No Global Climate change in 100 years

I have been and am educated by Dr. Roy Spencer and I am called an idiot. Old Crock quotes Rush Limbaugh's Climatologist and Old Crock is smart.

Old Crock, I sent you a personal message, baiting you, I used Rush's name knowing how quickly Old Crock would see Rush and not thinking.

Too Simple to prove that Old Crock is doing nothing but blindly using google to do the thinking.

I can hardly believe this was this easy but I knew it would be this easy.

Old Crock, uses Rush Limbaugh's personal Friend as a source and then calls me an idiot for using Rush Limbaugh's personal friend, Dr. Roy Spencer as a source.
You do know that Spencer and his partner in crime at UAH Christy got caught fudging their satellite data, by using the opposite sign for calculating diurnal satellite drift, making their temperature numbers artificially low, don't you? So Spencer is used because when EVEN his COOKED numbers show warming, the warming is undeniable.
Get it?

Although your MessiahRushie will still deny it.

hilarious projection considering global warming advocates were caught not only fudging data; but admitting the data didnt equal climate change without "adding lots of junk". then got caught tryingn to slander the people that caught them lying

but then again your messiah george soros or his butt-boy obama wont tellyou that
That was just the SPIN pathological liars like your MessiahRushie fed to gullible suckers like you to muddy the waters after Christy and Spencer were caught using the opposite sign to correct for diurnal satellite drift in order to make their temperature numbers lower. Spencer's cooked numbers actually showed global cooling and were used by the Right to discredit ALL other sources of data. When the correct sign was used, Spencer's data CONFIRMED all the data you are now claiming was cooked!!!!! Spencer and Christy then publicly admitted that their corrected data confirmed the ground station and satellite data from the other sources.

But then again your MessiahRushie won't tell you that!!!

Here is Christy's testimony before the GOP controlled hearing, which is why the GOP now "broom" him from their hearings!!!

Christy, J.R. and R.W.Spencer, 2005: Correcting temperature data sets. Science, 310, 972.
Correcting Temperature Datasets
We agree with C. Mears and F. J. Wentz (“The effect of diurnal correction on satellite-derived lower tropospheric temperature,” 2 Sept., p. 1548; published online 11 Aug.) that our University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) method of calculating a diurnal correction to our lower tropospheric (LT) temperature data (v5.1) introduced a spurious component. We are grateful that they spotted the error and have made the necessary adjustments.
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Since you are as dumb as your MessiahRushie, not one molecule of CO2 in the entire universe has ever come from H2O. :rofl::lmao:

April 3, 2007
RUSH: Mark my brilliant words on this. That's how this stuff starts. Now, the question is: is CO2 even a pollutant? Is it an air pollutant? Because if it is, then all the water vapor on this planet is a pollutant. The vast majority of CO2 that's in the atmosphere comes from water vapor.

March 01, 2012
RUSH: To put it bluntly, dumb people are too dumb to know it." It's a blessing! You know, the worst thing would be to be dumb and to know it -- and there's evidence all over that the dumb do not know they're dumb.

May 29, 2012
RUSH: People like me have more scientific knowledge than the average advocate of global warming.

edtheclynic, that makes two fools. edtheclynic thought I quoted or used material from Rush? What a moron edtheclynic is, Old Crock used Roy Spencer without realizing Rush and Roy are best friends, Rush gets all his information from Roy Spencer on climate change. I baited Old Crock into attacking me so I could show Old Crock to be a fool.

edtheclynic is even a bigger idiot than Old Crock for not seeing the simple trick I was playing to show the stupidity of those who support AGW.

I have not once quoted or used material from Rush Limbaugh. I did bait Old Crock into putting his foot in his mouth.

Now I have two fools on one hook, Rush is some super good bait to catch those of inferior intellect.

edtheclynic, how could you not see this, its simple really, edtheclynic is dumb.
The joke is on you!

Spencer is used precisely because he is your MessiahRushie's climatologist!!! He has been caught red-handed fudging the satellite data to lower the temperature, so if even HIS cooked data still shows warming then that means there is more warming than the Right can possibly hide.

Prove it, where is your link? You want to play, go ahead, lets see what you have other than a mouth.

You want to dodge the fact that you jumped into a couple posts not realizing I was not discussing climate change, simply pointing out hypocrisy. That is pretty fricking stupid of Edtheclynic

Have you not figured that out yet? Old Crock is using Roy Spencer's work to prove Global Warming and Edtheclynic is saying Roy Spencers work is wrong.

Edtheclynic, is stating, based on Dr. Roy Spencer's work, there is no global warming.

Old Crock uses Dr. Roy Spencer's work to show Global Warming is true and Edtheclynic says that the work is incorrect, hence Old Crock is incorrect, hence there in no Global Warming.

