No freakin way! Joe The Plumber takes a UNION JOB!


union tradesmen suck.

A union electrician won't cut a piece of strapping to hang a light in the proper place and instead will hang it out of place and then try to say he did a good job.

A union plumber I hired once did such a hack job that I had to replace a half dozen floor joists.

Personally I will never hire union help again.

I've worked in a union machine shop when I was young. I managed to piss all the lazy fucks off because I never said no to overtime or jobs outside what I was hired for. I routinely skipped breaks and worked through lunch to meet deadlines. The shop foreman didn't like that and kept telling me to fall inline with the others. But since he couldn't fire me I told him to go fuck himself.

Yeah, so it turns out you were anti-social and pissed off yoru co-workers.

Color me surprised.

I'm not going to apologize for not following those lazy fucks who never missed a break or pissed and moaned when they had to do something not specifically spelled out in their contract.

I was there to make fucking money not to make friends.

And you don't understand why your fellows hated you.

I could explain it to you, but you still wouldn't understand it.
Unions are dying because they keep forcing their blood-hosts out of business or onto other continents. One of the 3 times I actually took a union job I was told to "slow down" and "pace myself" when some union members saw me actually working and producing. I was young then but got to see the true underbelly of the union thought process.

Has it occurred to you that they told you to slow down and pace yourself because you were producing shitty quality work that someone down the line had to fix?

Guy, I work in a factory where we've gone from 320 employees down to 140. Most of those jobs went to Mexico, Malaysia or China. And we're the lucky ones. Other AMerican plants in this same company have been completely closed down save a handful of sales staff.

Not a one of those jobs was Union or had Union protections or benefits. Most of them were done by immigrants from Poland, Mexico or India.

Insisting that, "Hell, all you have to do is give up your protections and rights to be more competitive" is horseshit. They'll always find some poor waif in a third world country who is willing to work for less.

union tradesmen suck.

A union electrician won't cut a piece of strapping to hang a light in the proper place and instead will hang it out of place and then try to say he did a good job.

A union plumber I hired once did such a hack job that I had to replace a half dozen floor joists.

Personally I will never hire union help again.

I've worked in a union machine shop when I was young. I managed to piss all the lazy fucks off because I never said no to overtime or jobs outside what I was hired for. I routinely skipped breaks and worked through lunch to meet deadlines. The shop foreman didn't like that and kept telling me to fall inline with the others. But since he couldn't fire me I told him to go fuck himself.

You are lucky to be alive.
Yeah, so it turns out you were anti-social and pissed off yoru co-workers.

Color me surprised.

I'm not going to apologize for not following those lazy fucks who never missed a break or pissed and moaned when they had to do something not specifically spelled out in their contract.

I was there to make fucking money not to make friends.

And you don't understand why your fellows hated you.

I could explain it to you, but you still wouldn't understand it.

The point you're missing is that I didn't care what those pissers and moaners thought of me. If I did I'd still be working in a machine shop like they are. Instead I am retired at age 42.

And why would I care what people who refuse to work as hard as I did think anyway?
I'm not going to apologize for not following those lazy fucks who never missed a break or pissed and moaned when they had to do something not specifically spelled out in their contract.

I was there to make fucking money not to make friends.

And you don't understand why your fellows hated you.

I could explain it to you, but you still wouldn't understand it.

The point you're missing is that I didn't care what those pissers and moaners thought of me. If I did I'd still be working in a machine shop like they are. Instead I am retired at age 42.

And why would I care what people who refuse to work as hard as I did think anyway?

"Retired" at 42?

And you don't understand why your fellows hated you.

I could explain it to you, but you still wouldn't understand it.

The point you're missing is that I didn't care what those pissers and moaners thought of me. If I did I'd still be working in a machine shop like they are. Instead I am retired at age 42.

And why would I care what people who refuse to work as hard as I did think anyway?

"Retired" at 42?


