No freakin way! Joe The Plumber takes a UNION JOB!


Yeah bet on SS and the 1200 a month you'll get to live on.

That's the sucker's bet you're just too stupid to see it.

And if you were retired in 2008 your money should not have been in equities. If it was that would have been your own damn fault.

THe thing is, the whole wall street investment is a sucker's bet. It's why 95% of the gains in the "recovery" have gone tothe top 1%.

You are an idiot.

I have over a half dozen funds that have averaged well above a 13% return over the past 8 years.

How's that compare to your 1% guarantee in a CD?

But like I said make poor decisions and rely on the 1200 a month Ss will give you but please remember that those were your choices so you don't get to blame anyone else for your poverty.
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Her mindless, partisan bigotry
Sallow is one of those people that enjoys being wrong at the top pf their voice,
Not wrong at all.
As I said: mindless bigotry. Thank you for proving it.

Mindless about what?

Joe (Sam) the Plumber (unlicensed) ambushed President Obama about nonsense.

He lied and like many of you folks tried to pepper him with questions he thought would embarrass him and make him look like a commie. The opposite happened.

But it didn't end there as it should have.

McCain and Palin (Especially Palin) tried to make hay about this guy.

By the way it didn't work.

But it didn't end there.

Ol' Joe started up his website to fill with his daily musings (rants).

He related he didn't like Unions or wealth redistribution.

Then he linked an article about wanting a White Republican President and tried to use the fact it was written by a black fellow as a shield.

Then after a failed congressional bid and a failure to start his own business, he got a union job in a union shop that was saved by Obama's efforts.

What part of this aren't you agreeing with?


That's what makes him a bigot.

As if there was ever any doubt. :cool:

We were talking about this the other day.

Poor Joe...either he didn't have the sense to realize he didn't have to join the union or he's lying. I'll go with the latter.

Union comes with lots of benefits and job protection.

He'd be a fool not to join.

Job "protection" isn't needed if you're good at what you do. In my experience unions destroy jobs. I used to be the general contractor for a company called The Tile Shop. Remodeled their stores. Then one year the union picketed the jobsite for over a month because I refused to go union and they lost the bid to me AGAIN.
Needless to say the publicity was seen as very negative by corporate big wigs and that was the last store remodel given up for bid. Now they use a company from POLAND to do ALL their stores.

Unions can go to hell
We were talking about this the other day.

Poor Joe...either he didn't have the sense to realize he didn't have to join the union or he's lying. I'll go with the latter.

Union comes with lots of benefits and job protection.

He'd be a fool not to join.

Job "protection" isn't needed if you're good at what you do. In my experience unions destroy jobs. I used to be the general contractor for a company called The Tile Shop. Remodeled their stores. Then one year the union picketed the jobsite for over a month because I refused to go union and they lost the bid to me AGAIN.
Needless to say the publicity was seen as very negative by corporate big wigs and that was the last store remodel given up for bid. Now they use a company from POLAND to do ALL their stores.

Unions can go to hell

Oh Bullshit.

My last year at the NYSE I got an "over" achieving review, a 10K bonus and lots of "atta boys" for helping to build out the Mahwah data center.

I also got the pink slip.

They reduced their staff because they lost market share. And in order to "show" profit, they cut heads.

They wouldn't be able to do that if a Union were in place.
Union comes with lots of benefits and job protection.

He'd be a fool not to join.

Job "protection" isn't needed if you're good at what you do. In my experience unions destroy jobs. I used to be the general contractor for a company called The Tile Shop. Remodeled their stores. Then one year the union picketed the jobsite for over a month because I refused to go union and they lost the bid to me AGAIN.
Needless to say the publicity was seen as very negative by corporate big wigs and that was the last store remodel given up for bid. Now they use a company from POLAND to do ALL their stores.

Unions can go to hell

Oh Bullshit.

My last year at the NYSE I got an "over" achieving review, a 10K bonus and lots of "atta boys" for helping to build out the Mahwah data center.

I also got the pink slip.

They reduced their staff because they lost market share. And in order to "show" profit, they cut heads.

They wouldn't be able to do that if a Union were in place.

I give you facts you give me "coulda"

I'll give you another fact Sallow.

Every bid I do against the union shops for bathroom remodels I win and I'll tell ya why.

They massivly inflate their bids while offering low grade builder level choices. For instance two jobs ago they came in with a price of 38 thousand for a simple shower gut and redo. 38 thousand dollars for a fucking shower. Granted it was a 4x12 shower so it wasn't typical but still. My bid was just over 12k.
The customer called me back and asked if I forgot to include something and I replied no of course. They then contacted the other conpany with my bid and we offered a reduced price of 28k then a week later 22k IF they signed within 48 hours.

