No Charges for Clinton

Bye bye Donald:

FBI Director: No Charges Appropriate in Clinton Email Investigation"
FBI Director James Comey said Tuesday "no charges are appropriate in" the investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server as secretary of state.

He said the FBI finished its investigation and is deferring the matter to the DOJ for prosecutorial decision.

FBI Director: No Charges Appropriate in Clinton Email Investigation

LMAO Donald has all kinds of ammo he can use against Hitlery.

She wasn't indicted but the FBI director made it pretty clear that she's not only stupid, but incompetent as well.

Bye Bye Hitlery. LMAO>
FBI: Everything Hillary Clinton Said About Emails Was a Lie

FBI director James Comey announced on Tuesday morning that he would not be recommending that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton be prosecuted for mis-handling classified information. But in the course of his presentation, he demonstrated that literally everything she and her campaign had told America about her email servers was a complete lie.

Well, that clears it up then doesn't it. So, the bitch committed no crime - even though by US Statute, she did but she "lied" about it.

So, lying to the American public is acceptable (unless your name is Patreaus) and (I suppose) it's the definition of what "is"'is.

Indeed. this country is in GREAT shape.
It's funny really and rather very sad.

Comey more or less said, "What Clinton did was criminal but we don't recommend criminal prosecution."

Now it's up to the Justice Department to indict or not but we all know there will be no indictment.

Oh well, let's get ready for the end on The United States of America and usher in The United Socialist States of America or U.S.S.A!!!
The fix has been in, about this, for months.

Nobody in their right mind ever expected an indictment to come out of this.

Democrats, in general, are as corrupt a bunch as may be found grazing the American political landscape.

And Bubba and HildaBeast are primus inter pares amongst corrupt Democrats.
Do you think the Kunt will have the guts to debate this with Trump in public?
It is very apparent the FBI is not protecting America from terrorists and now enemies from within-hilLIARy. The FBI is now known as a joke in the law enforcement circle.
Never before did they allow politics to rule justice, until today
Everyone, if you know any HDS-afflicted cult bedwetters, like the ones on this thread, check up on them _now_. If you don't, they might do harm to themselves. They all need to be under a suicide watch. Never leave them alone, not even for a short time.

HDSers, keep posting. Cry, rage, pout, shriek, stamp your widdle feet, do something, just so we know you're okay.

HDSers, you're still brainwashed cult losers, completely detached from reality, and lacking any vestiges of common sense, intelligence or morality. But you're losers that we love. That's why we make these efforts to protect you and deprogram you.
I've been waiting for this announcement to determine if Comey is just another crony. It looks like there is no justice in the Department of Justice. Our government is corrupt to its core.
The elite can openly violate law without fear of any consequences. We are now just another Banana Republic.
Lady Justice has had her blindfold ripped off.

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Oh, brother.

This is as ridiculous as it is wrong.

Our justice system works exactly as intended, in that citizens are presumed innocent.

Conservatives wrongfully presumed Clinton "guilty" for purely partisan reasons.
Yes, it works fine for the elite when law enforcement says you've violated Federal law but we will look the other way.
Well then...

... she's incompetent...

... anyone who is Secretary of State...

... and doesn't know it's improper to handle gov't. emails on their personal email account...

... is incompetent to say the least.

You are judging her too harshly.

Look at the great job she did in Libya, Syria, and her own marriage.
We all knew the fix was in, long before now. The one good thing is that Comey pointed out how incompetent she is, as well as the people around her. Not a great consolation prize, but better than I expected.
"I have said repeatedly that I did not send nor receive classified material, and I’m very confident that when this entire process plays out that will be understood by everyone, ~~ Hillary Clinton

In a press conference today the FBI Director said that they found 110 classified e-mails including several that were top secret.

Clinton is a criminal and a liar. Anyone who votes for her is an idiot.
My opinion.....this issue will be dead in 3-4 days....Hillary skates and likely will be the next POTUS. TOO BAD!
Lol, no, it will not be dead.

Trump has a new third issue to pound till November; along with 'I will create more jobs' and 'I will secure America' he has 'I will enforce the laws evenly'.

You libtards just have no clue how much America hates and resents Oligarchs being above the law, especially the Clinton Dynasty.

I am a conservative, I just happen to be one with my eyes open. I despise the pantsuit bull dyke, but the undecided voter will hear no charges recommend and the issue will not matter to them. Those voters aren't even paying attention right now, and the network news they watch will not mention then topic after a few days.
She perpetrated crimes, but did "not" intend to do so. She was just incredibly stupid! Yeah, yeah.
Guilty until proven innocent and incredibly stupid?
That isnt what the guy said, idiot.

Hillary broke the law, according to Comey, but she is too stupid to be held accountable.

You libtards are going to hear that message till November 3rd EVERY GOD DAMNED DAY, idiot.

You are correct that Comey said Clinton broke the law; and he even made a pretty damning albeit tempered case against her. As to the reason he gave for not recommending an indictment, he said (paraphrasing) "no reasonable prosecutor would prosecute". And then he didn't explain any reasoning nor did he take questions despite touting greater transparency. If that doesn't tell a person how lacking in conviction this course of action was, I don't know what would.
She has long thought she was a above the law. Now she knows she is. As POTUS, what possibly could go wrong?

If Democrats had half a brain they'd not vote for her for that reason alone. Some things should trump ideologies.

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