're as bad as that other idiot McButtRocket who thinks I'm calling for the death of thousands of Americans because I hope Trump pounds Iran into the sand if he goes to War rather than just another half-assed war that drags on forever. Anyone whose read three of Ray's posts knows that he's probably the last person here that wants the government involved in something unless absolutely necessary. In this case, anyone who actually knows anything about the phone industry knows that Verizon and the other Baby Bells are still regulated by the gov and it is absolutely a good thing if they get in there and fix this. One passed regulation and they can input software into the local switches that will stop these harassing calls in their tracks like no private paid for software will ever do.

Ray is much like you, you both cheer for big government when it suits your needs and then pretend not to be statist. Government intervention should always be the last resort, not the first choice.

What makes this "absolutely necessary"? What actual harm comes from the robocalls? They are nothing more than an annoyance, and when we start to use the power of the government to fix annoyances, we are no longer a free society.
Big government? The change is to let the phone companies know the government will take no action against them for going after robocalls.

Your Leftardism has really dumbed you down to the lowest level.

Hey idiot...

This is not a sole Trump initiative...

Here is the work going as far back as November last year
Republicans and Democrats Make a Rare Show of Unity—Against Robocalls

Actually this comes from bipartisanship so you have to thank moderates from both parties...

This is a win for bipartisanship and moderates... Those are the people you call names on a daily basis...

So the government MIGHT fix the robocall problem. 1 down and 99,999 big problems to go for Congress to address. Now I KNOW I'm getting my money's worth! And OH LOOKIE! The m----f---kers are ACTUALLY WORKING TOGETHER doing their jobs for a change for once in a million years they get paid out the butt to do!

I'm ready to throw a party.

For starters the OP was saying it is solely a Trump success... I was just pointing out that...

Trump has basically bullied the GOP with great help from McConnell into a position were bipartisanship is condemned... Look at the immigration proposal, Trump pissed on it and went after any moderate GOP...

What happened here is against GOP principles...
Why do you say such STUPID SHIT? You're as bad as that other idiot McButtRocket who thinks I'm calling for the death of thousands of Americans because I hope Trump pounds Iran into the sand if he goes to War rather than just another half-assed war that drags on forever. Anyone whose read three of Ray's posts knows that he's probably the last person here that wants the government involved in something unless absolutely necessary. In this case, anyone who actually knows anything about the phone industry knows that Verizon and the other Baby Bells are still regulated by the gov and it is absolutely a good thing if they get in there and fix this. One passed regulation and they can input software into the local switches that will stop these harassing calls in their tracks like no private paid for software will ever do.

Ray is much like you, you both cheer for big government when it suits your needs and then pretend not to be statist. Government intervention should always be the last resort, not the first choice.

What makes this "absolutely necessary"? What actual harm comes from the robocalls? They are nothing more than an annoyance, and when we start to use the power of the government to fix annoyances, we are no longer a free society.
Big government? The change is to let the phone companies know the government will take no action against them for going after robocalls.

Your Leftardism has really dumbed you down to the lowest level.

Hey idiot...

This is not a sole Trump initiative...

Here is the work going as far back as November last year
Republicans and Democrats Make a Rare Show of Unity—Against Robocalls

Actually this comes from bipartisanship so you have to thank moderates from both parties...

This is a win for bipartisanship and moderates... Those are the people you call names on a daily basis...

So the government MIGHT fix the robocall problem. 1 down and 99,999 big problems to go for Congress to address. Now I KNOW I'm getting my money's worth! And OH LOOKIE! The m----f---kers are ACTUALLY WORKING TOGETHER doing their jobs for a change for once in a million years they get paid out the butt to do!

I'm ready to throw a party.

For starters the OP was saying it is solely a Trump success... I was just pointing out that...

Trump has basically bullied the GOP with great help from McConnell into a position were bipartisanship is condemned... Look at the immigration proposal, Trump pissed on it and went after any moderate GOP...

What happened here is against GOP principles...

At this point, on most issues, bipartisanship is capitulation.

