No Beating Trump After This

Its really bad...I get calls all day long...its at the point where no one answers their phone anymore for fear its a robocall or a scam call.....

I thought it was just me. I get unidentified calls, 4-5 a day. They fill my mailbox up then legitimate calls cannot get through. I keep my ringer turned off and don't even answer it anymore. Everything goes to mailbox IF they haven't filled the box with empty messages or too many calls.

There are multiple free market products that will screen calls for you, we really do not need the government to swoop in and save the day yet again

Sure we do. I welcome it.

of course you do, the government is always the solution for you.

No, the government is needed for things individuals can't control. And for you to preach to somebody about government being the solution to all is like Michael Moore preaching to somebody about healthy diets.
Its really bad...I get calls all day long...its at the point where no one answers their phone anymore for fear its a robocall or a scam call.....

I thought it was just me. I get unidentified calls, 4-5 a day. They fill my mailbox up then legitimate calls cannot get through. I keep my ringer turned off and don't even answer it anymore. Everything goes to mailbox IF they haven't filled the box with empty messages or too many calls.

There are multiple free market products that will screen calls for you, we really do not need the government to swoop in and save the day yet again

Sure we do. I welcome it.

of course you do, the government is always the solution for you.

Why do you say such STUPID SHIT? You're as bad as that other idiot McButtRocket who thinks I'm calling for the death of thousands of Americans because I hope Trump pounds Iran into the sand if he goes to War rather than just another half-assed war that drags on forever. Anyone whose read three of Ray's posts knows that he's probably the last person here that wants the government involved in something unless absolutely necessary. In this case, anyone who actually knows anything about the phone industry knows that Verizon and the other Baby Bells are still regulated by the gov and it is absolutely a good thing if they get in there and fix this. One passed regulation and they can input software into the local switches that will stop these harassing calls in their tracks like no private paid for software will ever do.
No, the government is needed for things individuals can't control. And for you to preach to somebody about government being the solution to all is like Michael Moore preaching to somebody about healthy diets.

There are multiple free market products that will screen calls for you, we really do not need the government to swoop in and save the day yet again.
Why do you say such STUPID SHIT? You're as bad as that other idiot McButtRocket who thinks I'm calling for the death of thousands of Americans because I hope Trump pounds Iran into the sand if he goes to War rather than just another half-assed war that drags on forever. Anyone whose read three of Ray's posts knows that he's probably the last person here that wants the government involved in something unless absolutely necessary. In this case, anyone who actually knows anything about the phone industry knows that Verizon and the other Baby Bells are still regulated by the gov and it is absolutely a good thing if they get in there and fix this. One passed regulation and they can input software into the local switches that will stop these harassing calls in their tracks like no private paid for software will ever do.

Ray is much like you, you both cheer for big government when it suits your needs and then pretend not to be statist. Government intervention should always be the last resort, not the first choice.

What makes this "absolutely necessary"? What actual harm comes from the robocalls? They are nothing more than an annoyance, and when we start to use the power of the government to fix annoyances, we are no longer a free society.
I am still in awe of Trump taking credit for no commercial airline deaths last year, because he has leaned so hard on the FAA. Apparently, the FAA reacted by telling Boeing that their 737 MAX is not allowed to crash in the USA.

Trump took credit for the Red Sox winning baseball games. There is nothing that he nor his worshipers will not give him credit for.
I am still in awe of Trump taking credit for no commercial airline deaths last year, because he has leaned so hard on the FAA. Apparently, the FAA reacted by telling Boeing that their 737 MAX is not allowed to crash in the USA.

Trump took credit for the Red Sox winning baseball games. There is nothing that he nor his worshipers will not give him credit for.

President Trump inspired them to be great again.

How can you deny that?
U.S. Poised to Let Phone Companies Block Robocalls.

Trump will even have Code Pink cheerleading for him.

Great Trump Team now doing what the Democrats and Moderate GOP are telling them to do:
Congress Is Ready to Attack a Common Enemy: Robocallers

So of ye think it is Trump's fucking idea...

Lets make the headline:
Trump is vetoing a bi-partisan bill because someone managed to convince him it was his idea

Funny how everything good that happens under Trump was actually the Democrats, just like anything good that happened under GW.

Is there anything the Democrats won't take credit for besides the bad things?
Why do you say such STUPID SHIT? You're as bad as that other idiot McButtRocket who thinks I'm calling for the death of thousands of Americans because I hope Trump pounds Iran into the sand if he goes to War rather than just another half-assed war that drags on forever. Anyone whose read three of Ray's posts knows that he's probably the last person here that wants the government involved in something unless absolutely necessary. In this case, anyone who actually knows anything about the phone industry knows that Verizon and the other Baby Bells are still regulated by the gov and it is absolutely a good thing if they get in there and fix this. One passed regulation and they can input software into the local switches that will stop these harassing calls in their tracks like no private paid for software will ever do.

