NO Benghazis happned on Bush's watch


Gold Member
Feb 6, 2014
Benghazi is about a terrorist a President up for re-election didnt want to admit was happening so he covered it up. It's about an appalling lack of security and the cries that fell on deaf ears in this Administration.
It's about a compound that really was a CIA asset and not so much an embassy. It's about a country obama tore the phuk up over OIL. it's about a coverup that didnt have to happen. It's about a failed Secretary of State and her career of failure and ineptitude. It's about a UN Ambasador and now National Security Advisor sent out to lie to the whole nation on Sunday morning news shows.
Benghazi is about a terrorist a President up for re-election didnt want to admit was happening so he covered it up. It's about an appalling lack of security and the cries that fell on deaf ears in this Administration.
It's about a compound that really was a CIA asset and not so much an embassy. It's about a country obama tore the phuk up over OIL. it's about a coverup that didnt have to happen. It's about a failed Secretary of State and her career of failure and ineptitude. It's about a UN Ambasador and now National Security Advisor sent out to lie to the whole nation on Sunday morning news shows.
IT's also a microcosm of an ambitious egomaniac from Chicago who cares only of his image, his ego, his need for power and recognition, and also has a palpable animosity towards conservatives, Israel, Christianity, and possibly America, too. Benghazi is one of many where the guy lies, obfuscates and runs for cover --- and the media covers for him, endlessly.
Benghazi is about a terrorist a President up for re-election didnt want to admit was happening so he covered it up. It's about an appalling lack of security and the cries that fell on deaf ears in this Administration.
It's about a compound that really was a CIA asset and not so much an embassy. It's about a country obama tore the phuk up over OIL. it's about a coverup that didnt have to happen. It's about a failed Secretary of State and her career of failure and ineptitude. It's about a UN Ambasador and now National Security Advisor sent out to lie to the whole nation on Sunday morning news shows.
IT's also a microcosm of an ambitious egomaniac from Chicago who cares only of his image, his ego, his need for power and recognition, and also has a palpable animosity towards conservatives, Israel, Christianity, and possibly America, too. Benghazi is one of many where the guy lies, obfuscates and runs for cover --- and the media covers for him, endlessly.

I would like to add one more thing.

I have no use for all these stupid or angry lefties on this board who think some of us have nothing good to say about our President because we just cannot stand him. WRONG AS USUAL. We simply have more concern for the well being of this nation than do you naïve lovers of chaos and immorality.

And I DO NOT CARE IF HE IS BLACK EITHER! So take that stupid rant off your list of favorites.
Benghazi is about a terrorist a President up for re-election didnt want to admit was happening so he covered it up. It's about an appalling lack of security and the cries that fell on deaf ears in this Administration.
It's about a compound that really was a CIA asset and not so much an embassy. It's about a country obama tore the phuk up over OIL. it's about a coverup that didnt have to happen. It's about a failed Secretary of State and her career of failure and ineptitude. It's about a UN Ambasador and now National Security Advisor sent out to lie to the whole nation on Sunday morning news shows.

I guess you forgot about 9/11.

Never forget!
Benghazi is about a terrorist a President up for re-election didnt want to admit was happening so he covered it up. It's about an appalling lack of security and the cries that fell on deaf ears in this Administration.
It's about a compound that really was a CIA asset and not so much an embassy. It's about a country obama tore the phuk up over OIL. it's about a coverup that didnt have to happen. It's about a failed Secretary of State and her career of failure and ineptitude. It's about a UN Ambasador and now National Security Advisor sent out to lie to the whole nation on Sunday morning news shows.

I guess you forgot about 9/11.

Never forget!

how could i forget leftard???

did you ever get that impeachment or war crimes trial???
Is this duplicate thread up because you got embarrassed to death in the other duplicate thread?

i embarrass you on an almost daily basis stupid.

but speaking of alternate threads. you're the moron that got banished not only to another thread but to the Badlands arent you idiot?

lol you really didnt think this one through did you???
Is this duplicate thread up because you got embarrassed to death in the other duplicate thread?

i embarrass you on an almost daily basis stupid.

but speaking of alternate threads. you're the moron that got banished not only to another thread but to the Badlands arent you idiot?

lol you really didnt think this one through did you???

You got nothing.

"An investigation by the Republican-led House Intelligence Committee has concluded that the CIA and U.S. military responded appropriately to the attacks on U.S. facilities in Benghazi, Libya, in 2012, dismissing allegations that the Obama administration blocked rescue attempts during the assault or sought to mislead the public afterward.

After a two-year probe that involved the review of thousands of pages of classified documents, the panel determined that the attack could not be blamed on an intelligence failure, and that CIA security operatives “ably and bravely assisted” State Department officials who were overwhelmed at a nearby but separate diplomatic compound." House panel finds no intelligence failure in Benghazi attacks
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Is this duplicate thread up because you got embarrassed to death in the other duplicate thread?

i embarrass you on an almost daily basis stupid.

but speaking of alternate threads. you're the moron that got banished not only to another thread but to the Badlands arent you idiot?

lol you really didnt think this one through did you???
The only person you embarrass is yourself, and you do that throughout the entire day every time you post. Man, what a pathetic life you must have.
Benghazi is about a terrorist a President up for re-election didnt want to admit was happening so he covered it up. It's about an appalling lack of security and the cries that fell on deaf ears in this Administration.
It's about a compound that really was a CIA asset and not so much an embassy. It's about a country obama tore the phuk up over OIL. it's about a coverup that didnt have to happen. It's about a failed Secretary of State and her career of failure and ineptitude. It's about a UN Ambasador and now National Security Advisor sent out to lie to the whole nation on Sunday morning news shows.

I guess you forgot about 9/11.

Never forget!

I guess you forgot about the Boston bombing.
Is this duplicate thread up because you got embarrassed to death in the other duplicate thread?

i embarrass you on an almost daily basis stupid.

but speaking of alternate threads. you're the moron that got banished not only to another thread but to the Badlands arent you idiot?

lol you really didnt think this one through did you???

You got nothing.

"An investigation by the Republican-led House Intelligence Committee has concluded that the CIA and U.S. military responded appropriately to the attacks on U.S. facilities in Benghazi, Libya, in 2012, dismissing allegations that the Obama administration blocked rescue attempts during the assault or sought to mislead the public afterward.

After a two-year probe that involved the review of thousands of pages of classified documents, the panel determined that the attack could not be blamed on an intelligence failure, and that CIA security operatives “ably and bravely assisted” State Department officials who were overwhelmed at a nearby but separate diplomatic compound." House panel finds no intelligence failure in Benghazi attacks

Well that is certainly good news.

They sent our men into a country that we just bombed the crap out of leading to the torture and killing of their leader.

Sent them in without, obviously, adequate protection.

And yet the CIA not knowing that there was going to be an organized attack is not a failure, interesting. I wonder what would have been a failure.

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