No freakin way! Joe The Plumber takes a UNION JOB!

What facts?

You gave me a personal unverified story.

I did the same.


Ah so you're saying im a liar? And you're personal story was nothing but a guess of what would have happened had you been unionized.

Also I just got off that other bid I mentioned. A typical 3x4 shower and they bid it at 22k with a 15% discount if they signed on the spot. My bid was just under 7k.

Call it unverified if you like but those are the facts of how union shops rip off the consumer

Where did I say you lied.

There's no real context to your story.

By the way..the very last Union guy at the NYSE? Retired at a ripe old age with some nice benefits.

And he NEVER got screwed with.

Context? I gave you the straight up facts of life. I didn't cut them off at the knees, I bid it at a fair market price and I made a nice chunk of change. No need to rip off the consumer to line my pockets or those of a politician

They got bailed out in bipartisan bullshit fashion so stuff it.

why does that make it okay.

Frankly, the big banksters took the economy hostage and said, "Hey, if you let us fail, the stock market will completely collapse and you'll have 20% unemployment and riots in the street. So you'd better bail us out."

Yeah, the Democrats should have insisted on investigations and trials for those responsible, but they didn't. That would have caused "uncertainty" in the market, and we couldn't have that.

So let's be mad at the welfare people and the gays, not the guys who did this.
Ah so you're saying im a liar? And you're personal story was nothing but a guess of what would have happened had you been unionized.

Also I just got off that other bid I mentioned. A typical 3x4 shower and they bid it at 22k with a 15% discount if they signed on the spot. My bid was just under 7k.

Call it unverified if you like but those are the facts of how union shops rip off the consumer

Where did I say you lied.

There's no real context to your story.

By the way..the very last Union guy at the NYSE? Retired at a ripe old age with some nice benefits.

And he NEVER got screwed with.

Context? I gave you the straight up facts of life. I didn't cut them off at the knees, I bid it at a fair market price and I made a nice chunk of change. No need to rip off the consumer to line my pockets or those of a politician

The Context is..I don't really know enough about the business you are in or why the union shops were doing what they did. There's a lot of moving parts here.

I learned when I had my own bar that some things that seem simple aren't really.

We used to have concerts and gave out this little bracelets to folks that could drink. And it seemed that every time we had a concert we had to buy a box of these things. I was like what the fuck? There were like 2000 of them in a box and our place had a capacity of 400 people. Well I went into the storage room and found a dozen or so of these bracelet boxes. Seems the manager was just tossing in there after the concerts.
[You are an idiot.

I have over a half dozen funds that have averaged well above a 13% return over the past 8 years.

How's that compare to your 1% guarantee in a CD?

But like I said make poor decisions and rely on the 1200 a month Ss will give you but please remember that those were your choices so you don't get to blame anyone else for your poverty.

Frankly, guy, I'm not sure why you are so insecure that you have to tell tall tales about your success to people on the internet, other than they can't fact check you.

I suspect by the time I hit 65, we are going to be fully socialist like Europe, with the rich paying a 76% tax rate.

merely illustrating that your moronic claims that the market is nothing but a casino are bullshit.

You whine about a dip in 2008 like it was the end of the world.

And I'm not going to post my quarterly statements on line for you or anyone else for that matter

And you have given us not proof that you were fired because you actually got sick and not because you are a gigantic whining asshole who took too many sick days.
merely illustrating that your moronic claims that the market is nothing but a casino are bullshit.

You whine about a dip in 2008 like it was the end of the world.

And I'm not going to post my quarterly statements on line for you or anyone else for that matter

And you have given us not proof that you were fired because you actually got sick and not because you are a gigantic whining asshole who took too many sick days.

Guy, it is a Casino. Pretending you won at the Casino doesn't make it less of one.

And, yes, 2008 was pretty much the end of the system we had. We still haven't recovered, and I wonder if we ever will.

Incidently, I only took 8 sick days, which I was completely entitled to, given the doctors had cut large holes in my body. They owed me more vacation days than that.

Now go cash your disability check....
THe thing is, the whole wall street investment is a sucker's bet. It's why 95% of the gains in the "recovery" have gone tothe top 1%.
The stock market goes up and the stock market goes down, but over time it has usually gone up.

A sucker's bet is when your expected return is significantly lower than the wager. Look at all the twenty year time period over the last century and you'll find in the overwhelming majority of them the stock market showed real gains. that is not a sucker's bet.

Guy, it is a Casino. Pretending you won at the Casino doesn't make it less of one.
Your analogy sucks.

With the exception of a handful of really skilled card counting blackjack players people will always lose given enough time in a casino because the odds are in the favor of the house. That isn't the case with investing, and historical returns prove it.

And, yes, 2008 was pretty much the end of the system we had. We still haven't recovered, and I wonder if we ever will.
S&P500 Oct 2007: 1561
S&P 500 Mar 2009: 683
S&P 500 today: 1859

If you are a stock market investor, you have recovered and then some.
If you are a stock market investor, you have recovered and then some.

And that's the key. I've been advocating forever that multiple comprehensive personal finance courses should be required of everyone before they graduate from college. At LEAST that.

