No Country For White Children

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I've removed over ten black bullies from decent society, permanently!

Prove I haven't!
I've removed over ten black bullies from decent society, permanently!

Prove I haven't! make an outrageous statement then demand we prove it to be true or false? What an internet-land idiot. AKA, internet PUSSY
You misunderstand. I think you are barely literate and your posts are long winded jumbled nonsense. That is the truth and that truth shall set you free.

Go along, get your GED. Don't be afraid, the evil Jews and the vicious blacks won't hurt you.

If I were you, I would avoid answering the questions too. But having read them you can now mull them over in the privacy of your own mind without suffering the embarrassment of having been exposed.

I will not deny that there are plenty of evil and vicious white guys too. It grieves me there are so many of them. Believe me. Those kind of people are as apt to do the same things to other whites as they are capable of doing to anyone of another race.
Judging from the amount of black on black crime you should be able to relate to what I am saying.

You are wrong on one point here though. EVIL Jews and VICIOUS blacks can and DO hurt others. They may take different approaches about doing so but only a fool would think that none exist or that there are none among them who have a positive desire to do harm if at all possible.
This is made evident by some of the remarks being made on this thread right now!
I'm not saying that this is not mostly blow, but I am saying that it serves to indicate sentiments that are not that uncommon among the general population.

The more of this which occurs the more polarized populations become along racial, religious, political, and ethnic lines. This kind of polarization invariably erupts among societies which are comprised of a variety of cultures which conflict in fundamental ways.
Eventually those stresses and strains can result in a fracture of communities such as has occurred in the Balkans, hence the term "Balkanization".

There are practical reasons why different ethnic and racial groups should not be forced to integrate that have nothing to do with some individuals personal animosities or "racism" as the Jewish media likes to call it.

The point I would like to make clear among the Jewish, black, and Mexican populations is that "whitey", "Goy", or "Gringo" is as human as you people purport to be. As such they are just as susceptible to being taxed to a breaking point.

In order to avoid turning up the heat on this pressure cooker, the other races and religions occupying this region will have to learn to treat them with the same modicum of respect that they demand from the host which they are supplanting, other wise the point may eventually be reached to where the lid blows off.

Believe it or not, I feel certain that THAT is exactly what some people want to happen. It is up to those who don't to see that it doesn't. Otherwise we may all suffer.

I never was "for" the mistreatment of blacks or Jews or anyone else. I still am not. I have always been opposed to such mistreatment irrespective of who is doing it to whom.

If a person prefers to live among people of his own race and religious persuasion that does not make him a "racist", much less mean that he has evil designs against those he would avoid.

Don't you think a person's desire to not have his private space invaded should be respected?
If so, then how can anyone say that being a separatist is a bad thing when it can just as easily be interpreted as a desire to avoid confrontation and trouble?

Yet the "libs" are saying that any white person who does not want to be under the financial control of Jews or objects to cohabitation with blacks is "racist" and somehow evil.

If you ask me THAT is a very UN-Christian attitude to take of those people and certainly not "liberal" of spirit in the Biblical definition of the word.

Wishing to live apart from is not the same as wishing evil on another. You'll never convince me that it is.

The type of exchange that has been going on in this thread just proves my point.

My chief complaint against the meddling Jew, is that that is just the sort of union he is trying to enforce. It's a shot-gun wedding being hosted by the Federal Government under Zionist auspices.
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You misunderstand. I think you are barely literate and your posts are long winded jumbled nonsense. That is the truth and that truth shall set you free.

Go along, get your GED. Don't be afraid, the evil Jews and the vicious blacks won't hurt you.

If I were you, I would avoid answering the questions too. But having read them you can now mull them over in the privacy of your own mind without suffering the embarrassment of having been exposed.

LOL...what question. I am not going to waste my time reading your anti-Jew, anti-Black, anti-minority nonsense.

You have already defined yourself...thus the level of response. Now run along, I think there is an evil Jew in the midst.
(1) Would white kid be safe and be accepted as an equal at an all Black (80%+) school?
(The answer is No)
(2) Would a Black student generally be safe and accepted at a predominately white school?
(Absolutely! In many cases they more acceptable simply because they are black)
(3) Could a white family live and feel safe in a black neighborhood?
(4) Could a black family live and feel safe in a white neighborhood?
(5) Could a white person walk freely at night in a black neighborhood without the the high likelihood (90%+) of being attacked or robbed?

