No freakin way! Joe The Plumber takes a UNION JOB!

You know what happened when the Israelis quit Gaza?

They broke up their infrastructure.

The roads "being there" means nothing without people to protect and maintain them.

And the fact that we all share in making sure you get a profit that you don't have to work for?


We don't live in Israel.

And as I said everyone has the exact same access to public roads so it makes no difference in the success or failure of a business. And do you realize that business that actually do rely on roads, trucking delivery companies etc pay a far larger share in taxes for the upkeep of those roads than you do and without them roads would most likely be in worse shape than they are now?

Many businesses such as big box stores and the ever so popular open air shopping centers have to make improvements to public roads as a part of the agreement to build in a town as well. SO again businesses are paying more for roads than you.

And I did work for those profits to the tune of years working 80 hours a week or more to earn the money to buy those properties and keep them up to code and in good repair. And what you fail to acknowledge is that you could have done and still can do the exact same thing I did buying rental properties. No one was stopping you. No one would piss and moan about you driving to a rental property that you owned to fix it up. So the fact that you had the exact same access to roads as me or anyone else and you chose not to use those roads to better your income is no one's fault but your own.

You did not give me any money to buy my properties, you did not lift a finger to repair them, paint them, mow the lawns, shovel the snow, put on a new roof and you somehow think you have a share in my rental income?

First off, no roads to your rental properties means you'd probably wouldn't have any tenants.

Most roads in the area I live were there before I was born. And I pay taxes for the upkeep of those roads just as you do. You have the exact same access to those roads as everyone else. The fact that you didn't strike out on business ventures is your choice and has nothing to do with roads.

Second, pretty sure most business do not kick in their fair share, proportionally, to the kitty that I do. Some 40% of my income went into taxes last year or 40,000 bucks

How much did you pay specifically for roads compared to what a trucking company pays specifically for roads?

Third you said you were retired. NOW you say you work 80 hours a week. Which is it?
Really? You don't understand the difference between now and then?

Forth, I have a rental property. You shouldn't make assumptions.

Then why do you whine about roads all the time when you are guilty of the same thing you are railing against?

And fifth? Part of my taxes goes into the Federal kitty which goes to states that can't keep up. So if you live in one of those states? Yeah..I am paying for your income.

I live in a New England State with one of the highest gas taxes in the country. I don't think you need to worry that you are paying for roads in my state
We don't live in Israel.

And as I said everyone has the exact same access to public roads so it makes no difference in the success or failure of a business. And do you realize that business that actually do rely on roads, trucking delivery companies etc pay a far larger share in taxes for the upkeep of those roads than you do and without them roads would most likely be in worse shape than they are now?

Many businesses such as big box stores and the ever so popular open air shopping centers have to make improvements to public roads as a part of the agreement to build in a town as well. SO again businesses are paying more for roads than you.

And I did work for those profits to the tune of years working 80 hours a week or more to earn the money to buy those properties and keep them up to code and in good repair. And what you fail to acknowledge is that you could have done and still can do the exact same thing I did buying rental properties. No one was stopping you. No one would piss and moan about you driving to a rental property that you owned to fix it up. So the fact that you had the exact same access to roads as me or anyone else and you chose not to use those roads to better your income is no one's fault but your own.

You did not give me any money to buy my properties, you did not lift a finger to repair them, paint them, mow the lawns, shovel the snow, put on a new roof and you somehow think you have a share in my rental income?

First off, no roads to your rental properties means you'd probably wouldn't have any tenants.

Second, pretty sure most business do not kick in their fair share, proportionally, to the kitty that I do. Some 40% of my income went into taxes last year or 40,000 bucks.

Third you said you were retired. NOW you say you work 80 hours a week. Which is it?

Forth, I have a rental property. You shouldn't make assumptions.

And fifth? Part of my taxes goes into the Federal kitty which goes to states that can't keep up. So if you live in one of those states? Yeah..I am paying for your income.

my gawd shut up already with your stupidity....
go worship at the feet of government and unions and leave the rest of us alone...hater

Go live in a place without government.

Try it.

One week.

