No firearms in Australia

on a pbs radio show out here they had a bunch of people who are in law enforcement on....they said if you take gang violence out of the equation here in Ca,the numbers would then say that Ca is one of the safest States.....and they quoted numbers backing that they then reasoned that if you did the same across the Country....the US would be one of the safest Countries on the planet....

So how would that stack up if one doesn't include gang activity in all countries?

The murder rate amongst whites is still higher than every other rich country - all races included - on earth.
we are supposed to have more people in gangs than anywhere else.....BUT if the other Countries got rid of their gangs.....what a peaceful world this MAY be....
How do we do that?

The large gangs in Chicago are celebrating the Obama Justice department investigation of the Chicago Police Department for the fuckup of one bad cop. I would rather they be investigated for their failure to arrest and/or kill the gang members on the south side.
Australia has a far lower homicide rate than the U.S.
But they allow no firearms to most of their population, so how did this KNOWN criminal get one?

Probably through a long, dangerous process of procuring one in the black market.
BUT BUT, according to Noomi and the rest of you bed wetters if laws are so strict that law abiding citizens can not get firearms the same will be true of criminals right?

No, that's generally not right.

I don't ever see anyone argue that criminals will never get guns. Perhaps you can link someone who does.

The argument is that restricting access guns will limit the availability of deadly weapons and fewer people in total will die.

For retarded gunnery sargeant to win an argument, she must mis-characterize or over-simplify the opposition. Pretty much the same with all gun nuts.

There are no retarded gunnies, only retarded liberals who never served their country.
Probably through a long, dangerous process of procuring one in the black market.
BUT BUT, according to Noomi and the rest of you bed wetters if laws are so strict that law abiding citizens can not get firearms the same will be true of criminals right?

yeah and they are an island ta boot

What about Israel? They have strict gun laws and their extremists can only get knives...

even what the hell are you talking about Israel allows military grade firearms to certain citizens you ninny

as for the extremists hamas controls which extremists are allowed firearms

much like isis only sworn hamas members can own firearms

the nazis had similar laws btw

and then there is this interesting article

Israel eases gun laws in bid to cope with Palestinian 'lone wolf' attacks

Israel eases gun laws in bid to cope with Palestinian 'lone wolf' attacks

I'm talking about how their extremists seem to only be able to get knives. It seems their gun control works. Very few are allowed guns. From your link:
In Israel firearms licenses are typically only given if one can prove they have reason to carry a gun – for instance if they work in security or law enforcement or live in a dangerous area like the West Bank. They must also be over 21 years old, a resident of Israel for over three years, and pass a mental and physical exam, a shooting test and background checks by the Public Security Ministry. They are then allowed to order a gun through a gun store with approval of the ministry and given a one-time supply of 50 bullets to take home.

your position simply isnt true
BUT BUT, according to Noomi and the rest of you bed wetters if laws are so strict that law abiding citizens can not get firearms the same will be true of criminals right?

yeah and they are an island ta boot

What about Israel? They have strict gun laws and their extremists can only get knives...

even what the hell are you talking about Israel allows military grade firearms to certain citizens you ninny

as for the extremists hamas controls which extremists are allowed firearms

much like isis only sworn hamas members can own firearms

the nazis had similar laws btw

and then there is this interesting article

Israel eases gun laws in bid to cope with Palestinian 'lone wolf' attacks

Israel eases gun laws in bid to cope with Palestinian 'lone wolf' attacks

I'm talking about how their extremists seem to only be able to get knives. It seems their gun control works. Very few are allowed guns. From your link:
In Israel firearms licenses are typically only given if one can prove they have reason to carry a gun – for instance if they work in security or law enforcement or live in a dangerous area like the West Bank. They must also be over 21 years old, a resident of Israel for over three years, and pass a mental and physical exam, a shooting test and background checks by the Public Security Ministry. They are then allowed to order a gun through a gun store with approval of the ministry and given a one-time supply of 50 bullets to take home.

your position simply isnt true

What part? They are having stabbings in Israel, not mass shootings. Their strong gun control seems to work well.
yeah and they are an island ta boot

What about Israel? They have strict gun laws and their extremists can only get knives...