Tank has a motive no doubt, but the video brings up an important topic. If blacks don't want whites pointing out these inconvenient truths, then they should be honest with themselves and actually tackle the high level of racism in their communities, churches and schools! Because as it sits right now, the African American community is by far the most racist segment of the country. While white, Asian and Hispanic racism is coming down and at very good levels, Black racism is spiraling out of control!
The thing is, Ghook, your assertions are wrong. Absolutely wrong. Not even close to being correct. You are ignorant.
The thing is, Ghook, your assertions are wrong. Absolutely wrong. Not even close to being correct. You are ignorant.

Without due respect point out exactly where my assertion are incorrect?

(1) Would white kid be safe and be accepted as an equal at an all Black (80%+) school?
(The answer is YES)

(2) Would a Black student generally be safe and accepted at a predominately white school?

(3) Could a white family live and feel safe in a black neighborhood?

(4) Could a black family live and feel safe in a white neighborhood?

(Yes - although I would be willing to bet that you would find blacks in a white neighborhood being harassed by the whites moreso than blacks harassing whites in a black neighborhood)

(5) Could a white person walk freely at night in a black neighborhood without the the high likelihood (90%+) of being attacked or robbed? (Bullshit statistic that you probably got from stormfront)

Just because you are a pussy, it doesn't mean your claims are correct, they are just devoid of reality and real world experience.

Let me save you all effort, here is how the conversation will go from this point on:

In the typical pussy manner, you are going to say prove it.

I am going to respond you made the argument, you prove it.

In the end, I am going to call you a pussy...multiple times. I will probably call you a self hating Jew as well. You will respond with more nonsense statistics...the Pussy Brigade will try to come to your aid with their tough internet talk.

Then you will disappear until you find another thread where you can spew unsubstantiated nonsense and the process will start all over again.

You are a Pussy and a self hating Jew.

[MENTION=41688]holston[/MENTION]...I told you a Jew was in the midst.
The thing is, Ghook, your assertions are wrong. Absolutely wrong. Not even close to being correct. You are ignorant.

No, no. He's absolutely right. Many blacks ARE "racist". That is, in the sense that they very much despise white people. The same thing is true about Jews with respect to Anglo Saxons.
Even though the "Jews" call themselves white, and indeed most Ashkenazims have very white skins, they nevertheless very much resent WASPs because of their culture, their religion, and their non-Ashkenazim racial features.

The reason you are not answering my questions is because you have no sensible answers to them.
The attitude you are displaying right now is one of bigotry and "racism", ie hostility towards anyone who disagrees with or does not wish to comply to your "multiculturalist" agenda.

The truth is that I am more in favor of the preservation of diversity than any of the blacks, Jews, and whites, of the multiculturalist crowd. Whereas I wish to see various races preserved, the multiculturalist want everyone blended into one big homogenous mess.
A single 'mixed race' society is more in keeping with a Communist ideology in which everyone is "equal".

The one exception to this rule which shall be sanctioned as Politically Correct, would be made for those of Jewish lineage who wish to preserve their Jewishness such as it is with the Cohan 'priest class' as in Israel.
One cannot make any argument against the integration of Jews with their Arab neighbors or the invading Ethiopian "Jews". To do so would be "anti-Semitic".

To oppose the Jewish will in ANYTHING is deemed "anti-Semitic".

Likewise, any white person who will not willingly submit to interracial cohabitation is called "racist" just as blacks call any white girl who would refuse their advances "a hoe".
Of course the blacks call any white girl a "hoe" whether she gives it willingly or not. But the majority of blacks are not mentally capable of seeing the inconsistency there.

For the same reason it over works them to have to read more than one or two sentences at a time. Thankfully for them, there survival on the streets does not depend upon their intellectual capabilities as much as it does their impulsive tendency towards violence.
The thing is, Ghook, your assertions are wrong. Absolutely wrong. Not even close to being correct. You are ignorant.

Without due respect point out exactly where my assertion are incorrect?

(1) Would white kid be safe and be accepted as an equal at an all Black (80%+) school?
(The answer is YES)

(2) Would a Black student generally be safe and accepted at a predominately white school?

(3) Could a white family live and feel safe in a black neighborhood?

(4) Could a black family live and feel safe in a white neighborhood?