Come back and let us know how you like it:

Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale,
A tale of a fateful trip
That started from this tropic port
Aboard this tiny ship.

The mate was a mighty sailing man,
The skipper brave and sure.
Five passengers set sail that day
For a three hour tour, a three hour tour.

The weather started getting rough,
The tiny ship was tossed,
If not for the courage of the fearless crew
The minnow would be lost, the minnow would be lost.

The ship set ground on the shore of this uncharted desert isle
With Gilligan
The Skipper too,
The millionaire and his wife,
The movie star
The professor and Mary Ann,
Here on Gilligans Isle.

So this is the talel of the castways,
They're here for a long, long time,
They'll have to make the best of things,
It's an uphill climb.

The first mate and the Skipper too,
Will do their very best,
To make the others comfortable,
In the tropic island nest.

No phone, no lights no motor cars,
Not a single luxury,
Like Robinson Crusoe,
As primative as can be.

So join us here each week my freinds,
You're sure to get a smile,
From seven stranded castways,
Here on "Gilligan's Isle."

source: Gilligan's Island Lyrics - Theme Song Lyrics

We don't live in Israel.

And as I said everyone has the exact same access to public roads so it makes no difference in the success or failure of a business. And do you realize that business that actually do rely on roads, trucking delivery companies etc pay a far larger share in taxes for the upkeep of those roads than you do and without them roads would most likely be in worse shape than they are now?

Many businesses such as big box stores and the ever so popular open air shopping centers have to make improvements to public roads as a part of the agreement to build in a town as well. SO again businesses are paying more for roads than you.

And I did work for those profits to the tune of years working 80 hours a week or more to earn the money to buy those properties and keep them up to code and in good repair. And what you fail to acknowledge is that you could have done and still can do the exact same thing I did buying rental properties. No one was stopping you. No one would piss and moan about you driving to a rental property that you owned to fix it up. So the fact that you had the exact same access to roads as me or anyone else and you chose not to use those roads to better your income is no one's fault but your own.

You did not give me any money to buy my properties, you did not lift a finger to repair them, paint them, mow the lawns, shovel the snow, put on a new roof and you somehow think you have a share in my rental income?

First off, no roads to your rental properties means you'd probably wouldn't have any tenants.

Most roads in the area I live were there before I was born. And I pay taxes for the upkeep of those roads just as you do. You have the exact same access to those roads as everyone else. The fact that you didn't strike out on business ventures is your choice and has nothing to do with roads.


How much did you pay specifically for roads compared to what a trucking company pays specifically for roads?

Really? You don't understand the difference between now and then?

Forth, I have a rental property. You shouldn't make assumptions.

Then why do you whine about roads all the time when you are guilty of the same thing you are railing against?

And fifth? Part of my taxes goes into the Federal kitty which goes to states that can't keep up. So if you live in one of those states? Yeah..I am paying for your income.

I live in a New England State with one of the highest gas taxes in the country. I don't think you need to worry that you are paying for roads in my state

I'm not "railing" against anything.

I started a thread about a known conservative hypocrite and liar. A guy who hates Obama with a passion. A guy who many of you folks said was a plant, getting a job at a factory saved by Obama's policies and with a Union that ol' Sam despises.

He's not "forced" to work there.

He's not forced to work anywhere.

He could have done what you folks suggested. Work at Mickey D's until he's amassed enough pennies to buy a 280,000 dollar a year business.

But no.

He's taking a job that he tells EVERYONE else is a "taker" job.

Which makes him a hypocrite. And a liar.
The key for a worker is to gain a skill that others need, then find employment. But while employed, constantly seek better employment in their off time so that as soon as one finds more pay and better benefits they walk off their current job, no 2 weeks notice, nothing. Good bye. Leave em hanging so to speak. The worker can find ways to stick it to the employer, it just needs to be done in a smart way.

This is a patently stupid thing to do.

Never burn your bridges.
First off, no roads to your rental properties means you'd probably wouldn't have any tenants.

Most roads in the area I live were there before I was born. And I pay taxes for the upkeep of those roads just as you do. You have the exact same access to those roads as everyone else. The fact that you didn't strike out on business ventures is your choice and has nothing to do with roads.


