No freakin way! Joe The Plumber takes a UNION JOB!

Wow, are you really that stupid?
For asking folks here how much executive experience Bush had??

You sound like an overly sensitive rightwinger.

He is right you are a idiot. You do know that Bush served two terms as the governor of Texas right? Which is a damn sight more executive experience then Obama had

tapatalk post
Of course I know Bush was a governor. That wasn't the reason I asked. The reason I asked was because when some rightard points out Bush's executive experience, I get to point out out how meaningless executive experience is since he was a complete failure as president.

To further that point. I then I get to ask ... what executive experience did Lincoln and Kennedy have before becoming president?
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For asking folks here how much executive experience Bush had??

You sound like an overly sensitive rightwinger.

He is right you are a idiot. You do know that Bush served two terms as the governor of Texas right? Which is a damn sight more executive experience then Obama had

tapatalk post
Of course I know Bush was a governor. That wasn't the reason I asked. The reason I asked was because when some rightard points out Bush's executive experience, I get to point out out how meaningless executive experience is since he was a complete failure as president.

To further that point. I then I get to ask ... what executive experience did Lincoln and Kennedy have before becoming president?

CaféAuLait;8673797 said:

First, it's not clear to me how it's deceptive to call yourself a plumber when you do plumbing work for a licensed plumbing company, even if you are not the owner of said company. Maybe that's not good enough for you and the plumbers union to consider you a plumber, but for 95 percent of people, that job description sounds like "plumber."

You are so blinded by your hate for Joe ( which stumps me TBH) you still fail to see he could no more predict Obama's answer and or the press/McCain jumping all over it than he could the lotto numbers. I couldn't give a shit less about Obama's answer but you keep trying to insist I do for whatever reason.

The issue for me is how he was treated by the media, and pubic servants trying to embarrass him because he asked a question. That crap should have never happened.

BTW are you aware He was not happy about McCain using him, in fact he said "McCain was trying to use him" and he also said he felt Obama was a more HONEST politician, even though he disagreed with him, shortly after the whole mess started.

I'll ask you one more time why not examine or support the politicians ( ANY POLITICAN) answer and or instead of attacking the person who asked a question?

You know what, Sam the Scab is still doing the work of the Goons of Plutocracy rather than thinking for himself. Honestly, he reminds me a lot of guys I grew up with, union guys who just fucking hate Obama (because he's black) but are perfectly willing to slit their own throats and support the abomination the GOP has become.

So I honestly hope this guy's life is as miserable as possible. I hope small children laugh at him and call him "Sam the Scab" for the rest of his life. I hope he has to share a flat with Zimmerman where they are both peeking out the windows hoping no one recognizes them.

Point was, he presented himself as this "Plucky Entrepenuer", when in fact, he was just some scab doing illegal plumbing work. Really, really can't get worked up because people pointed it out.

Wow! So much hate and vitriol for a man whose crime was (according to you) misrepresenting whether he could purchase a business or not. I don't believe I will ever be able to understand or comprehend such given Obama's answer would have been the same either way. This guy, Joe, must have really caused some upset in many on the left. I'm totally gobsmacked.
CaféAuLait;8678479 said:
CaféAuLait;8673797 said:

First, it's not clear to me how it's deceptive to call yourself a plumber when you do plumbing work for a licensed plumbing company, even if you are not the owner of said company. Maybe that's not good enough for you and the plumbers union to consider you a plumber, but for 95 percent of people, that job description sounds like "plumber."

You are so blinded by your hate for Joe ( which stumps me TBH) you still fail to see he could no more predict Obama's answer and or the press/McCain jumping all over it than he could the lotto numbers. I couldn't give a shit less about Obama's answer but you keep trying to insist I do for whatever reason.

The issue for me is how he was treated by the media, and pubic servants trying to embarrass him because he asked a question. That crap should have never happened.

BTW are you aware He was not happy about McCain using him, in fact he said "McCain was trying to use him" and he also said he felt Obama was a more HONEST politician, even though he disagreed with him, shortly after the whole mess started.