Democrats win by tiny increments. Give them nothing.
Why do you say such STUPID SHIT? You're as bad as that other idiot McButtRocket who thinks I'm calling for the death of thousands of Americans because I hope Trump pounds Iran into the sand if he goes to War rather than just another half-assed war that drags on forever. Anyone whose read three of Ray's posts knows that he's probably the last person here that wants the government involved in something unless absolutely necessary. In this case, anyone who actually knows anything about the phone industry knows that Verizon and the other Baby Bells are still regulated by the gov and it is absolutely a good thing if they get in there and fix this. One passed regulation and they can input software into the local switches that will stop these harassing calls in their tracks like no private paid for software will ever do.

Ray is much like you, you both cheer for big government when it suits your needs and then pretend not to be statist. Government intervention should always be the last resort, not the first choice.

What makes this "absolutely necessary"? What actual harm comes from the robocalls? They are nothing more than an annoyance, and when we start to use the power of the government to fix annoyances, we are no longer a free society.
Big government? The change is to let the phone companies know the government will take no action against them for going after robocalls.

Your Leftardism has really dumbed you down to the lowest level.

Hey idiot...

This is not a sole Trump initiative...

Here is the work going as far back as November last year
Republicans and Democrats Make a Rare Show of Unity—Against Robocalls

Actually this comes from bipartisanship so you have to thank moderates from both parties...

This is a win for bipartisanship and moderates... Those are the people you call names on a daily basis...

So the government MIGHT fix the robocall problem. 1 down and 99,999 big problems to go for Congress to address. Now I KNOW I'm getting my money's worth! And OH LOOKIE! The m----f---kers are ACTUALLY WORKING TOGETHER doing their jobs for a change for once in a million years they get paid out the butt to do!

I'm ready to throw a party.

Trump has basically bullied the GOP with great help from McConnell into a position were bipartisanship is condemned....

.....I don't think so.
  • Trump RAN of seeking bipartisanship. No democrat ever does.
  • Trump CALLED for bipartisanship at his State of the Union Address. Democrats boycotted it.
  • Any reaching across the aisle is always done by a Republican, like McCain or Todd.
  • Any compromise is always done by the GOP who meet in the middle while the DNC want everything or nothing.
Ray is much like you, you both cheer for big government when it suits your needs and then pretend not to be statist. Government intervention should always be the last resort, not the first choice.
Wrong as usual.

What makes this "absolutely necessary"? What actual harm comes from the robocalls? They are nothing more than an annoyance.
Right off the top of my head, last winter I missed a couple important calls by my employer because my boss couldn't get through because my mailbox was full of that shit. Cost me at least one or two days pay. Another time recently my mechanic couldn't call me about my car for same reason. That's a good enough reason for me. People don't realize it but much like the mail, the government IS the phone company, and just as I wouldn't pay a third party for a half-baked solution to a mail problem, I'd be glad if I actually got the phone service I pay for by the government stopping robocalls in their tracks.

It's a form of unsolicited advertising that right now I can't just change the channel to avoid and I'm sick of it.

Correct. In many cities, you need to get a permit to go door to door and bother people. In other cities, it's simply against the law no matter who you are. People ringing your phone is no different than ringing your doorbell, yet nobody considers it big government to make such ordinances to stop those people.

Now there is a new scam going on. A robocall rings your phone once. Some people think they missed an important call, so they call the number back. The number however is hooked up to a computer to drain personal information out of your cell phone.
Why do you say such STUPID SHIT? You're as bad as that other idiot McButtRocket who thinks I'm calling for the death of thousands of Americans because I hope Trump pounds Iran into the sand if he goes to War rather than just another half-assed war that drags on forever. Anyone whose read three of Ray's posts knows that he's probably the last person here that wants the government involved in something unless absolutely necessary. In this case, anyone who actually knows anything about the phone industry knows that Verizon and the other Baby Bells are still regulated by the gov and it is absolutely a good thing if they get in there and fix this. One passed regulation and they can input software into the local switches that will stop these harassing calls in their tracks like no private paid for software will ever do.

Ray is much like you, you both cheer for big government when it suits your needs and then pretend not to be statist. Government intervention should always be the last resort, not the first choice.