Yes. I own over a dozen rental properties and do not have to work anymore.

union tradesmen suck.

A union electrician won't cut a piece of strapping to hang a light in the proper place and instead will hang it out of place and then try to say he did a good job.

A union plumber I hired once did such a hack job that I had to replace a half dozen floor joists.

Personally I will never hire union help again.

I've worked in a union machine shop when I was young. I managed to piss all the lazy fucks off because I never said no to overtime or jobs outside what I was hired for. I routinely skipped breaks and worked through lunch to meet deadlines. The shop foreman didn't like that and kept telling me to fall inline with the others. But since he couldn't fire me I told him to go fuck himself.

Yeah, so it turns out you were anti-social and pissed off yoru co-workers.

Color me surprised.

I'm not going to apologize for not following those lazy fucks who never missed a break or pissed and moaned when they had to do something not specifically spelled out in their contract.

I was there to make fucking money not to make friends.

Maybe you should have..

There's a reason people do things. It could be you were interrupting the normal flow of work and creating problems.

I remember when I was a mover/truck driver. When you are the foreman, like myself, you pack the truck. It's probably the hardest job of the move, because you got to figure out how to get everyone's crap into the truck. You want to make it in one shot because hauling crap back and forth twice loses money for your company.

Inevitably you come across idiots that think they know your job better than you do. Rushing stuff out of the house to the back of the truck would create a mess. And several times I had to tell people to pace themselves. My favorite method of illustrating why this was necessary was to let the guy causing problems, pack the truck.

They would inevitably give up.

Yeah, so it turns out you were anti-social and pissed off yoru co-workers.

Color me surprised.

I'm not going to apologize for not following those lazy fucks who never missed a break or pissed and moaned when they had to do something not specifically spelled out in their contract.

I was there to make fucking money not to make friends.

Maybe you should have..

There's a reason people do things. It could be you were interrupting the normal flow of work and creating problems.

I remember when I was a mover/truck driver. When you are the foreman, like myself, you pack the truck. It's probably the hardest job of the move, because you got to figure out how to get everyone's crap into the truck. You want to make it in one shot because hauling crap back and forth twice loses money for your company.

Inevitably you come across idiots that think they know your job better than you do. Rushing stuff out of the house to the back of the truck would create a mess. And several times I had to tell people to pace themselves. My favorite method of illustrating why this was necessary was to let the guy causing problems, pack the truck.

They would inevitably give up.


Funny the owner of the shop didn't think I was fucking things up.

The only people I pissed off were the guys who I outproduced. They didn't like the fact that an 18 year old kid was making them look bad.
The point you're missing is that I didn't care what those pissers and moaners thought of me. If I did I'd still be working in a machine shop like they are. Instead I am retired at age 42.

And why would I care what people who refuse to work as hard as I did think anyway?

"Retired" at 42?


Yes. I own over a dozen rental properties and do not have to work anymore.

Fair enough.

But I always wonder how conservatives make money at rental properties, since they have to build and maintain their own roads, maintain a water storage and filtration system, run generators for electricity and provide a private security force to protect their tenants.

Because, otherwise, you'd be dependent on government for that stuff.
I'm not going to apologize for not following those lazy fucks who never missed a break or pissed and moaned when they had to do something not specifically spelled out in their contract.

I was there to make fucking money not to make friends.

Maybe you should have..

There's a reason people do things. It could be you were interrupting the normal flow of work and creating problems.

I remember when I was a mover/truck driver. When you are the foreman, like myself, you pack the truck. It's probably the hardest job of the move, because you got to figure out how to get everyone's crap into the truck. You want to make it in one shot because hauling crap back and forth twice loses money for your company.

Inevitably you come across idiots that think they know your job better than you do. Rushing stuff out of the house to the back of the truck would create a mess. And several times I had to tell people to pace themselves. My favorite method of illustrating why this was necessary was to let the guy causing problems, pack the truck.

They would inevitably give up.


