No Country For White Children

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Oh, go cry a river somewhere else. I noticed that you have no problem with the people you are defending calling people *******. Why the outrage against me? Why is there no outrage against the true racists instead of accusing anyone who stands up to there nonsense as being a racist.

To recap:

Racist says all black people are stupid.

I call them a pussy.

You, in return, call me a racist.

You defend the racists who call all black people stupid...yet you claim to have black family...thus the OUTRAGE at me. Doesn't seem to make much sense, does it?

I didn't defend anybody. I make allowances for idiots. I apologize, I thought you weren't one.
No, you just interrupted a conversation; demanded I condemn rap lyrics as if they represent all of the black community; then went on to defend the pussy brigade because it is okay to say all black people are violent, racist, and stupid...but it isn't okay to tell those people to fuck off.

And btw, I have black nieces and nephews too! Do I get a cookie or a free pass?

No, I demand you condemn THOSE rap lyrics because they promote a society that doesn't value women or whites. And no, it's not okay to say all black people are violent, racist and stupid and it's not okay to use the "n" word even if you are black.
I don't recall saying that, moron. Maybe you need to go take a nap.

lol, you lying stupid twat.

Not really.

And? Where is the part where I said what you lied about me saying?

lol, I stated, "Any person of any size or gender can beat the hell out of you if they get the upper hand" to which you said 'Not really."

And now you think by pretending to be too stupid to understand English that you some how prove something other than that you are an idiot?

roflmao, this is funnier than that video where the cat ran into the glass door!
Oh, yes, really.

Everyone has to sleep sometime, bitch. It doesn't take a genius to wait till you are deep in sleep, maybe even buy you a bottle of your favorite booze as a peace offering, then go in and roll you up in the bed sheets and beat the solemn fuck out of you with a baseball bat.

And you are all too bad ass to let that happen, right?

lol, go fcuk yourself...again, little bitch.


You need professional help, tough guy.

...not from you...

It wasn't an offer of help, it was a recommendation. Someone would need to give a shit about you (or wait until the check clears) to want to help the likes of you.
Well, I gotta go do real world things like feed my cat and run some errands.

you libtards don't miss the chance to post when cant reply and claim VICTORY like the little s hats you are.
Everybody is defaulting on being a decent parent if they don't see to it that their kids can fight really well, both with guns and h2h

I respectfully disagree. Each child is different and each parent should see to each child's individual needs. Too many bullies have been taught how to fight when they should be taught how to respect others. Guns were never allowed in this house as I have a low functioning autistic child and he wouldn't understand if he were to find a gun. My other child is high functioning and wouldn't be responsible enough to keep the gun safely and could just as well have looked down the barrel and shot himself. Better to wait until he's mature enough, if that ever happens, he's nearly 30 now and still doesn't drive.
Everybody is defaulting on being a decent parent if they don't see to it that their kids can fight really well, both with guns and h2h

I respectfully disagree. Each child is different and each parent should see to each child's individual needs. Too many bullies have been taught how to fight when they should be taught how to respect others. Guns were never allowed in this house as I have a low functioning autistic child and he wouldn't understand if he were to find a gun. My other child is high functioning and wouldn't be responsible enough to keep the gun safely and could just as well have looked down the barrel and shot himself. Better to wait until he's mature enough, if that ever happens, he's nearly 30 now and still doesn't drive.

No offense, but I don't think he meant parents should teach kids such things if they have other issues involved.

If you don't think you want your kids to be able to defend themselves you obviously have that right.

But he has a right to express that as his opinion, too.
It wasn't an offer of help, it was a recommendation. Someone would need to give a shit about you (or wait until the check clears) to want to help the likes of you.

Next time he goes to jail, perhaps he should seek that help.

I'm sure he seeks that kind of 'help' all over the place. Maybe novasteve can help him.

lol, now the libtard idiot tag team commences, lololol
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