What makes this "absolutely necessary"? What actual harm comes from the robocalls? They are nothing more than an annoyance, and when we start to use the power of the government to fix annoyances, we are no longer a free society.
Big government? The change is to let the phone companies know the government will take no action against them for going after robocalls.

Your Leftardism has really dumbed you down to the lowest level.

Hey idiot...

This is not a sole Trump initiative...

Here is the work going as far back as November last year
Republicans and Democrats Make a Rare Show of Unity—Against Robocalls

Actually this comes from bipartisanship so you have to thank moderates from both parties...

This is a win for bipartisanship and moderates... Those are the people you call names on a daily basis...

They can't challenge Trump on this issue because half of the people who would benefit are Democrat voters. If not for that, they could care less.
Ray is much like you, you both cheer for big government when it suits your needs and then pretend not to be statist. Government intervention should always be the last resort, not the first choice.

What makes this "absolutely necessary"? What actual harm comes from the robocalls? They are nothing more than an annoyance, and when we start to use the power of the government to fix annoyances, we are no longer a free society.
Big government? The change is to let the phone companies know the government will take no action against them for going after robocalls.

Your Leftardism has really dumbed you down to the lowest level.

Hey idiot...

This is not a sole Trump initiative...

Here is the work going as far back as November last year
Republicans and Democrats Make a Rare Show of Unity—Against Robocalls

Actually this comes from bipartisanship so you have to thank moderates from both parties...

This is a win for bipartisanship and moderates... Those are the people you call names on a daily basis...

So the government MIGHT fix the robocall problem. 1 down and 99,999 big problems to go for Congress to address. Now I KNOW I'm getting my money's worth! And OH LOOKIE! The m----f---kers are ACTUALLY WORKING TOGETHER doing their jobs for a change for once in a million years they get paid out the butt to do!

I'm ready to throw a party.

Trump has basically bullied the GOP with great help from McConnell into a position were bipartisanship is condemned....

.....I don't think so.
  • Trump RAN of seeking bipartisanship. No democrat ever does.
  • Trump CALLED for bipartisanship at his State of the Union Address. Democrats boycotted it.
  • Any reaching across the aisle is always done by a Republican, like McCain or Todd.
  • Any compromise is always done by the GOP who meet in the middle while the DNC want everything or nothing.

What happened when a bipartisan immigration bill ?

Trump is to the right of the moderates and decency...
I am still in awe of Trump taking credit for no commercial airline deaths last year, because he has leaned so hard on the FAA. Apparently, the FAA reacted by telling Boeing that their 737 MAX is not allowed to crash in the USA.

Trump took credit for the Red Sox winning baseball games. There is nothing that he nor his worshipers will not give him credit for.
Yeah, that's nothing. Now Obama causing the slowing of the rise of the oceans and the healing of our planet...THAT was an accomplishment.
I am still in awe of Trump taking credit for no commercial airline deaths last year, because he has leaned so hard on the FAA. Apparently, the FAA reacted by telling Boeing that their 737 MAX is not allowed to crash in the USA.

Trump took credit for the Red Sox winning baseball games. There is nothing that he nor his worshipers will not give him credit for.
Yeah, that's nothing. Now Obama causing the slowing of the rise of the oceans and the healing of our planet...THAT was an accomplishment.

Just show us Obama taking the credit for that?

If anything Obama would say that ignorance is winning that debate..
I am still in awe of Trump taking credit for no commercial airline deaths last year, because he has leaned so hard on the FAA. Apparently, the FAA reacted by telling Boeing that their 737 MAX is not allowed to crash in the USA.

Trump took credit for the Red Sox winning baseball games. There is nothing that he nor his worshipers will not give him credit for.
Yeah, that's nothing. Now Obama causing the slowing of the rise of the oceans and the healing of our planet...THAT was an accomplishment.

Just show us Obama taking the credit for that?

If anything Obama would say that ignorance is winning that debate..
The journey will be difficult. The road will be long. I face this challenge with profound humility, and knowledge of my own limitations. But I also face it with limitless faith in the capacity of the American people. Because if we are willing to work for it, and fight for it, and believe in it, then I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation and restored our image as the last, best hope on Earth. This was the moment - this was the time - when we came together to remake this great nation so that it may always reflect our very best selves, and our highest ideals. Thank you, God Bless you, and may God Bless the United States of America.