How much did you pay specifically for roads compared to what a trucking company pays specifically for roads?

Really? You don't understand the difference between now and then?

Then why do you whine about roads all the time when you are guilty of the same thing you are railing against?

And fifth? Part of my taxes goes into the Federal kitty which goes to states that can't keep up. So if you live in one of those states? Yeah..I am paying for your income.

I live in a New England State with one of the highest gas taxes in the country. I don't think you need to worry that you are paying for roads in my state

I'm not "railing" against anything.

I started a thread about a known conservative hypocrite and liar. A guy who hates Obama with a passion. A guy who many of you folks said was a plant, getting a job at a factory saved by Obama's policies and with a Union that ol' Sam despises.

He's not "forced" to work there.

He's not forced to work anywhere.

He could have done what you folks suggested. Work at Mickey D's until he's amassed enough pennies to buy a 280,000 dollar a year business.

But no.

He's taking a job that he tells EVERYONE else is a "taker" job.

Which makes him a hypocrite. And a liar.

Why do you care so much about what some random idiot said 6 years ago?

he was an obvious plant and was probably paid to be so.

Unions pay people to demonstrate political parties pay people to ask stupid questions hoping to get a sound bite for the next news cycle.

It's the way politics work. The way it has always worked.

All this "outrage" is akin to you people obsessing over what a burnt out aging rock musician says.

It's a waste of time. There are hypocrites and lairs aplenty in the world. In fact we have one as President. We have them in Congress. We have them in state and local governments. We have them in every institution public and private.

Get fucking over it already.
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I didn't see him say the word "rich".

What's with you people? What do YOU mean by "rich"? At what precise point does someone become "rich", and precisely what is that amount?

And why does it matter?

Why is everything so black & white for you?


Well, when you take the attitude of "I've got mine, fuck you!" it's kind of a black and white position, isn't it?

Now, just because Spiderboy worked his union job until he qualified for his disability because he weighs 400 lbs, I guess that doesn't make him "rich", but it certainly makes him selfish.

I'd be very amused to talk to the "union guys" who apparently hated his guts to where he's still mad at them.

I only worked that job from age 18 to 25. And I'm not mad at anyone. I just won't hire any union tradesmen for the reasons I gave earlier.

I was young when I worked there and it's easy to remember the 40 year old morons trying to intimidate because I didn't fall into their bad habits.

Funny thing is, the "I've got mine, fuck you" statement is more like:

"I busted my ass and sacrificed like hell to get wherever the hell it is that I am, I'm sick of your bitching and moaning and complaining and finger-pointing so that you can blame someone else for your miserable fucking existence, I'll help those who actually need it, fuck off, get a life."

Yeah, that's more like it.


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At Chrysler!!!!

Joe The Plumber isn't famous for saying anything against unions. He only asked Obama about his wealth redistribution policies. Obama claimed at the time that he wasn't into spreading the wealth. We now know this was a lie. Along with all of the other lies that he's told.

So you claim that he's being a hypocrite because he was forced to join a union just so he could work??

Are you really saying that????


First off, Sam has always been against Unions. Most of you authoritarians are..

Second off, President Obama explained that in a fair and equitable society, wealth is shared, spread. Not concentrated.

Read the constitution. What do you think the whole taxation thing is all about?

The constitution does not state that we aren't entitled to the fruits of our labors, that profit is evil, that income-inequality is unfair.

The point you're missing is that I didn't care what those pissers and moaners thought of me. If I did I'd still be working in a machine shop like they are. Instead I am retired at age 42.

And why would I care what people who refuse to work as hard as I did think anyway?

So you are fucking 42 and you read comic books? Seriously?

Most of us grow out of that in our 20's.


The average comic book reader is in his late 20's, IIRC.
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Just more diversionary tactics to take you off point.

Those who spend more time working and taking care of themselves than complaining about what others have are a target. They're mean and greedy.

America, 2014.


Guys who are really rich don't come on the internet and brag about it.

