No Country For White Children

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People of color do well in a white country, but no one does well in a country of color
Man the guy who made that video must really hate black people
Can you blame him? Watching that video doesn't evoke warm fuzzy feeling toward Blacks.

The young assailants we saw in the video are not black teen-age boys who are "acting up." They are vicious young ******* and the best thing to be done with their kind is kill them. I would have absolutely no problem lynching the sonofabitch who punched that White girl in the mouth because she "wouldn't be his girlfriend." If some ****** bastard did that to one of my girls I would make sure he never did anything like that again!
Man the guy who made that video must really hate black people

You know what I find in this video . Everytime it is a black person doing it to white person it is automatically said t was not racial. BUT on the news everytime I see a white kid doing it to blacks it is automatically claimed a racial crime. I call double standards here
But have you ever seen a video of a White kid brutalizing a Black kid? I never have.
I don't know that anyone is not saying these things can be racial; some of them are. Some of them aren't--on both sides. The problem with the video for me is that it is obviously a specifically selected accumulation of events where black children are attacking white children, specifically selected for the purpose of making it look as if, in general, in our society, it is primarily blacks who attack whites. As the aunt of two black children (yes, half white, but society sees them as black), who grew up in America, I know for a fact that black children are regularly attacked by white kids, with words and physically...because they are black. The video is propaganda because it attempts to paint the problem as a one way street when it is not so at all. Overall, racism is a sad fact in America. In some ways, in some places, things are much better than they were a few decades ago, but in some ways and places, it seems worse than ever. Sad, very sad.
That is a bunch of double-talking, very typical excuse-mongering bullshit! And it's starting to get old and tiresome.
People of color do well in a white country, but no one does well in a country of color

More expected idiocy from an idiot. A loser like YOU does nothing but stink up the place in any country. That's why YOU are not wanted, ANYWHERE.
Then why are people from brown countries fleeing to white countries?
That's why white people need to have their kids trained in martial arts when they're young. Kick the shit out of the bullies who hate Whitey.

You and Tank must have stayed getting your asses kicked everyday. No wonder you both harbor so much hate. :lol:

Is your objection to the fact that there are people just as willing to report black on white hate crimes as there are those willing to report the white on black crimes?
Or is it that you fall into the category of "black people cannot be racist"?
Look, when an individual of one race sets on to attack a person of another race just because the attacker does not like or chooses to dominate that other person, that is a HATE CRIME.
Same applies to group or mob attacks.
Whether you want to admit it or not, black on white, black on Asian crimes of violence are HATE crimes. And as such should be prosecuted as hate crimes. No exceptions.
Now, you tell me, where do you see a problem with applying the hate crimes statutes equally to all.
Choose your answer carefully.
You and Tank must have stayed getting your asses kicked everyday. No wonder you both harbor so much hate. :lol:
Sorry to disappoint your racist ass but I was taught martial arts as a child. I didn't really need it until they started the forced busing shit when I was high school. Then I kicked a lot of black asses (like yours). It was fun. Too bad you didn't go to my high school, punk.

We totally believe you. :lol:

We know you were the kid that got your ass kicked constantly and after high school you swore never again and worked out constantly.

Now you're just being an asshole.
The video is white supremacist propaganda.



These are white suprmacists. This is what Tank probably looks like. This is the type of person who considers himself the master race. LOL

Other than to show your vapidity, what's your point?
Most people realize and agree that there are white hate groups and hate crimes committed by whites vs minorities.
The issue here that when minorities commit racial crimes vs whites, there is no mention of a hate crime and prosecutors are reluctant to file hate crimes charges.
So now you show your expertise in ignorance by posting skin head pics...
Can you be any more stupid?
"My guys" I don't think so.

Oh, yes, you definitely are a PC Nazi, and a shit-for-brains as well.

Thanks for the video though, I didn't realise that 88% of Americans wanted background checks as a prerequisite to gun ownership. It's mindblowing that your mind 88% or Americans are Nazis.

That is Maher being the ignoramus he is.

I simply used his quote to show I am not the only one calling you Nazis out; he is still a libtard twat.

