No freakin way! Joe The Plumber takes a UNION JOB!

You folks choose, choose to focus on the very few at the very top -- wait, only those on whom you can focus, instead of the millions who bust their ass, sacrifice, endure the stress and the risk and become successful. You folks now even mock such words. Joe wants to pretend they don't even exist, because that's the only thing on which he can mount his misery and his jealousy. Pretend they didn't earn it, there, that feels better.

And over time, you've succeeded. Now, anyone with money is assumed by more and more to be a crook. And your devotion to and affection for the government allows you to ignore its corruption and bloat. Congratulations on that. At some point, you may get your way. Workers of the world unite, and all that.

The decay continues.


Because I have no trouble, whatsoever, with folks that work their asses off to succeed.

I'm in that group.

I do have trouble with people that have more money than they can spend in one hundred thousand lifetimes, choose to use it to force their will on others and generally make life miserable for those of us who actually put in the time to make money.


Not so much.

And how do they do that, precisely?

And please be sure to include how they force people to work for them, thanks.


You really have to ask that?

Cheney was the CEO for Halliburton..and was still receiving compensation when the US invaded Iraq and Halliburton got a no-bid contract.

But heck.. lets go down the list.

ALEC Exposed
Top Senate Dem: Koch Brothers Are Un-American - ABC News
Congress: Trading stock on inside information? - CBS News

Then there's "Citizen's United".

Let you ponder that info for a bit.

Because I have no trouble, whatsoever, with folks that work their asses off to succeed.

I'm in that group.

I do have trouble with people that have more money than they can spend in one hundred thousand lifetimes, choose to use it to force their will on others and generally make life miserable for those of us who actually put in the time to make money.


Not so much.

And how do they do that, precisely?

And please be sure to include how they force people to work for them, thanks.


You really have to ask that?

Cheney was the CEO for Halliburton..and was still receiving compensation when the US invaded Iraq and Halliburton got a no-bid contract.

But heck.. lets go down the list.

ALEC Exposed
Top Senate Dem: Koch Brothers Are Un-American - ABC News
Congress: Trading stock on inside information? - CBS News

Then there's "Citizen's United".

Let you ponder that info for a bit.


I never expect straight answers here, but I'm hoping you'll do so, so I'll try again. To use your own words, how do the evil rich "force their will on others and generally make life miserable for those of us who actually put in the time to make money?"

And I'd love to know how business owners don't "put in the time to make money", but then we'll end up back at the insultingly ridiculous "roads & bridges" crap, and that's just too silly.

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And how do they do that, precisely?

And please be sure to include how they force people to work for them, thanks.


You really have to ask that?

Cheney was the CEO for Halliburton..and was still receiving compensation when the US invaded Iraq and Halliburton got a no-bid contract.

But heck.. lets go down the list.

ALEC Exposed
Top Senate Dem: Koch Brothers Are Un-American - ABC News
Congress: Trading stock on inside information? - CBS News

Then there's "Citizen's United".

Let you ponder that info for a bit.


I never expect straight answers here, but I'm hoping you'll do so, so I'll try again. To use your own words, how do the evil rich "force their will on others and generally make life miserable for those of us who actually put in the time to make money?"

And I'd love to know how business owners don't "put in the time to make money", but then we'll end up back at the insultingly ridiculous "roads & bridges" crap, and that's just too silly.


I don't know how much "straighter" you want it.

Obscenely wealthy people have access to the government that you or I do not. They are able to write legislation and hand it to their bought legislators to pass legislation favorable to their interests.

That straight enough for you?
You really have to ask that?

Cheney was the CEO for Halliburton..and was still receiving compensation when the US invaded Iraq and Halliburton got a no-bid contract.

But heck.. lets go down the list.

ALEC Exposed
Top Senate Dem: Koch Brothers Are Un-American - ABC News
Congress: Trading stock on inside information? - CBS News

Then there's "Citizen's United".

Let you ponder that info for a bit.


I never expect straight answers here, but I'm hoping you'll do so, so I'll try again. To use your own words, how do the evil rich "force their will on others and generally make life miserable for those of us who actually put in the time to make money?"

