No, Fuck You, Robert Gibbs


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
I am a God on this message board.

No, Fuck You, Robert Gibbs

You gotta bet that White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs was so goddamned pleased with himself when, in an interview with The Hill, he got his nasty on about "the professional left." See how brave he is? Attacking the people from whom the President is supposed to have spawned? Yeah, you know that Gibbs got a little boner when he spat, "They will be satisfied when we have Canadian health care and we’ve eliminated the Pentagon. That’s not reality." "Oh," he must have thought, "how Rahm will scratch me behind my ears and laugh as I lick my balls." Such praise is rare these days. (Speaking as a relatively semi-pro leftist, Canadian health care? Sure. Eliminate the Pentagon? Not so much. Cut the Pentagon maybe to a square or a triangle? Sure.)
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Along with Rahm Emanuel, Timothy Geithner, Larry Summers, Eric Holder and all the holdovers from the Bush gang, Robert Gibbs is manifest evidence that Barack Obama is not whom he pretends to be. I'm hoping the DNC can come up with a suitable replacement for him. Because if they can't I'm afraid a Republican will take the White House in '12 as I'm quite sure Obama's duplicitous performance will discourage many of those who voted for him in '08 to stay home.

The honeymoon is over and by 2012 many of Obama's supporters will have realized that just being an improvement over Bush is not what we had in mind when we elected him. We expected a lot more and he promised a lot more, both explicitly and implicitly, but very little of what was promised has been fulfilled.

In my opinion, Obama is and has been a disappointment and I would like to see either Dennis Kucinich, Alan Grayson or Howard Dean push him aside. Because he's done nothing to deserve a second term.
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all I know is that it's too bad he doesn't have an inflatable exit from his office to go with the inflatable head on his shoulders.
Along with Rahm Emanuel, Timothy Geithner, Larry Summers, Eric Holder and all the holdovers from the Bush gang, Robert Gibbs is manifest evidence that Barack Obama is not whom he pretends to be. I'm hoping the DNC can come up with a suitable replacement for him. Because if they can't I'm afraid a Republican will take the White House in '12 as I'm quite sure Obama's duplicitous performance will discourage many of those who voted for him in '08 to stay home.

The honeymoon is over and by 2012 many of Obama's supporters will have realized that just being an improvement over Bush is not what we had in mind when we elected him. We expected a lot more and he promised a lot more, both explicitly and implicitly, but very little of what was promised has been fulfilled.

In my opinion, Obama is and has been a disappointment and I would like to see either Dennis Kucinich, Alan Grayson or Howard Dean push him aside. Because he's done nothing to deserve a second term.

yes, in this time of great bitterness, america needs alan grayson to bring us together.

btw, why should warrenn buffet go to jail?
The honeymoon is over and by 2012 many of Obama's supporters will have realized that just being an improvement over Bush is not what we had in mind when we elected him. We expected a lot more and he promised a lot more, both explicitly and implicitly, but very little of what was promised has been fulfilled.
Obama promised nothing but "Hope and Change" but you never bothered to ask what that change was. You just wanted to show how you were "sooooo not racist" by voting for the black guy. Your Bush Derangement Syndrome doesn't change that.

In my opinion, Obama is and has been a disappointment and I would like to see either Dennis Kucinich, Alan Grayson or Howard Dean push him aside. Because he's done nothing to deserve a second term.
When 2012 comes around plenty of you brainwashed Liberals will do the same thing you did in 2008. "Obama is a nice guy. I KNOW he'd be better than any Nazi, Fascist, Child Molesting, Religious Rethuglican!'. Then you'll pull the lever for 4 more more years of compete failure.

OR, you'll overcome your sexism by voting for the female, Hillary. Who is just like Barack Obama only with a slightly smaller penis. And she'll continue the destructive policies of American Progressives but that's ok, you'll have overcome you guilt so it all evens out.
Along with Rahm Emanuel, Timothy Geithner, Larry Summers, Eric Holder and all the holdovers from the Bush gang, Robert Gibbs is manifest evidence that Barack Obama is not whom he pretends to be. I'm hoping the DNC can come up with a suitable replacement for him. Because if they can't I'm afraid a Republican will take the White House in '12 as I'm quite sure Obama's duplicitous performance will discourage many of those who voted for him in '08 to stay home.

The honeymoon is over and by 2012 many of Obama's supporters will have realized that just being an improvement over Bush is not what we had in mind when we elected him. We expected a lot more and he promised a lot more, both explicitly and implicitly, but very little of what was promised has been fulfilled.

In my opinion, Obama is and has been a disappointment and I would like to see either Dennis Kucinich, Alan Grayson or Howard Dean push him aside. Because he's done nothing to deserve a second term.

Emanual and Holder served under Bush? WHo knew?

Since you have demonstrated complete bad judgment in not sniffing out the real Barack Obama during his campaign, what makes you think you will do better next time? Why do you think Alan Grayson will not hew to the same policies as Obama and Bush? Because he says so? What did Obama say?
No, you and all who are disillusioned with Obama need to burn your voter registration cards and hang your heads in shame.
please leave milktoast alone, the longer he speaks for the president of obama, the more he helps our side.
seriously, you post whatever inspires you, that's what the board is for. did you ever notice that the people that call a thread stupid, never come up with an original thought of their own. they know everything, but they're always shooting blanks, the kind of people that have to get punched in the face to have an orgasm.
keep writing, thinking and posting. they will keep wasting cyberspace
Oh come now, he's just doing his job. And his job, quite frankly, is to be the mouthpiece, and subsequently, the punching bag for the administration.

Is he a bit douchy? Yes. But hey... these guys rarely last that long.
Oh come now, he's just doing his job. And his job, quite frankly, is to be the mouthpiece, and subsequently, the punching bag for the administration.

Is he a bit douchy? Yes. But hey... these guys rarely last that long.

that's true. obama started the daily news conference, whether we need it or not, too much exposure.
Maybe Obama will realise Americans would be willing to vote back in the very people who fucked us and think like a one term president and get some things done.

Then the results will give him a second term.
No, Fuck You, Robin Gibbs


In my opinion, Obama is and has been a disappointment and I would like to see either Dennis Kucinich, Alan Grayson or Howard Dean push him aside. Because he's done nothing to deserve a second term.

Aside from being a complete moron for thinking screaming howie should lead anybody, anywhere, what the fuck do you mean "done nothing to deserve a second chance?" For shit sake, obamalamadingdong didn't do a fucking thing to deserve a FIRST chance, let alone a second.
Maybe Obama will realise Americans would be willing to vote back in the very people who fucked us and think like a one term president and get some things done.

Then the results will give him a second term.

so obama's problem is he hasn't gotten things done?

seems like he accomplished a lot for his first 20 months.

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