even what the hell are you talking about Israel allows military grade firearms to certain citizens you ninny

as for the extremists hamas controls which extremists are allowed firearms

much like isis only sworn hamas members can own firearms

the nazis had similar laws btw

and then there is this interesting article

Israel eases gun laws in bid to cope with Palestinian 'lone wolf' attacks

Israel eases gun laws in bid to cope with Palestinian 'lone wolf' attacks

I'm talking about how their extremists seem to only be able to get knives. It seems their gun control works. Very few are allowed guns. From your link:
In Israel firearms licenses are typically only given if one can prove they have reason to carry a gun – for instance if they work in security or law enforcement or live in a dangerous area like the West Bank. They must also be over 21 years old, a resident of Israel for over three years, and pass a mental and physical exam, a shooting test and background checks by the Public Security Ministry. They are then allowed to order a gun through a gun store with approval of the ministry and given a one-time supply of 50 bullets to take home.

your position simply isnt true

What part? They are having stabbings in Israel, not mass shootings. Their strong gun control seems to work well.

what the fuck are you talking about

tthe frequently get into wars with the extremists you ninny
The terrorists chose the Twin Towers as their target because they knew it was a GUN FREE ZONE and nobody could stop them...Wayne "Frenchy" LaPierre
What about Israel? They have strict gun laws and their extremists can only get knives...

even what the hell are you talking about Israel allows military grade firearms to certain citizens you ninny

as for the extremists hamas controls which extremists are allowed firearms

much like isis only sworn hamas members can own firearms

the nazis had similar laws btw

and then there is this interesting article

Israel eases gun laws in bid to cope with Palestinian 'lone wolf' attacks

Israel eases gun laws in bid to cope with Palestinian 'lone wolf' attacks

I'm talking about how their extremists seem to only be able to get knives. It seems their gun control works. Very few are allowed guns. From your link:
In Israel firearms licenses are typically only given if one can prove they have reason to carry a gun – for instance if they work in security or law enforcement or live in a dangerous area like the West Bank. They must also be over 21 years old, a resident of Israel for over three years, and pass a mental and physical exam, a shooting test and background checks by the Public Security Ministry. They are then allowed to order a gun through a gun store with approval of the ministry and given a one-time supply of 50 bullets to take home.

your position simply isnt true

What part? They are having stabbings in Israel, not mass shootings. Their strong gun control seems to work well.

what the fuck are you talking about

tthe frequently get into wars with the extremists you ninny

Those take place in the Palestinian areas. And even then many Palestinians are throwing rocks. Mass shootings almost never happen inside Israel. Watch the news, their extremists have to resort to knives because of the strong gun control.
The terrorists chose the Twin Towers as their target because they knew it was a GUN FREE ZONE and nobody could stop them...Wayne "Frenchy" LaPierre

The aircraft were gun free zones…..and they were able to take an entire plane under their control with paper cutters……

And what exactly was the response to 9/11……Air Marshals……with guns…on planes….making them no longer gun free zones for good guys….and they started to arm the pilots…...

Yeah…getting the state, through doctors to allow you to carry a gun is not how they stop school shooters….armed guards in the buildings is how they actually do it…

Armed teachers, guards bolster school security in Israel

Americans intent on ensuring a school massacre like the one in Newtown, Conn., never happens again could learn a lot from Israel, where the long menu of precautions includes armed teachers.

The Jewish state, which has long faced threats of terrorist strikes in crowded locations including schools, takes an all-of-the-above approach to safety in the classroom. Fences, metal detectors and armed private guards are part of a strategy overseen by the country’s national police. And the idea of armed teachers in the classroom, which stirred much controversy in the wake of the U.S. attack, has long been in practice in Israel, though a minority of them carry weapons today.

Yeah…getting the state, through doctors to allow you to carry a gun is not how they stop school shooters….armed guards in the buildings is how they actually do it…

Armed teachers, guards bolster school security in Israel

Americans intent on ensuring a school massacre like the one in Newtown, Conn., never happens again could learn a lot from Israel, where the long menu of precautions includes armed teachers.

The Jewish state, which has long faced threats of terrorist strikes in crowded locations including schools, takes an all-of-the-above approach to safety in the classroom. Fences, metal detectors and armed private guards are part of a strategy overseen by the country’s national police. And the idea of armed teachers in the classroom, which stirred much controversy in the wake of the U.S. attack, has long been in practice in Israel, though a minority of them carry weapons today.

It also seems like bad guys have a lot of trouble getting guns. Hence why they are stabbing and not shooting people. This is interesting:

And the idea of armed teachers in the classroom, which stirred much controversy in the wake of the U.S. attack, has long been in practice in Israel, though a minority of them carry weapons today.