Not only did I get the job but the job grew by 10k because I offered top of the line products and a reasonable price.

That scenario happens at least once a month. In fact im going on a bid today against that very same company.

Unions rip off their customers with their bogus inflation.
I'll give you another fact Sallow.

Every bid I do against the union shops for bathroom remodels I win and I'll tell ya why.

They massivly inflate their bids while offering low grade builder level choices. For instance two jobs ago they came in with a price of 38 thousand for a simple shower gut and redo. 38 thousand dollars for a fucking shower. Granted it was a 4x12 shower so it wasn't typical but still. My bid was just over 12k.
The customer called me back and asked if I forgot to include something and I replied no of course. They then contacted the other conpany with my bid and we offered a reduced price of 28k then a week later 22k IF they signed within 48 hours.

Not only did I get the job but the job grew by 10k because I offered top of the line products and a reasonable price.

That scenario happens at least once a month. In fact im going on a bid today against that very same company.

Unions rip off their customers with their bogus inflation.

They have to pay for the inflated labor costs caused by the union. Union workers on average take longer to do a job and don't do it as well as non union workers so they are not worth the cost

tapatalk post

Yeah bet on SS and the 1200 a month you'll get to live on.

That's the sucker's bet you're just too stupid to see it.

And if you were retired in 2008 your money should not have been in equities. If it was that would have been your own damn fault.

THe thing is, the whole wall street investment is a sucker's bet. It's why 95% of the gains in the "recovery" have gone tothe top 1%.

You are an idiot.

I have over a half dozen funds that have averaged well above a 13% return over the past 8 years.

How's that compare to your 1% guarantee in a CD?

But like I said make poor decisions and rely on the 1200 a month Ss will give you but please remember that those were your choices so you don't get to blame anyone else for your poverty.

Until his last breath, it will be someone else's fault.

And all those people - and there's a lot of them - who carefully and humbly put money away every month into basic investments and ended up with a nice nest egg won't be interested in hearing it.

They'll just shake their heads.

Not wrong at all.
As I said: mindless bigotry. Thank you for proving it.
Mindless about what?
Virtually everything you post.

Joe (Sam) the Plumber (unlicensed) ambushed President Obama about nonsense.
“(unlicensed)”. ”“Ambushed”. “Nonsense”.
Prime examples of mindless partisan bigotry.
He[Joe] lied...
This is a lie, as you know he did not.
and like many of you folks tried to pepper him with questions he thought would embarrass him and make him look like a commie. The opposite happened.
Obama answered Joe’s questions about His small-business tax policy by, in part, stating that “"when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody,” which made Him look like a free market capitalist?
Only to a mindless partisan bigot.
But it didn't end there as it should have.
Yes - because it’s not possible to have an honest ideological disagreement with someone who wants to use the state to “spread the wealth around”.
Only to a mindless partisan bigot.
Ol' Joe started up his website to fill with his daily musings (rants).
Prime example of mindless partisan bigotry.
He related he didn't like Unions or wealth redistribution.
This must be an example of a “(rant)”.
Prime example of mindless partisan bigotry.
Then he linked an article about wanting a White Republican President and tried to use the fact it was written by a black fellow as a shield.
I have no idea what this refers to, is supposed to be, or mean. Neither do you.
Then after a failed congressional bid and a failure to start his own business, he got a union job in a union shop that was saved by Obama's efforts.
What part of this aren't you agreeing with?
Thank you for providing plenty of examples that illustrate you to be the mindless, partisan bigot I described.
Please feel free to keep up the good work.
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Again, here's the lesson, if you question Obama the left will harass you for the rest of your life......
Job "protection" isn't needed if you're good at what you do. In my experience unions destroy jobs. I used to be the general contractor for a company called The Tile Shop. Remodeled their stores. Then one year the union picketed the jobsite for over a month because I refused to go union and they lost the bid to me AGAIN.
Needless to say the publicity was seen as very negative by corporate big wigs and that was the last store remodel given up for bid. Now they use a company from POLAND to do ALL their stores.

Unions can go to hell

Oh Bullshit.

My last year at the NYSE I got an "over" achieving review, a 10K bonus and lots of "atta boys" for helping to build out the Mahwah data center.

I also got the pink slip.

They reduced their staff because they lost market share. And in order to "show" profit, they cut heads.

They wouldn't be able to do that if a Union were in place.

I give you facts you give me "coulda"


What facts?

You gave me a personal unverified story.

I did the same.

As I said: mindless bigotry. Thank you for proving it.
Mindless about what?
Virtually everything you post.

“(unlicensed)”. ”“Ambushed”. “Nonsense”.
Prime examples of mindless partisan bigotry.

This is a lie, as you know he did not.