Funny the owner of the shop didn't think I was fucking things up.

The only people I pissed off were the guys who I outproduced. They didn't like the fact that an 18 year old kid was making them look bad.

I doubt that was the case.

"Retired" at 42?


Yes. I own over a dozen rental properties and do not have to work anymore.

Fair enough.

But I always wonder how conservatives make money at rental properties, since they have to build and maintain their own roads, maintain a water storage and filtration system, run generators for electricity and provide a private security force to protect their tenants.

Because, otherwise, you'd be dependent on government for that stuff.

Who ever said I was a conservative?

And btw the roads were there when I bought the houses.

That whole road spiel is beyond stupid because everyone has the exact same access to roads as everyone else it's a non issue in the success or failure of a business. And public utilities are paid for by everyone who uses them so another non issue.
Maybe you should have..

There's a reason people do things. It could be you were interrupting the normal flow of work and creating problems.

I remember when I was a mover/truck driver. When you are the foreman, like myself, you pack the truck. It's probably the hardest job of the move, because you got to figure out how to get everyone's crap into the truck. You want to make it in one shot because hauling crap back and forth twice loses money for your company.

Inevitably you come across idiots that think they know your job better than you do. Rushing stuff out of the house to the back of the truck would create a mess. And several times I had to tell people to pace themselves. My favorite method of illustrating why this was necessary was to let the guy causing problems, pack the truck.

They would inevitably give up.


Funny the owner of the shop didn't think I was fucking things up.

The only people I pissed off were the guys who I outproduced. They didn't like the fact that an 18 year old kid was making them look bad.

I doubt that was the case.


All I know is I quit that job after 7 years because my building business was taking off and at age 25 I already owned 3 rental properties and those pissers and moaners were still working in a machine shop and still pissing and moaning.
Yes. I own over a dozen rental properties and do not have to work anymore.

Fair enough.

But I always wonder how conservatives make money at rental properties, since they have to build and maintain their own roads, maintain a water storage and filtration system, run generators for electricity and provide a private security force to protect their tenants.

Because, otherwise, you'd be dependent on government for that stuff.

Who ever said I was a conservative?

And btw the roads were there when I bought the houses.

That whole road spiel is beyond stupid because everyone has the exact same access to roads as everyone else it's a non issue in the success or failure of a business. And public utilities are paid for by everyone who uses them so another non issue.

You know what happened when the Israelis quit Gaza?

They broke up their infrastructure.

The roads "being there" means nothing without people to protect and maintain them.

And the fact that we all share in making sure you get a profit that you don't have to work for?

Fair enough.

But I always wonder how conservatives make money at rental properties, since they have to build and maintain their own roads, maintain a water storage and filtration system, run generators for electricity and provide a private security force to protect their tenants.

Because, otherwise, you'd be dependent on government for that stuff.

Who ever said I was a conservative?

And btw the roads were there when I bought the houses.

That whole road spiel is beyond stupid because everyone has the exact same access to roads as everyone else it's a non issue in the success or failure of a business. And public utilities are paid for by everyone who uses them so another non issue.

You know what happened when the Israelis quit Gaza?

They broke up their infrastructure.

The roads "being there" means nothing without people to protect and maintain them.

And the fact that we all share in making sure you get a profit that you don't have to work for?


We don't live in Israel.

And as I said everyone has the exact same access to public roads so it makes no difference in the success or failure of a business. And do you realize that business that actually do rely on roads, trucking delivery companies etc pay a far larger share in taxes for the upkeep of those roads than you do and without them roads would most likely be in worse shape than they are now?

Many businesses such as big box stores and the ever so popular open air shopping centers have to make improvements to public roads as a part of the agreement to build in a town as well. SO again businesses are paying more for roads than you.

