No freakin way! Joe The Plumber takes a UNION JOB!

lol, so it's a sin to have (I have mine and fuck you)?

I frikken worked for it who the hell do you think it belongs too, YOUR's to do as you wish with

my gawd, spider don't get play these two people games

Especially, Joeys...He has his too so don't fall for his BS...He's a typical liberal....Spread everyone else's wealth around and keep his

No, it's not a sin to have.

It is a sin to have too much. The Bible even says so.

There was a certain rich man, which was clothed in purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day: And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate, full of sores, And desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table: moreover the dogs came and licked his sores. And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried; And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom. And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame. But Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented. -- Luke 16:19-25

Then said Jesus unto his disciples, Verily I say unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven. And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. -- Matthew 19:23-24, Mark 10:23-25

But woe unto you that are rich! for ye have received your consolation. -- Luke 6:24

Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you. -- James 5:1
At Chrysler!!!!

Union-Bashing Racist Hypocrite ‘Joe the Plumber’ Just Took a Union Job!

At a Wisconsin anti-union rally Samuel Wurzelbacher, or “Joe the Plumber” as the unlicensed plumber has become known, told the crowd that ”Unions don’t deserve anything, you don’t deserve anything, you work for it yourself!” However, that was before Joe found himself a sweet union job at Chrysler.

Wurzelbacher posted on Facebook that he was required to join the union. In fact, his view regarding unions seems to have changed since ‘totally not a bigot‘ ’White Power Mario’ has elected to cast his convictions to the side. Joe’s anti-union vitriol seems to have subsided enough that he has no qualms with accepting a union position now that it benefits him. ”In order to work for Chrysler, you are required to join the Union, in this case UAW. There’s no choice – it’s a union shop – the employees voted to have it that way and in America that’s the way it is,” Joe wrote.

The failed Ohio congressional candidate lamented his fellow union workers’ less-than-positive opinions of him. ”I had three days of orientation, and now I’m “on the job” over here at Chrysler and on Day 4, I’m outside on a break smoking a cigarette and right on cue – some guy calls me a ‘teabagger,’” Joe complained on Facebook. He doesn’t feel that it is proper to judge him simply because he has actively participated in extremely anti-union activities:

Union-Bashing Racist Hypocrite ?Joe the Plumber? Just Took a Union Job! | Americans Against the Tea Party

Joe The Plumber isn't famous for saying anything against unions. He only asked Obama about his wealth redistribution policies. Obama claimed at the time that he wasn't into spreading the wealth. We now know this was a lie. Along with all of the other lies that he's told.

So you claim that he's being a hypocrite because he was forced to join a union just so he could work??

Are you really saying that????

I thought the complaint about Obama's statement was that he did want to "spread the wealth".

WHich means, I guess, the top 1% only gets 41% of the wealth instead of 43%. Oh my God, they might have to eat the Dressage Horses!
At Chrysler!!!!

Union-Bashing Racist Hypocrite ‘Joe the Plumber’ Just Took a Union Job!

At a Wisconsin anti-union rally Samuel Wurzelbacher, or “Joe the Plumber” as the unlicensed plumber has become known, told the crowd that ”Unions don’t deserve anything, you don’t deserve anything, you work for it yourself!” However, that was before Joe found himself a sweet union job at Chrysler.

Wurzelbacher posted on Facebook that he was required to join the union. In fact, his view regarding unions seems to have changed since ‘totally not a bigot‘ ’White Power Mario’ has elected to cast his convictions to the side. Joe’s anti-union vitriol seems to have subsided enough that he has no qualms with accepting a union position now that it benefits him. ”In order to work for Chrysler, you are required to join the Union, in this case UAW. There’s no choice – it’s a union shop – the employees voted to have it that way and in America that’s the way it is,” Joe wrote.

