No freakin way! Joe The Plumber takes a UNION JOB!



Keep shoveling the shit.

If you didn't panic then why not leave what was left after you allegedly paid medical bills in the market?

Now run along and cry into your daily can of beans. BEcause only a can of beans would think you're not full of shit.

1) I didn't really trust the market at that point.

2) The way it was set up, I had to either liquidate all of it or leave all of it in. So I liquidated what i needed to pay off that part of the bills, and the rest I put into a CD that I considered reasonably safe.

But again, I think you and Mac need to go down to a rape crisis center and tell those girls they deserved it for dressing like sluts.

You never have to liquidate retirement savings you IDIOT.

All you have to do is roll them into an IRA.

Face it you got scared of the market and you panicked You intentionally put your money in a CD that won't even keep up with inflation and that most likely has penalties for early withdrawal.

I hate to break it to you but that bank is costing you more than the market ever did but hey at least you get a guarantee that your going to be worse off in 10 years.

Man I'll bet that 1200 a month SS check looks good compared to your retirement "strategy" of 1% return.

Hey maybe you can print your own labels for your generic beans and you can pretend it's caviar.
No freakin way! Joe The Plumber takes a UNION JOB!

This brings to mind Dante's jpg:


[MENTION=15512]Dante[/MENTION] ;)
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I wonder if you're anywhere near this nasty in real life.


You guys are getting on someone for paying down medical bills and you are asking him if "he's" that nasty?


I realize that you're fellow liberals and all, and partisans on both ends of the spectrum feel some kind of obligation to protect each other no matter what, but comparing his words to mine is intellectually dishonest, at best.

To be expected, though.
Don't fault her... as a mindless, partisan bigot, she doesn't have the tools necessary to do any better.
She blames GWB for that, BTW.

You never have to liquidate retirement savings you IDIOT.

All you have to do is roll them into an IRA.

Face it you got scared of the market and you panicked You intentionally put your money in a CD that won't even keep up with inflation and that most likely has penalties for early withdrawal.

I hate to break it to you but that bank is costing you more than the market ever did but hey at least you get a guarantee that your going to be worse off in 10 years.

Man I'll bet that 1200 a month SS check looks good compared to your retirement "strategy" of 1% return.

Hey maybe you can print your own labels for your generic beans and you can pretend it's caviar.

You do if it's a 401K.

And frankly, given the market's ability to rip people off, I'll take a nice, safe, federal insured bank any day of the week.

You never have to liquidate retirement savings you IDIOT.

All you have to do is roll them into an IRA.

Face it you got scared of the market and you panicked You intentionally put your money in a CD that won't even keep up with inflation and that most likely has penalties for early withdrawal.

I hate to break it to you but that bank is costing you more than the market ever did but hey at least you get a guarantee that your going to be worse off in 10 years.

Man I'll bet that 1200 a month SS check looks good compared to your retirement "strategy" of 1% return.

Hey maybe you can print your own labels for your generic beans and you can pretend it's caviar.

You do if it's a 401K.

And frankly, given the market's ability to rip people off, I'll take a nice, safe, federal insured bank any day of the week.

You can roll a 401K into an IRA Moron.

And that bank is taking your money and paying you less than 1% while they are making 10 or 12% on it.

Only an idiot like you would think that's a good deal.

You can roll a 401K into an IRA Moron.

And that bank is taking your money and paying you less than 1% while they are making 10 or 12% on it.

Only an idiot like you would think that's a good deal.

Okay, fine, whatever, guy. When I want your opinion, I'll give it to you.

You can roll a 401K into an IRA Moron.

And that bank is taking your money and paying you less than 1% while they are making 10 or 12% on it.

Only an idiot like you would think that's a good deal.

Okay, fine, whatever, guy. When I want your opinion, I'll give it to you.

Truth hurts. That federally insured bank is screwing you with a 1% guarantee.

Life Lesson.

A guaranteed return is as good as a guaranteed loss.

You can roll a 401K into an IRA Moron.

And that bank is taking your money and paying you less than 1% while they are making 10 or 12% on it.

Only an idiot like you would think that's a good deal.

Okay, fine, whatever, guy. When I want your opinion, I'll give it to you.

Truth hurts. That federally insured bank is screwing you with a 1% guarantee.

Life Lesson.

A guaranteed return is as good as a guaranteed loss.

Again, it somewhere were the scumwads can't steal it...

And that's all I really ask for at this point.
Okay, fine, whatever, guy. When I want your opinion, I'll give it to you.

Truth hurts. That federally insured bank is screwing you with a 1% guarantee.

Life Lesson.

A guaranteed return is as good as a guaranteed loss.

Again, it somewhere were the scumwads can't steal it...

And that's all I really ask for at this point.

You're too fucking stupid to realize that even with inflation at near historic lows your CD isn't even keeping up so in fact you ARE losing money.

But if you're stupid enough to be happy about that then good for you , Corky.
Truth hurts. That federally insured bank is screwing you with a 1% guarantee.

Life Lesson.

A guaranteed return is as good as a guaranteed loss.

Again, it somewhere were the scumwads can't steal it...

And that's all I really ask for at this point.

You're too fucking stupid to realize that even with inflation at near historic lows your CD isn't even keeping up so in fact you ARE losing money.

But if you're stupid enough to be happy about that then good for you , Corky.

Like I said, guy, after watching Wall Street Steal half of what I put into it for six years, I wasn't going to give them another bite at the apple.

But you keep bending over for them.

But I never claimed to be rich

Do you think anyone believes you got fired because you got sick?

Nobody does, but that is his story and he sticks to it.

Seems a lot of you guys are invested in NOT wanting to believe it.

I wonder why that is?

That all it takes is one good screwover to turn someone into a liberal?

Honestly, I wish I could say I was a better person. I wish I could say that Bush lying us into a war or letting poor people drown in NOLA was enough to turn me against the GOP.

But it wasn't until the greed and evil hit me personally did I change.

Not a point of pride, really.
Again, it somewhere were the scumwads can't steal it...

And that's all I really ask for at this point.

You're too fucking stupid to realize that even with inflation at near historic lows your CD isn't even keeping up so in fact you ARE losing money.

But if you're stupid enough to be happy about that then good for you , Corky.

Like I said, guy, after watching Wall Street Steal half of what I put into it for six years, I wasn't going to give them another bite at the apple.

But you keep bending over for them.

I haven't lost a dime in the market but you are losing ground every day because you're letting the banks make more on your money than they give you for being stupid enough to let them have it.

But I never claimed to be rich

Do you think anyone believes you got fired because you got sick?

Nobody does, but that is his story and he sticks to it.

Seems a lot of you guys are invested in NOT wanting to believe it.

I wonder why that is?


Gee could it be because you are an obnoxious whining douche who blames everyone else for his problems?

If excuses were currency you'd be the richest guy on the planet.
Is Spider-boy still talking?

Boy, what a black hole of emotional need.

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