Spider-boy is obviously suffering from arrested development.

Incidently, I work three jobs because I got my insurance yanked out from me in the middle of medical treatment and it left me with lots of debt. Seriously, fuck rich people.

I didn't see him say the word "rich".

What's with you people? What do YOU mean by "rich"? At what precise point does someone become "rich", and precisely what is that amount?

And why does it matter?

Why is everything so black & white for you?

Someone is "rich" when he makes more money than Joey.
Joe The Plumber isn't famous for saying anything against unions. He only asked Obama about his wealth redistribution policies. Obama claimed at the time that he wasn't into spreading the wealth. We now know this was a lie. Along with all of the other lies that he's told.

So you claim that he's being a hypocrite because he was forced to join a union just so he could work??

Are you really saying that????


First off, Sam has always been against Unions. Most of you authoritarians are..

Second off, President Obama explained that in a fair and equitable society, wealth is shared, spread. Not concentrated.

Read the constitution. What do you think the whole taxation thing is all about?

The constitution does not state that we aren't entitled to the fruits of our labors, that profit is evil, that income-inequality is unfair.

Who is saying that?

But much is too much?

James Madison,:

History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling the money and its issuance.

Ben Franklin:

"No man ought to own more property than needed for his livelihood; the rest, by right, belonged to the state."

John Adams:

"Economic power be came concentrated in a few hands, then political power flowed to those possessors and away from the citizens, ultimately resulting in an oligarchy or tyranny."

To much wealth = Bad.
Guys who are really rich don't come on the internet and brag about it.

Spider-boy is obviously suffering from arrested development.

Incidently, I work three jobs because I got my insurance yanked out from me in the middle of medical treatment and it left me with lots of debt. Seriously, fuck rich people.

I didn't see him say the word "rich".

What's with you people? What do YOU mean by "rich"? At what precise point does someone become "rich", and precisely what is that amount?

And why does it matter?

Why is everything so black & white for you?

Someone is "rich" when he makes more money than Joey.

Then I am rich

tapatalk post

Collectivists want to divide the pie that capitalists baked.



Did the Capitalists grow the grains?

Did the Captialists mill the flower?

Did the Captialists work the oven?

Nope. The Captialist just invested in the cake, paid the people who did the work as little as they could get away with, and then collected the profits.

So whenever you hear a Plutocrat Apologist scream about "Socialism" or "Collectivism", what they are really shitting their pants in terror of is "Democracy".

Collectivists want to divide the pie that capitalists baked.



Did the Capitalists grow the grains?

Did the Captialists mill the flower?

Did the Captialists work the oven?

Nope. The Captialist just invested in the cake, paid the people who did the work as little as they could get away with, and then collected the profits.

So whenever you hear a Plutocrat Apologist scream about "Socialism" or "Collectivism", what they are really shitting their pants in terror of is "Democracy".


Struck a nerve.

And the capitalist just got the money to invest in the cake out of nowhere. No, wait, he cheated someone else to get it. Put a knife to their throat. The money just came to him. Found it on the street corner. WHATEVER happened, he didn't work and sacrifice to earn it, because that's just too hard, and NO one does THAT.

And the capitalist COULD have done the simple labor to bake the cake, but he PAID others to do it. That menial labor would have driven him crazy, so he found some folks to do it. Most likely they would have bitched and moaned the whole time, even when they got their paychecks. Meanwhile, he was working to create new opportunities. Including nights and weekends, while the menial laborers were watching American Idol and bitching about their jobs. Then he risked his own money again somewhere else.

Seriously, I don't know how you make it through the freakin' day.

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Collectivists want to divide the pie that capitalists baked.



Did the Capitalists grow the grains?

Did the Captialists mill the flower?

Did the Captialists work the oven?

Nope. The Captialist just invested in the cake, paid the people who did the work as little as they could get away with, and then collected the profits.

So whenever you hear a Plutocrat Apologist scream about "Socialism" or "Collectivism", what they are really shitting their pants in terror of is "Democracy".

You are fucking insane. The capitalist paid for all of that you communists freak

tapatalk post


Struck a nerve.