The failed Ohio congressional candidate lamented his fellow union workers’ less-than-positive opinions of him. ”I had three days of orientation, and now I’m “on the job” over here at Chrysler and on Day 4, I’m outside on a break smoking a cigarette and right on cue – some guy calls me a ‘teabagger,’” Joe complained on Facebook. He doesn’t feel that it is proper to judge him simply because he has actively participated in extremely anti-union activities:

Union-Bashing Racist Hypocrite ?Joe the Plumber? Just Took a Union Job! | Americans Against the Tea Party

Joe The Plumber isn't famous for saying anything against unions. He only asked Obama about his wealth redistribution policies. Obama claimed at the time that he wasn't into spreading the wealth. We now know this was a lie. Along with all of the other lies that he's told.

So you claim that he's being a hypocrite because he was forced to join a union just so he could work??

Are you really saying that????


that's it in a nut shell, can you belive some website even posted this type of garbage

we see who it is that is TRYING to destroy us as a country, and it's not right wingers..It's leftwing hate sites like (Americans against their fellow country men and women/Tea Party)..... It's sickening
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I thought the complaint about Obama's statement was that he did want to "spread the wealth".

WHich means, I guess, the top 1% only gets 41% of the wealth instead of 43%. Oh my God, they might have to eat the Dressage Horses!

The issue was Obama claimed he wasn't into socialism and vehemently denied it before he was elected. Now we all know he was lying.

I don't think bringing up Joe The Plumber is a winning argument for you liberals.
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This is why everyone needs to open their own business and nobody work for somebody else. While this is a fantasy land, it surely would be nice that way the wealth would be evenly spread and there would be no low paying jobs as employers would not be able to undermine their employees with low wages. But then we would all complain that we need janitors and lower wage workers to do our work for us. Then we would complain that we have to pay them. Pure fantasy land though. America, the land of the plutocracy.
Just more diversionary tactics to take you off point.

Those who spend more time working and taking care of themselves than complaining about what others have are a target. They're mean and greedy.

America, 2014.


Guys who are really rich don't come on the internet and brag about it.

Spider-boy is obviously suffering from arrested development.

Incidently, I work three jobs because I got my insurance yanked out from me in the middle of medical treatment and it left me with lots of debt. Seriously, fuck rich people.

I never said I was rich. All I ever said was I don't have to work anymore if I don't want to.

I am single I live in a 1000 square foot studio apartment in one of my buildings. I have no personal debt and only hold mortgages on 4 of my properties

It's not rocket science.

And I have been paying for my own health insurance for 20 years. You made the mistake of relying on other people to give you a job and to provide benefits. I didn't.
This is why everyone needs to open their own business and nobody work for somebody else. While this is a fantasy land, it surely would be nice that way the wealth would be evenly spread and there would be no low paying jobs as employers would not be able to undermine their employees with low wages. But then we would all complain that we need janitors and lower wage workers to do our work for us. Then we would complain that we have to pay them. Pure fantasy land though. America, the land of the plutocracy.

Nope, it'll never happen.

Starting and growing a business takes FAR too much work and sacrifice for those who would rather complain about the success of others.

You know, those who justify their own failures and laziness by subscribing to phrases like "you didn't build that".

Questioning Obama turned out to be a bad move.

If this had been Bush instead of Obama they would have crucified him for not only having someone invade Joe The Plumber's privacy by looking into his records to find dirt, but abusing his powers as president when he and his minions tried to ruin private citizen Joe's life. This kind of garbage happens in Russia, not America. It's a reminder of how much this country has changed in the last 5 years.
This is why everyone needs to open their own business and nobody work for somebody else. While this is a fantasy land, it surely would be nice that way the wealth would be evenly spread and there would be no low paying jobs as employers would not be able to undermine their employees with low wages. But then we would all complain that we need janitors and lower wage workers to do our work for us. Then we would complain that we have to pay them. Pure fantasy land though. America, the land of the plutocracy.

Nope, it'll never happen.

Starting and growing a business takes FAR too much work and sacrifice for those who would rather complain about the success of others.

You know, those who justify their own failures and laziness by subscribing to phrases like "you didn't build that".


bingo, and that you can't be JOB LOCKED so suck off other's through OScamCare, Medicaid, etc etc
I didn't see him say the word "rich".

What's with you people? What do YOU mean by "rich"? At what precise point does someone become "rich", and precisely what is that amount?

And why does it matter?