I am not and I see that your parents didn't teach you any manners, maybe they were too busy teaching you that gun ownership was somehow part of being free. And to think that we think parenting standards are slipping nowerdays.

I don't know if Maher is an ingnoramus or not but he quotes actual statistics, are you refuting those statistics or just attacking the man because you can't attack his point like you have just done to me, you badly brought up and rude person.

What the fuck does gun ownership have to do with this thread?
Deflect much, do you?
The damn black man, always trying to keep a white brother down.

The problem is how they get the white man down. Sucker punching is very cowardly. The worst part is after they get you down, a mob of them rifle through your pockets and take your shit.

That sounds exactly like what white people did to the NA's.
No shit..
The problem is people on your side refuse to acknowledge there are hate crimes in the opposite direction.
I fact, you deny this out if hand.
That makes YOU the racist.
You know what I enjoy about threads like these? The knee jerk reaction of the left in attacking people who won't lay down for them.

Both My sons are black belts, and My grandchildren are learning to defend themselves. Not just against kids like these, but anyone who is foolish enough to physically attack them.

The best part of all that is that I didn't have to ask any of your fuckers for permission, nor do I have to justify it to anyone.

But YOU now have to worry about who it is you are going to attack. The next one will likely put you into a hospital for a few months.

Dont be afraid. No one is hunting you.
Hardly the point.
Most people who learn martial fighting arts do so in the hopes that they do not have to employ them.
But as in the case of these kinds of attacks, it becomes a necessary tool to defend and put down the attacker with extreme prejudice.
In my training, I was taught to stand my ground and as only a last resort, to use the tools at my disposal to not only subdue but to inflict pain as a means to stop the attacker.
Tough shit if that offends your sensibilities.
You know what I find so sad? Instead of recognizing there's a problem, this has been turned into a racial debate. Yeah, I know it started out that way, but my point is that there is a problem here. All children should feel safe, black, white, red, or whatever. No one should be able to bully someone else and in this society they've taken bullying to a whole new level.

A whole new level? Are you serious? Do you have any idea what black people in this country went through for the 100 years after slavery? What do you think the Civil Rights movement was about, jobs? Seriously? Just take slavery out of the equation: blacks in this country, up until the Civil Rights movement were treated inhumanely more often than not, with serious violations to their persons, including horrific violence. So, please, this 'whole new level' idea is complete BS.

And this translates to white kids being beaten by black kids for no other reason than because of their race, how?
Don't start with this slave/civil rights movement shit. It's a non sequitur.
You know what I find so sad? Instead of recognizing there's a problem, this has been turned into a racial debate. Yeah, I know it started out that way, but my point is that there is a problem here. All children should feel safe, black, white, red, or whatever. No one should be able to bully someone else and in this society they've taken bullying to a whole new level.

A whole new level? Are you serious? Do you have any idea what black people in this country went through for the 100 years after slavery? What do you think the Civil Rights movement was about, jobs? Seriously? Just take slavery out of the equation: blacks in this country, up until the Civil Rights movement were treated inhumanely more often than not, with serious violations to their persons, including horrific violence. So, please, this 'whole new level' idea is complete BS.

How that escapes people leaves me shaking my head. For centuries whites legally terrorised and disrespected Black people.

History asks us to learn from the past, not live in it. You live today. You can make it better or you can seethe over things that happened for centuries that can't be undone.

So, do we build a better society or wallow in bitterness?
That's why white people need to have their kids trained in martial arts when they're young. Kick the shit out of the bullies who hate Whitey.

You and Tank must have stayed getting your asses kicked everyday. No wonder you both harbor so much hate. :lol:

Is your objection to the fact that there are people just as willing to report black on white hate crimes as there are those willing to report the white on black crimes?
Or is it that you fall into the category of "black people cannot be racist"?
Look, when an individual of one race sets on to attack a person of another race just because the attacker does not like or chooses to dominate that other person, that is a HATE CRIME.
Same applies to group or mob attacks.
Whether you want to admit it or not, black on white, black on Asian crimes of violence are HATE crimes. And as such should be prosecuted as hate crimes. No exceptions.
Now, you tell me, where do you see a problem with applying the hate crimes statutes equally to all.
Choose your answer carefully.

