No freakin way! Joe The Plumber takes a UNION JOB!


They want the money for investment to come from the government, not those evil meanie capitalists. The government is nice, and it cares.

There's a name for that kind of a system.


Actually government R&D produces a lot of nice stuff that "entrepreneurs" scoop up, patent and stamp their tag on.

SEE: Microsoft.

They want the money for investment to come from the government, not those evil meanie capitalists. The government is nice, and it cares.

There's a name for that kind of a system.


The money already comes from Government.

Just took a Dollar Bill out of my wallet, it says "United States of America". It does not say "United Corporations of the World!"

And, yes, I like the fact that I can drink clean water and breathe clean air and that the equipment at my job won't kill me or that an 8 year old won't get sucked into a machine.

because, shit, we had GOVERNMENT making sure those things happened. Not "capitalists".

The Capitalist looks for a country where you can do those things, and then demands a free trade treaty so he can get those goods back. Don't mind the blood spots from little Pradip on the packaging.

They want the money for investment to come from the government, not those evil meanie capitalists. The government is nice, and it cares.

There's a name for that kind of a system.


Actually government R&D produces a lot of nice stuff that "entrepreneurs" scoop up, patent and stamp their tag on.

SEE: Microsoft.

You folks choose, choose to focus on the very few at the very top -- wait, only those on whom you can focus, instead of the millions who bust their ass, sacrifice, endure the stress and the risk and become successful. You folks now even mock such words. Joe wants to pretend they don't even exist, because that's the only thing on which he can mount his misery and his jealousy. Pretend they didn't earn it, there, that feels better.

And over time, you've succeeded. Now, anyone with money is assumed by more and more to be a crook. And your devotion to and affection for the government allows you to ignore its corruption and bloat. Congratulations on that. At some point, you may get your way. Workers of the world unite, and all that.

The decay continues.


They want the money for investment to come from the government, not those evil meanie capitalists. The government is nice, and it cares.

There's a name for that kind of a system.


The money already comes from Government.

Just took a Dollar Bill out of my wallet, it says "United States of America". It does not say "United Corporations of the World!"

And, yes, I like the fact that I can drink clean water and breathe clean air and that the equipment at my job won't kill me or that an 8 year old won't get sucked into a machine.

because, shit, we had GOVERNMENT making sure those things happened. Not "capitalists".

The Capitalist looks for a country where you can do those things, and then demands a free trade treaty so he can get those goods back. Don't mind the blood spots from little Pradip on the packaging.

So I was right.

Thanks for the confirmation.


You folks choose, choose to focus on the very few at the very top -- wait, only those on whom you can focus, instead of the millions who bust their ass, sacrifice, endure the stress and the risk and become successful. You folks now even mock such words. Joe wants to pretend they don't even exist, because that's the only thing on which he can mount his misery and his jealousy. Pretend they didn't earn it, there, that feels better.

And over time, you've succeeded. Now, anyone with money is assumed by more and more to be a crook. And your devotion to and affection for the government allows you to ignore its corruption and bloat. Congratulations on that. At some point, you may get your way. Workers of the world unite, and all that.

The decay continues.


Actually, the "Decay" started when Reagan and Bush decided that the sensible things that FDR did to make it more fair for the guys who did the real work were chipped away at with "right to work", "At Will Employment", union busting and free trade.

I don't ignore government bloat, I just realize that the GOP stopped being the party of small, efficient government a long time ago. Government just became another piggy-bank they could loot. So Haliburton got big contracts for the Iraq and provided feces laced water and dangerous wiring for the brave men and women who were out there fighting the war for this country.

Just because some small business turd has some fantasy about being rich some day, doesn't mean the rest of us should tolerate the bad behavior of the rich or continue to vote against our own economic interest because .... um, "freedom".

They want the money for investment to come from the government, not those evil meanie capitalists. The government is nice, and it cares.

There's a name for that kind of a system.


The money already comes from Government.

Just took a Dollar Bill out of my wallet, it says "United States of America". It does not say "United Corporations of the World!"

And, yes, I like the fact that I can drink clean water and breathe clean air and that the equipment at my job won't kill me or that an 8 year old won't get sucked into a machine.

because, shit, we had GOVERNMENT making sure those things happened. Not "capitalists".

