No Charges for Clinton

So sad for you that the investigation found no reason to indict her. Any you've been promising "any day now" for so long.

No, actually they merely declined to recommend charges.

A sad day for all Americans. Too bad you and others are too stupid to realize that justice isn't blind after all. I'm sick, I thought the FBI was in better hands. Hillary OBVIOUSLY broke the law.

You OBVIOUSLY would disparage anyone who wouldn't give her the same unfair judgement as you.
The far right is in rage and shock.

Not the ones that recognize the 1% when they see them. Not many believed that Obama would take her down. Not when she knows every dirty backroom deal he's been a part of for the past 8 years.
Funny after all this time, all it took was one meeting with Billery1% and Lynch1% and voila, Hitlery indictment wiped clean.
You still feel the rage and shock.

Get over it

Nothing to get over. Not when what I expected all along came to fruition. She knows enough to take the Obama regime down if she sang. Our government is behaving exactly the way I expected it to work. Corruptly. No rage and especially, no shock.
I would have been shocked if our government would have acted responsibly.
Yeah, I've (years ago) looked and looked and looked. Everything about the "investigation" was suspect. It just was. Body found in the park, in a muddy field, with no mud on the shoes. Gun still in his hand (that RARELY happens). Rug fibers from the Oval Office on his suit. The whole thing stunk to high heaven.

Didn't matter. Just like today. They do what they want to do - and they get away with it. There is another fine example of "abuse of power" would be the radio host "Chuck Harder". Look him up. Poor bastard jumped on the backs of Bill and Hillary and faced harsh IRS audits each year, for 18 years. That's right, even after the assholes left the WH - George Bush CONTINUED the IRS audits on this guy.

Bottom line? You don't fuck with Kings and Queens. So much for "freedom".
Bullshit. Even Royalty has to pay the piper eventually.

If we just give up and walk away with our tail between our legs, the corrupt bastards win.

So we dont.....

Here's the deal. While I completely agree with you, I see it a bit differently. Raving about injustice on some obscure forum changes absolutely nothing. Unfortunately, our government has reached the point (in my opinion) that they no longer CARE what the America people say, or want. Hell, they don't even listen any longer.

Our founders gave us remedies for a corrupt government. Obviously, voting does no good, so that leaves one other option. Armed resistance.

Here's the problem with that. EVERY department of government (hell, even the FDA) has been armed to the teeth militarily. An undisciplined and unruly "mob" wouldn't last 5 minutes before being obliterated.

So, what do we do? You tell me. And before you resort to calling me "coward" and RINO - I served. 21 years worth. Combat experience in Viet Nam and Counter Intelligence AFTER Viet Nam. I've "been there and done that" and I believe that until the minds of Americans have been changed, nothing else will change. Apathy rules the day right now. That and "safe zones" for the next generation of "heroes".

Michael Collins

And how far did he get? I admire the guy, but still.
The far right is in rage and shock.

Not the ones that recognize the 1% when they see them. Not many believed that Obama would take her down. Not when she knows every dirty backroom deal he's been a part of for the past 8 years.
Funny after all this time, all it took was one meeting with Billery1% and Lynch1% and voila, Hitlery indictment wiped clean.
You still feel the rage and shock.

Get over it

Nothing to get over. Not when what I expected all along came to fruition. She knows enough to take the Obama regime down if she sang. Our government is behaving exactly the way I expected it to work. Corruptly. No rage and especially, no shock.
I would have been shocked if our government would have acted responsibly.

And the last sentence in your post says it all, unfortunately and sadly.
So sad for you that the investigation found no reason to indict her. Any you've been promising "any day now" for so long.
So sad for you that you support a lying crooked hag. The fix is in, there was reason, just that the FBI is too scared. Retard.

No conspiracy theory left behind!!!
No theory you friggin idiot, she lied.

Right, and the only reason she isn't in jail is the massive conspiracy that forced the FBI to withhold indicting her. Right?

I cant wait for this multi faceted attack against every branch of Govt and claiming everyone is in on everything just to make Republicans look like fools. LMAO :badgrin:

And just what gov. ducks do you think are NOT in a row? The DOJ? The DHS? Congress?
All tow the Obama line. The most corrupt and nontransparent regime ever.

Good luck telling everyone the Dems seem to outsmart you in every aspect of everything ever
Another phony GOP propaganda scandal- the only reason for this investigation. Only the GOP FBI head made this go on so long, AND made silly charges against Hillary while absolving her...

If you bothered to read the entire statement from Director Comey, he was quite clear as to why the investigation took so long. As a Democrat, I believe his assessment was direct and reasonable. What he basically said was that she was stupid for using her own E-mail server and that it put some classified information at greater risk of being exposed. He also stated that there was no direct evidence that anything was exposed as there was no evidence that the system was ever successfully hacked. The most important point was the finding that using a private E-mail server was not done to hide or conceal anything and that the deleted E-mails were not deleted to hide anything. The last point of this is that while he did not say it, his point is that if charges were to be filed, there is not enough there to get a conviction, therefore a recommendation to file charges would be nothing more than a political ploy to cost her the presidency.
Now we know why they wanted all the hollow points for. Wanted it for Training my ass. Hollow points are more destructive and adds to the killing power. Round nose projectiles are more adequate for training purpose and target practice.

Here's the deal. While I completely agree with you, I see it a bit differently. Raving about injustice on some obscure forum changes absolutely nothing. Unfortunately, our government has reached the point (in my opinion) that they no longer CARE what the America people say, or want. Hell, they don't even listen any longer.

Our founders gave us remedies for a corrupt government. Obviously, voting does no good, so that leaves one other option. Armed resistance.

Here's the problem with that. EVERY department of government (hell, even the FDA) has been armed to the teeth militarily. An undisciplined and unruly "mob" wouldn't last 5 minutes before being obliterated.

So, what do we do? You tell me. And before you resort to calling me "coward" and RINO - I served. 21 years worth. Combat experience in Viet Nam and Counter Intelligence AFTER Viet Nam. I've "been there and done that" and I believe that until the minds of Americans have been changed, nothing else will change. Apathy rules the day right now. That and "safe zones" for the next generation of "heroes".[/QUOTE]
Same as all the earlier Secs of State...zzzzzzzzzzzz. An Obama appointed GOP FBI head just HAD to go on and on with bs. ANY server could possibly have been hacked. No evidence it was, unlike the State server itself. Insecure my butt.
The far right is in rage and shock.

Not the ones that recognize the 1% when they see them. Not many believed that Obama would take her down. Not when she knows every dirty backroom deal he's been a part of for the past 8 years.
Funny after all this time, all it took was one meeting with Billery1% and Lynch1% and voila, Hitlery indictment wiped clean.
You still feel the rage and shock.

Get over it

Nothing to get over. Not when what I expected all along came to fruition. She knows enough to take the Obama regime down if she sang. Our government is behaving exactly the way I expected it to work. Corruptly. No rage and especially, no shock.
I would have been shocked if our government would have acted responsibly.
I said from the beginning of this that there was no way she would be indicted. She's too powerful, too well connected and knows where too many skeletons are buried. The best we can hope for is that she becomes too toxic to win, and all these lies are a good start.
The Republican party fails con-land again. Lying only works inside the conservative bubble. Once it is forced into the daylight it shrivels like a toadstool forced out of the shadows.

What now cons, the pool of lies the Republicans have been counting on have all failed now.

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