No Charges for Clinton

A Republican truthteller as always. Our party has sunk to DP lows. Shameful,
Shut the fuck up you waste of bandwidth SOB.....
The good people in the GOP are now in a position to put a finis to Trump either this month at the convention or during the general election. You crazies are looking at catastrophic defeat.

I'm trying my best to figure you out - but it's not working. More Americans have cast ballots for Trump than any other candidate (republican) in American history and somehow - that doesn't matter to you. So, what are we to take from that? Apparently, you don't give a shit about what "Americans" want.

Yep - typical liberal. Guess I was wrong. You are indeed a provocateur.

Still several million fewer than Clinton.
Only because Trump had more competition. Hillary only had one opponent whereas Trump had 16.

OMG, read what I responded to. Your boy was bragging on Trump and his record votes and asking if those votes mattered.
I simply reminded him that Clinton had more.

Either read and respond to my post within the proper context or I will not respond to you.
And now the ridiculous right has contrived new lies and baseless conspiracy theories – that Clinton got ‘special treatment,’ that Justice is ‘in the bag’ for Clinton, and that the timing of the announcement was to ‘benefit’ Clinton politically; all lies, all idiotic and unfounded speculation, and more of the same from the delusional, partisan right.
I wonder why Comey didn't ask the resident conservatard "experts" here to help out with the investigation? The experts here clearly know more than the FBI and are obviously privy to information unavailable to them.
The fix is in and it is true. They can retrieve the 30,000 deleted emails. Not all that hard.

There has been crime after crime, and there will be NO indictment. Make no mistake, the fix is in. Period.

Like I said, it is more than incompetence with this witch. She will get away with it, and the pathetic will laugh and giggle.

There has not been "crime after crime", there has been Republicans making false accusation after false accusation against Hillary, conducting pointless investigation after pointless investigation in an effort to smear and defame her, and coming up empty each and every time.

This seems to be the only way Republicans are capable of defeating the Clintons - by constantly lying about them and defaming them, at taxpayers' expense.

Ah shaddup already, the nation is tired of this shit you on the left spew.

LOL, another of the form of rebuttal the choice of the New Right, seeking censorship when faced with undeniable truths.
After spending 10 minutes describing in painstaking detail every crime Hillary Clinton committed Comeyconfirmed beyond a shadow of a doubt that she violated numerous statutes and put national security at risk in the process. He didn't say it directly but his report made it clear that Clinton lied repeatedly in an attempt to cover up her crimes.

Yet, she won't be indicted. Others have been convicted of crimes for doing far less, but not Clinton. She will escape prosecution after breaking about 5 different federal laws. And she'll probably be president at the end of it all.

This is an outrage. We were told, in so many words, that the law does not apply to Hillary Clinton like it applies to us. And if it doesn't apply to her, then it doesn't really exist. We live under the rule of the elite, not law. The law is dead.
So sad for you that the investigation found no reason to indict her. Any you've been promising "any day now" for so long.
So sad for you that you support a lying crooked hag. The fix is in, there was reason, just that the FBI is too scared. Retard.

No conspiracy theory left behind!!!
No theory you friggin idiot, she lied.

Right, and the only reason she isn't in jail is the massive conspiracy that forced the FBI to withhold indicting her. Right?
After spending 10 minutes describing in painstaking detail every crime Hillary Clinton committed Comeyconfirmed beyond a shadow of a doubt that she violated numerous statutes and put national security at risk in the process. He didn't say it directly but his report made it clear that Clinton lied repeatedly in an attempt to cover up her crimes.

Yet, she won't be indicted. Others have been convicted of crimes for doing far less, but not Clinton. She will escape prosecution after breaking about 5 different federal laws. And she'll probably be president at the end of it all.

This is an outrage. We were told, in so many words, that the law does not apply to Hillary Clinton like it applies to us. And if it doesn't apply to her, then it doesn't really exist. We live under the rule of the elite, not law. The law is dead.

The fix was in with that Bill private meeting with Loretta Lynch.
After spending 10 minutes describing in painstaking detail every crime Hillary Clinton committed Comeyconfirmed beyond a shadow of a doubt that she violated numerous statutes and put national security at risk in the process. He didn't say it directly but his report made it clear that Clinton lied repeatedly in an attempt to cover up her crimes.

Yet, she won't be indicted. Others have been convicted of crimes for doing far less, but not Clinton. She will escape prosecution after breaking about 5 different federal laws. And she'll probably be president at the end of it all.

