No Charges for Clinton

And yet...despite the RWNJs such as yourself spending millions of taxpayer money on investigating end up with nothing.

The FBI is an executive agency and thus controlled by democrat obama. Everyone knows there was a coverup.
Director of FBI pretty much called Hillary an incompetent dumb ass....

Hillary will probably be partying face deep with Huma tonight claiming total vindication.
Next time some "darkie" gets beat up/shot by law enforcement, let's not have any of your fucking snivling, Liberals. Justice has been served. Suck it up like you're sucking this one up.

Thanks !
FBI: Everything Hillary Clinton Said About Emails Was a Lie

FBI director James Comey announced on Tuesday morning that he would not be recommending that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton be prosecuted for mis-handling classified information. But in the course of his presentation, he demonstrated that literally everything she and her campaign had told America about her email servers was a complete lie.

Good thing she deleted thousands and thousands first!
As I have been saying since at least's those indictments coming?
Uummm, if you or I did what she did and was deemed "extremely careless" with sensitive information at the very least our clearances would be revoked and we'd be out of a job. If we were active duty military at the time we'd be facing a Courts Martial and you know that as well as I.

I agree, but unfortunately it doesn't matter when you are a Clinton.
I am thinking the director of the FBI might have wanted to recommend charges.
But the politics involved tied his hands....
As I have been saying since at least's those indictments coming?
Uummm, if you or I did what she did and was deemed "extremely careless" with sensitive information at the very least our clearances would be revoked and we'd be out of a job. If we were active duty military at the time we'd be facing a Courts Martial and you know that as well as I.

I agree, but unfortunately it doesn't matter when you are a Clinton.
It doesn't matter if you are powerful regardless of political affiliation.
Next time you get stopped for speeding, try telling the cop that you didn't "intend" to speed, that you were merely being "extremely careless" with your car. See if he tears up the ticket he was writing, when he hears you say that.

BTW, remember Scooter Libby? The Democrats were investigating him to find if he was the one who "outed" Valerie Plame as a secret agent. (They found he wasn't, someone else did it).

But they also asked him tons of questions about everything under the sun. He had to submit tons of information, three different times. In two of those, he submitted complete details about his finances, private matters, everything. In the third one, he left out a few parts. And the Democrats prosecuted him with lying to investigators, and threw him in jail for 2-1/2 years.

He told them everything twice, and left some stuff out the third time but said that account was complete too. Does anyone think he "intended" to lie in this case, or withhold info, or "make a false statement"?

When do Democrats intend to apologize for his jail sentence?

BTW, the reason they were so heated in pursuing him, was because the fact that Plame was an agent, was classified information.


FBI recommends no charges against Clinton in email probe

FBI Director James Comey on Tuesday announced the agency is not recommending the Justice Department bring charges against Hillary Clinton, despite denouncing the former secretary of state and her colleagues for the way they handled classified information through private email servers.

"Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is information that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information," Comey told reporters in Washington, D.C., noting that the probe has found that the former secretary of state used several different email servers and numerous devices during her time in office.

Even so, Comey added later, “Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case. Prosecutors necessarily weigh a number of factors before deciding whether to bring charges."


In other words, the FBI is pretty sure she violated laws. But since she didn't "intend" to, she gets a pass.
I am thinking the director of the FBI might have wanted to recommend charges.
But the politics involved tied his hands....

I tend to agree.

He did, however, tell the world how stupid and incompetent Hitlery is. He sounded pretty damned good doing it also. I doubt he thinks Hitlery is worth a tinkers damn and I agree.
HDSers, we'll get through this together. You do have reasons to go on living, though it might not seem that way at the moment.

For now, keep screaming. That lets us know you're still there, and it might relieve some of your mental pressure. If you've got a favorite intoxicant that you use to get through dark times, you might want to break it out.
Welcome to tyranny. Get used to it. If the bitch takes the Oval Office - what's left of this once great country is finished.
Hello America------------------------Laws are for poor people, not the elites, especially the Clintons.

The FBI found that she violated several laws but "no charges" ?

The next civil servant who releases classified data now has a precedent to avoid prosecution.

This country is going down the drain before our very eyes.
I'm trying to figure out what the Libtards are celebrating about in regard to the
FBI calling Hillary well....Incompetent at the very least...

From the FBI statement....

To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences. To the contrary, those individuals are often subject to security or administrative sanctions. But that is not what we are deciding now.

Pretty much said here that anyone else caught doing this would be pretty much fucked......

But since it's the Hildebeast......

Well favors were called in....
The far right is in rage and shock.

Not the ones that recognize the 1% when they see them. Not many believed that Obama would take her down. Not when she knows every dirty backroom deal he's been a part of for the past 8 years.
Funny after all this time, all it took was one meeting with Billery1% and Lynch1% and voila, Hitlery indictment wiped clean.
I wonder if any similar meetings stayed under the radar.
Next time you get stopped for speeding, try telling the cop that you didn't "intend" to speed, that you were merely being "extremely careless" with your car. See if he tears up the ticket he was writing, when he hears you say that.

BTW, remember Scooter Libby? The Democrats were investigating him to find if he was the one who "outed" Valerie Plame as a secret agent. (They found he wasn't, someone else did it).

But they also asked him tons of questions about everything under the sun. He had to submit tons of information, three different times. In two of those, he submitted complete details about his finances, private matters, everything. In the third one, he left out a few parts. And the Democrats prosecuted him with lying to investigators, and threw him in jail for 2-1/2 years.

He told them everything twice, and left some stuff out the third time but said that account was complete too. Does anyone think he "intended" to lie in this case, or withhold info, or "make a false statement"?

When do Democrats intend to apologize for his jail sentence?

BTW, the reason they were so heated in pursuing him, was because the fact that Plame was an agent, was classified information.


FBI recommends no charges against Clinton in email probe

FBI Director James Comey on Tuesday announced the agency is not recommending the Justice Department bring charges against Hillary Clinton, despite denouncing the former secretary of state and her colleagues for the way they handled classified information through private email servers.

"Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is information that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information," Comey told reporters in Washington, D.C., noting that the probe has found that the former secretary of state used several different email servers and numerous devices during her time in office.

Even so, Comey added later, “Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case. Prosecutors necessarily weigh a number of factors before deciding whether to bring charges."


In other words, the FBI is pretty sure she violated laws. But since she didn't "intend" to, she gets a pass.
How do they know? Taking her "word" for it are they?
No kidding, I just can't believe people buy I to this. They cry about the rich and powerful, but exempt the left everytime. It's amazing they look at party affiliation before deciding on an uh issue, so sad

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