No Country For White Children

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The thing is, Ghook, your assertions are wrong. Absolutely wrong. Not even close to being correct. You are ignorant.

Without due respect point out exactly where my assertion are incorrect?

(1) Would white kid be safe and be accepted as an equal at an all Black (80%+) school?
(The answer is YES)

(2) Would a Black student generally be safe and accepted at a predominately white school?

(3) Could a white family live and feel safe in a black neighborhood?

(4) Could a black family live and feel safe in a white neighborhood?

(Yes - although I would be willing to bet that you would find blacks in a white neighborhood being harassed by the whites moreso than blacks harassing whites in a black neighborhood)

(5) Could a white person walk freely at night in a black neighborhood without the the high likelihood (90%+) of being attacked or robbed? (Bullshit statistic that you probably got from stormfront)

Just because you are a pussy, it doesn't mean your claims are correct, they are just devoid of reality and real world experience.

Let me save you all effort, here is how the conversation will go from this point on:

In the typical pussy manner, you are going to say prove it.

I am going to respond you made the argument, you prove it.

In the end, I am going to call you a pussy...multiple times. I will probably call you a self hating Jew as well. You will respond with more nonsense statistics...the Pussy Brigade will try to come to your aid with their tough internet talk.

Then you will disappear until you find another thread where you can spew unsubstantiated nonsense and the process will start all over again.

You are a Pussy and a self hating Jew.

[MENTION=41688]holston[/MENTION]...I told you a Jew was in the midst.

blah blah hate blah hate blah hate blahblahblah

You PC Nazis all sound alike. Cant Soros at least mix up the talking points once in a while?
Call me racist, I don't give a fuck!

Ok, you're a pathetic racist fuck and a ridiculous, big mouth, all-talk pussy trying to impress his fellow losers by typing stupid shit on the internet.

Happy now?
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