No Global Climate change in 100 years

This thread originated with Elektra using data from the US to make claims about the global climate. When she was called on it, she simply lied in response. Pointless BS.
When you can not link to anything but press releases and wikipedia then what you post is bullshit

OK. Here is the American Institute of Physics site on this very subject. Damned hard to get more authoratative than that.

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect
So as to not forget while reading all of this I have but one quick observation. If the earth is composed of an atmosphere of gases needed to warm the planet and that CO2 is obviously the largest component to consider, where did the CO2 go to when "tens of thousands of years ago, colossal layers of ice had covered all of northern Europe" after the earth was already warm? Because for me the insinuation is that the CO2 vanished.

So then a second question arises, where did the CO2 come from to melt the ice? I'm sorry, but now I'm totally confused.

You see I have also been taught that a thick cloud covered the earth for a very long time to keep the rays of the sun out. not that the CO2 evaporated. And a cloud is made up of water, and a thin piece of paper is more able to block the sun then water. So, I'm now confused.


Ok so if a loss of CO2 causes water to eventually evaporate, where did all of the ice come from that covered all of northern Europe?
And further, jc logic here, if less CO2 causes water to evaporate, wouldn't more CO2 cause the opposite reaction? Wouldn't therefore more water be present in the atmosphere and more clouds and then we'd end up with a mass of clouds and then wouldn't the planet cool? Doh!

Man, are you out of your depth. Which is about 2" deep.

There have been several glacials, and interglacials. And the cause is called the Milankovic Cycles. They create a forcing that changes the temperature of the oceans, which absorb or emit CO2, creating a warming or cooling.
Milankovitch Cycles
This thread originated with Elektra using data from the US to make claims about the global climate. When she was called on it, she simply lied in response. Pointless BS.


AbraHAM is a sexiest bigot. Why is my sex the issue?' AbraHAM has lost the debate. AbraHAM has not the intellect nor intelligence to debate and provide facts to support AbraHAM's erroneous assertions. Thus the topic is not addressed, I become the issue and that I am the one attacked and denigrated. Not the facts within this thread.

And AbraHAM, I will never meet you for that date you desire with me. Get over me. Its the internet.
I think you mean Abraham is THE "sexiest bigot".

This thread is pointless nonsense because that is all you started it with.
I think you mean Abraham is THE "sexiest bigot".

This thread is pointless nonsense because that is all you started it with.

Technically speaking, the pointless nonsense is all your posts, if you care to actually discuss this I am willing, and able to quote your posts, compare them to mine, and we can easily see that you're attacking me to avoid addressing issues.

Validating facts by attacking the messenger, everyone sees that.
You presented no facts. Just a claim concerning global climate, with only facts concerning local climate. You posted as a fool, and have been called out for the fool you present with that post. Don't like it? Then research well before you post in the future.
No, let's give the man a chance.

Elektra, you've claimed there's been no global warming in 100 years. Let's see your evidence.
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I think you mean Abraham is THE "sexiest bigot".

This thread is pointless nonsense because that is all you started it with.

Technically speaking, the pointless nonsense is all your posts, if you care to actually discuss this I am willing, and able to quote your posts, compare them to mine, and we can easily see that you're attacking me to avoid addressing issues.

Validating facts by attacking the messenger, everyone sees that.

Elektra......gotta give these guys credit for one thing.......they'll always come up with some kind of scheme to hit the reset button as they keep losing.

If there was a heat wave on Guadalcanal for a week and the rest of the planet was frozen solid, they'd still be cranking on the established narrative. Its fascinating shit and what keeps me coming back in here all the time.:D

I keep coming back to what Krauthammer said a few weeks ago........"if the science is so settled, why are the predictions constantly changing?".. It is knee slapping laughable when you really think about it.
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I think you mean Abraham is THE "sexiest bigot".

This thread is pointless nonsense because that is all you started it with.

Technically speaking, the pointless nonsense is all your posts, if you care to actually discuss this I am willing, and able to quote your posts, compare them to mine, and we can easily see that you're attacking me to avoid addressing issues.