Ray is much like you, you both cheer for big government when it suits your needs and then pretend not to be statist. Government intervention should always be the last resort, not the first choice.

What makes this "absolutely necessary"? What actual harm comes from the robocalls? They are nothing more than an annoyance, and when we start to use the power of the government to fix annoyances, we are no longer a free society.

This is not a last resort? Tell me, how are we able to fix this problem ourselves without government getting involved? And don't tell me applications. They only work most of the time.

What harm would it do you if government stopped these calls? We surrender our freedom?
U.S. Poised to Let Phone Companies Block Robocalls.

Trump will even have Code Pink cheerleading for him.

Great Trump Team now doing what the Democrats and Moderate GOP are telling them to do:
Congress Is Ready to Attack a Common Enemy: Robocallers

So of ye think it is Trump's fucking idea...

Lets make the headline:
Trump is vetoing a bi-partisan bill because someone managed to convince him it was his idea

Funny how everything good that happens under Trump was actually the Democrats, just like anything good that happened under GW.

Is there anything the Democrats won't take credit for besides the bad things?

The Democrats have contributed nothing of value to this country at least since Al Gore lost his election. That's when the masks hiding their true nature began to come off.

Remember the Wellstone Memorial? Their first public Two Minutes Hate.
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Its really bad...I get calls all day long...its at the point where no one answers their phone anymore for fear its a robocall or a scam call.....

I thought it was just me. I get unidentified calls, 4-5 a day. They fill my mailbox up then legitimate calls cannot get through. I keep my ringer turned off and don't even answer it anymore. Everything goes to mailbox IF they haven't filled the box with empty messages or too many calls.

There are multiple free market products that will screen calls for you, we really do not need the government to swoop in and save the day yet again

Sure we do. I welcome it.

of course you do, the government is always the solution for you.

Why do you say such STUPID SHIT? You're as bad as that other idiot McButtRocket who thinks I'm calling for the death of thousands of Americans because I hope Trump pounds Iran into the sand if he goes to War rather than just another half-assed war that drags on forever. Anyone whose read three of Ray's posts knows that he's probably the last person here that wants the government involved in something unless absolutely necessary. In this case, anyone who actually knows anything about the phone industry knows that Verizon and the other Baby Bells are still regulated by the gov and it is absolutely a good thing if they get in there and fix this. One passed regulation and they can input software into the local switches that will stop these harassing calls in their tracks like no private paid for software will ever do.

I couldn't get into the OP's site because it's a pay service. But from what I gather. it's government preventing private industry from blocking these calls. So it seems, all government is going to do is allow them to use block features in the future. I guess allowing industry to take care of this problem (instead of stopping them) is Big Government to Gator.
U.S. Poised to Let Phone Companies Block Robocalls.

Trump will even have Code Pink cheerleading for him.

Great Trump Team now doing what the Democrats and Moderate GOP are telling them to do:
Congress Is Ready to Attack a Common Enemy: Robocallers

So of ye think it is Trump's fucking idea...

Lets make the headline:
Trump is vetoing a bi-partisan bill because someone managed to convince him it was his idea

Funny how everything good that happens under Trump was actually the Democrats, just like anything good that happened under GW.

Is there anything the Democrats won't take credit for besides the bad things?

The Democrats have contributed nothing of value to this country since Al Gore lost his election. That's when the masks hiding their true nature began to come off.

Remember the Wellstone Memorial? Their first public Two Minutes Hate.

I should really dig up my old pre-election post where I predicted that when the economy starts to soar under a new Republican President, the Democrats will keep telling us it's DumBama's doing.

How did I know this years ago? It's like Rush Limbaugh says: I know liberals like I know every inch of my glorious naked body. It's too bad Vegas doesn't allow us to bet on what Democrats will do next. These robots are so predictable.
Why do you say such STUPID SHIT? You're as bad as that other idiot McButtRocket who thinks I'm calling for the death of thousands of Americans because I hope Trump pounds Iran into the sand if he goes to War rather than just another half-assed war that drags on forever. Anyone whose read three of Ray's posts knows that he's probably the last person here that wants the government involved in something unless absolutely necessary. In this case, anyone who actually knows anything about the phone industry knows that Verizon and the other Baby Bells are still regulated by the gov and it is absolutely a good thing if they get in there and fix this. One passed regulation and they can input software into the local switches that will stop these harassing calls in their tracks like no private paid for software will ever do.

Ray is much like you, you both cheer for big government when it suits your needs and then pretend not to be statist. Government intervention should always be the last resort, not the first choice.

What makes this "absolutely necessary"? What actual harm comes from the robocalls? They are nothing more than an annoyance, and when we start to use the power of the government to fix annoyances, we are no longer a free society.
Big government? The change is to let the phone companies know the government will take no action against them for going after robocalls.

