No Energized MidTerms GOP Turnout 2014--GOP Identifiers Like Their Plans!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Famously, Obama-Biden had created the "Make-Work-Pay-Refundable-Income-Tax-Credit" to help get the low-income market out of the GOP created, Great Recession. Throughout history, usury has been condemned, and improperly. The Inverse of Usury suggested in Matthew 20:1-16, like in the refundable credit, pays instead an equal amount to the first and last. Successively greater usury, to successively lower incomes, easily creates a prosperity able to go to the market place--even of ancient Israel, and purchase. Famously, in 2010, Boehner's GOP took that away from Americans, and of course, ran the Mormon for President, instead(?)!

Obama-Biden also passed the Affordable Health Care Act. Boehner and those GOP in the House spent the next two years, getting paid to vote against it, without doing very much else.

74% of Republicans, in the most recent major poll, actually like their ACA plans. All of that lack of federal cooperation, now is shown for nought.
Study: Obamacare Reduces Uninsured Rate Dramatically - Business Insider

Probably nothing that Boehner's Republicans do, actually makes very much sense to moderate Republicans. As for the United States, in general--that clearly goes without saying. It turns out that 74% of Republicans who admit to it, are actually happy with their new ACA plans. The 25 Red States that failed at expanding MediCaid, or supportive of immigration reform, or at leasat hoping to shoot unaccompanied Hispanic children in the brain(?): Are the only places where coverage really did not expand under ACA. The plague still has a home, in the Red States, GOP of Speaker Boehner.

Republicans in Mississippi found out that federal social spending actual creates a voter turnout, instead. Senator Landrieu, in neighboring Louisiana, can be said to compare overtly favorably, to Governor Jindal. The governor was recently shown carrying big rocks to shore up the coastline. The same Governor Jindal, GOP, is more recently opposed to federal high tech standards in education. Senator Landrieu instead creates assistance from the Army Corps of Engineers, instead. Obama budgets have been friendly to Savannah, GA. A House Republican may at least win the GOP primary, there. A Senator Nunn can again emerge from Georgia.

Anyone sees a partisan kind of difference in the agenda. Moderate Republicans themselves, are likely, easily to climb on board. The concept of a midterm "tide" has even Gone With The Wind.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many White Eyes still favor famous William Tell, of famous legend of shooting even fruity things from young warriors hair(?). . . .probably chocolate-coated(?)! World still miserable place for unescorted, little kids!)

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