No freakin way! Joe The Plumber takes a UNION JOB!

Unions are dying because they keep forcing their blood-hosts out of business or onto other continents. One of the 3 times I actually took a union job I was told to "slow down" and "pace myself" when some union members saw me actually working and producing. I was young then but got to see the true underbelly of the union thought process.

Unions are "dying" because big money is buying real estate in the way we legislate, to the cheers of conservatives who later complain our political system is "corrupt".


Lol that funny seeing how many politicians big union buys

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Right now? There are maybe 3 big labor Unions with any influence over politicians.

Union membership is at historic lows and this has led to wage stagnation, poverty, and offshoring.

However there are dozens of well moneyed corporations that buy politicians.

This has led to wage stagnation, poverty and offshoring.

Let me know why you hate Unions so much again?
Unions are "dying" because big money is buying real estate in the way we legislate, to the cheers of conservatives who later complain our political system is "corrupt".


Lol that funny seeing how many politicians big union buys

tapatalk post

Right now? There are maybe 3 big labor Unions with any influence over politicians.

Union membership is at historic lows and this has led to wage stagnation, poverty, and offshoring.

However there are dozens of well moneyed corporations that buy politicians.

This has led to wage stagnation, poverty and offshoring.

Let me know why you hate Unions so much again?

They are rich from stealing from their members still. .. just like all progressive politicians

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CaféAuLait;8679730 said:

It was a dickhead comment.

Here is the entire quote:

"You know, for years, I've said, you know, 'Put a damn fence on the border going to Mexico and start shooting,'" he said. "I'm running for Congress, and that should be a bad thing to say. You know what, that's how I feel. I'm not going to hide it because I'm running for an office. I want my borders protected. I'm very, very adamant about that"

Wanting borders protected does not make him a racist. The fact that we consider or are or have put buoys up, ladders and ropes to make crossing easier in the All American Canal is ridiculous IMO. We have people waiting for years to become citizens, the immigration policy needs to be fixed, our borders need to be secured for many reasons to include, terrorism, drugs and illegal immigration. We need to fix a lot of issues, I believe many people that speak out about it are tired of seeing laws broken and nothing done about it or people encouraged to stay in this country through amnesty laws like California, or what have you. But this is a discussion for another thread.

As far as Joe, I don't think he is some sort of angel, or someone to be put on some pedestal. He may be the jerkiest man in America for all I know. My ire lies with what happened in the days after he asked Obama about taxes.

Wanting the borders protected is not racist. Saying we should go around shooting people who just want to make a better life for their families, is.

And even though this is best left for another thread, no issue shows what a bunch of fuckin' rubes the GOP rank and file is better than immigration. We have illegal immigration because the rich people you all worship don't want to pay you a fair wage. So they are willing to pay Pedro a pittance, and Pedro is willing to overcome fences and deserts and dogs to get here.

We've been fucking over Mexico for centuries, and now we are whining because it's biting us in the ass. Hilarious.
Did he take some kind of vow to never take a union job?

Plenty of people are forced to join unions when they don't want to. That's why unions are dying in the US. People don't want to be forced into joining a union.

Unions are dying because right wingers want people locked into jobs they can't stand at below minimum wage with no benefits. It's not even good for business.

Unions are dying because they keep forcing their blood-hosts out of business or onto other continents. One of the 3 times I actually took a union job I was told to "slow down" and "pace myself" when some union members saw me actually working and producing. I was young then but got to see the true underbelly of the union thought process.

Has it occurred to you that they told you to slow down and pace yourself because you were producing shitty quality work that someone down the line had to fix?

Guy, I work in a factory where we've gone from 320 employees down to 140. Most of those jobs went to Mexico, Malaysia or China. And we're the lucky ones. Other AMerican plants in this same company have been completely closed down save a handful of sales staff.

Not a one of those jobs was Union or had Union protections or benefits. Most of them were done by immigrants from Poland, Mexico or India.

Insisting that, "Hell, all you have to do is give up your protections and rights to be more competitive" is horseshit. They'll always find some poor waif in a third world country who is willing to work for less.
Fucking idiots not one of you morons see the hypocrisy of supporting both the unions and criminal aliens

tapatalk post
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Unions are dying because right wingers want people locked into jobs they can't stand at below minimum wage with no benefits. It's not even good for business.

Unions are dying because they keep forcing their blood-hosts out of business or onto other continents. One of the 3 times I actually took a union job I was told to "slow down" and "pace myself" when some union members saw me actually working and producing. I was young then but got to see the true underbelly of the union thought process.

