No freakin way! Joe The Plumber takes a UNION JOB!

If you are a stock market investor, you have recovered and then some.

And that's the key. I've been advocating forever that multiple comprehensive personal finance courses should be required of everyone before they graduate from college. At LEAST that.

Anyone who was invested in the market and "lost everything" in the Meltdown either had made stupid financial decisions prior to the crash, had panicked when the market dropped, or both. That's where that mean and nasty "personal responsibility" thing comes in, but that notion is merely mocked by many now. Personal responsibility, bad, greedy.

No excuse for someone being in the market "losing everything" in the Meltdown. None. Zero.


yeah, those little old ladies and pensioners, they weren't all smart investors who spent the whole day reading Forbes.

Dude, seriously, you sound like one of those guys who used to blame rape victims for dressing like sluts.

Yeah, nice. You've essentially become a nasty version of rdean, completely over the top and absolutely impossible to communicate with.

You have no idea how many people have been doing the right thing for years, decades, and have done quite well without being "rich", whatever that term may mean in your warped lexicon. They're comfy and happy and ready for retirement.

If you've messed up your life, that's not their fault.

Stay the victim, Joe. Blame someone else for everything. I actually feel bad for you, but your behavior kinda wipes that away.


Democrats got paid off. Pure and simple, the Democrats had plenty of friends in the bank debacle. Broadway Bank, Shore Bank, Countrywide/BofA. No one is going to investigate their own.

Let's put the blame on Congress, the President, Democrats and Republicans.
That is why when people tell us that Democrats are for the working guy, gays, Hispanics, women, blacks, I know they are full of shit. The democrats are for votes, money and power. They proved it.

So that's your excuse for voting for corruption, the other guys are "just as bad"?

Okay, if that works for you.

Incidently, I conceded that both parties erred by bailing out the banks with no preconditions. But at least the Democrats went in and tried to fix some of the problems by passing Dodd-Frank. the Republicans want to repeal it because even after watering it down, it was too much of a burden on their friends in the banks.

It isn't rocket science.

Time in the market beats timing the market.

But Whiners like Joe think they are entitled to guarantees in life so he'll settle for his 1200 a month SS check and then blame everyone else who took moderate well thought out investment strategies for the fact that he has to live on canned beans in retirement.

Again, don't know those people. I know the folks who took a bath in 2008 while the 1%ers got their bailouts and bonuses for doing such a bangup job.

And frankly, guy, do you think anyone really believes your claims to be a market genius?

Keep making up shit I never said it adds to your credibility.

All I know is that I didn't lose any money in the market because I wasn't stupid enough to panic and put all my savings in a CD
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Yeah, nice. You've essentially become a nasty version of rdean, completely over the top and absolutely impossible to communicate with.

You have no idea how many people have been doing the right thing for years, decades, and have done quite well without being "rich", whatever that term may mean in your warped lexicon. They're comfy and happy and ready for retirement.

If you've messed up your life, that's not their fault.

Stay the victim, Joe. Blame someone else for everything. I actually feel bad for you, but your behavior kinda wipes that away.


1) I didn't mess up my life. Im actually doing reasonably well, under the circumstances. True, I have to work three jobs to pay down my medical debt.

2) Sorry, I wasn't the one who crashed the stock market and the housing market, wiping out millions of people and their savings and livlihoods. That would be the Wall Street Scum you seem to love and worship.

3) Seirously, fuck rich people. Tax them, villify them them, make them eat their fucking Dressage Horsies. You simply cannot inflict enough misery on their people or their religious right stooges.

It isn't rocket science.

Time in the market beats timing the market.

But Whiners like Joe think they are entitled to guarantees in life so he'll settle for his 1200 a month SS check and then blame everyone else who took moderate well thought out investment strategies for the fact that he has to live on canned beans in retirement.

Again, don't know those people. I know the folks who took a bath in 2008 while the 1%ers got their bailouts and bonuses for doing such a bangup job.

And frankly, guy, do you think anyone really believes your claims to be a market genius?

Keep making up shit I never said it adds to your credibility.

All I know is that I didn't lose any money in the market because I wasn't stupid enough to panic and put all my savings in a CD

Neither did I. but that's okay, man, you keep collecting that disability check and post on the internet about the suckers who work for a living.
I'm going to ignore SPider-Boy's claims that he won at the Casino and just limit myself to his salient arguments.


We haven't recovered because the government is spending us into oblivion and threatening to raise tax upon tax and spend more money we don't have. Interest rates are still being held arbitrarily low and people are forced to put their money in the market because there is no hope of getting a return anywhere else.


Except government is not spending that much and it's not taxing the rich anywhere near where they need to be taxed. (Again, take a look at Europe or Japan for comparison).

We never got out of a recession without spending a HUGE amount of money. Not ever, not once. The reason why this one lasted so long was because the Austerity Faction said, "Hey, let's cut government spending, that'll improve the economy!"