Ed, you jumped into a couple posts without understanding what was going on, you can not use Roy Spencer's work to make your case for AGW and then state the work is invalid without discrediting your own position.
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edtheclynic, that makes two fools. edtheclynic thought I quoted or used material from Rush? What a moron edtheclynic is, Old Crock used Roy Spencer without realizing Rush and Roy are best friends, Rush gets all his information from Roy Spencer on climate change. I baited Old Crock into attacking me so I could show Old Crock to be a fool.

edtheclynic is even a bigger idiot than Old Crock for not seeing the simple trick I was playing to show the stupidity of those who support AGW.

I have not once quoted or used material from Rush Limbaugh. I did bait Old Crock into putting his foot in his mouth.

Now I have two fools on one hook, Rush is some super good bait to catch those of inferior intellect.

edtheclynic, how could you not see this, its simple really, edtheclynic is dumb.
The joke is on you!

Spencer is used precisely because he is your MessiahRushie's climatologist!!! He has been caught red-handed fudging the satellite data to lower the temperature, so if even HIS cooked data still shows warming then that means there is more warming than the Right can possibly hide.

Prove it, where is your link? You want to play, go ahead, lets see what you have other than a mouth.

You want to dodge the fact that you jumped into a couple posts not realizing I was not discussing climate change, simply pointing out hypocrisy. That is pretty fricking stupid of Edtheclynic

Have you not figured that out yet? Old Crock is using Roy Spencer's work to prove Global Warming and Edtheclynic is saying Roy Spencers work is wrong.

Edtheclynic, is stating based on Dr. Roy Spencer's work there is no global warming.

Old Crock uses Dr. Roy Spencer's work to show Global Warming is true and Edtheclynic says that the work is incorrect, hence Old Crock is incorrect, hence there in no Global Warming.

Ed, you jumped into a couple posts without understanding what was going on, you can not use Roy Spencer's work to make your case for AGW at then state the work is invalid without discrediting your own position.
No, I said Spencer's EARLIER data used by your MessiahRushie and the Right to discredit all the other data that contradicted it, and ALL the other data did contradict it, was in error. After that data has been corrected and Christy and Spencer have been forced to use the correct sign for diurnal satellite drift, even their data, while still slightly lower than everyone else's, confirms global warming.

The U.S. Climate Change Science Program produced a study in April 2006 on this topic. Lead authors included John Christy of UAH and Ben Santer of Lawrence Livermore National Labs. The first page has this quote:

Previously reported discrepancies between the amount of warming near the surface and higher in the atmosphere have been used to challenge the reliability of climate models and the reality of human-induced global warming... This significant discrepancy no longer exists because errors in the satellite and radiosonde data have been identified and corrected. New data sets have also been developed that do not show such discrepancies."

You do know that Spencer and his partner in crime at UAH Christy got caught fudging their satellite data, by using the opposite sign for calculating diurnal satellite drift, making their temperature numbers artificially low, don't you? So Spencer is used because when EVEN his COOKED numbers show warming, the warming is undeniable.
Get it?

Although your MessiahRushie will still deny it.

hilarious projection considering global warming advocates were caught not only fudging data; but admitting the data didnt equal climate change without "adding lots of junk". then got caught tryingn to slander the people that caught them lying

but then again your messiah george soros or his butt-boy obama wont tellyou that
That was just the SPIN pathological liars like your MessiahRushie fed to gullible suckers like you to muddy the waters after Christy and Spencer were caught using the opposite sign to correct for diurnal satellite drift in order to make their temperature numbers lower. Spencer's cooked numbers actually showed global cooling and were used by the Right to discredit ALL other sources of data. When the correct sign was used, Spencer's data CONFIRMED all the data you are now claiming was cooked!!!!! Spencer and Christy then publicly admitted that their corrected data confirmed the ground station and satellite data from the other sources.

But then again your MessiahRushie won't tell you that!!!

Here is Christy's testimony before the GOP controlled hearing, which is why the GOP now "broom" him from their hearings!!!

Christy, J.R. and R.W.Spencer, 2005: Correcting temperature data sets. Science, 310, 972.
Correcting Temperature Datasets
We agree with C. Mears and F. J. Wentz (“The effect of diurnal correction on satellite-derived lower tropospheric temperature,” 2 Sept., p. 1548; published online 11 Aug.) that our University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) method of calculating a diurnal correction to our lower tropospheric (LT) temperature data (v5.1) introduced a spurious component. We are grateful that they spotted the error and have made the necessary adjustments.

To make scientific points the standard is to use science.

Why dodge the fact that edtheclynic jumped into this thread not realizing Old Crock put his foot in his mouth?

I used no facts nor data from either Limbaugh or Spencer in this thread. Are you that dense?

I stated I used Limbaugh to bait Old Crock who used limbaugh's source Roy Spencer. Why is it so important for Edtheclynic to distract from this point?

I see Old Crock disappears and Edtheclynic comes to Old Crocks defence, two user names one person? Just asking.

but I am game, you made the claim, now support it with facts, link to something, your last link was broke, so go ahead, link, give us something other than opinion.

