No Charges for Clinton

We already knew she couldn't be trusted, but it doesn't matter. No recommendation for indictment means the issue is ultimately dead as it relates to her becoming president. She will "sincerely" apologize and then promise free college, healthcare, etc and more than likely be the next POTUS.
IT is not a politically dead issue, idiot.

It's dead with regard to the low information voters who elect the president at the margin. They will hear no indictment, and the network news they watch will saw no harm, no foul. I am as disappointed as anybody who sees the Clintons for what they are, but let's face the facts- she skated on the private server issue.
She perpetrated crimes, but did "not" intend to do so. She was just incredibly stupid! Yeah, yeah.
Guilty until proven innocent and incredibly stupid?
That isnt what the guy said, idiot.

Hillary broke the law, according to Comey, but she is too stupid to be held accountable.

You libtards are going to hear that message till November 3rd EVERY GOD DAMNED DAY, idiot.

You are correct that Comey said Clinton broke the law; and he even made a pretty damning albeit tempered case against her. As to the reason he gave for not recommending an indictment, he said (paraphrasing) "no reasonable prosecutor would prosecute". And then he didn't explain any reasoning nor did he take questions despite touting greater transparency. If that doesn't tell a person how lacking in conviction this course of action was, I don't know what would.
She has long thought she was a above the law. Now she knows she is. As POTUS, what possibly could go wrong?
Too bad you guys didnt float the "FBI is in on it" story sooner now you just look desperate and reactionary.

its just another set of baggage to add to what she now has....

Yeah, the no charges baggage is a tough one to endure :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
it does not matter CC.....this whole thing does not look is just more taint on cant see that because you are a die hard democrat....those of us who dont have our heads up a parties ass can....

Yup. He sure was pretty clear when he pointed out her incompetence.

I knew she wouldn't be prosecuted as did anyone with a working brain cell.

I was glad to hear the FBI Director lay into her for her incompetence. I'm sure it will be remembered come Nov.
Too bad you guys didnt float the "FBI is in on it" story sooner now you just look desperate and reactionary.

its just another set of baggage to add to what she now has....

Yeah, the no charges baggage is a tough one to endure :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
it does not matter CC.....this whole thing does not look is just more taint on cant see that because you are a die hard democrat....those of us who dont have our heads up a parties ass can....

Yup. He sure was pretty clear when he pointed out her incompetence.

I knew she wouldn't be prosecuted as did anyone with a working brain cell.

I was glad to hear the FBI Director lay into her for her incompetence. I'm sure it will be remembered come Nov.'s not like someone so obviously incompetent should be trusted with anything important.
I have worked with classified information/documents for more than 25 years and what Hilalry Clinton did putting classified documents ona personal server is ILLEGAL and had I or anyone else done that even once we would have gone to prison.

But not the sacred protected members of the Political Class that are entwined with the Multinational Corporate Networks. These bastards can do ANYTHING and they will walk away unscathed.

I am so disgusted with the FBI I could scream!

Shame on them! SHAME SHAME SHAME!

They sould be scrapped and rebuilt as a subsidiary to the BATFE.

For fucking Christs sake, they are not dependable and entirely political creatures.

Had the US Marshalls Service is one of the few remaining entities not corrupted by the Obama slime bags.

Comey, you will be remember decades from now as the FBI Director who did not have the courage to stand up for law and order.

Bye bye Donald:

FBI Director: No Charges Appropriate in Clinton Email Investigation"
FBI Director James Comey said Tuesday "no charges are appropriate in" the investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server as secretary of state.

He said the FBI finished its investigation and is deferring the matter to the DOJ for prosecutorial decision.

FBI Director: No Charges Appropriate in Clinton Email Investigation
And Trump will say see I told you so.
You do realize that this is fodder for Trump's "The government is unresponsive to normal people" attacks, right?

"She did something wrong, but she should get away with it because ???????"
Someone just said this was a John Roberts moments for Comey. Yep.
The elite can openly violate law without fear of any consequences. We are now just another Banana Republic.
Lady Justice has had her blindfold ripped off.