I'll ask you one more time why not examine or support the politicians ( ANY POLITICAN) answer and or instead of attacking the person who asked a question?

You know what, Sam the Scab is still doing the work of the Goons of Plutocracy rather than thinking for himself. Honestly, he reminds me a lot of guys I grew up with, union guys who just fucking hate Obama (because he's black) but are perfectly willing to slit their own throats and support the abomination the GOP has become.

So I honestly hope this guy's life is as miserable as possible. I hope small children laugh at him and call him "Sam the Scab" for the rest of his life. I hope he has to share a flat with Zimmerman where they are both peeking out the windows hoping no one recognizes them.

Point was, he presented himself as this "Plucky Entrepenuer", when in fact, he was just some scab doing illegal plumbing work. Really, really can't get worked up because people pointed it out.

Wow! So much hate and vitriol for a man whose crime was (according to you) misrepresenting whether he could purchase a business or not. I don't believe I will ever be able to understand or comprehend such given Obama's answer would have been the same either way. This guy, Joe, must have really caused some upset in many on the left. I'm totally gobsmacked.

That's a real nice way to say "lie".

Once more, for the slow kid... I can belong to the union, or I can pay a "fee" that is--SURPRISE!--exactly equal to the regular dues, to the penny! Same shit, different septic tank.

Looks like you're the slow kid - from that same Right-Wing source:

The Supreme Court, in Communication Workers v. Beck, 487 U.S. 735 (1988), a lawsuit that was supported by the Foundation, ruled that objecting nonmembers cannot be required to pay union dues. The most that nonmembers can be required to pay is an agency fee that equals their share of what the union can prove is its costs of collective bargaining, contract administration, and grievance adjustment with their employer.

Except in extraordinary cases, the union's costs of collective bargaining, contract administration, and grievance adjustment do not equal the dues amount.

Since you're a wingnut, I don't expect you to acknowledge this, or admit you were wrong.

Once more, for the really, REALLY, REALLY slow kid: I have looked into this. The "fee" I was quoted was exactly equal to the union dues, to the PENNY!
CaféAuLait;8678479 said:

Wow! So much hate and vitriol for a man whose crime was (according to you) misrepresenting whether he could purchase a business or not. I don't believe I will ever be able to understand or comprehend such given Obama's answer would have been the same either way. This guy, Joe, must have really caused some upset in many on the left. I'm totally gobsmacked.

I have a lot of hostility towards people like Sam the Scab because their hope to someday be rich (never gonna happen) makes them willing tools for the Romney's and the Koch's of the world who benefit from the current system. I consider them class traitors, to be perfectly honest with you.

So, yeah, I honestly hope his union brethren make his whole six months of employment at Chrysler a living hell.
Well no. She didn't.

Alaska..although it is a "state", has less people in it than a Illinois burb.

It's a fly over with lotsa oil.

What executive experience did Obama and Biden have in 2008? Be specific.

The same amount that Reagan had when he became Governor of one of the world's largest economies, in California.

The same amount that Poor Sarah had when she served only half a term as Governor of Alaska.

The same amount as the man you voted for and your Party nominated in 2008, John McCain. (Why was that OK?)

The same amount that Richard Nixon had when he was elected President.

Same for Lyndon Johnson, JFK, Harry Truman, FDR - all considered great presidents.

Are you LYING or are you just STUPID?

Palin was a mayor before she was elected governor.

I did not vote for McCain and, in fact, I despise the man.

If you actually consider Lyndon Johnson a great president, there is no hope for you, you've been lobotomized.
I had no problem with the site. So in keeping to your "I'm the victim" whining you blame me for your shitty computer anti virus program.

He doesn't want to admit he goes to granny porn sits and that's where he got the virus lol

tapatalk post

NOpe, my top shelf Norton Anti-Virus says that Spider-Boy's link is virus loaded.

