No freakin way! Joe The Plumber takes a UNION JOB!

Capitalism is simply about the conflict between hired workers and their employers. If you disagree then you cannot fathom deep thought. Both sides struggle versus each other. Unions are dying yes but workers can better themselves through higher education and holding their talents against their employer. Any worker who does not constantly seek more pay and benefits is a slave, they just don't realize it. My son, now the owner of my company since I handed it over to him, when he was in high school, worked like a dozen different jobs while in high school. He never gave 2 weeks notice. He didn't show up any more(since they were minimum wage hack jobs). He made it through just fine and is now running my former company(construction and concrete). But I did teach him about how good workers can put their employers in a pickle from time to time. You just have to be smart about it. There are other ways for workers to get a leg up other than a union. Walk away when you are most needed. Find better employment. I taught him a good worker puts in a good days work but you work as hard as you are paid for. It works both ways. Employers can find plenty of new workers but that is also a thorn in their side when a worker leaves without notice. I did it a few times when I was young and it was truly exhilarating.
Capitalism is simply about the conflict between hired workers and their employers. If you disagree then you cannot fathom deep thought.
Capitalism can exist w/o hired workers and employers.
Thus, you are, necessarily, wrong.
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Yes because the goal of ObamaCare is to get a very few people very rich.

Unlike the goal of health care before that when they were denying people insurance because they couldn't afford it and kicking them off when they got sick.

Oh wait.


Bad people do bad things. The point is once you know it you shouldn't support it like you're doing.


Let 45,000 Americans die because they had no healthcare a bad thing.

Anyone who thinks that was a good system is delusional.
Anyone who believes it is a good thing to force people to provide goods and services to others w/o compensation is a friend of tryanny and hates liberty.
The downside to capitalism indeed is the fact that workers and employers struggle to get a leg up on one another. But that is the way the system is designed. Without this struggle, one side would have all the power. Worker VERSUS employer is what keeps the system the best there is. Employers appreciated those workers they know are always snooping for better work. Those are the most valuable employees.

Tell you what: Instead of casting a wide, simplistic, ignorant, punitive net over all business owners and successful people -- JoeB's specialty -- perhaps you could provide list of people who should be punished for their misdeeds and include what that punishment might be. You might be surprised by how much we agree.

But exacerbating this culture of hating people for being successful is destructive, to say the least.


given most of them are successful because they fucked over working people, they deserve every bit of hate coming their way.

point was, the "successful" did not stand up to the bat and say, "Wow, the bad actors messed it up, how do we fix it?"

Nope, they said, "The Bad actors messed it up, how do I take advantage?"
Lack of representation and confiscatory taxation is the same as taxation without representation.

We have only fought one revolution in this country against a monarchy. All those others were also fought against a monarchy of one kind or another.

So tell me who are you going to declare your income inequality revolution against? The government? Or are you going to storm the houses of people you think make too much money?

1. No it's not. And even putting out there that 'taxation' is confiscatory, contradicts the intent of the Constitution.

2. Yes..and?

3. I'm not going to declare any revolution. I actually think our government is the best in the world. See..I like the color in the lines. I will vote for the people who advocate what I think should be the direction this country takes.

So why the mention that revolutions start over income inequality or wealth inequality when we both know it will never happen?

And all taxes are a confiscation of money by force to say otherwise is naive.

1. What? That's the primary causes of all revolutions. Including our own.

2. No they are not. No one is forced to stay in the United States.
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Bad people do bad things. The point is once you know it you shouldn't support it like you're doing.


Let 45,000 Americans die because they had no healthcare a bad thing.

Anyone who thinks that was a good system is delusional.

Since when has Obamacare provided insurance for anyone? I've heard no reports of anyone going completely through the process and receiving care. All they talk about is the sign-ups. More people are in Medicaid, but not one has been reported to have received treatment on the health exchange.

Yeah..because the millions that signed up for ObamaCare are never going to use it.


You folks are something else.
Jesus Christ, really? Joe the fucking plumber? After all this time? How the fuck is he relevant to anything? Who fucking cares? Seriously, I want to know...

Fate pleasures the puppies with a bone now and then. :D

Not to be perverse, but watching them chew it is kind of fun in a sardonic way... :popcorn:
Or they can vote for an economic system that protects workers instead of investors!!!

"Workers" don't invest?

What freakin' planet are you on?


I'm sure a lot of them do.

I keep a copy of my 401K statement from 2008 just to remind myself of how much the SCUMWADS on Wall Street are to be trusted.

Well Joe, fortunately, most people are not like you, wallowing in the past, consumed with anger and hatred, pointing the finger at others for your situation.

Over half the country invests in the stock market; most of us are looking ahead, not behind, and this fantasy you have created to make yourself feel better, that only rich people are investors, is light years from reality. Sure, it suits your dream of a centralized government in complete control of our financial system (no fraud, greed or waste there, no sir, they "care" 'n stuff), but it's just not true.