At this point edtheclynics opinion is nothing more, edtheclynic did not even understand the conversation edtheclynic opinioned upon, and now edtheclynic refuses to link or simply is too dumb to check a link before edtheclynic posts.

Pretty sloppy at best, proving edtheclynic has nothing to support opinions and assertions, and at that, its assertions of others, edtheclynic simply is a parrot.

So link, I am dying to have even more fun showing that edtheclynic is even dumber than these last few posts show edtheclynic to be.
Dr. Roy Spencer does try to deny a lot of the warming. However, after once getting caught with incorrect data, in order to keep any semblence of credibility in the scientific community, he dare not get caught again. So his data is accurate as far as it goes. His interpretation of that data is not, but that is ok.

As far as Rush goes, he is a lying obese junkie, a person deserving of no respect what so ever. Had he not been a rich "Conservative" he would be serving a long prison sentence for his habit.
The joke is on you!

Spencer is used precisely because he is your MessiahRushie's climatologist!!! He has been caught red-handed fudging the satellite data to lower the temperature, so if even HIS cooked data still shows warming then that means there is more warming than the Right can possibly hide.

Prove it, where is your link? You want to play, go ahead, lets see what you have other than a mouth.

You want to dodge the fact that you jumped into a couple posts not realizing I was not discussing climate change, simply pointing out hypocrisy. That is pretty fricking stupid of Edtheclynic

Have you not figured that out yet? Old Crock is using Roy Spencer's work to prove Global Warming and Edtheclynic is saying Roy Spencers work is wrong.

Edtheclynic, is stating based on Dr. Roy Spencer's work there is no global warming.

Old Crock uses Dr. Roy Spencer's work to show Global Warming is true and Edtheclynic says that the work is incorrect, hence Old Crock is incorrect, hence there in no Global Warming.

Ed, you jumped into a couple posts without understanding what was going on, you can not use Roy Spencer's work to make your case for AGW at then state the work is invalid without discrediting your own position.
No, I said Spencer's EARLIER data used by your MessiahRushie and the Right to discredit all the other data that contradicted it, and ALL the other data did contradict it, was in error. After that data has been corrected and Christy and Spencer have been forced to use the correct sign for diurnal satellite drift, even their data, while still slightly lower than everyone else's, confirms global warming.

The U.S. Climate Change Science Program produced a study in April 2006 on this topic. Lead authors included John Christy of UAH and Ben Santer of Lawrence Livermore National Labs. The first page has this quote:

Previously reported discrepancies between the amount of warming near the surface and higher in the atmosphere have been used to challenge the reliability of climate models and the reality of human-induced global warming... This significant discrepancy no longer exists because errors in the satellite and radiosonde data have been identified and corrected. New data sets have also been developed that do not show such discrepancies."


we are speaking of Dr. Roy Spencer, you keep getting further and further away with more broken links.

ed, can you not even think, anyone can parrot google, except for you, your links are broke.
If a fool parrots google, then what is the person who can not even do that right.
hilarious projection considering global warming advocates were caught not only fudging data; but admitting the data didnt equal climate change without "adding lots of junk". then got caught tryingn to slander the people that caught them lying

but then again your messiah george soros or his butt-boy obama wont tellyou that
That was just the SPIN pathological liars like your MessiahRushie fed to gullible suckers like you to muddy the waters after Christy and Spencer were caught using the opposite sign to correct for diurnal satellite drift in order to make their temperature numbers lower. Spencer's cooked numbers actually showed global cooling and were used by the Right to discredit ALL other sources of data. When the correct sign was used, Spencer's data CONFIRMED all the data you are now claiming was cooked!!!!! Spencer and Christy then publicly admitted that their corrected data confirmed the ground station and satellite data from the other sources.

But then again your MessiahRushie won't tell you that!!!

Here is Christy's testimony before the GOP controlled hearing, which is why the GOP now "broom" him from their hearings!!!

Christy, J.R. and R.W.Spencer, 2005: Correcting temperature data sets. Science, 310, 972.
Correcting Temperature Datasets
We agree with C. Mears and F. J. Wentz (“The effect of diurnal correction on satellite-derived lower tropospheric temperature,” 2 Sept., p. 1548; published online 11 Aug.) that our University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) method of calculating a diurnal correction to our lower tropospheric (LT) temperature data (v5.1) introduced a spurious component. We are grateful that they spotted the error and have made the necessary adjustments.

To make scientific points the standard is to use science.

Why dodge the fact that edtheclynic jumped into this thread not realizing Old Crock put his foot in his mouth?

I used no facts nor data from either Limbaugh or Spencer in this thread. Are you that dense?

I stated I used Limbaugh to bait Old Crock who used limbaugh's source Roy Spencer. Why is it so important for Edtheclynic to distract from this point?

I see Old Crock disappears and Edtheclynic comes to Old Crocks defence, two user names one person? Just asking.

but I am game, you made the claim, now support it with facts, link to something, your last link was broke, so go ahead, link, give us something other than opinion.