I wasn't going to report it, but I did because he was being kind of a prick about it, and it's a violation of forum rules.

Site worked fine for me, though there's a pop-up ad. (Chrome blocked it.) Perhaps you're just stupid?
He doesn't want to admit he goes to granny porn sits and that's where he got the virus lol

tapatalk post

NOpe, my top shelf Norton Anti-Virus says that Spider-Boy's link is virus loaded.

I wasn't going to report it, but I did because he was being kind of a prick about it, and it's a violation of forum rules.

Site worked fine for me, though there's a pop-up ad. (Chrome blocked it.) Perhaps you're just stupid?

Nope, Norton Anti-Virus blocked "Fake AV Attack".

Now, maybe you like to download unknown viruses and malware into your computer. Probably just as bad as that virus you get from the truck stop hooker smoking ditch-weed.
CaféAuLait;8678479 said:
You know what, Sam the Scab is still doing the work of the Goons of Plutocracy rather than thinking for himself. Honestly, he reminds me a lot of guys I grew up with, union guys who just fucking hate Obama (because he's black) but are perfectly willing to slit their own throats and support the abomination the GOP has become.

So I honestly hope this guy's life is as miserable as possible. I hope small children laugh at him and call him "Sam the Scab" for the rest of his life. I hope he has to share a flat with Zimmerman where they are both peeking out the windows hoping no one recognizes them.

Point was, he presented himself as this "Plucky Entrepenuer", when in fact, he was just some scab doing illegal plumbing work. Really, really can't get worked up because people pointed it out.

Wow! So much hate and vitriol for a man whose crime was (according to you) misrepresenting whether he could purchase a business or not. I don't believe I will ever be able to understand or comprehend such given Obama's answer would have been the same either way. This guy, Joe, must have really caused some upset in many on the left. I'm totally gobsmacked.

That's a real nice way to say "lie".


Fine LIE, whatever you want to call it. As I said I’m gobsmacked. I try my best to see things from every side. I can’t comprehend the hate here, the ridiculous claims and or twisting of his personal information, the attacks. It was a guy asking a question, you would think he attacked Obama, tried to kill him, committed murder, treason, anything other than posing a question.

People on the left posted his phone numbers, his home address, his EX-Wife’s home address and phone numbers. (How the hell she ever became involved is beyond me) putting him, his ex and his child in danger from those who wished death upon him for asking a question.

People on the left say he is liar and was too poor to try and buy a business to attain what he called the American Dream. Yet, knew nothing of his plans.

People on the left got into his tax records to try and prove he was a dead beat and he made headlines because he owed 1,200 in taxes which had just been assessed. When it came to taxes the county clerk said there was a 99% percent chance Joe did not even know he owed the tax at all. (Barb Losie, deputy clerk of the Lucas County Court)

People on the left left called for Joe the plumbers death “I want Joe the Mother Fucking Plumber DEAD!”. (Charles Karel Bouley)

The Radio Equalizer: Brian Maloney: Obama-Supporting KGO Libtalker Calls For Death Of Joe The Plumber

People on the left like Jones-Kelly (Obama supporter and donor) ORDERED employees like Vanessa Niekamp to see if he owed any child support, if he ever received welfare, etc., to dig up dirt on him.

State employee says she was ordered to check out Joe the Plumber | The Columbus Dispatch

People on the left accused him of lying about his name since he uses his middle name.

People on the left accused him of lying about working as a plumber since he was unlicensed and working under his companies license as a plumber.

The left posted videos showing the violent death of Joe the Plumber, at first this video was named “DESTROY Joe the Plumber”, it is now renamed to The Violent Death of Joe The Plumber.

All that and more within days of Joe posing a question to Barack Obama. It’s embarrassing, IMO, it’s ludicrous and seriously unbalanced.

I don’t get it and I never will. He may have lied about wanting to buy a business or it may have been his pipe dream, I don't know, but any argument anyone EVER had with all the other garbage that went on around him became lost because of how he was attacked, not to mention he should have never been a target to begin with. He asked a question.