Why is everything so black & white for you?


Well, when you take the attitude of "I've got mine, fuck you!" it's kind of a black and white position, isn't it?

Now, just because Spiderboy worked his union job until he qualified for his disability because he weighs 400 lbs, I guess that doesn't make him "rich", but it certainly makes him selfish.

I'd be very amused to talk to the "union guys" who apparently hated his guts to where he's still mad at them.

I only worked that job from age 18 to 25. And I'm not mad at anyone. I just won't hire any union tradesmen for the reasons I gave earlier.

I was young when I worked there and it's easy to remember the 40 year old morons trying to intimidate because I didn't fall into their bad habits.
At Chrysler!!!!

Union-Bashing Racist Hypocrite ‘Joe the Plumber’ Just Took a Union Job!

At a Wisconsin anti-union rally Samuel Wurzelbacher, or “Joe the Plumber” as the unlicensed plumber has become known, told the crowd that ”Unions don’t deserve anything, you don’t deserve anything, you work for it yourself!” However, that was before Joe found himself a sweet union job at Chrysler.

Wurzelbacher posted on Facebook that he was required to join the union. In fact, his view regarding unions seems to have changed since ‘totally not a bigot‘ ’White Power Mario’ has elected to cast his convictions to the side. Joe’s anti-union vitriol seems to have subsided enough that he has no qualms with accepting a union position now that it benefits him. ”In order to work for Chrysler, you are required to join the Union, in this case UAW. There’s no choice – it’s a union shop – the employees voted to have it that way and in America that’s the way it is,” Joe wrote.

The failed Ohio congressional candidate lamented his fellow union workers’ less-than-positive opinions of him. ”I had three days of orientation, and now I’m “on the job” over here at Chrysler and on Day 4, I’m outside on a break smoking a cigarette and right on cue – some guy calls me a ‘teabagger,’” Joe complained on Facebook. He doesn’t feel that it is proper to judge him simply because he has actively participated in extremely anti-union activities:

Union-Bashing Racist Hypocrite ?Joe the Plumber? Just Took a Union Job! | Americans Against the Tea Party

Joe The Plumber isn't famous for saying anything against unions. He only asked Obama about his wealth redistribution policies. Obama claimed at the time that he wasn't into spreading the wealth. We now know this was a lie. Along with all of the other lies that he's told.

So you claim that he's being a hypocrite because he was forced to join a union just so he could work??

Are you really saying that????


First off, Sam has always been against Unions. Most of you authoritarians are..

Second off, President Obama explained that in a fair and equitable society, wealth is shared, spread. Not concentrated.

Read the constitution. What do you think the whole taxation thing is all about?
This is why everyone needs to open their own business and nobody work for somebody else. While this is a fantasy land, it surely would be nice that way the wealth would be evenly spread and there would be no low paying jobs as employers would not be able to undermine their employees with low wages. But then we would all complain that we need janitors and lower wage workers to do our work for us. Then we would complain that we have to pay them. Pure fantasy land though. America, the land of the plutocracy.

Nope, it'll never happen.

Starting and growing a business takes FAR too much work and sacrifice for those who would rather complain about the success of others.

You know, those who justify their own failures and laziness by subscribing to phrases like "you didn't build that".


That's the thing. I never had employees. I contracted people to do work for a fairly negotiated price. When I found good people I kept contracting them. There are at least a dozen independent contractors ( plumbers, electricians, framers, roofers etc) who made a lot of money with me in the last 20 years.

I never took advantage of anyone. I worked two or three times as much as the average person my age and I saved almost every cent I made to invest in my properties and building ventures.

But to people like Joe that makes me selfish.
This is why everyone needs to open their own business and nobody work for somebody else. While this is a fantasy land, it surely would be nice that way the wealth would be evenly spread and there would be no low paying jobs as employers would not be able to undermine their employees with low wages. But then we would all complain that we need janitors and lower wage workers to do our work for us. Then we would complain that we have to pay them. Pure fantasy land though. America, the land of the plutocracy.

Nope, it'll never happen.

Starting and growing a business takes FAR too much work and sacrifice for those who would rather complain about the success of others.