At this point edtheclynics opinion is nothing more, edtheclynic did not even understand the conversation edtheclynic opinioned upon, and now edtheclynic refuses to link or simply is too dumb to check a link before edtheclynic posts.

Pretty sloppy at best, proving edtheclynic has nothing to support opinions and assertions, and at that, its assertions of others, edtheclynic simply is a parrot.

So link, I am dying to have even more fun showing that edtheclynic is even dumber than these last few posts show edtheclynic to be.

You silly dumb shit, you have only shown that you are willfully ignorant and purposely stupid. You have presented no facts, and that certainly is a fact.
Dr. Roy Spencer does try to deny a lot of the warming. However, after once getting caught with incorrect data, in order to keep any semblence of credibility in the scientific community, he dare not get caught again. So his data is accurate as far as it goes. His interpretation of that data is not, but that is ok.

As far as Rush goes, he is a lying obese junkie, a person deserving of no respect what so ever. Had he not been a rich "Conservative" he would be serving a long prison sentence for his habit.

You use the same source, moron.

How do you feel old crock.
Dr. Roy Spencer does try to deny a lot of the warming. However, after once getting caught with incorrect data, in order to keep any semblence of credibility in the scientific community, he dare not get caught again. So his data is accurate as far as it goes. His interpretation of that data is not, but that is ok.

As far as Rush goes, he is a lying obese junkie, a person deserving of no respect what so ever. Had he not been a rich "Conservative" he would be serving a long prison sentence for his habit.

link then?

You make an assertion with nothing more than your mouth.
The joke is on you!

Spencer is used precisely because he is your MessiahRushie's climatologist!!! He has been caught red-handed fudging the satellite data to lower the temperature, so if even HIS cooked data still shows warming then that means there is more warming than the Right can possibly hide.

Prove it, where is your link? You want to play, go ahead, lets see what you have other than a mouth.

You want to dodge the fact that you jumped into a couple posts not realizing I was not discussing climate change, simply pointing out hypocrisy. That is pretty fricking stupid of Edtheclynic

Have you not figured that out yet? Old Crock is using Roy Spencer's work to prove Global Warming and Edtheclynic is saying Roy Spencers work is wrong.

Edtheclynic, is stating based on Dr. Roy Spencer's work there is no global warming.

Old Crock uses Dr. Roy Spencer's work to show Global Warming is true and Edtheclynic says that the work is incorrect, hence Old Crock is incorrect, hence there in no Global Warming.

Ed, you jumped into a couple posts without understanding what was going on, you can not use Roy Spencer's work to make your case for AGW at then state the work is invalid without discrediting your own position.
No, I said Spencer's EARLIER data used by your MessiahRushie and the Right to discredit all the other data that contradicted it, and ALL the other data did contradict it, was in error. After that data has been corrected and Christy and Spencer have been forced to use the correct sign for diurnal satellite drift, even their data, while still slightly lower than everyone else's, confirms global warming.

The U.S. Climate Change Science Program produced a study in April 2006 on this topic. Lead authors included John Christy of UAH and Ben Santer of Lawrence Livermore National Labs. The first page has this quote:

Previously reported discrepancies between the amount of warming near the surface and higher in the atmosphere have been used to challenge the reliability of climate models and the reality of human-induced global warming... This significant discrepancy no longer exists because errors in the satellite and radiosonde data have been identified and corrected. New data sets have also been developed that do not show such discrepancies."


I still find it hillarious that these warmers continue to put up graphs that point to a cool down since 1999. Simply funny. then continue to try debate, badly, that it isn't. Just look at that ole graph you just posted.
hilarious projection considering global warming advocates were caught not only fudging data; but admitting the data didnt equal climate change without "adding lots of junk". then got caught tryingn to slander the people that caught them lying

but then again your messiah george soros or his butt-boy obama wont tellyou that
That was just the SPIN pathological liars like your MessiahRushie fed to gullible suckers like you to muddy the waters after Christy and Spencer were caught using the opposite sign to correct for diurnal satellite drift in order to make their temperature numbers lower. Spencer's cooked numbers actually showed global cooling and were used by the Right to discredit ALL other sources of data. When the correct sign was used, Spencer's data CONFIRMED all the data you are now claiming was cooked!!!!! Spencer and Christy then publicly admitted that their corrected data confirmed the ground station and satellite data from the other sources.

But then again your MessiahRushie won't tell you that!!!

Here is Christy's testimony before the GOP controlled hearing, which is why the GOP now "broom" him from their hearings!!!

Christy, J.R. and R.W.Spencer, 2005: Correcting temperature data sets. Science, 310, 972.
Correcting Temperature Datasets
We agree with C. Mears and F. J. Wentz (“The effect of diurnal correction on satellite-derived lower tropospheric temperature,” 2 Sept., p. 1548; published online 11 Aug.) that our University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) method of calculating a diurnal correction to our lower tropospheric (LT) temperature data (v5.1) introduced a spurious component. We are grateful that they spotted the error and have made the necessary adjustments.

