No Charges for Clinton

The FBI concluded no crime was committed and once again a faux scandal has been put to rest. Once again the fiscally conservative (LOL) spent Millions of taxpayer dollars for solely partisan gain. From the first efforts to kick President Clinton out of office, to the bullshit claim that President Obama was not a eligible to be POTUS, to Solyndra, Behghazi and Sect. Clinton's e-mail account, and countless investigations by the corrupt Rep. Issa, the GOP has cost America treasure; the Congress under the (LOL leadership) of Boehner and McConnell has once again been shown to have put the Republican Party first and continued to ignore the plight of the American citizens.

She did break the rules, and did so seriously. The decline to prosecute is a shockingly transparent "wink wink, nudge nudge" from the current admin to their hoped for successor admin.

The real question is do we trust someone to keep their security clearances if they can't follow the rules, and how can a person be President if we can't give them a security clearance?
Security Clearances are usually withdrawn for anyone who is careless with top secret documents. She should have her Clearance withdrawn.. which would make her ineligible for the presidency.

Read between the lines people.

FBI Head: Clinton Emails ‘Careless,’ Not Criminal
He said there is no evidence that any of those emails were intentionally deleted by Clinton. Only three of those emails were classified at the time they were sent or received, he said.

Comey said, "there is evidence to support a conclusion that any reasonable person in Secretary Clinton’s position or in the position of those with whom she was corresponding about those matters should have known that an unclassified system was no place for that conversation."...

She has repeatedly said that no email she sent or received was marked classified, but the Justice Department began investigating last summer following a referral from the inspectors general for the State Department and the intelligence community.

The scrutiny was compounded by a blistering audit in May from the State Department's inspector general, the agency's internal watchdog, which said that Clinton and her team ignored clear warnings from department officials that her email setup violated federal standards and could leave sensitive material vulnerable to hackers. Clinton declined to talk to the inspector general, but the audit said that she had feared "the personal being accessible" if she used a government email account.

That means Clinton is guilty of breaking the law but will get a pass because she is too STUPID to know any better.

And we should put this stupid corrupt political hack in the White House?

No, I dont think America will accept that conclusion.
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The FBI concluded no crime was committed and once again a faux scandal has been put to rest. Once again the fiscally conservative (LOL) spent Millions of taxpayer dollars for solely partisan gain. From the first efforts to kick President Clinton out of office, to the bullshit claim that President Obama was not a eligible to be POTUS, to Solyndra, Behghazi and Sect. Clinton's e-mail account, and countless investigations by the corrupt Rep. Issa, the GOP has cost America treasure; the Congress under the (LOL leadership) of Boehner and McConnell has once again been shown to have put the Republican Party first and continued to ignore the plight of the American citizens.

She did break the rules, and did so seriously. The decline to prosecute is a shockingly transparent "wink wink, nudge nudge" from the current admin to their hoped for successor admin.

The real question is do we trust someone to keep their security clearances if they can't follow the rules, and how can a person be President if we can't give them a security clearance?

Poor wingers.
The FBI concluded no crime was committed and once again a faux scandal has been put to rest. Once again the fiscally conservative (LOL) spent Millions of taxpayer dollars for solely partisan gain. From the first efforts to kick President Clinton out of office, to the bullshit claim that President Obama was not a eligible to be POTUS, to Solyndra, Behghazi and Sect. Clinton's e-mail account, and countless investigations by the corrupt Rep. Issa, the GOP has cost America treasure; the Congress under the (LOL leadership) of Boehner and McConnell has once again been shown to have put the Republican Party first and continued to ignore the plight of the American citizens.

She did break the rules, and did so seriously. The decline to prosecute is a shockingly transparent "wink wink, nudge nudge" from the current admin to their hoped for successor admin.

The real question is do we trust someone to keep their security clearances if they can't follow the rules, and how can a person be President if we can't give them a security clearance?
Security Clearances are usually withdrawn for anyone who is careless with top secret documents. She should have her Clearance withdrawn.. which would make her ineligible for the presidency.

In an ideal world, yes. In this world, they will find a way around it, and her useful idiot supporters will find a way to rationalize continued support of her.
Are you figuring out who the real 1% are?

The 1% includes Trump and the GOP.

The 99% is everyone else, including Hillary.

Are you kidding? she haas someone else drive her car, buy her groceries, cook her food, do her makeup for her, plan her schedule for her, shes worth 10s of millions and going to be worth much much more. You wont catch her hanging out with the 99 %

More right winged lies!

The Huffington post told me so and Jon Stewart agrees.
As expected. No one -- except hysterical conservatives -- really believed she was deliberately committing a crime. Sounds like it was an incredibly thorough investigation.

I believe the word used was "careless," not "reckless."
Either way she's not fit to run the country if she's too damn stupid to handle sensitive and classified material.
Clinton is not stupid. Not by a long shot. She simply exploited a standing laxness in State Department regulations for her personal convenience instead of tightening the ship.