Has it occurred to you that they told you to slow down and pace yourself because you were producing shitty quality work that someone down the line had to fix?

Guy, I work in a factory where we've gone from 320 employees down to 140. Most of those jobs went to Mexico, Malaysia or China. And we're the lucky ones. Other AMerican plants in this same company have been completely closed down save a handful of sales staff.

Not a one of those jobs was Union or had Union protections or benefits. Most of them were done by immigrants from Poland, Mexico or India.

Insisting that, "Hell, all you have to do is give up your protections and rights to be more competitive" is horseshit. They'll always find some poor waif in a third world country who is willing to work for less.

union tradesmen suck.

A union electrician won't cut a piece of strapping to hang a light in the proper place and instead will hang it out of place and then try to say he did a good job.

A union plumber I hired once did such a hack job that I had to replace a half dozen floor joists.

Personally I will never hire union help again.

I've worked in a union machine shop when I was young. I managed to piss all the lazy fucks off because I never said no to overtime or jobs outside what I was hired for. I routinely skipped breaks and worked through lunch to meet deadlines. The shop foreman didn't like that and kept telling me to fall inline with the others. But since he couldn't fire me I told him to go fuck himself.
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union tradesmen suck.

A union electrician won't cut a piece of strapping to hang a light in the proper place and instead will hang it out of place and then try to say he did a good job.

A union plumber I hired once did such a hack job that I had to replace a half dozen floor joists.

Personally I will never hire union help again.

I've worked in a union machine shop when I was young. I managed to piss all the lazy fucks off because I never said no to overtime or jobs outside what I was hired for. I routinely skipped breaks and worked through lunch to meet deadlines. The shop foreman didn't like that and kept telling me to fall inline with the others. But since he couldn't fire me I told him to go fuck himself.

Yeah, so it turns out you were anti-social and pissed off yoru co-workers.

Color me surprised.

union tradesmen suck.

A union electrician won't cut a piece of strapping to hang a light in the proper place and instead will hang it out of place and then try to say he did a good job.

A union plumber I hired once did such a hack job that I had to replace a half dozen floor joists.

Personally I will never hire union help again.

I've worked in a union machine shop when I was young. I managed to piss all the lazy fucks off because I never said no to overtime or jobs outside what I was hired for. I routinely skipped breaks and worked through lunch to meet deadlines. The shop foreman didn't like that and kept telling me to fall inline with the others. But since he couldn't fire me I told him to go fuck himself.

Yeah, so it turns out you were anti-social and pissed off yoru co-workers.

Color me surprised.

Color me not shocked you do nothing but troll

tapatalk post
Fucking idiots not one of you morons see the hypocrisy of supporting both the unions and criminal aliens

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Only criminals I see are the ones who get 8 figure salaries for running companies into the ground.

That's because you're a idiot communist

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Says the guy who hates Unions.

First things Commies get rid of Unions.

You know what rescued Poland from Commies? A Union Leader. Lech Walesa.
Union lovers just can't face the facts "people" in this country just don't feel they need them anymore and can make their own LIFES decisions...

It's sad to watch them go down with the ship

I think people have seen what they have done to France....they can paralyze a city and your lives you don't give them what they want
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union tradesmen suck.

A union electrician won't cut a piece of strapping to hang a light in the proper place and instead will hang it out of place and then try to say he did a good job.

A union plumber I hired once did such a hack job that I had to replace a half dozen floor joists.

Personally I will never hire union help again.

I've worked in a union machine shop when I was young. I managed to piss all the lazy fucks off because I never said no to overtime or jobs outside what I was hired for. I routinely skipped breaks and worked through lunch to meet deadlines. The shop foreman didn't like that and kept telling me to fall inline with the others. But since he couldn't fire me I told him to go fuck himself.

Yeah, so it turns out you were anti-social and pissed off yoru co-workers.

Color me surprised.

I'm not going to apologize for not following those lazy fucks who never missed a break or pissed and moaned when they had to do something not specifically spelled out in their contract.

I was there to make fucking money not to make friends.
Try and understand this you stupid fuck I am all for lawful immigration I am against criminal immigration

tapatalk post

Hit a nerve did we?


Nope was trying to educated you window lickers

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Damn dude. Work on educating yourself on how to write a coherent sentence.

And I don't give a flying fuck if you tapatalk out your ass. Who cares how you post your drivel? I mean, besides you.

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