And the capitalist just got the money to invest the cake out of nowhere. No, wait, he cheated someone else to get it. Put a knife to their throat. The money just came to him. Found it on the street corner. WHATEVER happened, he didn't work and sacrifice to earn it, because that's just too hard, and NO one does THAT.

Seriously, I don't know how you make it through the freakin' day.


I make it through the day by not mistaking the parasites who suck away every ounce of my labor and creativity for a vital organ.

Collectivists want to divide the pie that capitalists baked.



Did the Capitalists grow the grains?

Did the Captialists mill the flower?

Did the Captialists work the oven?

Nope. The Captialist just invested in the cake, paid the people who did the work as little as they could get away with, and then collected the profits.

So whenever you hear a Plutocrat Apologist scream about "Socialism" or "Collectivism", what they are really shitting their pants in terror of is "Democracy".

You are fucking insane. The capitalist paid for all of that you communists freak

tapatalk post

The Captialist didn't pay for any of that.

For instance, the grains were grown because we have a pretty socialist agriculture system. Farm subsidies, crop insurance, food stamps, rural electrification, irrigation run by the Army Corps of Engineers. Our farms work because we really don't trust "capitalists" to put food on our tables.

Collectivists want to divide the pie that capitalists baked.



Did the Capitalists grow the grains?

Did the Captialists mill the flower?

Did the Captialists work the oven?

Nope. The Captialist just invested in the cake, paid the people who did the work as little as they could get away with, and then collected the profits.

So whenever you hear a Plutocrat Apologist scream about "Socialism" or "Collectivism", what they are really shitting their pants in terror of is "Democracy".


Struck a nerve.

And the capitalist just got the money to invest in the cake out of nowhere. No, wait, he cheated someone else to get it. Put a knife to their throat. The money just came to him. Found it on the street corner. WHATEVER happened, he didn't work and sacrifice to earn it, because that's just too hard, and NO one does THAT.

And the capitalist COULD have done the simple labor to bake the cake, but he PAID others to do it. That menial labor would have driven him crazy, so he found some folks to do it. Most likely they would have bitched and moaned the whole time, even when they got their paychecks. Meanwhile, he was working to create new opportunities. Including nights and weekends, while the menial laborers were watching American Idol and bitching about their jobs. Then he risked his own money again somewhere else.

Seriously, I don't know how you make it through the freakin' day.


Which capitalists are you talking about?

Donald Trump? - Inheritance.
Mitt Romney? - Inheritance.
George HW Bush? - Inheritance.
George W. Bush? - Inheritance.
Koch Brothers? - Inheritance.
Walton Brothers? - Inheritance.

It's hard work. :eusa_shhh:

Did the Capitalists grow the grains?

Did the Captialists mill the flower?

Did the Captialists work the oven?

Nope. The Captialist just invested in the cake, paid the people who did the work as little as they could get away with, and then collected the profits.

So whenever you hear a Plutocrat Apologist scream about "Socialism" or "Collectivism", what they are really shitting their pants in terror of is "Democracy".


Struck a nerve.

And the capitalist just got the money to invest in the cake out of nowhere. No, wait, he cheated someone else to get it. Put a knife to their throat. The money just came to him. Found it on the street corner. WHATEVER happened, he didn't work and sacrifice to earn it, because that's just too hard, and NO one does THAT.

And the capitalist COULD have done the simple labor to bake the cake, but he PAID others to do it. That menial labor would have driven him crazy, so he found some folks to do it. Most likely they would have bitched and moaned the whole time, even when they got their paychecks. Meanwhile, he was working to create new opportunities. Including nights and weekends, while the menial laborers were watching American Idol and bitching about their jobs. Then he risked his own money again somewhere else.

Seriously, I don't know how you make it through the freakin' day.


Which capitalists are you talking about?

Donald Trump? - Inheritance.
Mitt Romney? - Inheritance.
George HW Bush? - Inheritance.
George W. Bush? - Inheritance.
Koch Brothers? - Inheritance.
Walton Brothers? - Inheritance.

It's hard work. :eusa_shhh:

Six, huh?



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