No freakin way! Joe The Plumber takes a UNION JOB!

Actually, reading your posts and all your anger issues, I'm really kind of surprised you aren't back in prison.

I know right. He really needs to address that before...

As to the OP, being a low-info, hypocrite is par for the course for the vast majority of the Repub-voting "Base"
the quote feature is your friend :thup:

as to the OP, I knew that non-license- possessing, *cough* plumber was a Fox/GOPTV shill
I realize that you're fellow liberals and all, and partisans on both ends of the spectrum feel some kind of obligation to protect each other no matter what, but comparing his words to mine is intellectually dishonest, at best.

To be expected, though.
Don't fault her... as a mindless, partisan bigot, she doesn't have the tools necessary to do any better.
She blames GWB for that, BTW.

You are kinda right faggot.

I am a little bigoted against queers like yourself....
Nio... you're just a mindless, partisan bigot, something you prove with every post.
I once had a boss that mistreated his employees. I didn't go whining to another outfit run by bigger thugs (the union). I became his competition.

I notice a trend when it comes to work related issues. Liberals whine, conservatives do

I've noticed a pattern.

Liberals try to make things better for working people.

Conservatives try to excuse the bad behavior like a battered housewife.

"Well, of course they have to lower our pay and cut headcount. It's Capitalism!!!"

Hey Bitch if you don't like working for other people then stop your fucking pissing and moaning and start your own business.

But that would require that you actually DO something other than cry into your milk so I guess you're stuck depending on others to provide you a living.

I guess your saving grace is you're too fucking stupid to realize you're a retard.
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I once had a boss that mistreated his employees. I didn't go whining to another outfit run by bigger thugs (the union). I became his competition.

I notice a trend when it comes to work related issues. Liberals whine, conservatives do

I've noticed a pattern.

Liberals try to make things better for working people.

Conservatives try to excuse the bad behavior like a battered housewife.

"Well, of course they have to lower our pay and cut headcount. It's Capitalism!!!"

Hey Bitch if you don't like working for other people then stop your fucking pissing and moaning and start your own business.

But that would require that you actually DO something other than cry into your milk so I guess you're stuck depending on others to provide you a living.

I guess your saving grace is you're too fucking stupid to realize you're a retard.

I am doing something.

I'm supporting sane leaders and sane policies that will put your battering husband on a leash.

You might like getting slapped around by the 1%, with a healthy side of "Teabagging", but the rest of us don't.
I've noticed a pattern.

Liberals try to make things better for working people.

Conservatives try to excuse the bad behavior like a battered housewife.

"Well, of course they have to lower our pay and cut headcount. It's Capitalism!!!"

Hey Bitch if you don't like working for other people then stop your fucking pissing and moaning and start your own business.

But that would require that you actually DO something other than cry into your milk so I guess you're stuck depending on others to provide you a living.

I guess your saving grace is you're too fucking stupid to realize you're a retard.

I am doing something.

I'm supporting sane leaders and sane policies that will put your battering husband on a leash.

You might like getting slapped around by the 1%, with a healthy side of "Teabagging", but the rest of us don't.

Seek help for your delusions please

tapatalk post
I've noticed a pattern.

Liberals try to make things better for working people.

Conservatives try to excuse the bad behavior like a battered housewife.

"Well, of course they have to lower our pay and cut headcount. It's Capitalism!!!"

Hey Bitch if you don't like working for other people then stop your fucking pissing and moaning and start your own business.

But that would require that you actually DO something other than cry into your milk so I guess you're stuck depending on others to provide you a living.

I guess your saving grace is you're too fucking stupid to realize you're a retard.

I am doing something.

I'm supporting sane leaders and sane policies that will put your battering husband on a leash.

You might like getting slapped around by the 1%, with a healthy side of "Teabagging", but the rest of us don't.

Only a lazy fuck like you would call voting for a politician "doing something"

But even then by calling voting "doing something" you are once again shunning action and allowing others to do for you. Face it you are incapable of controlling your own life so you must depend on others and that is your real problem.

I have never been anyone's victim but in your twisted excuse ridden mind you are victimized by everyone.
Did you miss the result of the last election?

You guys ran a plutocrat and America said, "no fucking way!"

I didn't run anyone. I didn't even vote because in reality to me it doesn't matter what corrupt puppet is in the White House.
Did you miss the result of the last election?

You guys ran a plutocrat and America said, "no fucking way!"

I didn't run anyone. I didn't even vote because in reality to me it doesn't matter what corrupt puppet is in the White House.

You didn't vote?


No I didn't because it wouldn't have made any difference. My state is overwhelmingly democrat and while I do not think Obama is a good president my vote in this state would not have changed the outcome. Besides I was no fan of Romney so I really had no one to vote for.

As a rule I do not engage in futile behavior when there is something constructive I could be doing instead.
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Only a lazy fuck like you would call voting for a politician "doing something"

But even then by calling voting "doing something" you are once again shunning action and allowing others to do for you. Face it you are incapable of controlling your own life so you must depend on others and that is your real problem.

I have never been anyone's victim but in your twisted excuse ridden mind you are victimized by everyone.

No, guy, everyone is being victimized by the 1%ers.

Now, you might think that the answer is going down to the rape crisis center and handing out strap-on dildos and giving the rape victims instructions how to join in on the fun.

Most sensible people would put the rapists in jail and let it be known their behavior is unacceptable.

Incidently, we all depend on others. That's just the reality. Some of us don't go thorugh life looking to how we can fuck over others for our own advantage.
Did you miss the result of the last election?

You guys ran a plutocrat and America said, "no fucking way!"

I didn't run anyone. I didn't even vote because in reality to me it doesn't matter what corrupt puppet is in the White House.

It's amazing how fast you Plutocrat Apologists are running from Romney once he lost.

Honestly, guy, if you don't vote, why the fuck to you participate in a politics message board?

I mean other than you are a troll without a job living on disability?
Did you miss the result of the last election?

You guys ran a plutocrat and America said, "no fucking way!"

I didn't run anyone. I didn't even vote because in reality to me it doesn't matter what corrupt puppet is in the White House.

It's amazing how fast you Plutocrat Apologists are running from Romney once he lost.

Honestly, guy, if you don't vote, why the fuck to you participate in a politics message board?

I mean other than you are a troll without a job living on disability?

I didn't vote for the presidential puppet. That does not mean I don't vote in local elections IDIOT. At least locally I know who the puppeteers are.
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Only a lazy fuck like you would call voting for a politician "doing something"

But even then by calling voting "doing something" you are once again shunning action and allowing others to do for you. Face it you are incapable of controlling your own life so you must depend on others and that is your real problem.

I have never been anyone's victim but in your twisted excuse ridden mind you are victimized by everyone.

No, guy, everyone is being victimized by the 1%ers.

I'm not. The fact that there are wealthy people in the world has not had any impact on my life.

Now, you might think that the answer is going down to the rape crisis center and handing out strap-on dildos and giving the rape victims instructions how to join in on the fun.

Most sensible people would put the rapists in jail and let it be known their behavior is unacceptable.
No my idea of helping rape victims is arming them and teaching them how to fight. Yours is telling them to piss themselves and hope the fucking cops show up before they're beaten to death.

Incidently, we all depend on others. That's just the reality. Some of us don't go thorugh life looking to how we can fuck over others for our own advantage.

I have never taken advantage of anyone but I also have never begged anyone for a job.

Why would I put my life in someone else's hands when I could work for myself?

Why would anyone?

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