No Charges for Clinton

duh.....said it 6 months ago. The powerful protect the powerful.
It stinks of corruption.

A special prosecutor needs to take it to a grand jury.

Democrats are pro-crime.
Quit wasting our money on your paranoid squirrelly theories. Benghazi's over. The e-mail "scandal" is over. Get busy convincing the country that the Right has the answer to our woes. It's like a dog worrying a sore spot.
It's not over yet. As was already mentioned she can still be indicted. If convicted of all the crimes that Comey just said that she committed, she could spend the rest of her life in federal prison. And that's where she deserves to be.

Pro-crime Democrats are idiots.
Comey called her reckless. Good news for Trump.
Not to the point of
Comey called her reckless. Good news for Trump.
You guys were rooting for indictment not an opinion about recklessness.

Yep, to the low info voters, the ones who elect the president at the margin, all they will hear and know is Hillary did nothing illegal, no charges, blah blah blah. The networks will report it for a day or 2 that she did nothing worthy of charges. There is nothing here to change minds or persuade the undecided. Sorry, it is what it is.
duh.....said it 6 months ago. The powerful protect the powerful.
It stinks of corruption.

A special prosecutor needs to take it to a grand jury.

Democrats are pro-crime.
Quit wasting our money on your paranoid squirrelly theories. Benghazi's over. The e-mail "scandal" is over. Get busy convincing the country that the Right has the answer to our woes. It's like a dog worrying a sore spot.

Yes dear friends, let's move along and forget about all of it.
As expected. No one -- except hysterical conservatives -- really believed she was deliberately committing a crime. Sounds like it was an incredibly thorough investigation.

I believe the word used was "careless," not "reckless."

He used reckless and careless

I watched the whole thing, and didn't hear "reckless." Post a link if you have one.
As expected. No one -- except hysterical conservatives -- really believed she was deliberately committing a crime. Sounds like it was an incredibly thorough investigation.

I believe the word used was "careless," not "reckless."
Either way she's not fit to run the country if she's too damn stupid to handle sensitive and classified material.
Remember back in 2006 when Libs were raging against the illegal NSA tapping?
Notice how Cons are doing the same now?

Remember when Libs were raging against the unconstitutional no-fly list back in circa 2006? Notice how they want to use that same list now to their advantage while Cons rage about how unconstitutional it is these days?

We all lose, every time, thinking "they" will be treated the same as "we" would under the very laws "they" design for "us" to adhere to.

Round and round the partisan sombrero we dance. Once again, this nation is shooting itself in the foot, and we'll point fingers at each other instead of where the blame belongs

I weep for you people and for my nation.

One Law For Them, Another For Us.

18 US Code 793 Section F:
(f) Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense,

(1) through GROSS NEGLIGENCE permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or

(2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer—


18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information
BREAKING: Hillary Not To Be Indicted! Spike In Tissue Use By Rubes!
As expected. No one -- except hysterical conservatives -- really believed she was deliberately committing a crime. Sounds like it was an incredibly thorough investigation.

I believe the word used was "careless," not "reckless."

He used reckless and careless

I watched the whole thing, and didn't hear "reckless." Post a link if you have one.
What you heard was extremely careless which equates to reckless.
duh.....said it 6 months ago. The powerful protect the powerful.
It stinks of corruption.

A special prosecutor needs to take it to a grand jury.

Democrats are pro-crime.
Quit wasting our money on your paranoid squirrelly theories. Benghazi's over. The e-mail "scandal" is over. Get busy convincing the country that the Right has the answer to our woes. It's like a dog worrying a sore spot.
It's not over yet. As was already mentioned she can still be indicted. If convicted of all the crimes that Comey just said that she committed, she could spend the rest of her life in federal prison. And that's where she deserves to be.

Pro-crime Democrats are idiots.

Yea, prominent Democrats are going to be the wheel that turns on Hillary :cuckoo:

The fix is in; we've all known this for a long time.
No, Trump is going to move up due to this, not down.

He said there is no evidence that any of those emails were intentionally deleted by Clinton. Only three of those emails were classified at the time they were sent or received, he said.

Comey said, "there is evidence to support a conclusion that any reasonable person in Secretary Clinton’s position or in the position of those with whom she was corresponding about those matters should have known that an unclassified system was no place for that conversation."...

She has repeatedly said that no email she sent or received was marked classified, but the Justice Department began investigating last summer following a referral from the inspectors general for the State Department and the intelligence community.

The scrutiny was compounded by a blistering audit in May from the State Department's inspector general, the agency's internal watchdog, which said that Clinton and her team ignored clear warnings from department officials that her email setup violated federal standards and could leave sensitive material vulnerable to hackers. Clinton declined to talk to the inspector general, but the audit said that she had feared "the personal being accessible" if she used a government email account.

That means Clinton is guilty of breaking the law but will get a pass because she is too STUPID to know any better.
duh.....said it 6 months ago. The powerful protect the powerful.
It stinks of corruption.

A special prosecutor needs to take it to a grand jury.

Democrats are pro-crime.
Quit wasting our money on your paranoid squirrelly theories. Benghazi's over. The e-mail "scandal" is over. Get busy convincing the country that the Right has the answer to our woes. It's like a dog worrying a sore spot.
It's not over yet. As was already mentioned she can still be indicted. If convicted of all the crimes that Comey just said that she committed, she could spend the rest of her life in federal prison. And that's where she deserves to be.

Pro-crime Democrats are idiots.

I have an idea.

lets conduct 8 more FBI investigations, just in case,,

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