No Charges for Clinton


This shyt is rigged. Sure tell me that the Bill/Lynch meeting was just a coincidence. Word is, Hillary will keep her (Lynch) on.
Only the Hillary base club of morons is pleased with this announcement, the rest of the nation is shocked and outraged.
As expected. No one -- except hysterical conservatives -- really believed she was deliberately committing a crime. Sounds like it was an incredibly thorough investigation.

I believe the word used was "careless," not "reckless."
Either way she's not fit to run the country if she's too damn stupid to handle sensitive and classified material.
Clinton is not stupid. Not by a long shot. She simply exploited a standing laxness in State Department regulations for her personal convenience instead of tightening the ship.

PseudoCons: Misunderestimating the Clintons Since 1992.
The FBI concluded no crime was committed and once again a faux scandal has been put to rest. Once again the fiscally conservative (LOL) spent Millions of taxpayer dollars for solely partisan gain. From the first efforts to kick President Clinton out of office, to the bullshit claim that President Obama was not a eligible to be POTUS, to Solyndra, Behghazi and Sect. Clinton's e-mail account, and countless investigations by the corrupt Rep. Issa, the GOP has cost America treasure; the Congress under the (LOL leadership) of Boehner and McConnell has once again been shown to have put the Republican Party first and continued to ignore the plight of the American citizens.

She did break the rules, and did so seriously. The decline to prosecute is a shockingly transparent "wink wink, nudge nudge" from the current admin to their hoped for successor admin.

The real question is do we trust someone to keep their security clearances if they can't follow the rules, and how can a person be President if we can't give them a security clearance?
As expected. No one -- except hysterical conservatives -- really believed she was deliberately committing a crime. Sounds like it was an incredibly thorough investigation.

I believe the word used was "careless," not "reckless."
Either way she's not fit to run the country if she's too damn stupid to handle sensitive and classified material.
Clinton is not stupid. Not by a long shot. She simply exploited a standing laxness in State Department regulations for her personal convenience instead of tightening the ship.

PseudoCons: Misunderestimating the Clintons Since 1992.
She is a stupid reckless Kunt.
The Oligarchs and their pet politicians can do anything the hell they want and they will get away with it.

This is exactly how vigilantism gets started.
As expected. No one -- except hysterical conservatives -- really believed she was deliberately committing a crime. Sounds like it was an incredibly thorough investigation.

I believe the word used was "careless," not "reckless."

He used reckless and careless

I watched the whole thing, and didn't hear "reckless." Post a link if you have one.

I watched the whole thing as well.

and I heard it
We should start a pool about how many threads will be started about Hillary's non-indictment. I think we are already up to 10 and it's been less than an hour.
And if this had been George W. Bush... watch out !!


James Comey: Why Obama wants a Republican to be FBI chief
James Comey: Why Obama wants a Republican to be FBI chief
May 30, 2013
"President Obama is reportedly preparing to nominate James B. Comey, a high-ranking Justice Department official during the George W. Bush administration, to replace FBI Director Robert Mueller III, whose already extended 10-year term expires in September."""

What in the fuck are you babblling about, shiteater ?
Had the same thing that happened to Hillary happened to GW Bush - -----

That fucking help?

The FBI concluded no crime was committed and once again a faux scandal has been put to rest. Once again the fiscally conservative (LOL) spent Millions of taxpayer dollars for solely partisan gain. From the first efforts to kick President Clinton out of office, to the bullshit claim that President Obama was not a eligible to be POTUS, to Solyndra, Behghazi and Sect. Clinton's e-mail account, and countless investigations by the corrupt Rep. Issa, the GOP has cost America treasure; the Congress under the (LOL leadership) of Boehner and McConnell has once again been shown to have put the Republican Party first and continued to ignore the plight of the American citizens.

She did break the rules, and did so seriously. The decline to prosecute is a shockingly transparent "wink wink, nudge nudge" from the current admin to their hoped for successor admin.

The real question is do we trust someone to keep their security clearances if they can't follow the rules, and how can a person be President if we can't give them a security clearance?
Security Clearances are usually withdrawn for anyone who is careless with top secret documents. She should have her Clearance withdrawn.. which would make her ineligible for the presidency.
Are you figuring out who the real 1% are?

The 1% includes Trump and the GOP.

The 99% is everyone else, including Hillary.

Are you kidding? she haas someone else drive her car, buy her groceries, cook her food, do her makeup for her, plan her schedule for her, shes worth 10s of millions and going to be worth much much more. You wont catch her hanging out with the 99 %
What this boils down to is if someone hacks the code, due to someone's negligence, as long as there was no intent, no problem.

We have to be the laughing stock of all first world countries...

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