To make scientific points the standard is to use science.

Why dodge the fact that edtheclynic jumped into this thread not realizing Old Crock put his foot in his mouth?

I used no facts nor data from either Limbaugh or Spencer in this thread. Are you that dense?

I stated I used Limbaugh to bait Old Crock who used limbaugh's source Roy Spencer. Why is it so important for Edtheclynic to distract from this point?

I see Old Crock disappears and Edtheclynic comes to Old Crocks defence, two user names one person? Just asking.

but I am game, you made the claim, now support it with facts, link to something, your last link was broke, so go ahead, link, give us something other than opinion.

At this point edtheclynics opinion is nothing more, edtheclynic did not even understand the conversation edtheclynic opinioned upon, and now edtheclynic refuses to link or simply is too dumb to check a link before edtheclynic posts.

Pretty sloppy at best, proving edtheclynic has nothing to support opinions and assertions, and at that, its assertions of others, edtheclynic simply is a parrot.

So link, I am dying to have even more fun showing that edtheclynic is even dumber than these last few posts show edtheclynic to be.

wow, the second I mention Old Crock disappeared when edthecynic appears, Old Crock reappears?
Elektra......gotta give these guys credit for one thing.......they'll always come up with some kind of scheme to hit the reset button as they keep losing.

If there was a heat wave on Guadalcanal for a week and the rest of the planet was frozen solid, they'd still be cranking on the established narrative. Its fascinating shit and what keeps me coming back in here all the time.:D

I keep coming back to what Krauthammer said a few weeks ago........"if the science is so settled, why are the predictions constantly changing?".. It is knee slapping laughable when you really think about it.

In this thread the coldest winter in a hundred years means nothing globally yet......

In another thread temperatures in one single state is proof of global warming? One state, yet here the entire u.s. temps mean nothing?

Liars and hypocrites they are.

LOL. Coldest winter in one hundred years? Damn, you are even a bigger fool than I thought. The Eastern US has had a cold winter, although hardly the coldest in one hundred years. More like a normal winter prior to WW2.

And, once again, an assertation with zero backing evidence. Here is the evidence that it has not been a cold winter at all on a global scale;

UAH Global Temperature Update for February 2014: +0.17 deg. C « Roy Spencer, PhD

LOL. A dittohead. Might have known.

Well, those with any brains at all don't get their science from an obese junkie with zero science credentials. Again, unsupported blather is just that. Thus far, you present the image of a really seriously stupid yokel determined to stay that way. Sitting in front of you, you have the greatest research tool ever invented by man. You can get information from the best minds in the world just for the click of a mouse. Yet you choose the most ignorant of sources, people with a record of continuously lying.

Oh well.................

LOL. Coldest winter in one hundred years? Damn, you are even a bigger fool than I thought. The Eastern US has had a cold winter, although hardly the coldest in one hundred years. More like a normal winter prior to WW2.

And, once again, an assertation with zero backing evidence. Here is the evidence that it has not been a cold winter at all on a global scale;

UAH Global Temperature Update for February 2014: +0.17 deg. C « Roy Spencer, PhD

Thank you so much Old Crock, you just made my day.

Dr. Roy Spencer is Rush Limbaugh's personal friend and source.

Now, Old Crock, you gotta feel the fool. I am laughing my ass off at you and everyone else will too.

Old Crock you just called me an idiot when I simply baited you.

Old Crock Just Quoted Rush Limbaugh's source!!!!!

This is too rich, too funny, and very telling.

I have been and am educated by Dr. Roy Spencer and I am called an idiot. Old Crock quotes Rush Limbaugh's Climatologist and Old Crock is smart.

Old Crock, I sent you a personal message, baiting you, I used Rush's name knowing how quickly Old Crock would see Rush and not thinking.

Too Simple to prove that Old Crock is doing nothing but blindly using google to do the thinking.

I can hardly believe this was this easy but I knew it would be this easy.

Greenpeace Co-Founder: It's a Religious Cult - The Rush Limbaugh Show

You know, our official climatologist here when he has the courage to admit it. (I just threw that in. He does.) Dr. Roy Spencer, University of Alabama at Huntsville. He's well known. He testified before Senate and House committees on this, when they don't cancel him. They usually cancel him when he has some devastating testimony they know is on the way. They just broom him. What would you think would happen if Dr. Spencer called a press conference and said, "You know what

Dr. Roy Spencer on New Research - The Rush Limbaugh Show

RUSH: And they're not contributing to warming. So the whole thing has been a hoax. I'm gonna stick with the word hoax. Dr. Spencer will not. He won't go that far. I've argued with him about it. I've said, "Why do you even bother responding to these stupid claims that are political?" "Well, I'm a scientist. We have to do it." So he's done it, and he's proved, with actual NASA science data from their satellites, that all these computer models are bogus -- and 69% of the American people now say it's likely scientists have been lying about their own research.