And I'd love to know how business owners don't "put in the time to make money", but then we'll end up back at the insultingly ridiculous "roads & bridges" crap, and that's just too silly.


I don't know how much "straighter" you want it.

Obscenely wealthy people have access to the government that you or I do not. They are able to write legislation and hand it to their bought legislators to pass legislation favorable to their interests.

That straight enough for you?

And you keep voting for these "bought" politicians. Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama and others have all been bought by George Soros and Big Pharm, as well as environmentalists, Wall Street, the unions, and lawyers.
Because I have no trouble, whatsoever, with folks that work their asses off to succeed.

I'm in that group.

I do have trouble with people that have more money than they can spend in one hundred thousand lifetimes, choose to use it to force their will on others and generally make life miserable for those of us who actually put in the time to make money.


Not so much.

And how do they do that, precisely?

And please be sure to include how they force people to work for them, thanks.


You really have to ask that?

Cheney was the CEO for Halliburton..and was still receiving compensation when the US invaded Iraq and Halliburton got a no-bid contract.

But heck.. lets go down the list.

ALEC Exposed
Top Senate Dem: Koch Brothers Are Un-American - ABC News
Congress: Trading stock on inside information? - CBS News

Then there's "Citizen's United".

Let you ponder that info for a bit.


The Koch Bros are listed as #59 on the list of heavy donors. All of the top heavies are Democrat donors.

Here is the list of unions that top the Koch Brothers in political donations.
Via Open Secrets:

2.) American Fedn of State, County & Municipal Employees $60,667,379
4.) National Education Assn $53,594,488
7.) Intl Brotherhood of Electrical Workers $44,478,789
8.) United Auto Workers $41,667,858
9.) Carpenters & Joiners Union $39,260,371
10.) Service Employees International Union $38,395,690
11.) Laborers Union $37,494,010
12.) American Federation of Teachers $36,713,325
13.) Communications Workers of America $36,188,135
14.) Teamsters Union $36,123,209
16.) United Food & Commercial Workers Union $33,756,550
20.) Machinists & Aerospace Workers Union $31,313,097
23.) AFL-CIO $30,938,977
32.) National Assn of Letter Carriers $26,106,359
39.) Plumbers & Pipefitters Union $23,886,248
42.) Operating Engineers Union $23,036,848
43.) International Assn of Fire Fighters $22,963,260
46.) Sheet Metal Workers Union $22,372,978
59.) Koch Industries $18,083,948

Most of the top donors are unions.

Here's the full list:
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Obscenely wealthy people have access to the government that you or I do not. They are able to write legislation and hand it to their bought legislators to pass legislation favorable to their interests.

That straight enough for you?

Tell you what: Instead of casting a wide, simplistic, ignorant, punitive net over all business owners and successful people -- JoeB's specialty -- perhaps you could provide list of people who should be punished for their misdeeds and include what that punishment might be. You might be surprised by how much we agree.

But exacerbating this culture of hating people for being successful is destructive, to say the least.

And how do they do that, precisely?

And please be sure to include how they force people to work for them, thanks.


You really have to ask that?

Cheney was the CEO for Halliburton..and was still receiving compensation when the US invaded Iraq and Halliburton got a no-bid contract.

But heck.. lets go down the list.

ALEC Exposed
Top Senate Dem: Koch Brothers Are Un-American - ABC News
Congress: Trading stock on inside information? - CBS News

Then there's "Citizen's United".

Let you ponder that info for a bit.


The Koch Bros are listed as #59 on the list of heavy donors. All of the top heavies are Democrat donors.