Obama answered Joe’s questions about His small-business tax policy by, in part, stating that “"when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody,” which made Him look like a free market capitalist?
Only to a mindless partisan bigot.

Yes - because it’s not possible to have an honest ideological disagreement with someone who wants to use the state to “spread the wealth around”.
Only to a mindless partisan bigot.

Prime example of mindless partisan bigotry.

This must be an example of a “(rant)”.
Prime example of mindless partisan bigotry.

I have no idea what this refers to, is supposed to be, or mean. Neither do you.
Then after a failed congressional bid and a failure to start his own business, he got a union job in a union shop that was saved by Obama's efforts.
What part of this aren't you agreeing with?
Thank you for providing plenty of examples that illustrate you to be the mindless, partisan bigot I described.
Please feel free to keep up the good work.



One hypocrite defends another.

You guys got nothing. :eusa_boohoo:
Mindless about what?
Virtually everything you post.

“(unlicensed)”. ”“Ambushed”. “Nonsense”.
Prime examples of mindless partisan bigotry.

This is a lie, as you know he did not.

Obama answered Joe’s questions about His small-business tax policy by, in part, stating that “"when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody,” which made Him look like a free market capitalist?
Only to a mindless partisan bigot.

Yes - because it’s not possible to have an honest ideological disagreement with someone who wants to use the state to “spread the wealth around”.
Only to a mindless partisan bigot.

Prime example of mindless partisan bigotry.

This must be an example of a “(rant)”.
Prime example of mindless partisan bigotry.

I have no idea what this refers to, is supposed to be, or mean. Neither do you.

What part of this aren't you agreeing with?
Thank you for providing plenty of examples that illustrate you to be the mindless, partisan bigot I described.
Please feel free to keep up the good work.
One hypocrite defends another.
You guys got nothing. :eusa_boohoo:
Says the mindless partisan bigot that knows she has no effective argument to the contrary.
Oh Bullshit.

My last year at the NYSE I got an "over" achieving review, a 10K bonus and lots of "atta boys" for helping to build out the Mahwah data center.

I also got the pink slip.

They reduced their staff because they lost market share. And in order to "show" profit, they cut heads.

They wouldn't be able to do that if a Union were in place.

I give you facts you give me "coulda"


What facts?

You gave me a personal unverified story.

I did the same.


Ah so you're saying im a liar? And you're personal story was nothing but a guess of what would have happened had you been unionized.

Also I just got off that other bid I mentioned. A typical 3x4 shower and they bid it at 22k with a 15% discount if they signed on the spot. My bid was just under 7k.

Call it unverified if you like but those are the facts of how union shops rip off the consumer
[You are an idiot.

I have over a half dozen funds that have averaged well above a 13% return over the past 8 years.

How's that compare to your 1% guarantee in a CD?

But like I said make poor decisions and rely on the 1200 a month Ss will give you but please remember that those were your choices so you don't get to blame anyone else for your poverty.

Frankly, guy, I'm not sure why you are so insecure that you have to tell tall tales about your success to people on the internet, other than they can't fact check you.

I suspect by the time I hit 65, we are going to be fully socialist like Europe, with the rich paying a 76% tax rate.

Until his last breath, it will be someone else's fault.

And all those people - and there's a lot of them - who carefully and humbly put money away every month into basic investments and ended up with a nice nest egg won't be interested in hearing it.

They'll just shake their heads.


I guess If I met those people I'd have a different opinion.

All the people I know were folks who had to go back to work because their nest eggs got wiped out, or found themselves with an underwater mortgage.

But, hey, the important thing was that the guys on Wall Street were too big to fail, and got bailouts and bonuses. That's the important thing.
I give you facts you give me "coulda"


What facts?

You gave me a personal unverified story.

I did the same.


Ah so you're saying im a liar? And you're personal story was nothing but a guess of what would have happened had you been unionized.

Also I just got off that other bid I mentioned. A typical 3x4 shower and they bid it at 22k with a 15% discount if they signed on the spot. My bid was just under 7k.

Call it unverified if you like but those are the facts of how union shops rip off the consumer

Where did I say you lied.

There's no real context to your story.

By the way..the very last Union guy at the NYSE? Retired at a ripe old age with some nice benefits.

And he NEVER got screwed with.

Until his last breath, it will be someone else's fault.

And all those people - and there's a lot of them - who carefully and humbly put money away every month into basic investments and ended up with a nice nest egg won't be interested in hearing it.

They'll just shake their heads.


I guess If I met those people I'd have a different opinion.

All the people I know were folks who had to go back to work because their nest eggs got wiped out, or found themselves with an underwater mortgage.

But, hey, the important thing was that the guys on Wall Street were too big to fail, and got bailouts and bonuses. That's the important thing.

They got bailed out in bipartisan bullshit fashion so stuff it.

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