We all have political differences, this was no way to treat him or any other human. And I HOPE this will never happen to anyone of any political party every again. But I hate to say it, "hate" will assure it happens IMO.
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The source: a blog that calls itself "Americans against the Tea Party". How's that for fair and balanced? They feed the junk to low information lefties for their daily dose of hatred.

You're 100% right and the term "junk information" hits the nail on the head.
Wouldn't it be great that for one week, if no poster used "junk information" for a resource when posting on USMB! Of course, that requirement would directed at both sides of the aisle. Heaven knows that both sides just love to use super biased resources.
If someone started a petition that no biased resources can be used by anyone, I wonder how many folks would sign up? What if someone used a biased resource and they would lose 100 rep points?
Does anyone realize how much better threads/posts would be? They'd be based on facts, not one sided talking points. Hell, we might even have real discussions instead of the constant partisan flaming.
Food for thought.
did you actually try to link on it?

Worked for me, have you thought of taking classes to help yourself?

Of course it could be a conspiracy against all liberals, the conservatives are so smart like that, ask Hilary.

No, you see, guy, when my VIRUS SOFTWARE tells me a site has a virus, I don't keep poking it to see if it's really just a pop-up ad. I usually just pass on it because I don't want to lose the very expensive computer that I am required to use for two of my three jobs.

And it would be nice is Spider-Boy only posted things from reputable sources.
CaféAuLait;8679175 said:
Fine LIE, whatever you want to call it. As I said I’m gobsmacked. I try my best to see things from every side. I can’t comprehend the hate here, the ridiculous claims and or twisting of his personal information, the attacks. It was a guy asking a question, you would think he attacked Obama, tried to kill him, committed murder, treason, anything other than posing a question.

People on the left ....All that and more within days of Joe posing a question to Barack Obama. It’s embarrassing, IMO, it’s ludicrous and seriously unbalanced.

I don’t get it and I never will. He may have lied about wanting to buy a business or it may have been his pipe dream, I don't know, but any argument anyone EVER had with all the other garbage that went on around him, not to mention he should have never been a target to begin with. He asked a question.

We all have political differences, this was no way to treat him or any other human. And I HOPE this will never happed to anyone of any political party every again. But I hate to say it hate will assure it happens IMO.

the problem is, you guys all act like Joe The Plumber was just this plucky guy asking a question.

Instead, we found out he was a deadbeat dad, a racist, and a tax evader. Oh, yeah, and his name isn't Joe and he isn't a plumber.

Sam the Scab embraced his new found notoriety and rode it until no one cared anymore, not even his plutocratic sponsors. And then he took a job with a union that made sure he got paid a fair share of his labors.

Maybe we all just hate the guy because he's a big phony.
CaféAuLait;8679175 said:
Fine LIE, whatever you want to call it. As I said I’m gobsmacked. I try my best to see things from every side. I can’t comprehend the hate here, the ridiculous claims and or twisting of his personal information, the attacks. It was a guy asking a question, you would think he attacked Obama, tried to kill him, committed murder, treason, anything other than posing a question.

People on the left ....All that and more within days of Joe posing a question to Barack Obama. It’s embarrassing, IMO, it’s ludicrous and seriously unbalanced.

I don’t get it and I never will. He may have lied about wanting to buy a business or it may have been his pipe dream, I don't know, but any argument anyone EVER had with all the other garbage that went on around him, not to mention he should have never been a target to begin with. He asked a question.

We all have political differences, this was no way to treat him or any other human. And I HOPE this will never happed to anyone of any political party every again. But I hate to say it hate will assure it happens IMO.

the problem is, you guys all act like Joe The Plumber was just this plucky guy asking a question.

Instead, we found out he was a deadbeat dad, a racist, and a tax evader. Oh, yeah, and his name isn't Joe and he isn't a plumber.