Here is the list of unions that top the Koch Brothers in political donations.
Via Open Secrets:

2.) American Fedn of State, County & Municipal Employees $60,667,379
4.) National Education Assn $53,594,488
7.) Intl Brotherhood of Electrical Workers $44,478,789
8.) United Auto Workers $41,667,858
9.) Carpenters & Joiners Union $39,260,371
10.) Service Employees International Union $38,395,690
11.) Laborers Union $37,494,010
12.) American Federation of Teachers $36,713,325
13.) Communications Workers of America $36,188,135
14.) Teamsters Union $36,123,209
16.) United Food & Commercial Workers Union $33,756,550
20.) Machinists & Aerospace Workers Union $31,313,097
23.) AFL-CIO $30,938,977
32.) National Assn of Letter Carriers $26,106,359
39.) Plumbers & Pipefitters Union $23,886,248
42.) Operating Engineers Union $23,036,848
43.) International Assn of Fire Fighters $22,963,260
46.) Sheet Metal Workers Union $22,372,978
59.) Koch Industries $18,083,948

Most of the top donors are unions.

Here's the full list: Heavy Hitters: Top All-Time Donors, 1989-2014 | OpenSecrets

You do know what Unions are, right, ace?

They are a collection of people that actually make money by getting up each day and putting a full day of work in.

And they generally do not have unreasonable demands. Like taking away your home so they can run a pipeline through it to pump dirty crap that they can sell to another country.

You know that right?

They generally advocate for things like reasonable work hours so they can raise families, reasonable pay so they can put food on the table and safe work environments so they can actually go home after the day's over.

But heck, lets get down to brass tacks.

Citizens United? For or against it?

Comporting the 501c4 law with the regulation. For or against it?
Obscenely wealthy people have access to the government that you or I do not. They are able to write legislation and hand it to their bought legislators to pass legislation favorable to their interests.

That straight enough for you?

Tell you what: Instead of casting a wide, simplistic, ignorant, punitive net over all business owners and successful people -- JoeB's specialty -- perhaps you could provide list of people who should be punished for their misdeeds and include what that punishment might be. You might be surprised by how much we agree.

But exacerbating this culture of hating people for being successful is destructive, to say the least.


I think I've made it clear that I have nothing against the majority of business owners. In the way back..I was a business owner myself.

What I have trouble with is the idea that Corporations are people and money is speech.

And that concentrating wealth is good for the nation.

And that it's a good thing that one guy earns 500xs more than everyone else at the same company.

Take a look at most revolutions. They happen primarily because the distribution of wealth is skewed in one very small direction.
Most of the big unions have been highjacked by folks that are politically motivated and rarely get their hands dirty. I was a member for 8 years. I know how it works. The biggest union donor on the list is SEIU, which probably has an office inside the White House. Andy Stern actually worked with Obama to help push through the ACA.

During the years of Stern's leadership, the SEIU funneled vast amounts of financing to the Democratic Party and its candidates, far outnumbering the contributions of other unions during the last two election cycles. SEIU contributed $65 million to the 2004 presidential campaign of John Kerry.[28] The union spent another $85 million on Democratic candidates in 2008; $60 million going toward the election of President Barack Obama,[29] with a significant chunk of that money funding door-to-door canvassing and other GOTV efforts,[30] as well as voter registration.

Stern is referred to as one of "the chief architects of healthcare reform" in Modern Healthcare magazine's ranking of the 100 Most Powerful People in Healthcare for 2009. Stern has been named to MH's annual "movers and shakers in healthcare" list for five years in a row. Stern is an ardent supporter of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.[31]

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Obscenely wealthy people have access to the government that you or I do not. They are able to write legislation and hand it to their bought legislators to pass legislation favorable to their interests.

That straight enough for you?

Tell you what: Instead of casting a wide, simplistic, ignorant, punitive net over all business owners and successful people -- JoeB's specialty -- perhaps you could provide list of people who should be punished for their misdeeds and include what that punishment might be. You might be surprised by how much we agree.

But exacerbating this culture of hating people for being successful is destructive, to say the least.


I think I've made it clear that I have nothing against the majority of business owners. In the way back..I was a business owner myself.

What I have trouble with is the idea that Corporations are people and money is speech.

And that concentrating wealth is good for the nation.

And that it's a good thing that one guy earns 500xs more than everyone else at the same company.

Take a look at most revolutions. They happen primarily because the distribution of wealth is skewed in one very small direction.

The revolution this country fought was over lack of representation and confiscatory taxation.