We win!

Old Crock, uses Rush Limbaugh's personal Friend as a source and then calls me an idiot for using Rush Limbaugh's personal friend, Dr. Roy Spencer as a source.


Old Rock/Edthecynic, So, instead of saying you made a mistake, you use two accounts to bury this?
hilarious projection considering global warming advocates were caught not only fudging data; but admitting the data didnt equal climate change without "adding lots of junk". then got caught tryingn to slander the people that caught them lying

but then again your messiah george soros or his butt-boy obama wont tellyou that
That was just the SPIN pathological liars like your MessiahRushie fed to gullible suckers like you to muddy the waters after Christy and Spencer were caught using the opposite sign to correct for diurnal satellite drift in order to make their temperature numbers lower. Spencer's cooked numbers actually showed global cooling and were used by the Right to discredit ALL other sources of data. When the correct sign was used, Spencer's data CONFIRMED all the data you are now claiming was cooked!!!!! Spencer and Christy then publicly admitted that their corrected data confirmed the ground station and satellite data from the other sources.

But then again your MessiahRushie won't tell you that!!!

Here is Christy's testimony before the GOP controlled hearing, which is why the GOP now "broom" him from their hearings!!!

Christy, J.R. and R.W.Spencer, 2005: Correcting temperature data sets. Science, 310, 972.
Correcting Temperature Datasets
We agree with C. Mears and F. J. Wentz (“The effect of diurnal correction on satellite-derived lower tropospheric temperature,” 2 Sept., p. 1548; published online 11 Aug.) that our University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) method of calculating a diurnal correction to our lower tropospheric (LT) temperature data (v5.1) introduced a spurious component. We are grateful that they spotted the error and have made the necessary adjustments.
At this point edtheclynics opinion is nothing more, edtheclynic did not even understand the conversation edtheclynic opinioned upon, and now edtheclynic refuses to link or simply is too dumb to check a link before edtheclynic posts.
Or you are too dumb to wonder why the GOP have removed that testimony from the web! The problem for you and the GOP is it is pretty hard to remove something from the web. Had you googled the quote you would have found it quoted even on denier websites trying to salvage Christy and Spencer's reputations as well as cached by google.

So why were the GOP trying to hide it?????

1 House Committee on Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations 27 July 2006 John R. Christy, Ph.D. Univer
That was just the SPIN pathological liars like your MessiahRushie fed to gullible suckers like you to muddy the waters after Christy and Spencer were caught using the opposite sign to correct for diurnal satellite drift in order to make their temperature numbers lower. Spencer's cooked numbers actually showed global cooling and were used by the Right to discredit ALL other sources of data. When the correct sign was used, Spencer's data CONFIRMED all the data you are now claiming was cooked!!!!! Spencer and Christy then publicly admitted that their corrected data confirmed the ground station and satellite data from the other sources.

But then again your MessiahRushie won't tell you that!!!

Here is Christy's testimony before the GOP controlled hearing, which is why the GOP now "broom" him from their hearings!!!

Christy, J.R. and R.W.Spencer, 2005: Correcting temperature data sets. Science, 310, 972.
Correcting Temperature Datasets
We agree with C. Mears and F. J. Wentz (“The effect of diurnal correction on satellite-derived lower tropospheric temperature,” 2 Sept., p. 1548; published online 11 Aug.) that our University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) method of calculating a diurnal correction to our lower tropospheric (LT) temperature data (v5.1) introduced a spurious component. We are grateful that they spotted the error and have made the necessary adjustments.
At this point edtheclynics opinion is nothing more, edtheclynic did not even understand the conversation edtheclynic opinioned upon, and now edtheclynic refuses to link or simply is too dumb to check a link before edtheclynic posts.
Or you are too dumb to wonder why the GOP have removed that testimony from the web! The problem for you and the GOP is it is pretty hard to remove something from the web. Had you googled the quote you would have found it quoted even on denier websites trying to salvage Christy and Spencer's reputations as well as cached by google.

So why were the GOP trying to hide it?????

1 House Committee on Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations 27 July 2006 John R. Christy, Ph.D. Univer

Are you to dumb to link to Science?
Are you to dumb to use Google Cached Pages?

I need not google and post graphs of other peoples doodles and pretend they make a point.

Its much better just to show that edtheclynic/old crock knew not a thing of which you commented on, you keep going on about Roy Spencer when there was no discussion or debate.

You used Roy Spencer's Data to make the point that there was global warming, than you stated Roy Spencer was a fraud. You can not have it both ways without discrediting your position showing you are the fraud.

Hypocrite, Roy Spencer is good, Roy Spencer is bad? Get a clue and think for yourself. You proved you do not.
Prove it, where is your link? You want to play, go ahead, lets see what you have other than a mouth.

