No Charges for Clinton

Yeah, I've (years ago) looked and looked and looked. Everything about the "investigation" was suspect. It just was. Body found in the park, in a muddy field, with no mud on the shoes. Gun still in his hand (that RARELY happens). Rug fibers from the Oval Office on his suit. The whole thing stunk to high heaven.

Didn't matter. Just like today. They do what they want to do - and they get away with it. There is another fine example of "abuse of power" would be the radio host "Chuck Harder". Look him up. Poor bastard jumped on the backs of Bill and Hillary and faced harsh IRS audits each year, for 18 years. That's right, even after the assholes left the WH - George Bush CONTINUED the IRS audits on this guy.

Bottom line? You don't fuck with Kings and Queens. So much for "freedom".
Bullshit. Even Royalty has to pay the piper eventually.

If we just give up and walk away with our tail between our legs, the corrupt bastards win.

So we dont.....
So that's the ridiculous RW propaganda stance. LOL.
Oh the Obama dicksucker is back. Keep claiming to cry about the rich, yet support Clinton getting off. What a dipshit
Ha HA. Vulgar AND duped. Hillary's POLICIES will help the middle class and the country, and raise her own taxes. Trump's exactly the opposite.
Yeah like Obama's have, you really are stupid. So is it her support of TPP that you like? Talk about duped. Everytime you post we hear a slurping sound
Next time you get stopped for speeding, try telling the cop that you didn't "intend" to speed, that you were merely being "extremely careless" with your car. See if he tears up the ticket he was writing, when he hears you say that.

BTW, remember Scooter Libby? The Democrats were investigating him to find if he was the one who "outed" Valerie Plame as a secret agent. (They found he wasn't, someone else did it).

But they also asked him tons of questions about everything under the sun. He had to submit tons of information, three different times. In two of those, he submitted complete details about his finances, private matters, everything. In the third one, he left out a few parts. And the Democrats prosecuted him with lying to investigators, and threw him in jail for 2-1/2 years.

He told them everything twice, and left some stuff out the third time but said that account was complete too. Does anyone think he "intended" to lie in this case, or withhold info, or "make a false statement"?

When do Democrats intend to apologize for his jail sentence?

BTW, the reason they were so heated in pursuing him, was because the fact that Plame was an agent, was classified information.


FBI recommends no charges against Clinton in email probe

FBI Director James Comey on Tuesday announced the agency is not recommending the Justice Department bring charges against Hillary Clinton, despite denouncing the former secretary of state and her colleagues for the way they handled classified information through private email servers.

"Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is information that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information," Comey told reporters in Washington, D.C., noting that the probe has found that the former secretary of state used several different email servers and numerous devices during her time in office.

Even so, Comey added later, “Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case. Prosecutors necessarily weigh a number of factors before deciding whether to bring charges."


In other words, the FBI is pretty sure she violated laws. But since she didn't "intend" to, she gets a pass.

I just finished reading the entire statement. No charges. Hillary will be the next POTUS.
It may turn out Comey did us a favor...leaving the Incompecunt on the ballot will provide a wealth of attack points for Trump and the RNC. Let's see what the Speaker and the Turtle have the balls to say.
The dithering with the enforcement of the law is never a good thing, though some good benefits may come of it.

You can also warm your hands in the heat of your house burning to the ground, but that doesnt make it a good thing.
Hillary said Bill had nothing to do with making any sort of secret deal behind the scenes....

hillary wink.jpg
She won't be indicted because she didn't intend to break the law. I guess we should all remember this if we are caught speeding, trespassing, killing someone in an accident while drunk. We didn't intend to break the law so they can't do anything to us. Oh, wait. Crap like that only works for the Clintons. She is still guilty and should be charged. I wonder how much pressure was put on the FBI director or if he is just another one of the Demo good old boys.

Now we see corruption and we see how it works....The Donald should be able to capitalize on this blatant abuse of power by this administration.
So sad for you that the investigation found no reason to indict her. Any you've been promising "any day now" for so long.

No, actually they merely declined to recommend charges.

A sad day for all Americans. Too bad you and others are too stupid to realize that justice isn't blind after all. I'm sick, I thought the FBI was in better hands. Hillary OBVIOUSLY broke the law.
She won't be indicted because she didn't intend to break the law. I guess we should all remember this if we are caught speeding, trespassing, killing someone in an accident while drunk. We didn't intend to break the law so they can't do anything to us. Oh, wait. Crap like that only works for the Clintons. She is still guilty and should be charged. I wonder how much pressure was put on the FBI director or if he is just another one of the Demo good old boys.

for the millionth time INTENT is irrelevant you fucking moron.
The very minute I heard that Bill Clinton met with Loretta Lynch on the tarmac in her plane, I absolutely KNEW that nothing would happen. Now Loretta is to be Hillary's choice for Attorney General.

Even the veneer of respectability is gone...
I mean did anyone actually believe that?

Get ready for the stupid meat puppets to laugh when the FBI director says there will be NO INDICTMENT.

Trust me, they are going to act as though they were right all along as if any of us actually believed there would be.

Just another sign of this world movement towards one world socialist new world order government marching on.

Material Classified MARKED as such at the Time sent / received...
- Proved Hillary LIED - Perjury
....No charges recommended.

Un-authorized servers, people without legally required clearances had access to highly classified info...No charges recommended.

88 TS e-mails, 122 Secret e-mails, and more sent out...No charges recommended...

Assessed foreign operatives ikely have access to HIGHLY classified ...