PseudoCons: Misunderestimating the Clintons Since 1992.
Personal convenience excuse is stupid. It wasn't personal convenience, it was her going out of her way to circumvent the rules.
The FBI concluded no crime was committed and once again a faux scandal has been put to rest. Once again the fiscally conservative (LOL) spent Millions of taxpayer dollars for solely partisan gain. From the first efforts to kick President Clinton out of office, to the bullshit claim that President Obama was not a eligible to be POTUS, to Solyndra, Behghazi and Sect. Clinton's e-mail account, and countless investigations by the corrupt Rep. Issa, the GOP has cost America treasure; the Congress under the (LOL leadership) of Boehner and McConnell has once again been shown to have put the Republican Party first and continued to ignore the plight of the American citizens.

She did break the rules, and did so seriously. The decline to prosecute is a shockingly transparent "wink wink, nudge nudge" from the current admin to their hoped for successor admin.

The real question is do we trust someone to keep their security clearances if they can't follow the rules, and how can a person be President if we can't give them a security clearance?

Poor wingers.

Your ability to ignore misconduct by people you like is noted. It's typical of the "win at all costs" mentality of progressive statists everywhere.
As expected. No one -- except hysterical conservatives -- really believed she was deliberately committing a crime. Sounds like it was an incredibly thorough investigation.

I believe the word used was "careless," not "reckless."
Either way she's not fit to run the country if she's too damn stupid to handle sensitive and classified material.
Clinton is not stupid. Not by a long shot. She simply exploited a standing laxness in State Department regulations for her personal convenience instead of tightening the ship.

PseudoCons: Misunderestimating the Clintons Since 1992.
Personal convenience excuse is stupid. It wasn't personal convenience, it was her going out of her way to circumvent the rules.
She didn't break the rules. She operated under the same rules as Colin Powell, who also set up a personal computer for his State Department emails. He openly wrote about it in his 2012 book. I didn't hear you rubes screaming for his head back then.
As expected. No one -- except hysterical conservatives -- really believed she was deliberately committing a crime. Sounds like it was an incredibly thorough investigation.

I believe the word used was "careless," not "reckless."
Either way she's not fit to run the country if she's too damn stupid to handle sensitive and classified material.
Clinton is not stupid. Not by a long shot. She simply exploited a standing laxness in State Department regulations for her personal convenience instead of tightening the ship.

PseudoCons: Misunderestimating the Clintons Since 1992.
Personal convenience excuse is stupid. It wasn't personal convenience, it was her going out of her way to circumvent the rules.

Well then, it's your word against the FBI's. Why do conservatives think they know more than the very people directly involved in the investigation?
FBI: Hillary was Extremely Careless in handling Classified Info.

That fact should demand that her Clearance and her aides clearance should be revoked.
The FBI concluded no crime was committed and once again a faux scandal has been put to rest. Once again the fiscally conservative (LOL) spent Millions of taxpayer dollars for solely partisan gain. From the first efforts to kick President Clinton out of office, to the bullshit claim that President Obama was not a eligible to be POTUS, to Solyndra, Behghazi and Sect. Clinton's e-mail account, and countless investigations by the corrupt Rep. Issa, the GOP has cost America treasure; the Congress under the (LOL leadership) of Boehner and McConnell has once again been shown to have put the Republican Party first and continued to ignore the plight of the American citizens.

She did break the rules, and did so seriously. The decline to prosecute is a shockingly transparent "wink wink, nudge nudge" from the current admin to their hoped for successor admin.

The real question is do we trust someone to keep their security clearances if they can't follow the rules, and how can a person be President if we can't give them a security clearance?
Security Clearances are usually withdrawn for anyone who is careless with top secret documents. She should have her Clearance withdrawn.. which would make her ineligible for the presidency.


What's so funny? So you think someone who considers herself above the law is just groovy to be president?
Are you figuring out who the real 1% are?

The 1% includes Trump and the GOP.

The 99% is everyone else, including Hillary.

Are you kidding? she haas someone else drive her car, buy her groceries, cook her food, do her makeup for her, plan her schedule for her, shes worth 10s of millions and going to be worth much much more. You wont catch her hanging out with the 99 %

More right winged lies!

The Huffington post told me so and Jon Stewart agrees.

Jon Stewart doesnt do his makeup either
As expected. No one -- except hysterical conservatives -- really believed she was deliberately committing a crime. Sounds like it was an incredibly thorough investigation.

I believe the word used was "careless," not "reckless."
Either way she's not fit to run the country if she's too damn stupid to handle sensitive and classified material.
Clinton is not stupid. Not by a long shot. She simply exploited a standing laxness in State Department regulations for her personal convenience instead of tightening the ship.

PseudoCons: Misunderestimating the Clintons Since 1992.
Personal convenience excuse is stupid. It wasn't personal convenience, it was her going out of her way to circumvent the rules.
She didn't break the rules. She operated under the same rules as Colin Powell, who also set up a personal computer for his State Department emails. He openly wrote about it in his 2012 book. I didn't hear you rubes screaming for his head back then.

Powell did not have his own server.
Yes, this was a real shocker today when I heard this. Unbelieveable. I actually thought she'd be led off to jail in an orange robe.

Fucking idiot Lliberals, I swear.
They really have a serious problem with associating future events with their current actions.

This is going to kill Hillary's campaign as it clearly implies she is too stupid to be held accountable for gross failures in securing classified documents, but she should be President because she has a vagina?

No, this destroys Hillary except among the 40% that are Yellow dog Dimbocrat to the bitter end.

Trump in a landslide.
The crazies in the libertarian and far right wings are throwing up in the toilets.

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