You want to dodge the fact that you jumped into a couple posts not realizing I was not discussing climate change, simply pointing out hypocrisy. That is pretty fricking stupid of Edtheclynic

Have you not figured that out yet? Old Crock is using Roy Spencer's work to prove Global Warming and Edtheclynic is saying Roy Spencers work is wrong.

Edtheclynic, is stating based on Dr. Roy Spencer's work there is no global warming.

Old Crock uses Dr. Roy Spencer's work to show Global Warming is true and Edtheclynic says that the work is incorrect, hence Old Crock is incorrect, hence there in no Global Warming.

Ed, you jumped into a couple posts without understanding what was going on, you can not use Roy Spencer's work to make your case for AGW at then state the work is invalid without discrediting your own position.
No, I said Spencer's EARLIER data used by your MessiahRushie and the Right to discredit all the other data that contradicted it, and ALL the other data did contradict it, was in error. After that data has been corrected and Christy and Spencer have been forced to use the correct sign for diurnal satellite drift, even their data, while still slightly lower than everyone else's, confirms global warming.

The U.S. Climate Change Science Program produced a study in April 2006 on this topic. Lead authors included John Christy of UAH and Ben Santer of Lawrence Livermore National Labs. The first page has this quote:

Previously reported discrepancies between the amount of warming near the surface and higher in the atmosphere have been used to challenge the reliability of climate models and the reality of human-induced global warming... This significant discrepancy no longer exists because errors in the satellite and radiosonde data have been identified and corrected. New data sets have also been developed that do not show such discrepancies."


we are speaking of Dr. Roy Spencer, you keep getting further and further away with more broken links.

ed, can you not even think, anyone can parrot google, except for you, your links are broke.
If a fool parrots google, then what is the person who can not even do that right.
Again, ask yourself, Why are the GOP trying to hide this info?????

Googling the quote again finds the government report the GOP are trying to hide.
At this point edtheclynics opinion is nothing more, edtheclynic did not even understand the conversation edtheclynic opinioned upon, and now edtheclynic refuses to link or simply is too dumb to check a link before edtheclynic posts.
Or you are too dumb to wonder why the GOP have removed that testimony from the web! The problem for you and the GOP is it is pretty hard to remove something from the web. Had you googled the quote you would have found it quoted even on denier websites trying to salvage Christy and Spencer's reputations as well as cached by google.

So why were the GOP trying to hide it?????

1 House Committee on Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations 27 July 2006 John R. Christy, Ph.D. Univer

Are you to dumb to link to Science?
Are you to dumb to use Google Cached Pages?

I need not google and post graphs of other peoples doodles and pretend they make a point.

Its much better just to show that edtheclynic/old crock knew not a thing of which you commented on, you keep going on about Roy Spencer when there was no discussion or debate.

You used Roy Spencer's [corrected] Data to make the point that there was global warming, than you stated Roy Spencer was a fraud. You can not have it both ways without discrediting your position showing you are the fraud.

Hypocrite, Roy Spencer is good, Roy Spencer is bad? Get a clue and think for yourself. You proved you do not.
Still playing dumb!

Spencer and Christy are frauds who got caught. Their fraudulent data was was used to deny global warming and they were hailed as the only source of honest data. After their fraudulent data was corrected and they admitted it confirmed the REALITY of human induced global warming, they are now THROWN IN THE FACE of deniers because you can't discredit your own source.
Get it?!!!
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Prove it, where is your link? You want to play, go ahead, lets see what you have other than a mouth.

You want to dodge the fact that you jumped into a couple posts not realizing I was not discussing climate change, simply pointing out hypocrisy. That is pretty fricking stupid of Edtheclynic

Have you not figured that out yet? Old Crock is using Roy Spencer's work to prove Global Warming and Edtheclynic is saying Roy Spencers work is wrong.

Edtheclynic, is stating based on Dr. Roy Spencer's work there is no global warming.

Old Crock uses Dr. Roy Spencer's work to show Global Warming is true and Edtheclynic says that the work is incorrect, hence Old Crock is incorrect, hence there in no Global Warming.

Ed, you jumped into a couple posts without understanding what was going on, you can not use Roy Spencer's work to make your case for AGW at then state the work is invalid without discrediting your own position.
No, I said Spencer's EARLIER data used by your MessiahRushie and the Right to discredit all the other data that contradicted it, and ALL the other data did contradict it, was in error. After that data has been corrected and Christy and Spencer have been forced to use the correct sign for diurnal satellite drift, even their data, while still slightly lower than everyone else's, confirms global warming.

The U.S. Climate Change Science Program produced a study in April 2006 on this topic. Lead authors included John Christy of UAH and Ben Santer of Lawrence Livermore National Labs. The first page has this quote:

Previously reported discrepancies between the amount of warming near the surface and higher in the atmosphere have been used to challenge the reliability of climate models and the reality of human-induced global warming... This significant discrepancy no longer exists because errors in the satellite and radiosonde data have been identified and corrected. New data sets have also been developed that do not show such discrepancies."