Today we have a lack of representation and you want confiscatory taxation.
Tell you what: Instead of casting a wide, simplistic, ignorant, punitive net over all business owners and successful people -- JoeB's specialty -- perhaps you could provide list of people who should be punished for their misdeeds and include what that punishment might be. You might be surprised by how much we agree.

But exacerbating this culture of hating people for being successful is destructive, to say the least.


I think I've made it clear that I have nothing against the majority of business owners. In the way back..I was a business owner myself.

What I have trouble with is the idea that Corporations are people and money is speech.

And that concentrating wealth is good for the nation.

And that it's a good thing that one guy earns 500xs more than everyone else at the same company.

Take a look at most revolutions. They happen primarily because the distribution of wealth is skewed in one very small direction.

The revolution this country fought was over lack of representation and confiscatory taxation.

Today we have a lack of representation and you want confiscatory taxation. seem to have skipped the whole "Taxation without representation" thing.

The revolution in this country was fought against a government that thought they had gotten the power to rule from god. People left England for that reason (And was not the sole reason) as well as many other places were monarchies ruled.

And there were other major revolutions around the world.

French, Chinese and Russian.

Fought mainly over that reason.
Most of the big unions have been highjacked by folks that are politically motivated and rarely get their hands dirty. I was a member for 8 years. I know how it works. The biggest union donor on the list is SEIU, which probably has an office inside the White House. Andy Stern actually worked with Obama to help push through the ACA.

During the years of Stern's leadership, the SEIU funneled vast amounts of financing to the Democratic Party and its candidates, far outnumbering the contributions of other unions during the last two election cycles. SEIU contributed $65 million to the 2004 presidential campaign of John Kerry.[28] The union spent another $85 million on Democratic candidates in 2008; $60 million going toward the election of President Barack Obama,[29] with a significant chunk of that money funding door-to-door canvassing and other GOTV efforts,[30] as well as voter registration.

Stern is referred to as one of "the chief architects of healthcare reform" in Modern Healthcare magazine's ranking of the 100 Most Powerful People in Healthcare for 2009. Stern has been named to MH's annual "movers and shakers in healthcare" list for five years in a row. Stern is an ardent supporter of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.[31]


Andy Stern - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes because the goal of ObamaCare is to get a very few people very rich.

Unlike the goal of health care before that when they were denying people insurance because they couldn't afford it and kicking them off when they got sick.

Oh wait.

I think I've made it clear that I have nothing against the majority of business owners. In the way back..I was a business owner myself.

What I have trouble with is the idea that Corporations are people and money is speech.

And that concentrating wealth is good for the nation.

And that it's a good thing that one guy earns 500xs more than everyone else at the same company.

Take a look at most revolutions. They happen primarily because the distribution of wealth is skewed in one very small direction.

The revolution this country fought was over lack of representation and confiscatory taxation.

Today we have a lack of representation and you want confiscatory taxation. seem to have skipped the whole "Taxation without representation" thing.

The revolution in this country was fought against a government that thought they had gotten the power to rule from god. People left England for that reason (And was not the sole reason) as well as many other places were monarchies ruled.

And there were other major revolutions around the world.

French, Chinese and Russian.

Fought mainly over that reason.

Lack of representation and confiscatory taxation is the same as taxation without representation.

We have only fought one revolution in this country against a monarchy. All those others were also fought against a monarchy of one kind or another.

So tell me who are you going to declare your income inequality revolution against? The government? Or are you going to storm the houses of people you think make too much money?
Most of the big unions have been highjacked by folks that are politically motivated and rarely get their hands dirty. I was a member for 8 years. I know how it works. The biggest union donor on the list is SEIU, which probably has an office inside the White House. Andy Stern actually worked with Obama to help push through the ACA.

During the years of Stern's leadership, the SEIU funneled vast amounts of financing to the Democratic Party and its candidates, far outnumbering the contributions of other unions during the last two election cycles. SEIU contributed $65 million to the 2004 presidential campaign of John Kerry.[28] The union spent another $85 million on Democratic candidates in 2008; $60 million going toward the election of President Barack Obama,[29] with a significant chunk of that money funding door-to-door canvassing and other GOTV efforts,[30] as well as voter registration.

