No concern of ours

That is Joe Manchin behind Schumer's left shoulder burying his face in his hands. Even he knows what a disaster this has become.

The Senate passed a "stopgap" spending bill after 11 so-called Republicans voted to end the filibuster.

Don't vote for Democrats or Republicans. None of them (save a scant few) care about you. None of them will fulfill their campaign promises. And they never will.

They are convincingly unconcerned with the fiscal consequences of unlimited spending.

(Image: @burgessev)

View attachment 548948
Republicans sold yas down the river again .....shocker

Spineless cowards
Uniparty fake opposition

That would be both
Ha. That was a screwup so massive, it would have been political suicide to suggest otherwise. Yet, he did, and you went right along with it. You can admit what you want, that doesn't mean the admission is true.

You are silent almost all the time when it comes to Biden's mistakes.

(But the best you can do is click the funny button, simply because you have no plausible argument for or against Biden's actions as YOUR (not my) president.)

I see you just can't comprehend it when someone is a sober observer and isn't in a cult like you are. Poor baby.

President Biden. He's YOUR president.
I see you just can't comprehend it when someone is a sober observer and isn't in a cult like you are. Poor baby.

President Biden. He's YOUR president.

He's nobody's president because he's clearly not capable of wiping his own butt, let alone running the nation. They don't even let him hold events in the real White House; they have a fake studio set up for him across the street.

So congrats on that. He is everything you all lost your minds over Trump for. This all happened in mere months.

God sure has a sense of humor.
That is Joe Manchin behind Schumer's left shoulder burying his face in his hands. Even he knows what a disaster this has become.

The Senate passed a "stopgap" spending bill after 11 so-called Republicans voted to end the filibuster.

Don't vote for Democrats or Republicans. None of them (save a scant few) care about you. None of them will fulfill their campaign promises. And they never will.

They are convincingly unconcerned with the fiscal consequences of unlimited spending.

(Image: @burgessev)

View attachment 548948
What's sad is that everybody on all sides inside D.C. and out knows this is NOTHING but a treasury raid. Legal theft.

We do not need a federal government. It needs us.
Citizens need to rise up and petition and demand that ALL wages, bonuses, perks, kickbacks, and all other monetarily gained "gifts" must STOP immediately for ALL politicians in the White House, Senate, and Congress.........until they reverse the spending, start paying off debts instead of creating them, and end all moneys sent to other countries until CITIZENS needs are met, debts are paid off, and there is a positive cash flow into Social Security and other social organizations that exist for the assistance of the people.

And THEY won't get paid until it gets done. Not ONE freeking penny!!
Petition hell!

I was also unaware that my outrage was only valid if Miss/Mrs HappyJoy saw it.

You've got to be kidding me. Take a hike, lady.
You're such a fraud. Just a quick look at your posts shows that before recently the last time you mentioned the debt ceiling was in February of 2016.

Why not talk about it when it's raised during TFG's time in the White House? Everybody knows why.
When Trump ran up $8T in debt...the debt ceiling was raised twice....

Strange...nobody seemed to mind then.

three times I think. and none of these people cared in the slightest
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"Them"? I'm talking about you dude..... Where was your outrage when Mara Lard Ass jacked up the debt ceiling twice?
Don't know about him specifically but I know quite a few of us bitched about Trumps spending. It was indeed just as bad.
All these asshats spend our money like kids in a toy store

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