You know, those who justify their own failures and laziness by subscribing to phrases like "you didn't build that".


That's the thing. I never had employees. I contracted people to do work for a fairly negotiated price. When I found good people I kept contracting them. There are at least a dozen independent contractors ( plumbers, electricians, framers, roofers etc) who made a lot of money with me in the last 20 years.

I never took advantage of anyone. I worked two or three times as much as the average person my age and I saved almost every cent I made to invest in my properties and building ventures.

But to people like Joe that makes me selfish.
No, Joe understands selfishness, what he despises is success. That, he could never forgive.
At Chrysler!!!!

Joe The Plumber isn't famous for saying anything against unions. He only asked Obama about his wealth redistribution policies. Obama claimed at the time that he wasn't into spreading the wealth. We now know this was a lie. Along with all of the other lies that he's told.

So you claim that he's being a hypocrite because he was forced to join a union just so he could work??

Are you really saying that????


First off, Sam has always been against Unions. Most of you authoritarians are..

Second off, President Obama explained that in a fair and equitable society, wealth is shared, spread. Not concentrated.

Read the constitution. What do you think the whole taxation thing is all about?

Screw you and Obama..OUR wealth from OUR blood, sweat and tear, and is for our wasn't MADE to be spread around by Obama or anyone else....and your all's messed up interpretation of our posted this garbage about another fellow countryman Joe the Plumber who never did anything to you but ask Your Dear Master a question..... you should be ashamed but you have to have honor and morals for that
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At Chrysler!!!!

Joe The Plumber isn't famous for saying anything against unions. He only asked Obama about his wealth redistribution policies. Obama claimed at the time that he wasn't into spreading the wealth. We now know this was a lie. Along with all of the other lies that he's told.

So you claim that he's being a hypocrite because he was forced to join a union just so he could work??

Are you really saying that????


First off, Sam has always been against Unions. Most of you authoritarians are..

Second off, President Obama explained that in a fair and equitable society, wealth is shared, spread. Not concentrated.

Read the constitution. What do you think the whole taxation thing is all about?

I'm not against unions. I just won't hire union tradesmen because in my experience they do not do as good a job.

If you want to join a union go ahead. I was in one. I could have found another job but the machine shop I worked in was near my apartment and at the time and I didn't have a car so of my own free will I took the job and paid the union dues.

And I thought taxation was to cover the expenses of government. Income redistribution is not a constitutionally defined function of the government.

And I don't think a business owner who makes 250K a year is "the rich"
Who ever said I was a conservative?

And btw the roads were there when I bought the houses.

That whole road spiel is beyond stupid because everyone has the exact same access to roads as everyone else it's a non issue in the success or failure of a business. And public utilities are paid for by everyone who uses them so another non issue.

You know what happened when the Israelis quit Gaza?

They broke up their infrastructure.

The roads "being there" means nothing without people to protect and maintain them.

And the fact that we all share in making sure you get a profit that you don't have to work for?


We don't live in Israel.

And as I said everyone has the exact same access to public roads so it makes no difference in the success or failure of a business. And do you realize that business that actually do rely on roads, trucking delivery companies etc pay a far larger share in taxes for the upkeep of those roads than you do and without them roads would most likely be in worse shape than they are now?

Many businesses such as big box stores and the ever so popular open air shopping centers have to make improvements to public roads as a part of the agreement to build in a town as well. SO again businesses are paying more for roads than you.

And I did work for those profits to the tune of years working 80 hours a week or more to earn the money to buy those properties and keep them up to code and in good repair. And what you fail to acknowledge is that you could have done and still can do the exact same thing I did buying rental properties. No one was stopping you. No one would piss and moan about you driving to a rental property that you owned to fix it up. So the fact that you had the exact same access to roads as me or anyone else and you chose not to use those roads to better your income is no one's fault but your own.

You did not give me any money to buy my properties, you did not lift a finger to repair them, paint them, mow the lawns, shovel the snow, put on a new roof and you somehow think you have a share in my rental income?

First off, no roads to your rental properties means you'd probably wouldn't have any tenants.