Yeah…getting the state, through doctors to allow you to carry a gun is not how they stop school shooters….armed guards in the buildings is how they actually do it…

Armed teachers, guards bolster school security in Israel

Americans intent on ensuring a school massacre like the one in Newtown, Conn., never happens again could learn a lot from Israel, where the long menu of precautions includes armed teachers.

The Jewish state, which has long faced threats of terrorist strikes in crowded locations including schools, takes an all-of-the-above approach to safety in the classroom. Fences, metal detectors and armed private guards are part of a strategy overseen by the country’s national police. And the idea of armed teachers in the classroom, which stirred much controversy in the wake of the U.S. attack, has long been in practice in Israel, though a minority of them carry weapons today.

It also seems like bad guys have a lot of trouble getting guns. Hence why they are stabbing and not shooting people. This is interesting:

And the idea of armed teachers in the classroom, which stirred much controversy in the wake of the U.S. attack, has long been in practice in Israel, though a minority of them carry weapons today.

Nope…..if the terrorists wanted to use guns they would use guns. There is nothing the Israelis could do to stop them.

How does Israel stop mass shooters and terrorists…..a lot of good guys with guns…all over the place...

Israel rejects NRA's guns-in-schools claim

Israel didn't mandate armed guards at the entrances to all schools until 1995, the Education Ministry said — more than two decades after the Maalot attack and two years after a Palestinian militant wounded five pupils and their principal in a knifing at a Jerusalem school.

Israel's lightly armed school guards are not the first or the last line of defense. They are backed up by special police forces on motorcycles that can be on the scene within minutes — again bringing out the main, but not the only, difference between the two systems.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor spelled it out.

"We're fighting terrorism, which comes under very specific geopolitical and military circumstances. This is not something that compares with the situation in the U.S," Palmor said.

Because it is aimed at preventing terror attacks, Israel's school security system is part of a multi-layered defense strategy that focuses on prevention and doesn't depend on a guy at a gate with a gun.

Intelligence gathering inside Palestinian territories, a large military force inside the West Bank and a barrier of towering concrete slabs and electronic fencing along and inside the West Bank provide the first line of defense.

Guards are stationed not just at schools, but at many other public facilities, including bus and train stations, parking lots, malls and restaurants.

If you read that.seems like they actually have armed guards in the school, and everywhere else..

Yeah…getting the state, through doctors to allow you to carry a gun is not how they stop school shooters….armed guards in the buildings is how they actually do it…

Armed teachers, guards bolster school security in Israel

Americans intent on ensuring a school massacre like the one in Newtown, Conn., never happens again could learn a lot from Israel, where the long menu of precautions includes armed teachers.

The Jewish state, which has long faced threats of terrorist strikes in crowded locations including schools, takes an all-of-the-above approach to safety in the classroom. Fences, metal detectors and armed private guards are part of a strategy overseen by the country’s national police. And the idea of armed teachers in the classroom, which stirred much controversy in the wake of the U.S. attack, has long been in practice in Israel, though a minority of them carry weapons today.

It also seems like bad guys have a lot of trouble getting guns. Hence why they are stabbing and not shooting people. This is interesting:

And the idea of armed teachers in the classroom, which stirred much controversy in the wake of the U.S. attack, has long been in practice in Israel, though a minority of them carry weapons today.

Nope…..if the terrorists wanted to use guns they would use guns. There is nothing the Israelis could do to stop them.

Israel rejects NRA's guns-in-schools claim

If they could get guns they wouldn't be using knives.

Interesting from your link:
JERUSALEMIsrael's policy on issuing guns is restrictive, and armed guards at its schools are meant to stop terrorists, not crazed or disgruntled gunmen, experts said Monday, rejecting claims by America's top gun lobby that Israel serves as proof for its philosophy that the U.S. needs more weapons, not fewer.

Yeah…getting the state, through doctors to allow you to carry a gun is not how they stop school shooters….armed guards in the buildings is how they actually do it…

Armed teachers, guards bolster school security in Israel

Americans intent on ensuring a school massacre like the one in Newtown, Conn., never happens again could learn a lot from Israel, where the long menu of precautions includes armed teachers.

The Jewish state, which has long faced threats of terrorist strikes in crowded locations including schools, takes an all-of-the-above approach to safety in the classroom. Fences, metal detectors and armed private guards are part of a strategy overseen by the country’s national police. And the idea of armed teachers in the classroom, which stirred much controversy in the wake of the U.S. attack, has long been in practice in Israel, though a minority of them carry weapons today.