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Oh, brother.

This is as ridiculous as it is wrong.

Our justice system works exactly as intended, in that citizens are presumed innocent.

Conservatives wrongfully presumed Clinton "guilty" for purely partisan reasons.
The far right is in rage and shock.

Not the ones that recognize the 1% when they see them. Not many believed that Obama would take her down. Not when she knows every dirty backroom deal he's been a part of for the past 8 years.
Funny after all this time, all it took was one meeting with Billery1% and Lynch1% and voila, Hitlery indictment wiped clean.

It's past time for a major house cleaning in D.C.

Most of us have been screaming that very thing for the last 30-40 years. Hasn't happened yet, and I don't see it happening in the future.

We're getting the government we deserve.
As I have been saying since at least's those indictments coming?
Uummm, if you or I did what she did and was deemed "extremely careless" with sensitive information at the very least our clearances would be revoked and we'd be out of a job. If we were active duty military at the time we'd be facing a Courts Martial and you know that as well as I.
FBI: Everything Hillary Clinton Said About Emails Was a Lie

FBI director James Comey announced on Tuesday morning that he would not be recommending that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton be prosecuted for mis-handling classified information. But in the course of his presentation, he demonstrated that literally everything she and her campaign had told America about her email servers was a complete lie.
The elite can openly violate law without fear of any consequences. We are now just another Banana Republic.
Lady Justice has had her blindfold ripped off.

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View attachment 80519
Oh, brother.

This is as ridiculous as it is wrong.

Our justice system works exactly as intended, in that citizens are presumed innocent.

Conservatives wrongfully presumed Clinton "guilty" for purely partisan reasons.

You are one stupid piece of work. You are a fallacy of yourself.
Uummm, if you or I did what she did and was deemed "extremely careless" with sensitive information at the very least our clearances would be revoked and we'd be out of a job. If we were active duty military at the time we'd be facing a Courts Martial and you know that as well as I.
But you will vote for her anyway, right? More free shit?
Comey called her reckless. Good news for Trump.
Not to the point of
Comey called her reckless. Good news for Trump.
You guys were rooting for indictment not an opinion about recklessness.

Yep, to the low info voters, the ones who elect the president at the margin, all they will hear and know is Hillary did nothing illegal, no charges, blah blah blah. The networks will report it for a day or 2 that she did nothing worthy of charges. There is nothing here to change minds or persuade the undecided. Sorry, it is what it is.

Are you undecided? Did you listen to the full account given today, or was your mind made up before the evidence was presented?

No, I am voting against the pantsuit bull dyke which means I vote for the big orange clown. Yes, I listened to the full account, but the vast majority of undecided and low info voters did not and will not listen to it. All they will hear is the network news say no indictment.

Trump may get some political points when he runs ads showing Comey saying "careless with secret info" and the bull dyke saying she never sent or received such emails, but in the big picture it won't matter much, IMO. I hope I am wrong.
Well then...

... she's incompetent...

... anyone who is Secretary of State...

... and doesn't know it's improper to handle gov't. emails on their personal email account...

... is incompetent to say the least.
The far right is in rage and shock.

Not the ones that recognize the 1% when they see them. Not many believed that Obama would take her down. Not when she knows every dirty backroom deal he's been a part of for the past 8 years.
Funny after all this time, all it took was one meeting with Billery1% and Lynch1% and voila, Hitlery indictment wiped clean.

It's past time for a major house cleaning in D.C.

Most of us have been screaming that very thing for the last 30-40 years. Hasn't happened yet, and I don't see it happening in the future.

We're getting the government we deserve.

I tend to agree. But there is always that hope the people will say enough is enough. My grandfather once told me that there will come a day, he wouldn't live to see it but I would, they won't be able to build a wall high enough to keep the people out of Washington. At the time I thought that was turns out he was correct in his thinking. Even back then he recognized the corruption and where it was heading

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