No Charges for Clinton

It's not a matter about her being indicated, it's about her and her husband lying to the public and denying they did wrong and exposing them. He denied the affair, then reneged, so what other allegations is he covering up like his wife. Hillary had five questionable controversial accusations facing her; White water, a child rape case, Benghazi, and emails, as well as the establishments support.

The Clintons are a foul smelling, rotten to the core crime syndicate that would sell America in exchange for power.
And yet...despite the RWNJs such as yourself spending millions of taxpayer money on investigating end up with nothing.
Over and over again, investigations show the incompetence of HC, and unless there is a criminal indictment LWNJs call it nothing.
Not the ones that recognize the 1% when they see them. Not many believed that Obama would take her down. Not when she knows every dirty backroom deal he's been a part of for the past 8 years.
Funny after all this time, all it took was one meeting with Billery1% and Lynch1% and voila, Hitlery indictment wiped clean.

It's past time for a major house cleaning in D.C.

Most of us have been screaming that very thing for the last 30-40 years. Hasn't happened yet, and I don't see it happening in the future.

We're getting the government we deserve.

I tend to agree. But there is always that hope the people will say enough is enough. My grandfather once told me that there will come a day, he wouldn't live to see it but I would, they won't be able to build a wall high enough to keep the people out of Washington. At the time I thought that was turns out he was correct in his thinking. Even back then he recognized the corruption and where it was heading

This might be right. I believe that for everything, there is a tipping point. I mean, few believe that Washington isn't a corrupt snake pit of graft and corruption. Americans that are older, however, have seen the Clintons get away with shit for 30!years and honestly, they may have reached that "tipping point" of these assholes.

I'm seeing the news break, where democrats are saying "what!?". Even these folks are wondering, "what's next, murder?"

So, the corrupt government finding her "innocent" just MIGHT not have the intended effect. We'll see come November. But I caution you - these worthless assholes have fooled their party by force, and by deeds for years. Democrats are quick to point the finger, when it's a republican, but very slow to realize that their own party has "no clothes".

As for name....Vince Foster. There is zero doubt in my mind he was murdered

I looked at the death of Vince Foster myself when it happened. If that man committed suicide, I'm a white guy named "Biff".

But alas, another crime went unpunished.
It's past time for a major house cleaning in D.C.

Most of us have been screaming that very thing for the last 30-40 years. Hasn't happened yet, and I don't see it happening in the future.

We're getting the government we deserve.

I tend to agree. But there is always that hope the people will say enough is enough. My grandfather once told me that there will come a day, he wouldn't live to see it but I would, they won't be able to build a wall high enough to keep the people out of Washington. At the time I thought that was turns out he was correct in his thinking. Even back then he recognized the corruption and where it was heading

This might be right. I believe that for everything, there is a tipping point. I mean, few believe that Washington isn't a corrupt snake pit of graft and corruption. Americans that are older, however, have seen the Clintons get away with shit for 30!years and honestly, they may have reached that "tipping point" of these assholes.

I'm seeing the news break, where democrats are saying "what!?". Even these folks are wondering, "what's next, murder?"

So, the corrupt government finding her "innocent" just MIGHT not have the intended effect. We'll see come November. But I caution you - these worthless assholes have fooled their party by force, and by deeds for years. Democrats are quick to point the finger, when it's a republican, but very slow to realize that their own party has "no clothes".

As for name....Vince Foster. There is zero doubt in my mind he was murdered

I looked at the death of Vince Foster myself when it happened. If that man committed suicide, I'm a white guy named "Biff".

But alas, another crime went unpunished.

Supposedly, Foster committed suicide in the park. Funny thing about that. He didn't bleed out. Almost like he committed suicide somewhere else before he went for a walk in the park.
It may turn out Comey did us a favor...leaving the Incompecunt on the ballot will provide a wealth of attack points for Trump and the RNC. Let's see what the Speaker and the Turtle have the balls to say.
Most of us have been screaming that very thing for the last 30-40 years. Hasn't happened yet, and I don't see it happening in the future.

We're getting the government we deserve.

I tend to agree. But there is always that hope the people will say enough is enough. My grandfather once told me that there will come a day, he wouldn't live to see it but I would, they won't be able to build a wall high enough to keep the people out of Washington. At the time I thought that was turns out he was correct in his thinking. Even back then he recognized the corruption and where it was heading

This might be right. I believe that for everything, there is a tipping point. I mean, few believe that Washington isn't a corrupt snake pit of graft and corruption. Americans that are older, however, have seen the Clintons get away with shit for 30!years and honestly, they may have reached that "tipping point" of these assholes.