Second, pretty sure most business do not kick in their fair share, proportionally, to the kitty that I do. Some 40% of my income went into taxes last year or 40,000 bucks.

Third you said you were retired. NOW you say you work 80 hours a week. Which is it?

Forth, I have a rental property. You shouldn't make assumptions.

And fifth? Part of my taxes goes into the Federal kitty which goes to states that can't keep up. So if you live in one of those states? Yeah..I am paying for your income.
The key for a worker is to gain a skill that others need, then find employment. But while employed, constantly seek better employment in their off time so that as soon as one finds more pay and better benefits they walk off their current job, no 2 weeks notice, nothing. Good bye. Leave em hanging so to speak. The worker can find ways to stick it to the employer, it just needs to be done in a smart way.
You know what happened when the Israelis quit Gaza?

They broke up their infrastructure.

The roads "being there" means nothing without people to protect and maintain them.

And the fact that we all share in making sure you get a profit that you don't have to work for?


We don't live in Israel.

And as I said everyone has the exact same access to public roads so it makes no difference in the success or failure of a business. And do you realize that business that actually do rely on roads, trucking delivery companies etc pay a far larger share in taxes for the upkeep of those roads than you do and without them roads would most likely be in worse shape than they are now?

Many businesses such as big box stores and the ever so popular open air shopping centers have to make improvements to public roads as a part of the agreement to build in a town as well. SO again businesses are paying more for roads than you.

And I did work for those profits to the tune of years working 80 hours a week or more to earn the money to buy those properties and keep them up to code and in good repair. And what you fail to acknowledge is that you could have done and still can do the exact same thing I did buying rental properties. No one was stopping you. No one would piss and moan about you driving to a rental property that you owned to fix it up. So the fact that you had the exact same access to roads as me or anyone else and you chose not to use those roads to better your income is no one's fault but your own.

You did not give me any money to buy my properties, you did not lift a finger to repair them, paint them, mow the lawns, shovel the snow, put on a new roof and you somehow think you have a share in my rental income?

First off, no roads to your rental properties means you'd probably wouldn't have any tenants.

Second, pretty sure most business do not kick in their fair share, proportionally, to the kitty that I do. Some 40% of my income went into taxes last year or 40,000 bucks.

Third you said you were retired. NOW you say you work 80 hours a week. Which is it?

Forth, I have a rental property. You shouldn't make assumptions.

And fifth? Part of my taxes goes into the Federal kitty which goes to states that can't keep up. So if you live in one of those states? Yeah..I am paying for your income.

my gawd shut up already with your stupidity....
go worship at the feet of government and unions and leave the rest of us alone...hater
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Joe The Plumber isn't famous for saying anything against unions. He only asked Obama about his wealth redistribution policies. Obama claimed at the time that he wasn't into spreading the wealth. We now know this was a lie. Along with all of the other lies that he's told.

So you claim that he's being a hypocrite because he was forced to join a union just so he could work??

Are you really saying that????


First off, Sam has always been against Unions. Most of you authoritarians are..

Second off, President Obama explained that in a fair and equitable society, wealth is shared, spread. Not concentrated.

Read the constitution. What do you think the whole taxation thing is all about?

I'm not against unions. I just won't hire union tradesmen because in my experience they do not do as good a job.

If you want to join a union go ahead. I was in one. I could have found another job but the machine shop I worked in was near my apartment and at the time and I didn't have a car so of my own free will I took the job and paid the union dues.

And I thought taxation was to cover the expenses of government. Income redistribution is not a constitutionally defined function of the government.

And I don't think a business owner who makes 250K a year is "the rich"

It sure as heck is..

If that taxation thing isn't enough for you..check out the "General Welfare" in the preface and the first power of Congress.


We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Section 8.

The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States; but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

To borrow money on the credit of the United States;

To regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several states, and with the Indian tribes;

To establish a uniform rule of naturalization, and uniform laws on the subject of bankruptcies throughout the United States;

To coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures;

To provide for the punishment of counterfeiting the securities and current coin of the United States;

To establish post offices and post roads;

All of that is wealth redistribution.

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