(Yes - although I would be willing to bet that you would find blacks in a white neighborhood being harassed by the whites moreso than blacks harassing whites in a black neighborhood)

(5) Could a white person walk freely at night in a black neighborhood without the the high likelihood (90%+) of being attacked or robbed? (Bullshit statistic that you probably got from stormfront)

Just because you are a pussy, it doesn't mean your claims are correct, they are just devoid of reality and real world experience.

Let me save you all effort, here is how the conversation will go from this point on:

In the typical pussy manner, you are going to say prove it.

I am going to respond you made the argument, you prove it.

In the end, I am going to call you a pussy...multiple times. I will probably call you a self hating Jew as well. You will respond with more nonsense statistics...the Pussy Brigade will try to come to your aid with their tough internet talk.

Then you will disappear until you find another thread where you can spew unsubstantiated nonsense and the process will start all over again.

You are a Pussy and a self hating Jew.

[MENTION=41688]holston[/MENTION]...I told you a Jew was in the midst.

If there is one thing that blacks like to talk about, it's pussy. They can't get enough, especially that white hoe stuff.
They crave it so bad that they call anyone a racist who would deprive them of it, or in this case tell bald faced lies about the safety of whites in the midst of a crowd of blacks. Even white women are not always safe among them.
There's ample evidence of that. But blacks are not concerned about looking at evidence anymore than they are reading too much at one time.
They've got pussy on the brain and there's little room for anything else.
holston, you are truly pathetic. Absolutely pathetic.
The thing is, Ghook, your assertions are wrong. Absolutely wrong. Not even close to being correct. You are ignorant.

Without due respect point out exactly where my assertion are incorrect?

(1) Would white kid be safe and be accepted as an equal at an all Black (80%+) school?
(The answer is YES)

(2) Would a Black student generally be safe and accepted at a predominately white school?

(3) Could a white family live and feel safe in a black neighborhood?

(4) Could a black family live and feel safe in a white neighborhood?

(Yes - although I would be willing to bet that you would find blacks in a white neighborhood being harassed by the whites moreso than blacks harassing whites in a black neighborhood)

(5) Could a white person walk freely at night in a black neighborhood without the the high likelihood (90%+) of being attacked or robbed? (Bullshit statistic that you probably got from stormfront)

Just because you are a pussy, it doesn't mean your claims are correct, they are just devoid of reality and real world experience.

Let me save you all effort, here is how the conversation will go from this point on:

In the typical pussy manner, you are going to say prove it.

I am going to respond you made the argument, you prove it.

In the end, I am going to call you a pussy...multiple times. I will probably call you a self hating Jew as well. You will respond with more nonsense statistics...the Pussy Brigade will try to come to your aid with their tough internet talk.

Then you will disappear until you find another thread where you can spew unsubstantiated nonsense and the process will start all over again.

You are a Pussy and a self hating Jew.

[MENTION=41688]holston[/MENTION]...I told you a Jew was in the midst.

OK mental midget, you can't dispute any of the claims, so you make a weak personal attack. Typical of a man with no argument!
If there is one thing that blacks like to talk about, it's pussy. They can't get enough, especially that white hoe stuff.
They crave it so bad that they call anyone a racist who would deprive them of it, or in this

They've got pussy on the brain and there's little room for anything else.

Hey numbnutz white hetrosexual males crave pussy just as much! :eusa_silenced:
(1) Would white kid be safe and be accepted as an equal at an all Black (80%+) school?
(The answer is No)
(2) Would a Black student generally be safe and accepted at a predominately white school?
(Absolutely! In many cases they more acceptable simply because they are black)
(3) Could a white family live and feel safe in a black neighborhood?
(4) Could a black family live and feel safe in a white neighborhood?
(5) Could a white person walk freely at night in a black neighborhood without the the high likelihood (90%+) of being attacked or robbed?

Tank has a motive no doubt, but the video brings up an important topic. If blacks don't want whites pointing out these inconvenient truths, then they should be honest with themselves and actually tackle the high level of racism in their communities, churches and schools! Because as it sits right now, the African American community is by far the most racist segment of the country. While white, Asian and Hispanic racism is coming down and at very good levels, Black racism is spiraling out of control!

lo do you really think there is snowballs chance of that ever happening?

The black community is obsessed with racial unity and it is quite 'in your face' about it.

Hating whitey is a huge part of maintaining that unity.
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