We spent over a trillion and it didn't help did it? And now Obama wants another 300 billion for roads when he can't even prove where the 100 billion collected every years for roads is spent.

People who claim to be mistreated on the internet are usually full of shit.

In my experience people usually get what's coming to them so I'll just choose to believe that you were more of a pain in the ass than you were worth and you got righteously shit canned.

Yeah, this guy fired people who got injured on the job, fired people who got pregnant. My only mistake was thinking that after six years of glowing reviews, I was somehow in a better position.

They paid me $10,000 in "Please don't sue us money." they knew they were in the wrong.

If you had a righteous case you could have sued and got more. If you even got that payout that you said you did. But the reality is you weren't fired illegally and you deserved it so you got squat.

BTW there's a sale on canned soup at the Piggly Wiggly. You better stock up after all it's all you're going to be able to afford to eat on that SS check.
Again, don't know those people. I know the folks who took a bath in 2008 while the 1%ers got their bailouts and bonuses for doing such a bangup job.

And frankly, guy, do you think anyone really believes your claims to be a market genius?

Keep making up shit I never said it adds to your credibility.

All I know is that I didn't lose any money in the market because I wasn't stupid enough to panic and put all my savings in a CD

Neither did I. but that's okay, man, you keep collecting that disability check and post on the internet about the suckers who work for a living.

And I quote:

Actually, I moved it into a CD because I had to pay out medical bills after I lost my insurance.

But yeah, if you want to keep playing your disability check at the Wall Street Casino, knock yourself out.

Lie your way out of that Ass Wipe.

We spent over a trillion and it didn't help did it? And now Obama wants another 300 billion for roads when he can't even prove where the 100 billion collected every years for roads is spent.

Except we didn't spend "Over a trillion". The Stimulus was 873 Billion over a three year period, or about 300 billion a year in a 16 Trillion economy. And most of that was NOT spending, it was tax cuts and payments directly to states to replace lost revenues.

it was certainly not the spurt of Keynesian spending from the New Deal WWII that brought us out of the Great Depression and put us in a period of prosperity that lasted decades.


If you had a righteous case you could have sued and got more. If you even got that payout that you dais you did.

BTW there's a sale on canned soup at the Piggly Wiggly. You better stock up after all it's all you're going to be able to afford to eat on that SS check.

I'm sure you are a regular patron at the Piggly Wiggly when your Disability check comes in. The clerks remember you from the smell.

I don't resolve my problems with suing. That's the problem, we do that too much. The only ones getting rich on that deal are the lawyers.
And I quote:

Actually, I moved it into a CD because I had to pay out medical bills after I lost my insurance.

But yeah, if you want to keep playing your disability check at the Wall Street Casino, knock yourself out.

Lie your way out of that Ass Wipe.

Obviously, reading comprehension isn't one of your strong points.

I didn't say I panicked, I said I took out the money to pay medical bills. Sorry you don't understand the difference.

We spent over a trillion and it didn't help did it? And now Obama wants another 300 billion for roads when he can't even prove where the 100 billion collected every years for roads is spent.

Except we didn't spend "Over a trillion". The Stimulus was 873 Billion over a three year period, or about 300 billion a year in a 16 Trillion economy. And most of that was NOT spending, it was tax cuts and payments directly to states to replace lost revenues.

it was certainly not the spurt of Keynesian spending from the New Deal WWII that brought us out of the Great Depression and put us in a period of prosperity that lasted decades.


If you had a righteous case you could have sued and got more. If you even got that payout that you dais you did.

BTW there's a sale on canned soup at the Piggly Wiggly. You better stock up after all it's all you're going to be able to afford to eat on that SS check.

I'm sure you are a regular patron at the Piggly Wiggly when your Disability check comes in. The clerks remember you from the smell.

I don't resolve my problems with suing. That's the problem, we do that too much. The only ones getting rich on that deal are the lawyers.

Oh I get it now.

It's the lawyers fault, it's your boss's fault, it's Wall Street's fault, It everyone's fault but yours.

Shit man what did you do to earn such crappy Karma?
And I quote:

Actually, I moved it into a CD because I had to pay out medical bills after I lost my insurance.

But yeah, if you want to keep playing your disability check at the Wall Street Casino, knock yourself out.

Lie your way out of that Ass Wipe.

Obviously, reading comprehension isn't one of your strong points.

I didn't say I panicked, I said I took out the money to pay medical bills. Sorry you don't understand the difference.


Keep shoveling the shit.

If you didn't panic then why not leave what was left after you allegedly paid medical bills in the market?

Now run along and cry into your daily can of beans. BEcause only a can of beans would think you're not full of shit.
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Oh I get it now.

It's the lawyers fault, it's your boss's fault, it's Wall Street's fault, It everyone's fault but yours.