The Capitalist looks for a country where you can do those things, and then demands a free trade treaty so he can get those goods back. Don't mind the blood spots from little Pradip on the packaging.

So I was right.

Thanks for the confirmation.


You didn't build that = You didn't earn that = You don't own that

Just the reality, guy.

You Corporatist Douchebags couldn't exist in a Somalia, where everyone has guns, and there is no government.

you exist because government creates an environment where you can accumulate wealth, and have possession you can hold on to.
Otherwise, anything you "build" could just be taken by the next guy with more guns.

And fair enough.

But you know what, if you insist on that, then the rest of us who actually do the work should also insist on safe working conditions and fair pay.

And frankly, it generally works out better if you do have that. Really, you can't sell anything if no one has any money to spend because you sent all the good jobs overseas. you can only spend on credit for so long, in case you were asleep durng the whole 2008 thing.

Collectivists want to divide the pie that capitalists baked.



Did the Capitalists grow the grains?

The man that grew the grains was the man that had the land, bought the seed, bought the equipment to harvest the grain and made a profit on ii. IOW he was a capitalist

Did the Captialists mill the flower?

The guy who milled the flour was the guy who built the plant, bought the equipment etc IOW a capitalist
Did the Captialists work the oven?

Nope. The Captialist just invested in the cake, paid the people who did the work as little as they could get away with, and then collected the profits.

So whenever you hear a Plutocrat Apologist scream about "Socialism" or "Collectivism", what they are really shitting their pants in terror of is "Democracy".

What you don't seem to understand is that people who sell their labor for money are also capitalists.

They sell a commodity for money. The more their labor is worth the more they get paid.

Did the Capitalists grow the grains?

Did the Captialists mill the flower?

Did the Captialists work the oven?

Nope. The Captialist just invested in the cake, paid the people who did the work as little as they could get away with, and then collected the profits.

So whenever you hear a Plutocrat Apologist scream about "Socialism" or "Collectivism", what they are really shitting their pants in terror of is "Democracy".


Struck a nerve.

And the capitalist just got the money to invest in the cake out of nowhere. No, wait, he cheated someone else to get it. Put a knife to their throat. The money just came to him. Found it on the street corner. WHATEVER happened, he didn't work and sacrifice to earn it, because that's just too hard, and NO one does THAT.

And the capitalist COULD have done the simple labor to bake the cake, but he PAID others to do it. That menial labor would have driven him crazy, so he found some folks to do it. Most likely they would have bitched and moaned the whole time, even when they got their paychecks. Meanwhile, he was working to create new opportunities. Including nights and weekends, while the menial laborers were watching American Idol and bitching about their jobs. Then he risked his own money again somewhere else.

Seriously, I don't know how you make it through the freakin' day.


Which capitalists are you talking about?

Donald Trump? - Inheritance.
Mitt Romney? - Inheritance.
George HW Bush? - Inheritance.
George W. Bush? - Inheritance.
Koch Brothers? - Inheritance.
Walton Brothers? - Inheritance.

It's hard work. :eusa_shhh:

Why do you care if a person inherited their money?

Someone in their family did the work to leave a legacy for his family.

Most people who aren't petty jealous whiners think that's a good thing.

Why do you care if a person inherited their money?

Someone in their family did the work to leave a legacy for his family.

Most people who aren't petty jealous whiners think that's a good thing.

Gee, that's right.

I guess I have a problem with Paris Hilton using her inheritance to go around acting like a slut rather than the people who worked in her family's hotels doing the hard work and not getting their fair share.

Conservativism has become apologetics for selfishness.

Why do you care if a person inherited their money?

Someone in their family did the work to leave a legacy for his family.

Most people who aren't petty jealous whiners think that's a good thing.

Gee, that's right.

I guess I have a problem with Paris Hilton using her inheritance to go around acting like a slut rather than the people who worked in her family's hotels doing the hard work and not getting their fair share.

Conservativism has become apologetics for selfishness.

They are getting exactly what they agreed to work for.

If they are feel they are not getting what they are worth they can get another fucking job OR they can increase their skill set and get a better paying job.

They want the money for investment to come from the government, not those evil meanie capitalists. The government is nice, and it cares.