This is an outrage. We were told, in so many words, that the law does not apply to Hillary Clinton like it applies to us. And if it doesn't apply to her, then it doesn't really exist. We live under the rule of the elite, not law. The law is dead.
And now the ridiculous right has contrived new lies and baseless conspiracy theories – that Clinton got ‘special treatment,’ that Justice is ‘in the bag’ for Clinton, and that the timing of the announcement was to ‘benefit’ Clinton politically; all lies, all idiotic and unfounded speculation, and more of the same from the delusional, partisan right.

She lied, acted extremely careless, and was grossly negligent.
Comey had to hurry and recommend no charges because today was first day President was stumping for her, and he couldn't really stump for her if she was indicted.
Next time you get stopped for speeding, try telling the cop that you didn't "intend" to speed, that you were merely being "extremely careless" with your car. See if he tears up the ticket he was writing, when he hears you say that.

BTW, remember Scooter Libby? The Democrats were investigating him to find if he was the one who "outed" Valerie Plame as a secret agent. (They found he wasn't, someone else did it).

But they also asked him tons of questions about everything under the sun. He had to submit tons of information, three different times. In two of those, he submitted complete details about his finances, private matters, everything. In the third one, he left out a few parts. And the Democrats prosecuted him with lying to investigators, and threw him in jail for 2-1/2 years.

He told them everything twice, and left some stuff out the third time but said that account was complete too. Does anyone think he "intended" to lie in this case, or withhold info, or "make a false statement"?

When do Democrats intend to apologize for his jail sentence?

BTW, the reason they were so heated in pursuing him, was because the fact that Plame was an agent, was classified information.


FBI recommends no charges against Clinton in email probe

FBI Director James Comey on Tuesday announced the agency is not recommending the Justice Department bring charges against Hillary Clinton, despite denouncing the former secretary of state and her colleagues for the way they handled classified information through private email servers.

"Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is information that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information," Comey told reporters in Washington, D.C., noting that the probe has found that the former secretary of state used several different email servers and numerous devices during her time in office.

Even so, Comey added later, “Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case. Prosecutors necessarily weigh a number of factors before deciding whether to bring charges."


In other words, the FBI is pretty sure she violated laws. But since she didn't "intend" to, she gets a pass.
Amazing what the lefts standards are. They are all rejoicing because comey said she was an inept insider who gets special attention.
What a fools party
After spending 10 minutes describing in painstaking detail every crime Hillary Clinton committed Comeyconfirmed beyond a shadow of a doubt that she violated numerous statutes and put national security at risk in the process. He didn't say it directly but his report made it clear that Clinton lied repeatedly in an attempt to cover up her crimes.

Yet, she won't be indicted. Others have been convicted of crimes for doing far less, but not Clinton. She will escape prosecution after breaking about 5 different federal laws. And she'll probably be president at the end of it all.

This is an outrage. We were told, in so many words, that the law does not apply to Hillary Clinton like it applies to us. And if it doesn't apply to her, then it doesn't really exist. We live under the rule of the elite, not law. The law is dead.

The fix was in with that Bill private meeting with Loretta Lynch.

Yes she will be the next supreme court just ice and the FBI director will be head of the DOJ..
And now the ridiculous right has contrived new lies and baseless conspiracy theories – that Clinton got ‘special treatment,’ that Justice is ‘in the bag’ for Clinton, and that the timing of the announcement was to ‘benefit’ Clinton politically; all lies, all idiotic and unfounded speculation, and more of the same from the delusional, partisan right.

She lied, acted extremely careless, and was grossly negligent.
Comey had to hurry and recommend no charges because today was first day President was stumping for her, and he couldn't really stump for her if she was indicted.
The timing of such events are rarely coincidental.
The fix is in and it is true. They can retrieve the 30,000 deleted emails. Not all that hard.

There has been crime after crime, and there will be NO indictment. Make no mistake, the fix is in. Period.

Like I said, it is more than incompetence with this witch. She will get away with it, and the pathetic will laugh and giggle.

There has not been "crime after crime", there has been Republicans making false accusation after false accusation against Hillary, conducting pointless investigation after pointless investigation in an effort to smear and defame her, and coming up empty each and every time.

This seems to be the only way Republicans are capable of defeating the Clintons - by constantly lying about them and defaming them, at taxpayers' expense.

15 criminal conviction in the Whitewater investiagtion with over 40 crimes. Draft indictments for Mrs. Tuzla were prepared but never served because her husband was POTUS, too big to jail.