And I did work for those profits to the tune of years working 80 hours a week or more to earn the money to buy those properties and keep them up to code and in good repair. And what you fail to acknowledge is that you could have done and still can do the exact same thing I did buying rental properties. No one was stopping you. No one would piss and moan about you driving to a rental property that you owned to fix it up. So the fact that you had the exact same access to roads as me or anyone else and you chose not to use those roads to better your income is no one's fault but your own.

You did not give me any money to buy my properties, you did not lift a finger to repair them, paint them, mow the lawns, shovel the snow, put on a new roof and you somehow think you have a share in my rental income?
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The point you're missing is that I didn't care what those pissers and moaners thought of me. If I did I'd still be working in a machine shop like they are. Instead I am retired at age 42.

And why would I care what people who refuse to work as hard as I did think anyway?

So you are fucking 42 and you read comic books? Seriously?

Most of us grow out of that in our 20's.


The point you're missing is that I didn't care what those pissers and moaners thought of me. If I did I'd still be working in a machine shop like they are. Instead I am retired at age 42.

And why would I care what people who refuse to work as hard as I did think anyway?

So you are fucking 42 and you read comic books? Seriously?

Most of us grow out of that in our 20's.

Where did you ever get that I read comic books?

I never had the money to waste on such things as comics when I was a kid because I was working to support myself since i was 15.

I like to climb. I got into rock climbing in my early 30s that is why I use the Spiderman avatar. It really is nothing to obsess over.

The point you're missing is that I didn't care what those pissers and moaners thought of me. If I did I'd still be working in a machine shop like they are. Instead I am retired at age 42.

And why would I care what people who refuse to work as hard as I did think anyway?

So you are fucking 42 and you read comic books? Seriously?

Most of us grow out of that in our 20's.

Where did you ever get that I read comic books?

I never had the money to waste on such things as comics when I was a kid because I was working to support myself since i was 15.

I like to climb. I got into rock climbing in my early 30s that is why I use the Spiderman avatar. It really is nothing to obsess over.

Just more diversionary tactics to take you off point.

Those who spend more time working and taking care of themselves than complaining about what others have are a target. They're mean and greedy.

America, 2014.

Just more diversionary tactics to take you off point.

Those who spend more time working and taking care of themselves than complaining about what others have are a target. They're mean and greedy.

America, 2014.


Guys who are really rich don't come on the internet and brag about it.

Spider-boy is obviously suffering from arrested development.

Incidently, I work three jobs because I got my insurance yanked out from me in the middle of medical treatment and it left me with lots of debt. Seriously, fuck rich people.
Just more diversionary tactics to take you off point.

Those who spend more time working and taking care of themselves than complaining about what others have are a target. They're mean and greedy.

America, 2014.


Guys who are really rich don't come on the internet and brag about it.

Spider-boy is obviously suffering from arrested development.

Incidently, I work three jobs because I got my insurance yanked out from me in the middle of medical treatment and it left me with lots of debt. Seriously, fuck rich people.

I didn't see him say the word "rich".

What's with you people? What do YOU mean by "rich"? At what precise point does someone become "rich", and precisely what is that amount?

And why does it matter?

Why is everything so black & white for you?

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I didn't see him say the word "rich".

What's with you people? What do YOU mean by "rich"? At what precise point does someone become "rich", and precisely what is that amount?

And why does it matter?

Why is everything so black & white for you?


Well, when you take the attitude of "I've got mine, fuck you!" it's kind of a black and white position, isn't it?

Now, just because Spiderboy worked his union job until he qualified for his disability because he weighs 400 lbs, I guess that doesn't make him "rich", but it certainly makes him selfish.

I'd be very amused to talk to the "union guys" who apparently hated his guts to where he's still mad at them.
lol, so it's a sin to have (I have mine and fuck you)?

I frikken worked for it who the hell do you think it belongs too, YOUR's to do as you wish with

my gawd, spider don't get play these two people games

Especially, Joeys...He has his too so don't fall for his BS...He's a typical liberal....Spread everyone else's wealth around and hang onto his
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