It also seems like bad guys have a lot of trouble getting guns. Hence why they are stabbing and not shooting people. This is interesting:

And the idea of armed teachers in the classroom, which stirred much controversy in the wake of the U.S. attack, has long been in practice in Israel, though a minority of them carry weapons today.

Nope…..if the terrorists wanted to use guns they would use guns. There is nothing the Israelis could do to stop them.

How does Israel stop mass shooters and terrorists…..a lot of good guys with guns…all over the place...

Israel rejects NRA's guns-in-schools claim

Israel didn't mandate armed guards at the entrances to all schools until 1995, the Education Ministry said — more than two decades after the Maalot attack and two years after a Palestinian militant wounded five pupils and their principal in a knifing at a Jerusalem school.

Israel's lightly armed school guards are not the first or the last line of defense. They are backed up by special police forces on motorcycles that can be on the scene within minutes — again bringing out the main, but not the only, difference between the two systems.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor spelled it out.

"We're fighting terrorism, which comes under very specific geopolitical and military circumstances. This is not something that compares with the situation in the U.S," Palmor said.

Because it is aimed at preventing terror attacks, Israel's school security system is part of a multi-layered defense strategy that focuses on prevention and doesn't depend on a guy at a gate with a gun.

Intelligence gathering inside Palestinian territories, a large military force inside the West Bank and a barrier of towering concrete slabs and electronic fencing along and inside the West Bank provide the first line of defense.

Guards are stationed not just at schools, but at many other public facilities, including bus and train stations, parking lots, malls and restaurants.

If you read that.seems like they actually have armed guards in the school, and everywhere else..

Far from the image of a heavily armed population where ordinary people have their own arsenals to repel attackers, Israel allows its people to acquire firearms only if they can prove their professions or places of residence put them in danger. The country relies on its security services, not armed citizens, to prevent terror attacks.

Yeah…getting the state, through doctors to allow you to carry a gun is not how they stop school shooters….armed guards in the buildings is how they actually do it…

Armed teachers, guards bolster school security in Israel

Americans intent on ensuring a school massacre like the one in Newtown, Conn., never happens again could learn a lot from Israel, where the long menu of precautions includes armed teachers.

The Jewish state, which has long faced threats of terrorist strikes in crowded locations including schools, takes an all-of-the-above approach to safety in the classroom. Fences, metal detectors and armed private guards are part of a strategy overseen by the country’s national police. And the idea of armed teachers in the classroom, which stirred much controversy in the wake of the U.S. attack, has long been in practice in Israel, though a minority of them carry weapons today.

It also seems like bad guys have a lot of trouble getting guns. Hence why they are stabbing and not shooting people. This is interesting:

And the idea of armed teachers in the classroom, which stirred much controversy in the wake of the U.S. attack, has long been in practice in Israel, though a minority of them carry weapons today.

Nope…..if the terrorists wanted to use guns they would use guns. There is nothing the Israelis could do to stop them.

Israel rejects NRA's guns-in-schools claim

If they could get guns they wouldn't be using knives.

Interesting from your link:
JERUSALEMIsrael's policy on issuing guns is restrictive, and armed guards at its schools are meant to stop terrorists, not crazed or disgruntled gunmen, experts said Monday, rejecting claims by America's top gun lobby that Israel serves as proof for its philosophy that the U.S. needs more weapons, not fewer.

Yeah…… you are implying that armed guards meant for stopping terrorists don't deter mass shooters as well? Is that what you are trying to say?

That quote is just silly…….

The Sandy Hook shooter attended the middle school as well as the high school…..they both had armed resource officers…the Sandy Hook elementary school did not….

Yeah…getting the state, through doctors to allow you to carry a gun is not how they stop school shooters….armed guards in the buildings is how they actually do it…

Armed teachers, guards bolster school security in Israel

Americans intent on ensuring a school massacre like the one in Newtown, Conn., never happens again could learn a lot from Israel, where the long menu of precautions includes armed teachers.

The Jewish state, which has long faced threats of terrorist strikes in crowded locations including schools, takes an all-of-the-above approach to safety in the classroom. Fences, metal detectors and armed private guards are part of a strategy overseen by the country’s national police. And the idea of armed teachers in the classroom, which stirred much controversy in the wake of the U.S. attack, has long been in practice in Israel, though a minority of them carry weapons today.

It also seems like bad guys have a lot of trouble getting guns. Hence why they are stabbing and not shooting people. This is interesting:

And the idea of armed teachers in the classroom, which stirred much controversy in the wake of the U.S. attack, has long been in practice in Israel, though a minority of them carry weapons today.

