No Charges for Clinton

There was never any chance the presumptive Democratic nominee to be the next president was going to be prosecuted by a Democratic administration, regardless of what they found.

I still had hope the fbi was going to at least recomend an indictment.

I think that that may have been the plan before the Lynch/Clinton meeting leaked. Pretty sure they wanted to save face. That meeting turned the dial though. Comey only confirmed that the FBI is a government branch; not an autonomous group.
There was never any chance the presumptive Democratic nominee to be the next president was going to be prosecuted by a Democratic administration, regardless of what they found.

I still had hope the fbi was going to at least recomend an indictment.

I think that that may have been the plan before the Lynch/Clinton meeting leaked. Pretty sure they wanted to save face. That meeting turned the dial though.

Very plausable
She perpetrated crimes, but did "not" intend to do so. She was just incredibly stupid! Yeah, yeah.
Guilty until proven innocent and incredibly stupid?
That isnt what the guy said, idiot.

Hillary broke the law, according to Comey, but she is too stupid to be held accountable.

You libtards are going to hear that message till November 3rd EVERY GOD DAMNED DAY, idiot.
The FBI concluded no crime was committed and once again a faux scandal has been put to rest. Once again the fiscally conservative (LOL) spent Millions of taxpayer dollars for solely partisan gain. From the first efforts to kick President Clinton out of office, to the bullshit claim that President Obama was not a eligible to be POTUS, to Solyndra, Behghazi and Sect. Clinton's e-mail account, and countless investigations by the corrupt Rep. Issa, the GOP has cost America treasure; the Congress under the (LOL leadership) of Boehner and McConnell has once again been shown to have put the Republican Party first and continued to ignore the plight of the American citizens.

She did break the rules, and did so seriously. The decline to prosecute is a shockingly transparent "wink wink, nudge nudge" from the current admin to their hoped for successor admin.

The real question is do we trust someone to keep their security clearances if they can't follow the rules, and how can a person be President if we can't give them a security clearance?

We already knew she couldn't be trusted, but it doesn't matter. No recommendation for indictment means the issue is ultimately dead as it relates to her becoming president. She will "sincerely" apologize and then promise free college, healthcare, etc and more than likely be the next POTUS.
As expected. No one -- except hysterical conservatives -- really believed she was deliberately committing a crime. Sounds like it was an incredibly thorough investigation.
I believe the word used was "careless," not "reckless."
"deliberately"? LMFAO for real?
Ignorance is now a get out of jail free card?

Don't get mad at me, get mad at yourself for being such a gullible twat. See the thread about how conservatives are more likely to believe bullshit than liberals.
Yup. That's what I just heard on FOX. Seems the FBI won't be pressing charges but the Director made it pretty damned clear that Hitlery is incompetent.

What SOS doesn't know what the word classified means??

What SOS would use her own personal server full of classified info and carry on business??

He also said that whoever hacked her server now has all that info.

Guess the AG put the word out. You know the AG that had that meeting with Bill.
Using some of his footage could be powerful to those that really care about our nations security.
My opinion.....this issue will be dead in 3-4 days....Hillary skates and likely will be the next POTUS. TOO BAD!
Lol, no, it will not be dead.

Trump has a new third issue to pound till November; along with 'I will create more jobs' and 'I will secure America' he has 'I will enforce the laws evenly'.

You libtards just have no clue how much America hates and resents Oligarchs being above the law, especially the Clinton Dynasty.
Right. And it's just fine that Clinton secretly met with Lynch...

Lynch is Justice, the report today was the FBI - thus your comment is foolish and or ignorant.

But I thought this was the law.

18 US Code 793 Section F:
(f) Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense,

(1) through GROSS NEGLIGENCE permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or

(2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer—


18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information you guys hear that?

It's the sound of millions of fully grown conservative men all crying at the same time. would have been a surprise if she had been indicted.

The woman is too important to be jailed. Obama interfered and influenced the investigation. If anyone thought this was gonna result in any charges they're kidding themselves.
They would have had to indict previous AGs too. They were not about to do that.
Hillary wasn't an AG.

Precedent for prosecution had already been established, but political pressure from the WH made it a difficult case for any prosecutor. Hillary destroyed too much evidence and nobody ratted on her, so she's free. If they had wanted to press charges, she would have been indicted.
She perpetrated crimes, but did "not" intend to do so. She was just incredibly stupid! Yeah, yeah.
Guilty until proven innocent and incredibly stupid?
That isnt what the guy said, idiot.

Hillary broke the law, according to Comey, but she is too stupid to be held accountable.

You libtards are going to hear that message till November 3rd EVERY GOD DAMNED DAY, idiot.

Actually, that's not what Comey said. Not even close. Hilarious to see that the drooling conservatards are already trying to rewrite his speech.
Comey called her reckless. Good news for Trump.
Not to the point of
Comey called her reckless. Good news for Trump.
You guys were rooting for indictment not an opinion about recklessness.

Yep, to the low info voters, the ones who elect the president at the margin, all they will hear and know is Hillary did nothing illegal, no charges, blah blah blah. The networks will report it for a day or 2 that she did nothing worthy of charges. There is nothing here to change minds or persuade the undecided. Sorry, it is what it is.

Are you undecided? Did you listen to the full account given today, or was your mind made up before the evidence was presented?
We already knew she couldn't be trusted, but it doesn't matter. No recommendation for indictment means the issue is ultimately dead as it relates to her becoming president. She will "sincerely" apologize and then promise free college, healthcare, etc and more than likely be the next POTUS.
IT is not a politically dead issue, idiot.
The MAJORITY of Americans see this as an outrage. An openly CORRUPT legal system who's leader (Loretta Lynch) meets privately with the fucking accused before the decision is rendered?

And Liberals see nothing wrong with this?

Ask for a fair trial when ISIS is throwing your gay asses off a rooftop.

See how that goes.

We'll be cheering you on!
Bye bye Donald:

FBI Director: No Charges Appropriate in Clinton Email Investigation"
FBI Director James Comey said Tuesday "no charges are appropriate in" the investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server as secretary of state.

He said the FBI finished its investigation and is deferring the matter to the DOJ for prosecutorial decision.

FBI Director: No Charges Appropriate in Clinton Email Investigation

He won't be pressing charges but he made it clear that Hitlery is incompetent.
The FBI concluded no crime was committed and once again a faux scandal has been put to rest. Once again the fiscally conservative (LOL) spent Millions of taxpayer dollars for solely partisan gain. From the first efforts to kick President Clinton out of office, to the bullshit claim that President Obama was not a eligible to be POTUS, to Solyndra, Behghazi and Sect. Clinton's e-mail account, and countless investigations by the corrupt Rep. Issa, the GOP has cost America treasure; the Congress under the (LOL leadership) of Boehner and McConnell has once again been shown to have put the Republican Party first and continued to ignore the plight of the American citizens.

She did break the rules, and did so seriously. The decline to prosecute is a shockingly transparent "wink wink, nudge nudge" from the current admin to their hoped for successor admin.

The real question is do we trust someone to keep their security clearances if they can't follow the rules, and how can a person be President if we can't give them a security clearance?

We already knew she couldn't be trusted, but it doesn't matter. No recommendation for indictment means the issue is ultimately dead as it relates to her becoming president. She will "sincerely" apologize and then promise free college, healthcare, etc and more than likely be the next POTUS.

This won't impact the die hard progressives out there, but it may cause some of the old school democrat demographics the "out" they need to roll over to Trump.

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