Sam the Scab embraced his new found notoriety and rode it until no one cared anymore, not even his plutocratic sponsors. And then he took a job with a union that made sure he got paid a fair share of his labors.

Maybe we all just hate the guy because he's a big phony.

And the "hate" and lies continue.
In August 2012, Wurzelbacher drew criticism for a comment he made about illegal immigration. During a campaign rally for Arizona State Senator Lori Klein, Wurzelbacher said, "For years I've said, you know, put a damn fence on the border, going to Mexico and start shooting."[91]

When asked about the comment later, he said that he didn't care about being "politically incorrect." Klein defended Wurzelbacher, telling reporters his comments were just a joke.[92][93]

Joe the Plumber - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yeah, nothing racist about that at all, Sam the Scab!
In August 2012, Wurzelbacher drew criticism for a comment he made about illegal immigration. During a campaign rally for Arizona State Senator Lori Klein, Wurzelbacher said, "For years I've said, you know, put a damn fence on the border, going to Mexico and start shooting."[91]

When asked about the comment later, he said that he didn't care about being "politically incorrect." Klein defended Wurzelbacher, telling reporters his comments were just a joke.[92][93]

Joe the Plumber - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yeah, nothing racist about that at all, Sam the Scab!

It was a dickhead comment.

Here is the entire quote:

"You know, for years, I've said, you know, 'Put a damn fence on the border going to Mexico and start shooting,'" he said. "I'm running for Congress, and that should be a bad thing to say. You know what, that's how I feel. I'm not going to hide it because I'm running for an office. I want my borders protected. I'm very, very adamant about that"

Wanting borders protected does not make him a racist. The fact that we consider or are or have put buoys up, ladders and ropes to make crossing easier in the All American Canal is ridiculous IMO. We have people waiting for years to become citizens, the immigration policy needs to be fixed, our borders need to be secured for many reasons to include, terrorism, drugs and illegal immigration. We need to fix a lot of issues, I believe many people that speak out about it are tired of seeing laws broken and nothing done about it or people encouraged to stay in this country through amnesty laws like California, or what have you. But this is a discussion for another thread.

As far as Joe, I don't think he is some sort of angel, or someone to be put on some pedestal. He may be the jerkiest man in America for all I know. My ire lies with what happened in the days after he asked Obama about taxes.
Did he take some kind of vow to never take a union job?

Plenty of people are forced to join unions when they don't want to. That's why unions are dying in the US. People don't want to be forced into joining a union.

Unions are dying because right wingers want people locked into jobs they can't stand at below minimum wage with no benefits. It's not even good for business.

Unions are dying because they keep forcing their blood-hosts out of business or onto other continents. One of the 3 times I actually took a union job I was told to "slow down" and "pace myself" when some union members saw me actually working and producing. I was young then but got to see the true underbelly of the union thought process.
Did he take some kind of vow to never take a union job?

Plenty of people are forced to join unions when they don't want to. That's why unions are dying in the US. People don't want to be forced into joining a union.

Unions are dying because right wingers want people locked into jobs they can't stand at below minimum wage with no benefits. It's not even good for business.

Unions are dying because they keep forcing their blood-hosts out of business or onto other continents. One of the 3 times I actually took a union job I was told to "slow down" and "pace myself" when some union members saw me actually working and producing. I was young then but got to see the true underbelly of the union thought process.

Unions are "dying" because big money is buying real estate in the way we legislate, to the cheers of conservatives who later complain our political system is "corrupt".

Unions are dying because right wingers want people locked into jobs they can't stand at below minimum wage with no benefits. It's not even good for business.

Unions are dying because they keep forcing their blood-hosts out of business or onto other continents. One of the 3 times I actually took a union job I was told to "slow down" and "pace myself" when some union members saw me actually working and producing. I was young then but got to see the true underbelly of the union thought process.

Unions are "dying" because big money is buying real estate in the way we legislate, to the cheers of conservatives who later complain our political system is "corrupt".


Lol that funny seeing how many politicians big union buys

tapatalk post

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