Nope…..if the terrorists wanted to use guns they would use guns. There is nothing the Israelis could do to stop them.

How does Israel stop mass shooters and terrorists…..a lot of good guys with guns…all over the place...

Israel rejects NRA's guns-in-schools claim

Israel didn't mandate armed guards at the entrances to all schools until 1995, the Education Ministry said — more than two decades after the Maalot attack and two years after a Palestinian militant wounded five pupils and their principal in a knifing at a Jerusalem school.

Israel's lightly armed school guards are not the first or the last line of defense. They are backed up by special police forces on motorcycles that can be on the scene within minutes — again bringing out the main, but not the only, difference between the two systems.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor spelled it out.

"We're fighting terrorism, which comes under very specific geopolitical and military circumstances. This is not something that compares with the situation in the U.S," Palmor said.

Because it is aimed at preventing terror attacks, Israel's school security system is part of a multi-layered defense strategy that focuses on prevention and doesn't depend on a guy at a gate with a gun.

Intelligence gathering inside Palestinian territories, a large military force inside the West Bank and a barrier of towering concrete slabs and electronic fencing along and inside the West Bank provide the first line of defense.

Guards are stationed not just at schools, but at many other public facilities, including bus and train stations, parking lots, malls and restaurants.

If you read that.seems like they actually have armed guards in the school, and everywhere else..

Far from the image of a heavily armed population where ordinary people have their own arsenals to repel attackers, Israel allows its people to acquire firearms only if they can prove their professions or places of residence put them in danger. The country relies on its security services, not armed citizens, to prevent terror attacks.

No one said armed citizens prevent terrorist attacks…but they will be there if they happen……again, the muslims in San Bernadino did not attack a police station…they found a gun free zone to attack.

Yeah…getting the state, through doctors to allow you to carry a gun is not how they stop school shooters….armed guards in the buildings is how they actually do it…

Armed teachers, guards bolster school security in Israel

Americans intent on ensuring a school massacre like the one in Newtown, Conn., never happens again could learn a lot from Israel, where the long menu of precautions includes armed teachers.

The Jewish state, which has long faced threats of terrorist strikes in crowded locations including schools, takes an all-of-the-above approach to safety in the classroom. Fences, metal detectors and armed private guards are part of a strategy overseen by the country’s national police. And the idea of armed teachers in the classroom, which stirred much controversy in the wake of the U.S. attack, has long been in practice in Israel, though a minority of them carry weapons today.

It also seems like bad guys have a lot of trouble getting guns. Hence why they are stabbing and not shooting people. This is interesting:

And the idea of armed teachers in the classroom, which stirred much controversy in the wake of the U.S. attack, has long been in practice in Israel, though a minority of them carry weapons today.

Nope…..if the terrorists wanted to use guns they would use guns. There is nothing the Israelis could do to stop them.

How does Israel stop mass shooters and terrorists…..a lot of good guys with guns…all over the place...

Israel rejects NRA's guns-in-schools claim

Israel didn't mandate armed guards at the entrances to all schools until 1995, the Education Ministry said — more than two decades after the Maalot attack and two years after a Palestinian militant wounded five pupils and their principal in a knifing at a Jerusalem school.

Israel's lightly armed school guards are not the first or the last line of defense. They are backed up by special police forces on motorcycles that can be on the scene within minutes — again bringing out the main, but not the only, difference between the two systems.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor spelled it out.

"We're fighting terrorism, which comes under very specific geopolitical and military circumstances. This is not something that compares with the situation in the U.S," Palmor said.

Because it is aimed at preventing terror attacks, Israel's school security system is part of a multi-layered defense strategy that focuses on prevention and doesn't depend on a guy at a gate with a gun.

Intelligence gathering inside Palestinian territories, a large military force inside the West Bank and a barrier of towering concrete slabs and electronic fencing along and inside the West Bank provide the first line of defense.

Guards are stationed not just at schools, but at many other public facilities, including bus and train stations, parking lots, malls and restaurants.

If you read that.seems like they actually have armed guards in the school, and everywhere else..

Far from the image of a heavily armed population where ordinary people have their own arsenals to repel attackers, Israel allows its people to acquire firearms only if they can prove their professions or places of residence put them in danger. The country relies on its security services, not armed citizens, to prevent terror attacks.

And as the article also pointed out…they have armed guards everywhere…malls, and other public places as well as special forces military on call at a moments notice….

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