Anyone who was invested in the market and "lost everything" in the Meltdown either had made stupid financial decisions prior to the crash, had panicked when the market dropped, or both. That's where that mean and nasty "personal responsibility" thing comes in, but that notion is merely mocked by many now. Personal responsibility, bad, greedy.

No excuse for someone being in the market "losing everything" in the Meltdown. None. Zero.

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Well Joe, fortunately, most people are not like you, wallowing in the past, consumed with anger and hatred, pointing the finger at others for your situation.

Over half the country invests in the stock market; most of us are looking ahead, not behind, and this fantasy you have created to make yourself feel better, that only rich people are investors, is light years from reality. Sure, it suits your dream of a centralized government in complete control of our financial system (no fraud, greed or waste there, no sir, they "care" 'n stuff), but it's just not true.


I'll say it again, I don't know how you make it through the freakin' day.


There are suckers who show up at the Casinos and gamble away the kid's college funds after they've gambled away the rent money. Or as a wise man said, there's a sucker born every minute.

Point is, Wall Street is a fucking Casino with less strippers. Once you look at it that way, it's easier to avoid it.

If I had to count on my 401K to take care of me, I'd have been screwed. Thankfully, there are those commie Social Security and Medicare Programs if C'Thulhu willing, I actually make it to retirement.

Seriously, fuck rich people. And fuck their slimy little apologists hoping for crumbs off the table.

Translation: you are too stupid to invest intelligently. Because of this, you hate anyone that manages to do so. Pathetic, boy.

Yeah bet on SS and the 1200 a month you'll get to live on.

That's the sucker's bet you're just too stupid to see it.

And if you were retired in 2008 your money should not have been in equities. If it was that would have been your own damn fault.

THe thing is, the whole wall street investment is a sucker's bet. It's why 95% of the gains in the "recovery" have gone tothe top 1%.

You are an idiot.

I have over a half dozen funds that have averaged well above a 13% return over the past 8 years.

How's that compare to your 1% guarantee in a CD?

But like I said make poor decisions and rely on the 1200 a month Ss will give you but please remember that those were your choices so you don't get to blame anyone else for your poverty.

1% from a CD? That's actually HIGH right now! (I have seen rates as low as 0.5%.)
THe thing is, the whole wall street investment is a sucker's bet. It's why 95% of the gains in the "recovery" have gone tothe top 1%.

You are an idiot.

I have over a half dozen funds that have averaged well above a 13% return over the past 8 years.

How's that compare to your 1% guarantee in a CD?

But like I said make poor decisions and rely on the 1200 a month Ss will give you but please remember that those were your choices so you don't get to blame anyone else for your poverty.

Until his last breath, it will be someone else's fault.

And all those people - and there's a lot of them - who carefully and humbly put money away every month into basic investments and ended up with a nice nest egg won't be interested in hearing it.

They'll just shake their heads.

My uncle did that...worked hard, saved money, didn't buy a new car every 2 years (he drove exactly TWO trucks from 1982 to 1998)...he retired before he was 60 & could cash a million-dollar check.
Anyone who was invested in the market and "lost everything" in the Meltdown either had made stupid financial decisions prior to the crash, had panicked when the market dropped, or both.
Yup, and bonus stupidity is even if you were 100% equities and panicked to sell everything at the absolute bottom you still wouldn't have "lost everything" like some people claim. The stock market lost about half it's value, it didn't go down to 0%.

There are ways to lose everything with a brokerage account or maybe having all your assets in your own's company stock purchase plan before it went bankrupt, but most people with a 401k couldn't lose everything even if that was their goal.
merely illustrating that your moronic claims that the market is nothing but a casino are bullshit.

You whine about a dip in 2008 like it was the end of the world.

And I'm not going to post my quarterly statements on line for you or anyone else for that matter

And you have given us not proof that you were fired because you actually got sick and not because you are a gigantic whining asshole who took too many sick days.

Guy, it is a Casino. Pretending you won at the Casino doesn't make it less of one.

Wrong again Idiot. You can't research a roulette table or a slot machine.

And, yes, 2008 was pretty much the end of the system we had. We still haven't recovered, and I wonder if we ever will.

We haven't recovered because the government is spending us into oblivion and threatening to raise tax upon tax and spend more money we don't have. Interest rates are still being held arbitrarily low and people are forced to put their money in the market because there is no hope of getting a return anywhere else.

But the thing is if you are smart enough to know that (and you are not) you can put your money in the market and have a plan to pull it out before the next correction.

You can't do that in a casino.

Incidently, I only took 8 sick days, which I was completely entitled to, given the doctors had cut large holes in my body. They owed me more vacation days than that.

Now go cash your disability check....

People who claim to be mistreated on the internet are usually full of shit.

In my experience people usually get what's coming to them so I'll just choose to believe that you were more of a pain in the ass than you were worth and you got righteously shit canned.
THe thing is, the whole wall street investment is a sucker's bet. It's why 95% of the gains in the "recovery" have gone tothe top 1%.