Clear INDICTMENT on Hillary's judgement and fitness to be President.

Proved Hillary did not turn over all work-related information...that means she DID violate the FOIA and The Federal Records Act - Illegal...but no charges recommended.

No intent? She INTENTIONALLY did not use government e-mails, set up her own un-authorized, un-encrypted personal servers to hide what she was doing
- Illegal server, multiple levels of MARKED classified information, illegally sent/received classified information - lied about it - perjured herself about it.

'Patreus had secret info in a safe at home - not same as Hillary..."
- Hillary had Compartmentalized TS, secret, etc on multiple illegal servers...

The gact that Comey ran out of the room without answering questins that could poke holes in all of this is most telling...

The FIX is officially in.
I hope you can still buy con-federate flag crying towels. Make sure you have some for November too.

There is nothing to cry over. Hillary was never in danger of being indicted despite her crimes. Anyone who nelieved actual justice would be seeved while it was about Hillary and Obama / Lynch were in charge...and Lnch was meeting with slick Willy a couple of days before this went down.
Yeah, I've (years ago) looked and looked and looked. Everything about the "investigation" was suspect. It just was. Body found in the park, in a muddy field, with no mud on the shoes. Gun still in his hand (that RARELY happens). Rug fibers from the Oval Office on his suit. The whole thing stunk to high heaven.

Didn't matter. Just like today. They do what they want to do - and they get away with it. There is another fine example of "abuse of power" would be the radio host "Chuck Harder". Look him up. Poor bastard jumped on the backs of Bill and Hillary and faced harsh IRS audits each year, for 18 years. That's right, even after the assholes left the WH - George Bush CONTINUED the IRS audits on this guy.

Bottom line? You don't fuck with Kings and Queens. So much for "freedom".
Bullshit. Even Royalty has to pay the piper eventually.

If we just give up and walk away with our tail between our legs, the corrupt bastards win.

So we dont.....

Here's the deal. While I completely agree with you, I see it a bit differently. Raving about injustice on some obscure forum changes absolutely nothing. Unfortunately, our government has reached the point (in my opinion) that they no longer CARE what the America people say, or want. Hell, they don't even listen any longer.

Our founders gave us remedies for a corrupt government. Obviously, voting does no good, so that leaves one other option. Armed resistance.

Here's the problem with that. EVERY department of government (hell, even the FDA) has been armed to the teeth militarily. An undisciplined and unruly "mob" wouldn't last 5 minutes before being obliterated.

So, what do we do? You tell me. And before you resort to calling me "coward" and RINO - I served. 21 years worth. Combat experience in Viet Nam and Counter Intelligence AFTER Viet Nam. I've "been there and done that" and I believe that until the minds of Americans have been changed, nothing else will change. Apathy rules the day right now. That and "safe zones" for the next generation of "heroes".
So sad for you that the investigation found no reason to indict her. Any you've been promising "any day now" for so long.
So sad for you that you support a lying crooked hag. The fix is in, there was reason, just that the FBI is too scared. Retard.
Yeah, I've (years ago) looked and looked and looked. Everything about the "investigation" was suspect. It just was. Body found in the park, in a muddy field, with no mud on the shoes. Gun still in his hand (that RARELY happens). Rug fibers from the Oval Office on his suit. The whole thing stunk to high heaven.

Didn't matter. Just like today. They do what they want to do - and they get away with it. There is another fine example of "abuse of power" would be the radio host "Chuck Harder". Look him up. Poor bastard jumped on the backs of Bill and Hillary and faced harsh IRS audits each year, for 18 years. That's right, even after the assholes left the WH - George Bush CONTINUED the IRS audits on this guy.

Bottom line? You don't fuck with Kings and Queens. So much for "freedom".
Bullshit. Even Royalty has to pay the piper eventually.

If we just give up and walk away with our tail between our legs, the corrupt bastards win.

So we dont.....

Here's the deal. While I completely agree with you, I see it a bit differently. Raving about injustice on some obscure forum changes absolutely nothing. Unfortunately, our government has reached the point (in my opinion) that they no longer CARE what the America people say, or want. Hell, they don't even listen any longer.

Our founders gave us remedies for a corrupt government. Obviously, voting does no good, so that leaves one other option. Armed resistance.

Here's the problem with that. EVERY department of government (hell, even the FDA) has been armed to the teeth militarily. An undisciplined and unruly "mob" wouldn't last 5 minutes before being obliterated.

So, what do we do? You tell me. And before you resort to calling me "coward" and RINO - I served. 21 years worth. Combat experience in Viet Nam and Counter Intelligence AFTER Viet Nam. I've "been there and done that" and I believe that until the minds of Americans have been changed, nothing else will change. Apathy rules the day right now. That and "safe zones" for the next generation of "heroes".

Michael Collins
The very minute I heard that Bill Clinton met with Loretta Lynch on the tarmac in her plane, I absolutely KNEW that nothing would happen. Now Loretta is to be Hillary's choice for Attorney General.

Even the veneer of respectability is gone...

She won't be indicted because she didn't intend to break the law. I guess we should all remember this if we are caught speeding, trespassing, killing someone in an accident while drunk. We didn't intend to break the law so they can't do anything to us. Oh, wait. Crap like that only works for the Clintons. She is still guilty and should be charged. I wonder how much pressure was put on the FBI director or if he is just another one of the Demo good old boys.
Try that next time you break the law. Martha Stewart went to prison for lying. Hillary is a lying scumbag hag.

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