No Cake for You

Wasn't the old position of most conservatives that these matters should be left up to the states?

Only until it's something they don't protecting tax paying gay Americans from discrimination in public accommodations.

They're totally cool with religion being protected at the Federal level though...

Violates the constitution.

What does?

Forcing businesses to commit sacrilege in order to stay in business.
:rolleyes: A cake isn't a sacred object.

Wedding is a sacrament, you retard.
Nobody. What is compared is the discrimination. Bigots too stupid to understand the distinction think race and sexual orientation are being compared when clearly they aren't....despite both being immutable traits.

How do you feel when a far left drone blog site compares "gays" to dogs?

And yes the comparisons between and race and "gay" and religion and "gay" have been made by far left drones like this one.

If you do not want to them to be associated then quit making such comparisons.

Analogies are not comparisons. Nobody has said "being gay is like being black". What has been said is that the discrimination is the same. You're in fine, bigoted, company.

History News Network Why the Ugly Rhetoric Against Gay Marriage Is Familiar to this Historian of Miscegenation

So you admit the far left using horrid analogies is wrong!

Good for you!

Now if we can get the far left drones to stop doing it!

They are quite apt analogies...which is why they upset you so.

Actually they are not and that is why the far left drones get upset when they are called out on it!

So still no out rage from the far left when a far left blog site compares "gays" to dogs

So you admit the far left using horrid analogies is wrong!

That you think gays were being compared to dogs, SpamBot, is just one of the reasons you have no understanding of the issues.

Racists of yore discriminated based on race. You want to discriminate based on gender and orientation . It's still discrimination and because it is based on animus, you lose.
Wasn't the old position of most conservatives that these matters should be left up to the states?

Only until it's something they don't protecting tax paying gay Americans from discrimination in public accommodations.

They're totally cool with religion being protected at the Federal level though...

Violates the constitution.

What does?

Forcing businesses to commit sacrilege in order to stay in business.
:rolleyes: A cake isn't a sacred object.

Tell the two ladies who asked for it that. The cake was so sacred in fact, that they chose to destroy the livelihoods of a Christian couple. Was a cake really worth it?
How do you feel when a far left drone blog site compares "gays" to dogs?

And yes the comparisons between and race and "gay" and religion and "gay" have been made by far left drones like this one.

If you do not want to them to be associated then quit making such comparisons.

Analogies are not comparisons. Nobody has said "being gay is like being black". What has been said is that the discrimination is the same. You're in fine, bigoted, company.

History News Network Why the Ugly Rhetoric Against Gay Marriage Is Familiar to this Historian of Miscegenation

So you admit the far left using horrid analogies is wrong!

Good for you!

Now if we can get the far left drones to stop doing it!

They are quite apt analogies...which is why they upset you so.

Actually they are not and that is why the far left drones get upset when they are called out on it!

So still no out rage from the far left when a far left blog site compares "gays" to dogs

So you admit the far left using horrid analogies is wrong!

That you think gays were being compared to dogs, SpamBot, is just one of the reasons you have no understanding of the issues.

Racists of yore discriminated based on race. You want to discriminate based on gender and orientation . It's still discrimination and because it is based on animus, you lose.

Sorry the far left blog site that was quoted thinks that and you agreed with it.

So it is on you as you accepted the comparisons of "gays" and dogs!

That is on you and the far left religious propaganda you follow without question or hesitation..
Only until it's something they don't protecting tax paying gay Americans from discrimination in public accommodations.

They're totally cool with religion being protected at the Federal level though...

Violates the constitution.

What does?

Forcing businesses to commit sacrilege in order to stay in business.
:rolleyes: A cake isn't a sacred object.

Wedding is a sacrament, you retard.

The cake is not, it is just a cake. A cake, I might add, the hypocrites were willing to bake for a dog wedding, a divorce party and an out of wedlock baby shower.

Bigots want an excuse to discriminate and the law won't let them in a few places. Boo hoo.
To take part in something that demeans the holy nature of a sacrament, and which in fact bastardizes the nature of the sacrament, is to commit sacrilege.

For those who are unutterably stupid.
Wasn't the old position of most conservatives that these matters should be left up to the states?

I believe that has been their position, yes.

ORS 659A.403 - Discrimination in place of public accommodation prohibited - 2013 Oregon Revised Statutes

It might not be for much longer:

"I'm guessing it's now inevitable that we'll see lawsuits from religiously owned companies saying, 'The owners of this company have a deep religious objection to paying health benefits for a same-sex spouse; that's against our religion,' " said Jonathan Rauch, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, in an interview posted on the organization's website. "Based on this decision, that lawsuit will get traction. So I think gay marriage is going to come up very fast."

Hobby Lobby ruling much more than abortion -
What Russia is doing is actual persecution, something I oppose vehemently. I also oppose persecuting in the opposite direction. Evidently you like persecuting people who disagree with you, and using the government to do it. In that way you are FAR more like Putin and the Russians than I ever will be.

Oh bullshit, you little drama queen. The lesbian's pay taxes that help build the roads that lead to the bakery, pay taxes so the police can protect the bakery, and so the fire department can put out the fire, when the bakery catches fire.

You're an idiot for thinking the bakery should be allowed to discriminate against tax paying citizens.
You didnt build that cake, angry tax paying lesbians did.

In this case, there was no cake built.

"However, when Williamette Week made various calls to “Sweet Cakes,” asking for them to make a cake for a baby out of wedlock, a “divorce party,” and a stem-cell research success story, the company agreed – a direction violation of their previously stated religious convictions."
I guess they dont like faggots and lesbians.

I guess being a professional business owner is not for everyone.