Obama's Nomination Victory Speech In St. Paul June 3, 2008.
I am still in awe of Trump taking credit for no commercial airline deaths last year, because he has leaned so hard on the FAA. Apparently, the FAA reacted by telling Boeing that their 737 MAX is not allowed to crash in the USA.

Trump took credit for the Red Sox winning baseball games. There is nothing that he nor his worshipers will not give him credit for.
Yeah, that's nothing. Now Obama causing the slowing of the rise of the oceans and the healing of our planet...THAT was an accomplishment.

Just show us Obama taking the credit for that?

If anything Obama would say that ignorance is winning that debate..
The journey will be difficult. The road will be long. I face this challenge with profound humility, and knowledge of my own limitations. But I also face it with limitless faith in the capacity of the American people. Because if we are willing to work for it, and fight for it, and believe in it, then I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation and restored our image as the last, best hope on Earth. This was the moment - this was the time - when we came together to remake this great nation so that it may always reflect our very best selves, and our highest ideals. Thank you, God Bless you, and may God Bless the United States of America.

Obama's Nomination Victory Speech In St. Paul June 3, 2008.

You know that was a nomination speech in 2008... That was a 11 years ago... It was an aspiration which he didn't fully deliver on due to right wing lobbyists, so well done you got to screw the planet...
I am still in awe of Trump taking credit for no commercial airline deaths last year, because he has leaned so hard on the FAA. Apparently, the FAA reacted by telling Boeing that their 737 MAX is not allowed to crash in the USA.

Trump took credit for the Red Sox winning baseball games. There is nothing that he nor his worshipers will not give him credit for.
Yeah, that's nothing. Now Obama causing the slowing of the rise of the oceans and the healing of our planet...THAT was an accomplishment.

Just show us Obama taking the credit for that?

If anything Obama would say that ignorance is winning that debate..
The journey will be difficult. The road will be long. I face this challenge with profound humility, and knowledge of my own limitations. But I also face it with limitless faith in the capacity of the American people. Because if we are willing to work for it, and fight for it, and believe in it, then I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation and restored our image as the last, best hope on Earth. This was the moment - this was the time - when we came together to remake this great nation so that it may always reflect our very best selves, and our highest ideals. Thank you, God Bless you, and may God Bless the United States of America.

Obama's Nomination Victory Speech In St. Paul June 3, 2008.

You know that was a nomination speech in 2008... That was a 11 years ago... It was an aspiration which he didn't fully deliver on due to right wing lobbyists, so well done you got to screw the planet...
Oh. My. Gaea.

You really thought he was going to do all that bullshit, didn't you?

You still light candles on your little Obamessiah shrine, don't you?
I am still in awe of Trump taking credit for no commercial airline deaths last year, because he has leaned so hard on the FAA. Apparently, the FAA reacted by telling Boeing that their 737 MAX is not allowed to crash in the USA.

Trump took credit for the Red Sox winning baseball games. There is nothing that he nor his worshipers will not give him credit for.
Yeah, that's nothing. Now Obama causing the slowing of the rise of the oceans and the healing of our planet...THAT was an accomplishment.

Just show us Obama taking the credit for that?

If anything Obama would say that ignorance is winning that debate..
The journey will be difficult. The road will be long. I face this challenge with profound humility, and knowledge of my own limitations. But I also face it with limitless faith in the capacity of the American people. Because if we are willing to work for it, and fight for it, and believe in it, then I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation and restored our image as the last, best hope on Earth. This was the moment - this was the time - when we came together to remake this great nation so that it may always reflect our very best selves, and our highest ideals. Thank you, God Bless you, and may God Bless the United States of America.

Obama's Nomination Victory Speech In St. Paul June 3, 2008.

I guess he should have said, "We are all doomed, because I am half black, and after my administration, RW reactionaries are going to reverse every policy I implemented".
generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless;

Who knew he was only talking about the illegals at the time???
U.S. Poised to Let Phone Companies Block Robocalls.

Trump will even have Code Pink cheerleading for him.

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