What do you mean by choose my answer carefully? Are you going to punish me if I dont?

You sound extremely butthurt. Where did I say Black people couldnt be racist? I just correctly surmised that Tank, SJ, and people like Shitspeedo got beat up....a lot as little kids.

The problem I see with applying the hate crime statutes equally would be the interpretation of the part that says "historically discriminated" against. Holder say no go so you don't have a leg to stand on. I disagree but then I'm not the AG.
You know what I enjoy about threads like these? The knee jerk reaction of the left in attacking people who won't lay down for them.

Both My sons are black belts, and My grandchildren are learning to defend themselves. Not just against kids like these, but anyone who is foolish enough to physically attack them.

The best part of all that is that I didn't have to ask any of your fuckers for permission, nor do I have to justify it to anyone.

But YOU now have to worry about who it is you are going to attack. The next one will likely put you into a hospital for a few months.

Dont be afraid. No one is hunting you.
Hardly the point.
Most people who learn martial fighting arts do so in the hopes that they do not have to employ them.
But as in the case of these kinds of attacks, it becomes a necessary tool to defend and put down the attacker with extreme prejudice.
In my training, I was taught to stand my ground and as only a last resort, to use the tools at my disposal to not only subdue but to inflict pain as a means to stop the attacker.
Tough shit if that offends your sensibilities.

Do you know you can still get your ass kicked even if you know martial arts? I know that may come as a shock but its true. Martial arts is only going to give you the advantage of discipline and the ability to react unconsciously if you train enough. I hope you are not one of those guys who thinks you are safe because you know martial arts!! :lol:

BTW why would it offend my sensibilities? You are doing what you need to do to feel secure.
A whole new level? Are you serious? Do you have any idea what black people in this country went through for the 100 years after slavery? What do you think the Civil Rights movement was about, jobs? Seriously? Just take slavery out of the equation: blacks in this country, up until the Civil Rights movement were treated inhumanely more often than not, with serious violations to their persons, including horrific violence. So, please, this 'whole new level' idea is complete BS.

How that escapes people leaves me shaking my head. For centuries whites legally terrorised and disrespected Black people.

History asks us to learn from the past, not live in it. You live today. You can make it better or you can seethe over things that happened for centuries that can't be undone.

So, do we build a better society or wallow in bitterness?

Thats what i would say if I could no longer beat up people with impunity and now afraid they are coming to kick my ass. I'm all for peace but lets not pretend their are not still white racists out there stirring up hate towards white people. Check the feral rabid dogs in your race before you start condemning another. I could see if historically whites had been nice about slavery and Jim Crow. However, we know thats not true. Whining about Black people upset with whites comes off sort of hypocritical. Get your stuff together and silence the inbred retards in your camp and you will find that Black people are not hunting you at all. People who take these incidents to mean that Black people are in some sort of rage are not too bright or either they are and getting the reaction they seek from white people.
If you have to ask the first question, you completely missed the point of my post. As far as your second question, how would I know anymore than you or anyone else would. I know one thing, I don't go looking for problems between the races. For the most part, the people I deal with are civilized people who don't do that kind of shit or think in those terms. I don't go out of my way looking for racism of any kind.
The kind of racism we all saw in the video, with emphasis on those adult males passionately exhorting Blacks to kill Whites, is not something you should be scolding White people for calling attention to. You should instead be directing your efforts to advising decent Black people about the inevitable outcome of this kind of behavior by vicious young *******. Right now there is a tendency for White people to promote peaceful relations between the races but how long do you think Whites will tolerate the brutalizing of the children they have raised to be non-violent?

There already is an indication of a socialized response to this kind of physically menacing behavior on the part of Blacks. It has occurred in the form of "Stand Your Ground" laws, the first functional manifestation of which has been the Zimmerman/Martin incident. The outcome of that case, as unjust as it might seem, has occurred as a quiet statement by White society. So if you choose to ignore it and continue to twist and turn in an effort to obscure an obvious reality, don't say you haven't been warned.
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