Stern is referred to as one of "the chief architects of healthcare reform" in Modern Healthcare magazine's ranking of the 100 Most Powerful People in Healthcare for 2009. Stern has been named to MH's annual "movers and shakers in healthcare" list for five years in a row. Stern is an ardent supporter of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.[31]


Andy Stern - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes because the goal of ObamaCare is to get a very few people very rich.

Unlike the goal of health care before that when they were denying people insurance because they couldn't afford it and kicking them off when they got sick.

Oh wait.


Bad people do bad things. The point is once you know it you shouldn't support it like you're doing.
Most of the big unions have been highjacked by folks that are politically motivated and rarely get their hands dirty. I was a member for 8 years. I know how it works. The biggest union donor on the list is SEIU, which probably has an office inside the White House. Andy Stern actually worked with Obama to help push through the ACA.


Andy Stern - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes because the goal of ObamaCare is to get a very few people very rich.

Unlike the goal of health care before that when they were denying people insurance because they couldn't afford it and kicking them off when they got sick.

Oh wait.


Bad people do bad things. The point is once you know it you shouldn't support it like you're doing.


Let 45,000 Americans die because they had no healthcare a bad thing.

Anyone who thinks that was a good system is delusional.
The revolution this country fought was over lack of representation and confiscatory taxation.

Today we have a lack of representation and you want confiscatory taxation. seem to have skipped the whole "Taxation without representation" thing.

The revolution in this country was fought against a government that thought they had gotten the power to rule from god. People left England for that reason (And was not the sole reason) as well as many other places were monarchies ruled.

And there were other major revolutions around the world.

French, Chinese and Russian.

Fought mainly over that reason.

Lack of representation and confiscatory taxation is the same as taxation without representation.

We have only fought one revolution in this country against a monarchy. All those others were also fought against a monarchy of one kind or another.

So tell me who are you going to declare your income inequality revolution against? The government? Or are you going to storm the houses of people you think make too much money?

1. No it's not. And even putting out there that 'taxation' is confiscatory, contradicts the intent of the Constitution.

2. Yes..and?

3. I'm not going to declare any revolution. I actually think our government is the best in the world. See..I like the color in the lines. I will vote for the people who advocate what I think should be the direction this country takes.
Yes because the goal of ObamaCare is to get a very few people very rich.

Unlike the goal of health care before that when they were denying people insurance because they couldn't afford it and kicking them off when they got sick.

Oh wait.


Bad people do bad things. The point is once you know it you shouldn't support it like you're doing.


Let 45,000 Americans die because they had no healthcare a bad thing.

Anyone who thinks that was a good system is delusional.

Since when has Obamacare provided insurance for anyone? I've heard no reports of anyone going completely through the process and receiving care. All they talk about is the sign-ups. More people are in Medicaid, but not one has been reported to have received treatment on the health exchange.
Last edited: seem to have skipped the whole "Taxation without representation" thing.

The revolution in this country was fought against a government that thought they had gotten the power to rule from god. People left England for that reason (And was not the sole reason) as well as many other places were monarchies ruled.

And there were other major revolutions around the world.

French, Chinese and Russian.

Fought mainly over that reason.

Lack of representation and confiscatory taxation is the same as taxation without representation.

We have only fought one revolution in this country against a monarchy. All those others were also fought against a monarchy of one kind or another.

So tell me who are you going to declare your income inequality revolution against? The government? Or are you going to storm the houses of people you think make too much money?

1. No it's not. And even putting out there that 'taxation' is confiscatory, contradicts the intent of the Constitution.

2. Yes..and?

3. I'm not going to declare any revolution. I actually think our government is the best in the world. See..I like the color in the lines. I will vote for the people who advocate what I think should be the direction this country takes.

So why the mention that revolutions start over income inequality or wealth inequality when we both know it will never happen?

And all taxes are a confiscation of money by force to say otherwise is naive.
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