There's a name for that kind of a system.


Actually government R&D produces a lot of nice stuff that "entrepreneurs" scoop up, patent and stamp their tag on.

SEE: Microsoft.

You folks choose, choose to focus on the very few at the very top -- wait, only those on whom you can focus, instead of the millions who bust their ass, sacrifice, endure the stress and the risk and become successful. You folks now even mock such words. Joe wants to pretend they don't even exist, because that's the only thing on which he can mount his misery and his jealousy. Pretend they didn't earn it, there, that feels better.

And over time, you've succeeded. Now, anyone with money is assumed by more and more to be a crook. And your devotion to and affection for the government allows you to ignore its corruption and bloat. Congratulations on that. At some point, you may get your way. Workers of the world unite, and all that.

The decay continues.


Because I have no trouble, whatsoever, with folks that work their asses off to succeed.

I'm in that group.

I do have trouble with people that have more money than they can spend in one hundred thousand lifetimes, choose to use it to force their will on others and generally make life miserable for those of us who actually put in the time to make money.


Not so much.

Why do you care if a person inherited their money?

Someone in their family did the work to leave a legacy for his family.

Most people who aren't petty jealous whiners think that's a good thing.

Gee, that's right.

I guess I have a problem with Paris Hilton using her inheritance to go around acting like a slut rather than the people who worked in her family's hotels doing the hard work and not getting their fair share.

Conservativism has become apologetics for selfishness.

They are getting exactly what they agreed to work for.

If they are feel they are not getting what they are worth they can get another fucking job OR they can increase their skill set and get a better paying job.

Or they can vote for an economic system that protects workers instead of investors!!!

Holy shit. FUCKING DEMOCRACY. The Capitalists shit their silk pants!!!!!

(Now, this is the part where the Whiny GOP Apologist for greed remembers that there's a rich Hollywood liberal or something.)
Where did I say that Dipshit?

He makes stuff up out of nowhere.

You get used to it.


NO, Spider-boy was telling us how he worked harder than the union slugs and got to retire at 42.

(Translation- he weighs about 400 lbs and is collecting a social security disability.)

Wrong again Boy.

And it wasn't the shit job at the machine shop that allowed me to retire it was the construction business that I started that did that.

You see a job is nothing but a means to an end and you have to know what that end is BEFORE you start.

Your problem is that you had no plan and now you blame everyone else for your failings.
Actually government R&D produces a lot of nice stuff that "entrepreneurs" scoop up, patent and stamp their tag on.

SEE: Microsoft.

You folks choose, choose to focus on the very few at the very top -- wait, only those on whom you can focus, instead of the millions who bust their ass, sacrifice, endure the stress and the risk and become successful. You folks now even mock such words. Joe wants to pretend they don't even exist, because that's the only thing on which he can mount his misery and his jealousy. Pretend they didn't earn it, there, that feels better.

And over time, you've succeeded. Now, anyone with money is assumed by more and more to be a crook. And your devotion to and affection for the government allows you to ignore its corruption and bloat. Congratulations on that. At some point, you may get your way. Workers of the world unite, and all that.

The decay continues.


Because I have no trouble, whatsoever, with folks that work their asses off to succeed.

I'm in that group.

I do have trouble with people that have more money than they can spend in one hundred thousand lifetimes, choose to use it to force their will on others and generally make life miserable for those of us who actually put in the time to make money.


Not so much.

And how do they do that, precisely?

And please be sure to include how they force people to work for them, thanks.

Gee, that's right.

I guess I have a problem with Paris Hilton using her inheritance to go around acting like a slut rather than the people who worked in her family's hotels doing the hard work and not getting their fair share.

Conservativism has become apologetics for selfishness.

They are getting exactly what they agreed to work for.

If they are feel they are not getting what they are worth they can get another fucking job OR they can increase their skill set and get a better paying job.

Or they can vote for an economic system that protects workers instead of investors!!!

Holy shit. FUCKING DEMOCRACY. The Capitalists shit their silk pants!!!!!

(Now, this is the part where the Whiny GOP Apologist for greed remembers that there's a rich Hollywood liberal or something.)

If I wanted to earn more I went out and earned more I didn't cry into my milk like you do.

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