I'm seeing the news break, where democrats are saying "what!?". Even these folks are wondering, "what's next, murder?"

So, the corrupt government finding her "innocent" just MIGHT not have the intended effect. We'll see come November. But I caution you - these worthless assholes have fooled their party by force, and by deeds for years. Democrats are quick to point the finger, when it's a republican, but very slow to realize that their own party has "no clothes".

As for name....Vince Foster. There is zero doubt in my mind he was murdered

I looked at the death of Vince Foster myself when it happened. If that man committed suicide, I'm a white guy named "Biff".

But alas, another crime went unpunished.

Supposedly, Foster committed suicide in the park. Funny thing about that. He didn't bleed out. Almost like he committed suicide somewhere else before he went for a walk in the park.

Yeah, I've (years ago) looked and looked and looked. Everything about the "investigation" was suspect. It just was. Body found in the park, in a muddy field, with no mud on the shoes. Gun still in his hand (that RARELY happens). Rug fibers from the Oval Office on his suit. The whole thing stunk to high heaven.

Didn't matter. Just like today. They do what they want to do - and they get away with it. There is another fine example of "abuse of power" would be the radio host "Chuck Harder". Look him up. Poor bastard jumped on the backs of Bill and Hillary and faced harsh IRS audits each year, for 18 years. That's right, even after the assholes left the WH - George Bush CONTINUED the IRS audits on this guy.

Bottom line? You don't fuck with Kings and Queens. So much for "freedom".
The FBI has given The Donald a lot of material to use against hillary...i expect her poll numbers will go down significantly as a result of the failure of the FBI to recommend hillary be indicted.

'FBI Director James Comey on Tuesday dismantled Hillary Clinton’s repeated claim that she did not send or receive any information that was marked “classified” at the time.

“From the group of 30,000 emails returned to the State Department in 2014, 110 emails in 52 email chains have been determined by the owning agency to contain classified information at the time they were sent or received,” Comey said during an unexpected press conference.'

Anti-Hillary Video Quickly Seizes on ‘Clinton’s Lie’ After FBI Director Reveals Findings of Email Investigation
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So that's the ridiculous RW propaganda stance. LOL.
Oh the Obama dicksucker is back. Keep claiming to cry about the rich, yet support Clinton getting off. What a dipshit

Somebody find your one nerve?
Nah Franco, closed caption, Lakhota, NY carbine er and a few others are as independent as nazis youth, so I can them out for what they are
Try facts some day, hater dupe. see sig, all facts...
She won't be indicted because she didn't intend to break the law. I guess we should all remember this if we are caught speeding, trespassing, killing someone in an accident while drunk. We didn't intend to break the law so they can't do anything to us. Oh, wait. Crap like that only works for the Clintons. She is still guilty and should be charged. I wonder how much pressure was put on the FBI director or if he is just another one of the Demo good old boys.
So that's the ridiculous RW propaganda stance. LOL.
Oh the Obama dicksucker is back. Keep claiming to cry about the rich, yet support Clinton getting off. What a dipshit

Somebody find your one nerve?
Nah Franco, closed caption, Lakhota, NY carbine er and a few others are as independent as nazis youth, so I can them out for what they are

Not very well or coherently. you guys hear that?

It's the sound of millions of fully grown conservative men all crying at the same time. would have been a surprise if she had been indicted.

The woman is too important to be jailed. Obama interfered and influenced the investigation. If anyone thought this was gonna result in any charges they're kidding themselves.
They would have had to indict previous AGs too. They were not about to do that.
Hillary wasn't an AG.

Precedent for prosecution had already been established, but political pressure from the WH made it a difficult case for any prosecutor. Hillary destroyed too much evidence and nobody ratted on her, so she's free. If they had wanted to press charges, she would have been indicted.
Sorry meant Secretary of Astate.
The far right is in rage and shock.

Not the ones that recognize the 1% when they see them. Not many believed that Obama would take her down. Not when she knows every dirty backroom deal he's been a part of for the past 8 years.
Funny after all this time, all it took was one meeting with Billery1% and Lynch1% and voila, Hitlery indictment wiped clean.
You still feel the rage and shock.

Get over it

I cant wait for this multi faceted attack against every branch of Govt and claiming everyone is in on everything just to make Republicans look like fools. LMAO :badgrin:

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