Your Leftardism has really dumbed you down to the lowest level.
Why do you say such STUPID SHIT? You're as bad as that other idiot McButtRocket who thinks I'm calling for the death of thousands of Americans because I hope Trump pounds Iran into the sand if he goes to War rather than just another half-assed war that drags on forever. Anyone whose read three of Ray's posts knows that he's probably the last person here that wants the government involved in something unless absolutely necessary. In this case, anyone who actually knows anything about the phone industry knows that Verizon and the other Baby Bells are still regulated by the gov and it is absolutely a good thing if they get in there and fix this. One passed regulation and they can input software into the local switches that will stop these harassing calls in their tracks like no private paid for software will ever do.

Ray is much like you, you both cheer for big government when it suits your needs and then pretend not to be statist. Government intervention should always be the last resort, not the first choice.

What makes this "absolutely necessary"? What actual harm comes from the robocalls? They are nothing more than an annoyance, and when we start to use the power of the government to fix annoyances, we are no longer a free society.
Big government? The change is to let the phone companies know the government will take no action against them for going after robocalls.

Your Leftardism has really dumbed you down to the lowest level.

Hey idiot...

This is not a sole Trump initiative...

Here is the work going as far back as November last year
Republicans and Democrats Make a Rare Show of Unity—Against Robocalls

Actually this comes from bipartisanship so you have to thank moderates from both parties...

This is a win for bipartisanship and moderates... Those are the people you call names on a daily basis...
Ray is much like you, you both cheer for big government when it suits your needs and then pretend not to be statist. Government intervention should always be the last resort, not the first choice.
Wrong as usual.

What makes this "absolutely necessary"? What actual harm comes from the robocalls? They are nothing more than an annoyance.
Right off the top of my head, last winter I missed a couple important calls by my employer because my boss couldn't get through because my mailbox was full of that shit. Cost me at least one or two days pay. Another time recently my mechanic couldn't call me about my car for same reason. That's a good enough reason for me. People don't realize it but much like the mail, the government IS the phone company, and just as I wouldn't pay a third party for a half-baked solution to a mail problem, I'd be glad if I actually got the phone service I pay for by the government stopping robocalls in their tracks.

It's a form of unsolicited advertising that right now I can't just change the channel to avoid and I'm sick of it.
Why do you say such STUPID SHIT? You're as bad as that other idiot McButtRocket who thinks I'm calling for the death of thousands of Americans because I hope Trump pounds Iran into the sand if he goes to War rather than just another half-assed war that drags on forever. Anyone whose read three of Ray's posts knows that he's probably the last person here that wants the government involved in something unless absolutely necessary. In this case, anyone who actually knows anything about the phone industry knows that Verizon and the other Baby Bells are still regulated by the gov and it is absolutely a good thing if they get in there and fix this. One passed regulation and they can input software into the local switches that will stop these harassing calls in their tracks like no private paid for software will ever do.

Ray is much like you, you both cheer for big government when it suits your needs and then pretend not to be statist. Government intervention should always be the last resort, not the first choice.

What makes this "absolutely necessary"? What actual harm comes from the robocalls? They are nothing more than an annoyance, and when we start to use the power of the government to fix annoyances, we are no longer a free society.
Big government? The change is to let the phone companies know the government will take no action against them for going after robocalls.

Your Leftardism has really dumbed you down to the lowest level.

Hey idiot...

This is not a sole Trump initiative...

Here is the work going as far back as November last year
Republicans and Democrats Make a Rare Show of Unity—Against Robocalls

Actually this comes from bipartisanship so you have to thank moderates from both parties...

This is a win for bipartisanship and moderates... Those are the people you call names on a daily basis...

So the government MIGHT fix the robocall problem. 1 down and 99,999 big problems to go for Congress to address. Now I KNOW I'm getting my money's worth! And OH LOOKIE! The m----f---kers are ACTUALLY WORKING TOGETHER doing their jobs for a change for once in a million years they get paid out the butt to do!

I'm ready to throw a party.
U.S. Poised to Let Phone Companies Block Robocalls.

Trump will even have Code Pink cheerleading for him.

That's just the tip of the iceberg. What we truly need to do is impose severe limits on all forms of marketing and advertising including TV and the internet. We're squandering our limited national bandwidth on all of that shit.
I'm sure everyone has seen it taking over way too much time and space on TV and like myself they're getting sick, tired and feed up with it. Along with banning unsolicited telephone calls I think we should impose time limits on all TV broadcasts including cable. There was once a discussion about whether we would pay for TV or allow advertising and now we both pay for and endure all the aggravating marketing and advertising bullshit. By limiting the time allowed for it, all it would do is drive the costs of it up so the quality would also like improve. Just by seeing the crap being advertised now and the sleezy quality of the ads anyone can tell it's way too cheap. I'd say allowing 5 Min out of every 30 for advertising with the rest devoted to content would be a good starting place. Half of it is for boat loads of shitty junk from China anyway or worse yet some scumbag ambulance chasing lawyers.
I've simply stopped buying magazines and newspapers altogether becauset 90% advertising.
Enough is enough already. I don't like regulation but if they won't use their own common sense to control their greed, it needs to be imposed on them.

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