No Charges for Clinton

I've been waiting for this announcement to determine if Comey is just another crony. It looks like there is no justice in the Department of Justice. Our government is corrupt to its core.

To be fair, his life may have been threatened or those of his family.

Never judge unless you walk in their shoes.
Uummm, if you or I did what she did and was deemed "extremely careless" with sensitive information at the very least our clearances would be revoked and we'd be out of a job. If we were active duty military at the time we'd be facing a Courts Martial and you know that as well as I.
But you will vote for her anyway, right? More free shit?
What a clueless moron. :lmao:
I said from the very start that nothing was going to happen to Hillary, regardless of the illegalities of her emails, and her terrible judgement and failures of Benghazi.

If you want to beat her, spend all of your efforts at the ballot box.
She deliberately set up a weak server so foreign powers could steal secrets. And they paid her well. But no charges.!!!
It's not a matter about her being indicated, it's about her and her husband lying to the public and denying they did wrong and exposing them. He denied the affair, then reneged, so what other allegations is he covering up like his wife. Hillary had five questionable controversial accusations facing her; White water, a child rape case, Benghazi, and emails, as well as the establishments support.

The Clintons are a foul smelling, rotten to the core crime syndicate that would sell America in exchange for power.
And yet...despite the RWNJs such as yourself spending millions of taxpayer money on investigating end up with nothing.
This is the nothingfries to go with the nothingburger that was the House BENGHAZI!! investigation.

Bon appetit, wingnuts.

Wow, you're the THIRD fully grown conservative pussy that I've made cry! What's the matter, pussy, are you getting mad?

No crying. Just a lot of head shaking and reminders to buy more Anvil on my way home today. People like you don't make me mad. You make me concerned for the future of this natio and the world.

Do you want to get your gun and hurt me now, pussy?

No. If I wanted to do you harm you wouldn't get a warning that I was coming. I just don't want to see the heaps of dung that you post. Their smell messes with my digestive system.
We should start a pool about how many threads will be started about Hillary's non-indictment. I think we are already up to 10 and it's been less than an hour.
I feel a merge coming.
I mean did anyone actually believe that?

Get ready for the stupid meat puppets to laugh when the FBI director says there will be NO INDICTMENT.

Trust me, they are going to act as though they were right all along as if any of us actually believed there would be.

Just another sign of this world movement towards one world socialist new world order government marching on.

I expected as much after Bill's meeting with Lynch. You know damn well what they talked about. And Lynch made clear that while she was 'allowing' the FBI to make a recommendation, she would have the final say. It was a message to the FBI that they may as well not bother trying to charge her. If they had done the right thing, Lynch would have stopped it and then she and the Obama administration would have ridiculed the FBI endlessly and people might have lost their jobs over it. Yea, it was a warning to let it go.

The decision (however forced) to not file charges isn't a sign that there wasn't sufficient evidence to charge her. Hillary already admitted everything and claimed it was a mistake. No charges are being filed because things were rigged in her favor, regardless of the evidence.

Lynch was also one of the lawyers who represented Clintons in Whitewater. She's a long time friend and wasn't about to turn on those who got her where she is today.

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