You are an idiot.

I have over a half dozen funds that have averaged well above a 13% return over the past 8 years.

How's that compare to your 1% guarantee in a CD?

But like I said make poor decisions and rely on the 1200 a month Ss will give you but please remember that those were your choices so you don't get to blame anyone else for your poverty.

1% from a CD? That's actually HIGH right now! (I have seen rates as low as 0.5%.)

Joe is not smart enough to understand fractions so i made it easy on him.

Until his last breath, it will be someone else's fault.

And all those people - and there's a lot of them - who carefully and humbly put money away every month into basic investments and ended up with a nice nest egg won't be interested in hearing it.

They'll just shake their heads.


I guess If I met those people I'd have a different opinion.
Nice to meet you.
Frankly, guy, I'm not sure why you are so insecure that you have to tell tall tales about your success to people on the internet, other than they can't fact check you.
I don't think he's claiming wild success, one doesn't have to be a sophisticated investor to have built up a good sized pile of money over time.

I'm all low-cost index funds with a simple asset allocation of 30/30/30/10 (total us stock, total intl stock, total bond, small cap) and just throw the same amount over the fence every month, that is hardly something that requires extensive research or stock market savvy.
Frankly, guy, I'm not sure why you are so insecure that you have to tell tall tales about your success to people on the internet, other than they can't fact check you.
I don't think he's claiming wild success, one doesn't have to be a sophisticated investor to have built up a good sized pile of money over time.

I'm all low-cost index funds with a simple asset allocation of 30/30/30/10 (total us stock, total intl stock, total bond, small cap) and just throw the same amount over the fence every month, that is hardly something that requires extensive research or stock market savvy.

It isn't rocket science.

Time in the market beats timing the market.

But Whiners like Joe think they are entitled to guarantees in life so he'll settle for his 1200 a month SS check and then blame everyone else who took moderate well thought out investment strategies for the fact that he has to live on canned beans in retirement.
If you are a stock market investor, you have recovered and then some.

And that's the key. I've been advocating forever that multiple comprehensive personal finance courses should be required of everyone before they graduate from college. At LEAST that.

Anyone who was invested in the market and "lost everything" in the Meltdown either had made stupid financial decisions prior to the crash, had panicked when the market dropped, or both. That's where that mean and nasty "personal responsibility" thing comes in, but that notion is merely mocked by many now. Personal responsibility, bad, greedy.

No excuse for someone being in the market "losing everything" in the Meltdown. None. Zero.


yeah, those little old ladies and pensioners, they weren't all smart investors who spent the whole day reading Forbes.

Dude, seriously, you sound like one of those guys who used to blame rape victims for dressing like sluts.

It isn't rocket science.

Time in the market beats timing the market.

But Whiners like Joe think they are entitled to guarantees in life so he'll settle for his 1200 a month SS check and then blame everyone else who took moderate well thought out investment strategies for the fact that he has to live on canned beans in retirement.

Again, don't know those people. I know the folks who took a bath in 2008 while the 1%ers got their bailouts and bonuses for doing such a bangup job.

And frankly, guy, do you think anyone really believes your claims to be a market genius?

They got bailed out in bipartisan bullshit fashion so stuff it.

why does that make it okay.

Frankly, the big banksters took the economy hostage and said, "Hey, if you let us fail, the stock market will completely collapse and you'll have 20% unemployment and riots in the street. So you'd better bail us out."

Yeah, the Democrats should have insisted on investigations and trials for those responsible, but they didn't. That would have caused "uncertainty" in the market, and we couldn't have that.

So let's be mad at the welfare people and the gays, not the guys who did this.

Democrats got paid off. Pure and simple, the Democrats had plenty of friends in the bank debacle. Broadway Bank, Shore Bank, Countrywide/BofA. No one is going to investigate their own.

Let's put the blame on Congress, the President, Democrats and Republicans.
That is why when people tell us that Democrats are for the working guy, gays, Hispanics, women, blacks, I know they are full of shit. The democrats are for votes, money and power. They proved it.
I'm going to ignore SPider-Boy's claims that he won at the Casino and just limit myself to his salient arguments.


We haven't recovered because the government is spending us into oblivion and threatening to raise tax upon tax and spend more money we don't have. Interest rates are still being held arbitrarily low and people are forced to put their money in the market because there is no hope of getting a return anywhere else.


Except government is not spending that much and it's not taxing the rich anywhere near where they need to be taxed. (Again, take a look at Europe or Japan for comparison).

We never got out of a recession without spending a HUGE amount of money. Not ever, not once. The reason why this one lasted so long was because the Austerity Faction said, "Hey, let's cut government spending, that'll improve the economy!"

People who claim to be mistreated on the internet are usually full of shit.

In my experience people usually get what's coming to them so I'll just choose to believe that you were more of a pain in the ass than you were worth and you got righteously shit canned.

Yeah, this guy fired people who got injured on the job, fired people who got pregnant. My only mistake was thinking that after six years of glowing reviews, I was somehow in a better position.

They paid me $10,000 in "Please don't sue us money." they knew they were in the wrong.

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