Validating facts by attacking the messenger, everyone sees that.

Elektra......gotta give these guys credit for one thing.......they'll always come up with some kind of scheme to hit the reset button as they keep losing.

If there was a heat wave on Guadalcanal for a week and the rest of the planet was frozen solid, they'd still be cranking on the established narrative. Its fascinating shit and what keeps me coming back in here all the time.:D

I keep coming back to what Krauthammer said a few weeks ago........"if the science is so settled, why are the predictions constantly changing?".. It is knee slapping laughable when you really think about it.

In this thread the coldest winter in a hundred years means nothing globally yet......

In another thread temperatures in one single state is proof of global warming? One state, yet here the entire u.s. temps mean nothing?

Liars and hypocrites they are.
Technically speaking, the pointless nonsense is all your posts, if you care to actually discuss this I am willing, and able to quote your posts, compare them to mine, and we can easily see that you're attacking me to avoid addressing issues.

Validating facts by attacking the messenger, everyone sees that.

Elektra......gotta give these guys credit for one thing.......they'll always come up with some kind of scheme to hit the reset button as they keep losing.

If there was a heat wave on Guadalcanal for a week and the rest of the planet was frozen solid, they'd still be cranking on the established narrative. Its fascinating shit and what keeps me coming back in here all the time.:D

I keep coming back to what Krauthammer said a few weeks ago........"if the science is so settled, why are the predictions constantly changing?".. It is knee slapping laughable when you really think about it.

In this thread the coldest winter in a hundred years means nothing globally yet......

In another thread temperatures in one single state is proof of global warming? One state, yet here the entire u.s. temps mean nothing?

Liars and hypocrites they are.

LOL. Coldest winter in one hundred years? Damn, you are even a bigger fool than I thought. The Eastern US has had a cold winter, although hardly the coldest in one hundred years. More like a normal winter prior to WW2.

And, once again, an assertation with zero backing evidence. Here is the evidence that it has not been a cold winter at all on a global scale;

UAH Global Temperature Update for February 2014: +0.17 deg. C « Roy Spencer, PhD
Elektra......gotta give these guys credit for one thing.......they'll always come up with some kind of scheme to hit the reset button as they keep losing.

If there was a heat wave on Guadalcanal for a week and the rest of the planet was frozen solid, they'd still be cranking on the established narrative. Its fascinating shit and what keeps me coming back in here all the time.:D

I keep coming back to what Krauthammer said a few weeks ago........"if the science is so settled, why are the predictions constantly changing?".. It is knee slapping laughable when you really think about it.

In this thread the coldest winter in a hundred years means nothing globally yet......

In another thread temperatures in one single state is proof of global warming? One state, yet here the entire u.s. temps mean nothing?

Liars and hypocrites they are.

LOL. Coldest winter in one hundred years? Damn, you are even a bigger fool than I thought. The Eastern US has had a cold winter, although hardly the coldest in one hundred years. More like a normal winter prior to WW2.

And, once again, an assertation with zero backing evidence. Here is the evidence that it has not been a cold winter at all on a global scale;

UAH Global Temperature Update for February 2014: +0.17 deg. C « Roy Spencer, PhD

Old Crock, I love you, you are such a simple fool. I would rather listen to Rush Limbaugh and get my Global Warming stuff from Rush.

Go ahead, take a bite of this post, I say your so dumb that you will not realize your errors and take the bait.

Rush Limbaugh is an expert, Old Crock should listen to Rush.

Rush says there is no Climate Change Old Crock and I say with Rush's help I can destroy any reply you may have.
LOL. A dittohead. Might have known.

Well, those with any brains at all don't get their science from an obese junkie with zero science credentials. Again, unsupported blather is just that. Thus far, you present the image of a really seriously stupid yokel determined to stay that way. Sitting in front of you, you have the greatest research tool ever invented by man. You can get information from the best minds in the world just for the click of a mouse. Yet you choose the most ignorant of sources, people with a record of continuously lying.

