No freakin way! Joe The Plumber takes a UNION JOB!

Everyone know Plumber's ass was a plant and was probably paid to ask his one stupid question to Obama.

We all know the democrats do it too

Why do you people obsess about this shit?
Everyone know Plumber's ass was a plant and was probably paid to ask his one stupid question to Obama.

We all know the democrats do it too

Why do you people obsess about this shit?

Republicans are perfectly capable of asking stupid questions on their own.

The party of "Let him die" and "Legitimate rape" doesn't need help to look stupid.
Everyone know Plumber's ass was a plant and was probably paid to ask his one stupid question to Obama.

We all know the democrats do it too

Why do you people obsess about this shit?

Republicans are perfectly capable of asking stupid questions on their own.

The party of "Let him die" and "Legitimate rape" doesn't need help to look stupid.

So you're in denial.

Every politician regardless of party is in search of the one sound bite than will get them he most mentions in the next news cycle and they put people up to asking canned questions.

This is what happens when a pol gets an unscripted question from the audience

Obama's 17-min, 2,500-word response to woman's 'over-taxed' - Video Dailymotion
Hey, Spider-boy, how about not putting links on the site that are laced with viruses?

thanks, dickweed.

Hey moron get a better security program.

I've got a great program. You just posted a link that has viruses... I think that's against a rule.

I had no problem with the site. So in keeping to your "I'm the victim" whining you blame me for your shitty computer anti virus program.
Hey moron get a better security program.

I've got a great program. You just posted a link that has viruses... I think that's against a rule.

I had no problem with the site. So in keeping to your "I'm the victim" whining you blame me for your shitty computer anti virus program.

He doesn't want to admit he goes to granny porn sites and that's where he got the virus lol

tapatalk post
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I've got a great program. You just posted a link that has viruses... I think that's against a rule.

I had no problem with the site. So in keeping to your "I'm the victim" whining you blame me for your shitty computer anti virus program.

He doesn't want to admit he goes to granny porn sits and that's where he got the virus lol

tapatalk post

NOpe, my top shelf Norton Anti-Virus says that Spider-Boy's link is virus loaded.

I wasn't going to report it, but I did because he was being kind of a prick about it, and it's a violation of forum rules.
I had no problem with the site. So in keeping to your "I'm the victim" whining you blame me for your shitty computer anti virus program.

He doesn't want to admit he goes to granny porn sits and that's where he got the virus lol

tapatalk post

NOpe, my top shelf Norton Anti-Virus says that Spider-Boy's link is virus loaded.

I wasn't going to report it, but I did because he was being kind of a prick about it, and it's a violation of forum rules.
Lol what a lie.

tapatalk post
At Chrysler!!!!

Union-Bashing Racist Hypocrite ‘Joe the Plumber’ Just Took a Union Job!

At a Wisconsin anti-union rally Samuel Wurzelbacher, or “Joe the Plumber” as the unlicensed plumber has become known, told the crowd that ”Unions don’t deserve anything, you don’t deserve anything, you work for it yourself!” However, that was before Joe found himself a sweet union job at Chrysler.

Wurzelbacher posted on Facebook that he was required to join the union. In fact, his view regarding unions seems to have changed since ‘totally not a bigot‘ ’White Power Mario’ has elected to cast his convictions to the side. Joe’s anti-union vitriol seems to have subsided enough that he has no qualms with accepting a union position now that it benefits him. ”In order to work for Chrysler, you are required to join the Union, in this case UAW. There’s no choice – it’s a union shop – the employees voted to have it that way and in America that’s the way it is,” Joe wrote.

The failed Ohio congressional candidate lamented his fellow union workers’ less-than-positive opinions of him. ”I had three days of orientation, and now I’m “on the job” over here at Chrysler and on Day 4, I’m outside on a break smoking a cigarette and right on cue – some guy calls me a ‘teabagger,’” Joe complained on Facebook. He doesn’t feel that it is proper to judge him simply because he has actively participated in extremely anti-union activities:

Union-Bashing Racist Hypocrite ?Joe the Plumber? Just Took a Union Job! | Americans Against the Tea Party

That's funny.

Hope he organizes the employees to dump the union.

cuz I wouldn't mind being able to afford a new American car

lol, that would be funny as hell...then they can hate him for something REAL at least
Amazing they are still bringing him up after FIVE years...they hang onto their hate forever it seems...
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did you actually try to link on it?

Worked for me, have you thought of taking classes to help yourself?

Of course it could be a conspiracy against all liberals, the conservatives are so smart like that, ask Hilary.
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At Chrysler!!!!

That's funny.

Hope he organizes the employees to dump the union.

cuz I wouldn't mind being able to afford a new American car

lol, that would be funny as hell...then they can hate him for something REAL at least
Amazing they are still bringing him up after FIVE years...they hang onto their hate forever it seems...


I can totally see that happening.

It's like the time Joe (Sam) bought a business that made 280 grand a year.

Or became a licensed plumber.

Or successfully ran for congress.

That guy is one amazing dude.

/sarcasm #because with conservatives? you just can't be sure. :lol:
That's funny.

Hope he organizes the employees to dump the union.

cuz I wouldn't mind being able to afford a new American car

lol, that would be funny as hell...then they can hate him for something REAL at least
Amazing they are still bringing him up after FIVE years...they hang onto their hate forever it seems...


I can totally see that happening.

It's like the time Joe (Sam) bought a business that made 280 grand a year.

Or became a licensed plumber.

Or successfully ran for congress.

That guy is one amazing dude.

/sarcasm #because with conservatives? you just can't be sure. :lol:

He was a plant.

Any fucking moron can see that.
[ame=]Mind of Plants : Documentary on The Intelligence of Plants - YouTube[/ame]


Still on the fence about Joe (Sam) being a plant.

He doesn't look green at all.

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