Shit man what did you do to earn such crappy Karma?

Didn't say that, guy. But reading comprehension wasn't your strong suit.

Okay, let's say I did call a lawyer and sue. A couple of problems with that scenario.

First and foremost, it would be years before my case would ever make it into a courtroom. Years of paying lawyers.

Second, I would have to put my coworkers in the very uncomfortable position of having to testify against the company they were still working for. (Although a few months later, they were all purged from this company as well.) Most of these people were or are my friends.

Third, and here's the most important thing. When you file a lawsuit, your name gets attached to it. Which means that anyone who does a background check on your name is going to see you are a guy who gets into litigation with employers. Wouldn't matter if I was totally in the right, it's not the kind of thing you want to come up on a background check when your primary job description is making contracts with vendors to provide goods and services.

Now here's the thing, I had another job within two weeks of losing that one. It didn't pay as well because I didn't take the usual route of trying to find something equal. So I did what I had to do to keep working.

This is completely different from where I changed my politics. I might have to play the Plutocrat's game, but I don't have to keep voting to continue it. So when the GOP nominated Mr. "I like to fire people and I'm wearing Magic Underpants", I didnt' go along with it. And when the guy who did win decides we are going to tax the shit out of the rich and give it to poor people in food stamps, I'm totally good with that, too.
And I quote:

Lie your way out of that Ass Wipe.

Obviously, reading comprehension isn't one of your strong points.

I didn't say I panicked, I said I took out the money to pay medical bills. Sorry you don't understand the difference.


Keep shoveling the shit.

If you didn't panic then why not leave what was left after you allegedly paid medical bills in the market?

Now run along and cry into your daily can of beans. BEcause only a can of beans would think you're not full of shit.

Nice man.

Beat up a guy that had to pay medical bills.

That you Tommy Udo?

[ame=]Kiss Of Death (1947) - YouTube[/ame]


Keep shoveling the shit.

If you didn't panic then why not leave what was left after you allegedly paid medical bills in the market?

Now run along and cry into your daily can of beans. BEcause only a can of beans would think you're not full of shit.

1) I didn't really trust the market at that point.

2) The way it was set up, I had to either liquidate all of it or leave all of it in. So I liquidated what i needed to pay off that part of the bills, and the rest I put into a CD that I considered reasonably safe.

But again, I think you and Mac need to go down to a rape crisis center and tell those girls they deserved it for dressing like sluts.
But again, I think you and Mac need to go down to a rape crisis center and tell those girls they deserved it for dressing like sluts.


I wonder if you're anywhere near this nasty in real life.


Well, no, because no one in real life that I encounter spends their entire day trying to rationalize the abuses of Plutocrats, or blames people who got wiped out in the recession for their own problems like you do.

In real life, they'd get their asses kicked for doing that. (not necessarily by me.)

Working folks aren't to blame for what happened in 2008. Wall Street is.

And frankly, when you give them bailouts and bonuses for doing it, it's pretty damned likely they'd repeat the behavior.
But again, I think you and Mac need to go down to a rape crisis center and tell those girls they deserved it for dressing like sluts.


I wonder if you're anywhere near this nasty in real life.


You guys are getting on someone for paying down medical bills and you are asking him if "he's" that nasty?


I realize that you're fellow liberals and all, and partisans on both ends of the spectrum feel some kind of obligation to protect each other no matter what, but comparing his words to mine is intellectually dishonest, at best.

To be expected, though.


Oh I get it now.

It's the lawyers fault, it's your boss's fault, it's Wall Street's fault, It everyone's fault but yours.

Shit man what did you do to earn such crappy Karma?

Didn't say that, guy. But reading comprehension wasn't your strong suit.

Okay, let's say I did call a lawyer and sue. A couple of problems with that scenario.

First and foremost, it would be years before my case would ever make it into a courtroom. Years of paying lawyers.

Second, I would have to put my coworkers in the very uncomfortable position of having to testify against the company they were still working for. (Although a few months later, they were all purged from this company as well.) Most of these people were or are my friends.

Third, and here's the most important thing. When you file a lawsuit, your name gets attached to it. Which means that anyone who does a background check on your name is going to see you are a guy who gets into litigation with employers. Wouldn't matter if I was totally in the right, it's not the kind of thing you want to come up on a background check when your primary job description is making contracts with vendors to provide goods and services.

Now here's the thing, I had another job within two weeks of losing that one. It didn't pay as well because I didn't take the usual route of trying to find something equal. So I did what I had to do to keep working.

This is completely different from where I changed my politics. I might have to play the Plutocrat's game, but I don't have to keep voting to continue it. So when the GOP nominated Mr. "I like to fire people and I'm wearing Magic Underpants", I didnt' go along with it. And when the guy who did win decides we are going to tax the shit out of the rich and give it to poor people in food stamps, I'm totally good with that, too.

Sorry all I hear is



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