Oh well.................
LOL. A dittohead. Might have known.

Well, those with any brains at all don't get their science from an obese junkie with zero science credentials. Again, unsupported blather is just that. Thus far, you present the image of a really seriously stupid yokel determined to stay that way. Sitting in front of you, you have the greatest research tool ever invented by man. You can get information from the best minds in the world just for the click of a mouse. Yet you choose the most ignorant of sources, people with a record of continuously lying.

Oh well.................

LOL. Coldest winter in one hundred years? Damn, you are even a bigger fool than I thought. The Eastern US has had a cold winter, although hardly the coldest in one hundred years. More like a normal winter prior to WW2.

And, once again, an assertation with zero backing evidence. Here is the evidence that it has not been a cold winter at all on a global scale;

UAH Global Temperature Update for February 2014: +0.17 deg. C « Roy Spencer, PhD

Thank you so much Old Crock, you just made my day.

Dr. Roy Spencer is Rush Limbaugh's personal friend and source.

Now, Old Crock, you gotta feel the fool. I am laughing my ass off at you and everyone else will too.

Old Crock you just called me an idiot when I simply baited you.

Old Crock Just Quoted Rush Limbaugh's source!!!!!

This is too rich, too funny, and very telling.

I have been and am educated by Dr. Roy Spencer and I am called an idiot. Old Crock quotes Rush Limbaugh's Climatologist and Old Crock is smart.

Old Crock, I sent you a personal message, baiting you, I used Rush's name knowing how quickly Old Crock would see Rush and not thinking.

Too Simple to prove that Old Crock is doing nothing but blindly using google to do the thinking.

I can hardly believe this was this easy but I knew it would be this easy.

Greenpeace Co-Founder: It's a Religious Cult - The Rush Limbaugh Show

You know, our official climatologist here when he has the courage to admit it. (I just threw that in. He does.) Dr. Roy Spencer, University of Alabama at Huntsville. He's well known. He testified before Senate and House committees on this, when they don't cancel him. They usually cancel him when he has some devastating testimony they know is on the way. They just broom him. What would you think would happen if Dr. Spencer called a press conference and said, "You know what

Dr. Roy Spencer on New Research - The Rush Limbaugh Show

RUSH: And they're not contributing to warming. So the whole thing has been a hoax. I'm gonna stick with the word hoax. Dr. Spencer will not. He won't go that far. I've argued with him about it. I've said, "Why do you even bother responding to these stupid claims that are political?" "Well, I'm a scientist. We have to do it." So he's done it, and he's proved, with actual NASA science data from their satellites, that all these computer models are bogus -- and 69% of the American people now say it's likely scientists have been lying about their own research.

We win!

Old Crock, uses Rush Limbaugh's personal Friend as a source and then calls me an idiot for using Rush Limbaugh's personal friend, Dr. Roy Spencer as a source.

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In this thread the coldest winter in a hundred years means nothing globally yet......

In another thread temperatures in one single state is proof of global warming? One state, yet here the entire u.s. temps mean nothing?

Liars and hypocrites they are.

LOL. Coldest winter in one hundred years? Damn, you are even a bigger fool than I thought. The Eastern US has had a cold winter, although hardly the coldest in one hundred years. More like a normal winter prior to WW2.

And, once again, an assertation with zero backing evidence. Here is the evidence that it has not been a cold winter at all on a global scale;

UAH Global Temperature Update for February 2014: +0.17 deg. C « Roy Spencer, PhD

Old Crock, I love you, you are such a simple fool. I would rather listen to Rush Limbaugh and get my Global Warming stuff from Rush.

Go ahead, take a bite of this post, I say your so dumb that you will not realize your errors and take the bait.

Rush Limbaugh is an expert, Old Crock should listen to Rush.