That is the truth, she is dirty and an big really fat liar. Not worthy to hold the position o POTUS.
Next time you get stopped for speeding, try telling the cop that you didn't "intend" to speed, that you were merely being "extremely careless" with your car. See if he tears up the ticket he was writing, when he hears you say that.

BTW, remember Scooter Libby? The Democrats were investigating him to find if he was the one who "outed" Valerie Plame as a secret agent. (They found he wasn't, someone else did it).

But they also asked him tons of questions about everything under the sun. He had to submit tons of information, three different times. In two of those, he submitted complete details about his finances, private matters, everything. In the third one, he left out a few parts. And the Democrats prosecuted him with lying to investigators, and threw him in jail for 2-1/2 years.

He told them everything twice, and left some stuff out the third time but said that account was complete too. Does anyone think he "intended" to lie in this case, or withhold info, or "make a false statement"?

When do Democrats intend to apologize for his jail sentence?

BTW, the reason they were so heated in pursuing him, was because the fact that Plame was an agent, was classified information.


FBI recommends no charges against Clinton in email probe

FBI Director James Comey on Tuesday announced the agency is not recommending the Justice Department bring charges against Hillary Clinton, despite denouncing the former secretary of state and her colleagues for the way they handled classified information through private email servers.

"Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is information that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information," Comey told reporters in Washington, D.C., noting that the probe has found that the former secretary of state used several different email servers and numerous devices during her time in office.

Even so, Comey added later, “Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case. Prosecutors necessarily weigh a number of factors before deciding whether to bring charges."


In other words, the FBI is pretty sure she violated laws. But since she didn't "intend" to, she gets a pass.

Thank you for your worthless opinion, Counsellor. Now go take a drink.
Amazing what the lefts standards are. They are all rejoicing because comey said she was an inept insider who gets special attention.
What a fools party

The Leftists have no standards and they have no morals, to them the end justifies the means and they don't care how they achieve that.
Next time you get stopped for speeding, try telling the cop that you didn't "intend" to speed, that you were merely being "extremely careless" with your car. See if he tears up the ticket he was writing, when he hears you say that.

BTW, remember Scooter Libby? The Democrats were investigating him to find if he was the one who "outed" Valerie Plame as a secret agent. (They found he wasn't, someone else did it).

But they also asked him tons of questions about everything under the sun. He had to submit tons of information, three different times. In two of those, he submitted complete details about his finances, private matters, everything. In the third one, he left out a few parts. And the Democrats prosecuted him with lying to investigators, and threw him in jail for 2-1/2 years.

He told them everything twice, and left some stuff out the third time but said that account was complete too. Does anyone think he "intended" to lie in this case, or withhold info, or "make a false statement"?

When do Democrats intend to apologize for his jail sentence?

BTW, the reason they were so heated in pursuing him, was because the fact that Plame was an agent, was classified information.


FBI recommends no charges against Clinton in email probe

FBI Director James Comey on Tuesday announced the agency is not recommending the Justice Department bring charges against Hillary Clinton, despite denouncing the former secretary of state and her colleagues for the way they handled classified information through private email servers.

"Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is information that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information," Comey told reporters in Washington, D.C., noting that the probe has found that the former secretary of state used several different email servers and numerous devices during her time in office.

Even so, Comey added later, “Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case. Prosecutors necessarily weigh a number of factors before deciding whether to bring charges."


In other words, the FBI is pretty sure she violated laws. But since she didn't "intend" to, she gets a pass.
What’s sad is that you and others on the right aren’t even aware of how ridiculous and desperate you sound.

And you’ve been lying for so long about so much you don’t even know what the truth is anymore.
YOU have no idea and no evidence to support your claim that "The MAJORITY of Americans see this as an outrage".

You'll see that on election day, shitbrains. You think the majority of Americans will stand for this blatant abuse of our legal system? You're fucking higher than Anthony Weiner posting pictures of himself on Snapchat. You and your ilk are about to be "Brexit'd," you're just too stupid to see it coming, bedwetter.
Too bad you guys didnt float the "FBI is in on it" story sooner now you just look desperate and reactionary.

its just another set of baggage to add to what she now has....

Yeah, the no charges baggage is a tough one to endure :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
it does not matter CC.....this whole thing does not look is just more taint on cant see that because you are a die hard democrat....those of us who dont have our heads up a parties ass can....

One does not to have an ass other than their own Harry, read the unveiled anger of those on this thread, the only lubricant they need to get their head up their own ass is the hate that boils their blood. It's so easy to boil the blood of the biddable, all one needs to do is label someone corrupt, and repeat the unproven allegation over and over and over and over. Those easily lead simply follow the echoes and echo them back.

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