Of course, someone who is hostile to small business would know.
Violates the constitution.

What does?

Forcing businesses to commit sacrilege in order to stay in business.
:rolleyes: A cake isn't a sacred object.

Wedding is a sacrament, you retard.

The cake is not, it is just a cake. A cake, I might add, the hypocrites were willing to bake for a dog wedding, a divorce party and an out of wedlock baby shower.

Bigots want an excuse to discriminate and the law won't let them in a few places. Boo hoo.

Says the racist/bigoted far left drone!

So you accept the far left blog site comparing "gays" to dogs..

See no out rage from the far left when their own sources use these horrid analogies..
This is the last warning I'm going to leave before I start handing out infractions. Stop insulting / discussing each other and stick to the topic.
The lesbian's pay taxes that help build the roads that lead to the bakery, pay taxes so the police can protect the bakery, and so the fire department can put out the fire, when the bakery catches fire.

But the couple paid their taxes, signed all the forms, jumped through all the hoops and put down their own money to make that business. But hey, equality right? Paying taxes is easy, starting a business isn't.
If it's no ones business why force others to accept it?


All you really want to do is punish others who disagree with you. Progressives have never evolved past the point of an annoying toddler who doesn't get their way.
:rolleyes: Baking a cake in no way means you have to accept gay marriage.

It would be no different than refusing to repair a car for a gay couple. Or turning them away from your restaurant. Or refusing them a hotel room, or airline tickets, or a haircut.

Fascists of a feather flock together.
Fascists condone shunning people because the fascist doesn't like them. That would be you.

And liberals who cry racist and bandy the word 'hate' ad nauseam to delineate between themselves and lower individuals.
The use of government force to make people comply with a good or service that is readily available from other sources and is not an economic of life necessity is worse than two people having to find another baker and maybe having their feelings hurt.
In your opinion it is worse. Why do you get to decide which is worse for someone else?

It's called having an opinion skippy.

Please tell me why it is worse to have your feelings hurt depending on who you like to bugger.
Because it's no one's business who you like to bugger. And if you are granted a license to do business, it is your business to do business. :thup:

If it's no ones business why force others to accept it?


All you really want to do is punish others who disagree with you. Progressives have never evolved past the point of an annoying toddler who doesn't get their way.
:rolleyes: Baking a cake in no way means you have to accept gay marriage.

Wait what? So, a black couple who must make a cake for a bunch of skin heads which has an overly racist message on doesn't mean they have to accept the fact that those skin heads are racist?

Do you have any idea how colossally stupid that sounded?
The lesbian's pay taxes that help build the roads that lead to the bakery, pay taxes so the police can protect the bakery, and so the fire department can put out the fire, when the bakery catches fire.

But the couple paid their taxes, signed all the forms, jumped through all the hoops and put down their own money to make that business. But hey, equality right? Paying taxes is easy, starting a business isn't.

Bigotry isn't for sale.
These laws protect some people at the expense of punishing others. The end result is not worthy of the use of government to ruin someone.

The whole idea of "Protected Classes" is an abomination, making some people more equal than others to right wrongs, that did happen, yes, but more and more are done out of spite and vitriol.
So you'd rather the gay people be punished by not allowing them to shop at their local bakery.

The use of government force to make people comply with a good or service that is readily available from other sources and is not an economic of life necessity is worse than two people having to find another baker and maybe having their feelings hurt.

Like separate drinking fountains?

PUBLIC drinking fountains, people keep forgetting that it was government enforced segregation. Even if there were separate private drinking fountains, that situation was mandated by local law.

and the main issue with that was separate was NEVER equal.
Cool so I can have separate drinking fountains at my private business! Who knew?

Yeah, you don't line each and every water fountain in the building in a row, or nobody else in the building would have one!
In your opinion it is worse. Why do you get to decide which is worse for someone else?

It's called having an opinion skippy.

Please tell me why it is worse to have your feelings hurt depending on who you like to bugger.
Because it's no one's business who you like to bugger. And if you are granted a license to do business, it is your business to do business. :thup:

If it's no ones business why force others to accept it?


All you really want to do is punish others who disagree with you. Progressives have never evolved past the point of an annoying toddler who doesn't get their way.
:rolleyes: Baking a cake in no way means you have to accept gay marriage.

Wait what? So, a black couple who must make a cake for a bunch of skin heads which has an overly racist message on doesn't mean they have to accept the fact that those skin heads are racist?

Do you have any idea how colossally stupid that sounded?

If you don't sell cakes with offensive messages on them, you can't be forced to sell them.
So you'd rather the gay people be punished by not allowing them to shop at their local bakery.

The use of government force to make people comply with a good or service that is readily available from other sources and is not an economic of life necessity is worse than two people having to find another baker and maybe having their feelings hurt.

Like separate drinking fountains?

PUBLIC drinking fountains, people keep forgetting that it was government enforced segregation. Even if there were separate private drinking fountains, that situation was mandated by local law.

and the main issue with that was separate was NEVER equal.
Cool so I can have separate drinking fountains at my private business! Who knew?

Yeah, you don't line each and every water fountain in the building in a row, or nobody else in the building would have one!

You're taking the position that Jim Crow should be made legal again?

The lesbian's pay taxes that help build the roads that lead to the bakery, pay taxes so the police can protect the bakery, and so the fire department can put out the fire, when the bakery catches fire.

But the couple paid their taxes, signed all the forms, jumped through all the hoops and put down their own money to make that business. But hey, equality right? Paying taxes is easy, starting a business isn't.
The lesbians can go to the bakery on the streets that their taxes pay for and buy all the cookies and pastries they want. No one has denied them service at all.

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