Rush says there is no Climate Change Old Crock and I say with Rush's help I can destroy any reply you may have.
Since you are as dumb as your MessiahRushie, not one molecule of CO2 in the entire universe has ever come from H2O. :rofl::lmao:

April 3, 2007
RUSH: Mark my brilliant words on this. That's how this stuff starts. Now, the question is: is CO2 even a pollutant? Is it an air pollutant? Because if it is, then all the water vapor on this planet is a pollutant. The vast majority of CO2 that's in the atmosphere comes from water vapor.

March 01, 2012
RUSH: To put it bluntly, dumb people are too dumb to know it." It's a blessing! You know, the worst thing would be to be dumb and to know it -- and there's evidence all over that the dumb do not know they're dumb.

May 29, 2012
RUSH: People like me have more scientific knowledge than the average advocate of global warming.
I have been and am educated by Dr. Roy Spencer and I am called an idiot. Old Crock quotes Rush Limbaugh's Climatologist and Old Crock is smart.

Old Crock, I sent you a personal message, baiting you, I used Rush's name knowing how quickly Old Crock would see Rush and not thinking.

Too Simple to prove that Old Crock is doing nothing but blindly using google to do the thinking.

I can hardly believe this was this easy but I knew it would be this easy.

RUSH: And they're not contributing to warming. So the whole thing has been a hoax. I'm gonna stick with the word hoax. Dr. Spencer will not. He won't go that far. I've argued with him about it. I've said, "Why do you even bother responding to these stupid claims that are political?" "Well, I'm a scientist. We have to do it." So he's done it, and he's proved, with actual NASA science data from their satellites, that all these computer models are bogus -- and 69% of the American people now say it's likely scientists have been lying about their own research.

We win!
Old Crock, uses Rush Limbaugh's personal Friend as a source and then calls me an idiot for using Rush Limbaugh's personal friend, Dr. Roy Spencer as a source.
You do know that Spencer and his partner in crime at UAH Christy got caught fudging their satellite data, by using the opposite sign for calculating diurnal satellite drift, making their temperature numbers artificially low, don't you? So Spencer is used because when EVEN his COOKED numbers show warming, the warming is undeniable.
Get it?

Although your MessiahRushie will still deny it.
LOL. Coldest winter in one hundred years? Damn, you are even a bigger fool than I thought. The Eastern US has had a cold winter, although hardly the coldest in one hundred years. More like a normal winter prior to WW2.

And, once again, an assertation with zero backing evidence. Here is the evidence that it has not been a cold winter at all on a global scale;

UAH Global Temperature Update for February 2014: +0.17 deg. C « Roy Spencer, PhD

Old Crock, I love you, you are such a simple fool. I would rather listen to Rush Limbaugh and get my Global Warming stuff from Rush.

Go ahead, take a bite of this post, I say your so dumb that you will not realize your errors and take the bait.

Rush Limbaugh is an expert, Old Crock should listen to Rush.

Rush says there is no Climate Change Old Crock and I say with Rush's help I can destroy any reply you may have.
Since you are as dumb as your MessiahRushie, not one molecule of CO2 in the entire universe has ever come from H2O. :rofl::lmao:

April 3, 2007
RUSH: Mark my brilliant words on this. That's how this stuff starts. Now, the question is: is CO2 even a pollutant? Is it an air pollutant? Because if it is, then all the water vapor on this planet is a pollutant. The vast majority of CO2 that's in the atmosphere comes from water vapor.

March 01, 2012
RUSH: To put it bluntly, dumb people are too dumb to know it." It's a blessing! You know, the worst thing would be to be dumb and to know it -- and there's evidence all over that the dumb do not know they're dumb.

May 29, 2012
RUSH: People like me have more scientific knowledge than the average advocate of global warming.

edtheclynic, that makes two fools. edtheclynic thought I quoted or used material from Rush? What a moron edtheclynic is, Old Crock used Roy Spencer without realizing Rush and Roy are best friends, Rush gets all his information from Roy Spencer on climate change. I baited Old Crock into attacking me so I could show Old Crock to be a fool.

edtheclynic is even a bigger idiot than Old Crock for not seeing the simple trick I was playing to show the stupidity of those who support AGW.