I still find it hillarious that these warmers continue to put up graphs that point to a cool down since 1999. Simply funny. then continue to try debate, badly, that it isn't. Just look at that ole graph you just posted.
There has been no "cool down" in 100 years!
At this point edtheclynics opinion is nothing more, edtheclynic did not even understand the conversation edtheclynic opinioned upon, and now edtheclynic refuses to link or simply is too dumb to check a link before edtheclynic posts.
Or you are too dumb to wonder why the GOP have removed that testimony from the web! The problem for you and the GOP is it is pretty hard to remove something from the web. Had you googled the quote you would have found it quoted even on denier websites trying to salvage Christy and Spencer's reputations as well as cached by google.

So why were the GOP trying to hide it?????

1 House Committee on Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations 27 July 2006 John R. Christy, Ph.D. Univer

Are you to dumb to link to Science?
Are you to dumb to use Google Cached Pages?

I need not google and post graphs of other peoples doodles and pretend they make a point.

Its much better just to show that edtheclynic/old crock knew not a thing of which you commented on, you keep going on about Roy Spencer when there was no discussion or debate.

You used Roy Spencer's Data to make the point that there was global warming, than you stated Roy Spencer was a fraud. You can not have it both ways without discrediting your position showing you are the fraud.

Hypocrite, Roy Spencer is good, Roy Spencer is bad? Get a clue and think for yourself. You proved you do not.

Fellow, you are so fucking dumb you don't even know it when you are getting your ass handed to you on a platter.

Scientists survive on their credibility. Lose it, and unless you are 60+ and tenured, the best you can do for a job is a podunk community college, or bottle washing in a third rate lab. Spencer and Christy damned near lost theirs with that + - error. Worse yet, they were bad mouthing other peoples data before the mistake was pointed out to them. So thay absolutely cannot afford another debacle like that.
Prove it, where is your link? You want to play, go ahead, lets see what you have other than a mouth.

You want to dodge the fact that you jumped into a couple posts not realizing I was not discussing climate change, simply pointing out hypocrisy. That is pretty fricking stupid of Edtheclynic

Have you not figured that out yet? Old Crock is using Roy Spencer's work to prove Global Warming and Edtheclynic is saying Roy Spencers work is wrong.

Edtheclynic, is stating based on Dr. Roy Spencer's work there is no global warming.

Old Crock uses Dr. Roy Spencer's work to show Global Warming is true and Edtheclynic says that the work is incorrect, hence Old Crock is incorrect, hence there in no Global Warming.

Ed, you jumped into a couple posts without understanding what was going on, you can not use Roy Spencer's work to make your case for AGW at then state the work is invalid without discrediting your own position.
No, I said Spencer's EARLIER data used by your MessiahRushie and the Right to discredit all the other data that contradicted it, and ALL the other data did contradict it, was in error. After that data has been corrected and Christy and Spencer have been forced to use the correct sign for diurnal satellite drift, even their data, while still slightly lower than everyone else's, confirms global warming.

The U.S. Climate Change Science Program produced a study in April 2006 on this topic. Lead authors included John Christy of UAH and Ben Santer of Lawrence Livermore National Labs. The first page has this quote:

Previously reported discrepancies between the amount of warming near the surface and higher in the atmosphere have been used to challenge the reliability of climate models and the reality of human-induced global warming... This significant discrepancy no longer exists because errors in the satellite and radiosonde data have been identified and corrected. New data sets have also been developed that do not show such discrepancies."


I still find it hillarious that these warmers continue to put up graphs that point to a cool down since 1999. Simply funny. then continue to try debate, badly, that it isn't. Just look at that ole graph you just posted.

I see. 12 of the warmest years on record since 1999, but that is a cool down? Whee.........., what lovely logic.
No, I said Spencer's EARLIER data used by your MessiahRushie and the Right to discredit all the other data that contradicted it, and ALL the other data did contradict it, was in error. After that data has been corrected and Christy and Spencer have been forced to use the correct sign for diurnal satellite drift, even their data, while still slightly lower than everyone else's, confirms global warming.

The U.S. Climate Change Science Program produced a study in April 2006 on this topic. Lead authors included John Christy of UAH and Ben Santer of Lawrence Livermore National Labs. The first page has this quote:

Previously reported discrepancies between the amount of warming near the surface and higher in the atmosphere have been used to challenge the reliability of climate models and the reality of human-induced global warming... This significant discrepancy no longer exists because errors in the satellite and radiosonde data have been identified and corrected. New data sets have also been developed that do not show such discrepancies."


I still find it hillarious that these warmers continue to put up graphs that point to a cool down since 1999. Simply funny. then continue to try debate, badly, that it isn't. Just look at that ole graph you just posted.

I see. 12 of the warmest years on record since 1999, but that is a cool down? Whee.........., what lovely logic.

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