I'll say it again, I don't know how you make it through the freakin' day.

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1. No it's not. And even putting out there that 'taxation' is confiscatory, contradicts the intent of the Constitution.

2. Yes..and?

3. I'm not going to declare any revolution. I actually think our government is the best in the world. See..I like the color in the lines. I will vote for the people who advocate what I think should be the direction this country takes.

So why the mention that revolutions start over income inequality or wealth inequality when we both know it will never happen?

And all taxes are a confiscation of money by force to say otherwise is naive.

1. What? That's the primary causes of all revolutions. Including our own.

2. No they are not. No one is forced to stay in the United States.

I never speculated that the cause of revolution was that some people earn more than others.

Well Joe, fortunately, most people are not like you, wallowing in the past, consumed with anger and hatred, pointing the finger at others for your situation.

Over half the country invests in the stock market; most of us are looking ahead, not behind, and this fantasy you have created to make yourself feel better, that only rich people are investors, is light years from reality. Sure, it suits your dream of a centralized government in complete control of our financial system (no fraud, greed or waste there, no sir, they "care" 'n stuff), but it's just not true.


I'll say it again, I don't know how you make it through the freakin' day.


There are suckers who show up at the Casinos and gamble away the kid's college funds after they've gambled away the rent money. Or as a wise man said, there's a sucker born every minute.

Point is, Wall Street is a fucking Casino with less strippers. Once you look at it that way, it's easier to avoid it.

If I had to count on my 401K to take care of me, I'd have been screwed. Thankfully, there are those commie Social Security and Medicare Programs if C'Thulhu willing, I actually make it to retirement.

Seriously, fuck rich people. And fuck their slimy little apologists hoping for crumbs off the table.
1. No it's not. And even putting out there that 'taxation' is confiscatory, contradicts the intent of the Constitution.

2. Yes..and?

3. I'm not going to declare any revolution. I actually think our government is the best in the world. See..I like the color in the lines. I will vote for the people who advocate what I think should be the direction this country takes.

So why the mention that revolutions start over income inequality or wealth inequality when we both know it will never happen?

And all taxes are a confiscation of money by force to say otherwise is naive.

1. What? That's the primary causes of all revolutions. Including our own.
Thank you for continuing to put your mindless bigotry on display for all to see.
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Or they can vote for an economic system that protects workers instead of investors!!!

"Workers" don't invest?

What freakin' planet are you on?


I'm sure a lot of them do.

I keep a copy of my 401K statement from 2008 just to remind myself of how much the SCUMWADS on Wall Street are to be trusted.

Really from 6 years ago and you're still whining?

If you didn't panic and pull your money out you are in even better shape now so stop your fucking histrionics.

Well Joe, fortunately, most people are not like you, wallowing in the past, consumed with anger and hatred, pointing the finger at others for your situation.

Over half the country invests in the stock market; most of us are looking ahead, not behind, and this fantasy you have created to make yourself feel better, that only rich people are investors, is light years from reality. Sure, it suits your dream of a centralized government in complete control of our financial system (no fraud, greed or waste there, no sir, they "care" 'n stuff), but it's just not true.


I'll say it again, I don't know how you make it through the freakin' day.


There are suckers who show up at the Casinos and gamble away the kid's college funds after they've gambled away the rent money. Or as a wise man said, there's a sucker born every minute.

Point is, Wall Street is a fucking Casino with less strippers. Once you look at it that way, it's easier to avoid it.

If I had to count on my 401K to take care of me, I'd have been screwed. Thankfully, there are those commie Social Security and Medicare Programs if C'Thulhu willing, I actually make it to retirement.

Seriously, fuck rich people. And fuck their slimy little apologists hoping for crumbs off the table.

Yeah bet on SS and the 1200 a month you'll get to live on.

That's the sucker's bet you're just too stupid to see it.

And if you were retired in 2008 your money should not have been in equities. If it was that would have been your own damn fault.
"Workers" don't invest?

What freakin' planet are you on?


I'm sure a lot of them do.

I keep a copy of my 401K statement from 2008 just to remind myself of how much the SCUMWADS on Wall Street are to be trusted.

Really from 6 years ago and you're still whining?

If you didn't panic and pull your money out you are in even better shape now so stop your fucking histrionics.

Actually, I moved it into a CD because I had to pay out medical bills after I lost my insurance.

But yeah, if you want to keep playing your disability check at the Wall Street Casino, knock yourself out.

Yeah bet on SS and the 1200 a month you'll get to live on.

That's the sucker's bet you're just too stupid to see it.

And if you were retired in 2008 your money should not have been in equities. If it was that would have been your own damn fault.

THe thing is, the whole wall street investment is a sucker's bet. It's why 95% of the gains in the "recovery" have gone tothe top 1%.

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