No Charges for Clinton

There was never any chance the presumptive Democratic nominee to be the next president was going to be prosecuted by a Democratic administration, regardless of what they found.
Comey isn't a prosecutor - he's FBI - and a very sorry specimen in my opinion. Still, since he claims there was no criminal intent but only "carelessness" on Hillary's part ... it begs the question whether we really need someone that reckless and careless in the White House?
So if you didn't intend a crime, it's not a crime.


I wonder if we can use this now against all future FBI investigations
As expected. No one -- except hysterical conservatives -- really believed she was deliberately committing a crime. Sounds like it was an incredibly thorough investigation.

I believe the word used was "careless," not "reckless."

He used reckless and careless

I watched the whole thing, and didn't hear "reckless." Post a link if you have one.

I watched the whole thing as well.

and I heard it

No, you didn't. You heard what you wanted to hear.
The far right is in rage and shock.

Actually I kind of figured this would happen, no matter what the factual findings.

The big win here is the FBI basically admitted she committed serious breaches of security protocols regarding classified documents.

Trumpie will have a field day with this.
I said months ago that the fix was in Obama, jarrett and lynch made suere of that.
She perpetrated crimes, but did "not" intend to do so. She was just incredibly stupid! Yeah, yeah.

Guilty until proven innocent and incredibly stupid?

IMO Jackson is a self righteous partisan and typical of any angry emotion driven jerk. I could be wrong, or my assessment might have pointed out his hos most benign traits.
Stupid conservative posters appear to think that Secretary Clinton's learning curve is as slow as their own. Reading them literally, they appear to be of the universal opinion that President Clinton's first official act will be to send a classified document, over a private email server(?)! You simply cannot trust a learning curve--especially if it's one of their own!

No doubt we await some serious tweets on this important new understanding, likely to be centerpiece at the Trump Family Zingers, national convention!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Some smoke in private, better left in the Medicine Lodges!)
What this boils down to is if someone hacks the code, due to someone's negligence, as long as there was no intent, no problem.

We have to be the laughing stock of all first world countries...

Hackers all over the world doubling down now.
Bye bye Donald:

FBI Director: No Charges Appropriate in Clinton Email Investigation"
FBI Director James Comey said Tuesday "no charges are appropriate in" the investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server as secretary of state.

He said the FBI finished its investigation and is deferring the matter to the DOJ for prosecutorial decision.

FBI Director: No Charges Appropriate in Clinton Email Investigation

In a banana republic, you can win as many elections as you like, but you will be put in office.
There was never any chance the presumptive Democratic nominee to be the next president was going to be prosecuted by a Democratic administration, regardless of what they found.

I still had hope the fbi was going to at least recomend an indictment.
My opinion.....this issue will be dead in 3-4 days....Hillary skates and likely will be the next POTUS. TOO BAD!
Lol, no, it will not be dead.

Trump has a new third issue to pound till November; along with 'I will create more jobs' and 'I will secure America' he has 'I will enforce the laws evenly'.

You libtards just have no clue how much America hates and resents Oligarchs being above the law, especially the Clinton Dynasty.
As expected. No one -- except hysterical conservatives -- really believed she was deliberately committing a crime. Sounds like it was an incredibly thorough investigation.
I believe the word used was "careless," not "reckless."
"deliberately"? LMFAO for real?
Ignorance is now a get out of jail free card?

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