I have not once quoted or used material from Rush Limbaugh. I did bait Old Crock into putting his foot in his mouth.

Now I have two fools on one hook, Rush is some super good bait to catch those of inferior intellect.

edtheclynic, how could you not see this, its simple really, edtheclynic is dumb.
I have been and am educated by Dr. Roy Spencer and I am called an idiot. Old Crock quotes Rush Limbaugh's Climatologist and Old Crock is smart.

Old Crock, I sent you a personal message, baiting you, I used Rush's name knowing how quickly Old Crock would see Rush and not thinking.

Too Simple to prove that Old Crock is doing nothing but blindly using google to do the thinking.

I can hardly believe this was this easy but I knew it would be this easy.

RUSH: And they're not contributing to warming. So the whole thing has been a hoax. I'm gonna stick with the word hoax. Dr. Spencer will not. He won't go that far. I've argued with him about it. I've said, "Why do you even bother responding to these stupid claims that are political?" "Well, I'm a scientist. We have to do it." So he's done it, and he's proved, with actual NASA science data from their satellites, that all these computer models are bogus -- and 69% of the American people now say it's likely scientists have been lying about their own research.

We win!
Old Crock, uses Rush Limbaugh's personal Friend as a source and then calls me an idiot for using Rush Limbaugh's personal friend, Dr. Roy Spencer as a source.
You do know that Spencer and his partner in crime at UAH Christy got caught fudging their satellite data, by using the opposite sign for calculating diurnal satellite drift, making their temperature numbers artificially low, don't you? So Spencer is used because when EVEN his COOKED numbers show warming, the warming is undeniable.
Get it?

Although your MessiahRushie will still deny it.

hilarious projection considering global warming advocates were caught not only fudging data; but admitting the data didnt equal climate change without "adding lots of junk". then got caught tryingn to slander the people that caught them lying

but then again your messiah george soros or his butt-boy obama wont tellyou that
Old Crock, I love you, you are such a simple fool. I would rather listen to Rush Limbaugh and get my Global Warming stuff from Rush.

Go ahead, take a bite of this post, I say your so dumb that you will not realize your errors and take the bait.

Rush Limbaugh is an expert, Old Crock should listen to Rush.

Rush says there is no Climate Change Old Crock and I say with Rush's help I can destroy any reply you may have.
Since you are as dumb as your MessiahRushie, not one molecule of CO2 in the entire universe has ever come from H2O. :rofl::lmao:

April 3, 2007
RUSH: Mark my brilliant words on this. That's how this stuff starts. Now, the question is: is CO2 even a pollutant? Is it an air pollutant? Because if it is, then all the water vapor on this planet is a pollutant. The vast majority of CO2 that's in the atmosphere comes from water vapor.

March 01, 2012
RUSH: To put it bluntly, dumb people are too dumb to know it." It's a blessing! You know, the worst thing would be to be dumb and to know it -- and there's evidence all over that the dumb do not know they're dumb.

May 29, 2012
RUSH: People like me have more scientific knowledge than the average advocate of global warming.

edtheclynic, that makes two fools. edtheclynic thought I quoted or used material from Rush? What a moron edtheclynic is, Old Crock used Roy Spencer without realizing Rush and Roy are best friends, Rush gets all his information from Roy Spencer on climate change. I baited Old Crock into attacking me so I could show Old Crock to be a fool.

edtheclynic is even a bigger idiot than Old Crock for not seeing the simple trick I was playing to show the stupidity of those who support AGW.

I have not once quoted or used material from Rush Limbaugh. I did bait Old Crock into putting his foot in his mouth.

Now I have two fools on one hook, Rush is some super good bait to catch those of inferior intellect.

edtheclynic, how could you not see this, its simple really, edtheclynic is dumb.
The joke is on you!

Spencer is used precisely because he is your MessiahRushie's climatologist!!! He has been caught red-handed fudging the satellite data to lower the temperature, so if even HIS cooked data still shows warming then that means there is more warming than the Right can possibly hide.

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