No Burkas In France?

It has to do with the history and rich culture of France. Unlike the US which doesn't have a comparable historical and cultural record, but already had a big mix of cultures since its existence.

Liberté, égalité, fraternité, French for "Liberty, equality, fraternity (brotherhood)"

Liberté, égalité, fraternité - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The wearing of the Burka is seen as a symbol for womanunfriendly people/regimes/... (for example: saudi Arabia) and therefor extremely opposite to the French cultural values.

The difference between France and the US is that freedom of clothing is more important in the US than the equality of man and wife (While in France it s the opposite). Some countries just don't see the Burka as that kind of symbol, but the truth is that it is an extremist religious symbol that stands for inequality between man and woman. If not, then why would men not be forced to wear it? More and more European countries are considering to ban it, it s just a matter of time ...
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I'm not Muslim scholar, but I understand the burka is not a tenet of the Koran. It's an invention of the Taliban.

How in the hell these chicks don't die of heat exhaustion is beyond me. These get ups must just roast them alive. Still, if that is what a chick wants to wear, seems unfair to stop her. She can always remove the veil when she's asked for ID.

syrenn, I am not 100% sure but I think "burka" refers to the covering of the whole woman, not just her face.

The burqa is required under sharia law, reflecting its mandate in Islamic scripture
In my opinion, that is their choice. It is their religious freedom to choose how they want to live and behave. Wearing a burka does not hurt anyone.
Just the person wearing the burka.
I am against them and what they stand for. I HATE the hypocrisy of them and all that they represent. But it is not MY place to take it away from them.
What is more important to you?

To not look like a racist, or the freedom of these women?
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I'm not Muslim scholar, but I understand the burka is not a tenet of the Koran. It's an invention of the Taliban.

How in the hell these chicks don't die of heat exhaustion is beyond me. These get ups must just roast them alive. Still, if that is what a chick wants to wear, seems unfair to stop her. She can always remove the veil when she's asked for ID.

syrenn, I am not 100% sure but I think "burka" refers to the covering of the whole woman, not just her face.

The burqa is required under sharia law, reflecting its mandate in Islamic scripture

Not to be disrespectful, Mark39, but "sharia law" merely means an inman somewhere declared it, true? The Koran has no text requiring women to wear such garments, does it?
In my opinion, that is their choice. It is their religious freedom to choose how they want to live and behave. Wearing a burka does not hurt anyone.
Just the person wearing the burka.
I am against them and what they stand for. I HATE the hypocrisy of them and all that they represent. But it is not MY place to take it away from them.
What is more important to you?

To not look like a racist, or the freedom of these women?

I think the problem is that wearing a burka does hurt people other than Muslims. I think a case can be made that western women are more easily targeted by Muslim men and youngsters for violence and harrassment because they do not dress as "modestly" as Muslim women.

In a culture clash, it seems to me that women's bodies are very often the battlefield.
Ya, that is muslim law.

Wear a burka or get raped and beat.

And you want so bad not to look like a racist that you see no problem with this.
Well first, it isn't my number one goal in life to convince you I am not a racist, Tank. Think whatever you like -- ain't no skin offa my nose.

Yes I see a problem. I said I saw one. I just am not convinced that we can solve oppression of women by oppressing ones who choose a burka, is all.
I'm not Muslim scholar, but I understand the burka is not a tenet of the Koran. It's an invention of the Taliban.

How in the hell these chicks don't die of heat exhaustion is beyond me. These get ups must just roast them alive. Still, if that is what a chick wants to wear, seems unfair to stop her. She can always remove the veil when she's asked for ID.

syrenn, I am not 100% sure but I think "burka" refers to the covering of the whole woman, not just her face.

The burqa is required under sharia law, reflecting its mandate in Islamic scripture

Not to be disrespectful, Mark39, but "sharia law" merely means an inman somewhere declared it, true? The Koran has no text requiring women to wear such garments, does it?

Quran 33:59...
O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks (veils) all over their bodies (i.e. screen themselves completely except the eyes or one eye to see the way). That will be better, that they should be known (as free respectable women) so as not to be annoyed. And Allaah is Ever Oft‑Forgiving, Most Merciful
I'm not Muslim scholar, but I understand the burka is not a tenet of the Koran. It's an invention of the Taliban.

How in the hell these chicks don't die of heat exhaustion is beyond me. These get ups must just roast them alive. Still, if that is what a chick wants to wear, seems unfair to stop her. She can always remove the veil when she's asked for ID.

syrenn, I am not 100% sure but I think "burka" refers to the covering of the whole woman, not just her face.

The burqa is required under sharia law, reflecting its mandate in Islamic scripture

Not to be disrespectful, Mark39, but "sharia law" merely means an inman somewhere declared it, true? The Koran has no text requiring women to wear such garments, does it?

Just so you know, sharia is based on principles in the Quran and hadith.
Sharia, essentially, is the constitution of Islam, it is not merely some imam declaring something true.

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